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I actually built a website because of rising rents to help tenants evaluate landlords and negotiate rents. It's like a Glassdoor for Rents so tenants can see the Rent History of an address or Apartment property to see a landlords pricing tactics. The site does rely on user submissions so I appreciate anyone who adds their rent history to the site and/or shares it around since it can be more useful to tenants the more people that contribute to it. The site is [rentzed.com](http://rentzed.com) and has submissions for over 3,400 addresses.


We moved into a complex last year that in the past didn’t much increase rents year over year.. renewal comes up and they want 10% more.. we are moving, ppl that lived here 10 plus years are moving. We got lucky and got a condo that is bigger for less rent than we were paying right now and a multi year lease as the landlord doesn’t want to have to look for new tenants every year.


This is amazing!


Have you considered having landlords post rental listings on your site so that you can collect pricing data/history?


I might do that in the future. It's a good idea. Some other people have also brought up the idea of scraping other sites that do this. I might end up doing that as well. Thanks for the suggestion.


Just added my last rental info to the site! My landlord was incredibly friendly and understanding during covid so we were lucky. I'm interested in how much the home is renting now but can't find anything online. $1850 with utilities included in Silverado Ranch 2019-2020


That is a brilliant idea. Thank you so much.


Idk how the housing situation in the US gets solved but it’s totally out of control


Pass laws banning corporate landlords, make sure we zone for low income housing, fight for a higher minimum wage.


Those things cause higher rent prices


The corporate landlord argument has been debated and proven a fallacy in other threads on other subs. At most you're talking about 25% of the housing market and if you pull those owners you tank the economy. Better to enforce rent control than push the ownership argument.


tank the economy? lmao what


Learn stuff first.  Post later.


So companies outbidding families/people is good for the economy and housing?? Sounds like you work for blackrock


>So companies outbidding families/people is good for the economy and housing?? Sounds like you work for blackrock There is a disconnect here that I'm going to correct for you but it's going to take some words. 1. The economy is a big thing. It doesn't care if people buy or rent a home. Their money goes back into it regardless and there are a lot of people. It takes a lot of people to not be partaking in jobs, spending and eating for it to recoil. 2. You take corporate residential property out of the equation and lets say all 25% of the residential property owned by corps goes back into the market for people to buy. There is no guarantee that the people who are clamoring for housing are going to be able to buy them; because the government would throttle what goes back on the market and when to avoid an economic collapse in the housing market. Legislation to ban corporate investment will have limits that protect the investments of the corps or it won't pass. So what happens is the corporations either sell properties high or they sell distressed properties low. When people buy those distressed properties there will be a large renovation budget that needs to be applied to those lower cost homes and people still won't be able to afford them either way. (or they'll live in squalor to be able to afford them) I humored your post with a reply because of the horrible lack of logical thought between what I wrote and what you took it as.


How about enforcing the law that homeowners are owed a duty of care. Its kind of a big deal if a lender can just give you over to a servicer. If a servicer can tell you that you don’t live in your home when you do and that they are going to sell your home when you’ve made the payments and a judge says thats perfectly fine in Nevada because services can’t be negligent. Imagine waking up one day confused as to how your credit report has a foreclosure on it and you’re like, well, that can’t be right, off to work i go! Then bank accounts get frozen because why is there a foreclosure being reported? Go to the state and complain, they investigate for ~11 months then nothing. Wow, its state affiliated peoples for profit firms that are working with the servicers to sell the home. And who wants to buy the home? An LLC to rent out! Wow! Strange how all of this works right? Don’t participate in the victims of crime Program from a random act of violence or state affiliated people will try and sell your home at auction and if you save it from that sell with cash and then during covid sign an agreement with the loanservicer. The loanservicer will tell the judge, we kissed and made up and the judge will be like YUP! No problem! You gotta spend 100’s of k to take it to the supreme court of you want justice. This place is corrupt as fuck. Downvote me some more. Idc but all of the signs for what i’ve been screaming about continue to hold true. Is it confirmation bias? Maybe. It isn’t tho.


LOL knew it was you by your first sentence.


yeah I didn't follow the rant either. So they were making their house payments, but their loan servicer wasn't forwarding the payment to the bank, so the bank thought that they were not making payments and went to foreclose? All without contacting the person first, whom could have easier provided evidence that they made the payments and were victim of fraud? Fake af.


They’ve ranted on here a lot. Honestly, the way they repeat a few words like duty of care comes off like a mental health issue. They are the equivalent of the car driving around with boards attached all over ranting about some political or religious issue.


tell me that you don't know anything about the financial system without telling me you don't know anything about the financial system. The average US rent is $1,800.00/mo. The rich get richer because the tax system is fvcked up. This will be long but try to follow me here for a second. If I own an apartment building of any size, could be 4 units, could be 400 units, I would likely go to bank to get a loan to buy it. That's a mortgage. If that building appreciates in value (which is highly likely in our city) in order to get my hand on that value of the appreciated asset I would have to sell the building and pay a large capital gain if my profits are over $250k as a single guy ($500k for a married person). That could cut into my profit. here's where it gets good. instead, I say fvck taxes. I go back to a bank and get a cash out refinance on that same property and take out the additional value of the property. But, my loan cost goes up because I owe more money. So, in order to cover that I gotta raise rent rates on my tenants. Sorry, govt made me pay an excessive tax but there are no taxes on loans. I refinanced my building and took out all of that money tax free. Now I can go buy more property and wash, rinse, repeat. It's not a new strategy. it's called buy, borrow die. Before you let your emotions run away with your brain and start making uninformed comments about the rich just remember that you can do it too with some planning and if you hate the rich but want to be rich then you already have a problem you need to fix first. Hell, I'll help you out some more. I'll explain how you can get rich just living in your own home if you just take some time to play the game.


If you can get a mortgage on a home then you can level up over a decade easily with some timing and a decent housing market like many in the US. (Las Vegas, south Florida, N.C etc). get into a house. Let's say one for $300k. Quite a bit to start I know but stick with me. You live in that house and pay the mortgage for two years and one day. List the house for sale. In the aforementioned markets it's likely you will have a decent amount of equity in that house. Vegas is where I used this strategy. Take the profits from that house and add it to your down payment for your next home. Let's say this next one is $500k. There's a chance that you could have made that $200k delta from the proceeds of the last house but no guarantees. In either case you've still placed a healthy down payment on the $500k thus keeping your payments managable enough to live there for two years and one day (again avoiding the short term capital gains window but still allowing yourself to benefit from the rapid appreciation time benefitting you from living in a hot real estate location like Vegas. Next house..... $750k. House after that $1 million etc. Now, even $750k aren't what they used to be but it will get your kid in decent school zones if that's important to you and you into better neighborhoods with lower insurance rates etc. It will take about 10 years but you have to live in a home anyway. Play the game and don't fall in love with property. It will never love you back. They are money pits and there are better ways to invest. Your home is not an investment. Just live there and keep trading up. It's just a house but you CAN make money with it using this method. My house now is stupid nice and I did this exact method. You just have to live in a market that offers fast property appreciation.


And when you’re ready to retire/downsize? That million dollar home gets you a sweet profit that 100% pays for a condo on the beach, right? Taxes involved of course. But a mortgage-free/rent-free place to live is a luxury that not many get to experience. I like your train of thought and experience here. It’s not something I’ve done but it’s something I can teach my kids. Build wealth by simply buying one home and trading up every couple of years.


Mass defaults fixes everything.


Need higher density developments. Local and state govs can incentive this type of construction by issuing faster permits, giving tax abatements, requiring a min # of low housing units within the development and allowing zoning modifications. Problem is, single family home owners always push back on high/mid density development - they absolutely hate it.


Most impactful first step would be to defeat the elected NIMBYs. Cities/states that have more lax building regulations and actually build more housing have way cheaper housing. I know, wild.


It annoys me how much employers short change people’s salary here. They literally say, “Our research shows that our pay is in line with our cost of living models for Vegas…the research was also from 2011”


The issue is, when they pay more everything gets even more expensive. Just saw an article by 2030 the houses here will be the 2nd most expensive in the country. I'm assuming that will partially be from all the Californians flooding here.


I got so damn lucky. My landlord has only raised my rent by like $300 over5 years. It sucks but I know it could be worse. I’m super curious as to what they are gonna raise it this year.


I've been presented with a very fortunate situation aswell. My girlfriends brother and his wife are moving out of their two bedroom into a four bedroom. We are going to move in right after, only paying them what they pay the landlords. Which was an agreed upon whopping $1084 a month is what they pay. Between my girlfriend her other brother and me, we'd each only be paying $380~ for rent each month.


Please tell me there is a local restaurant called Las Vegan


About to sell feet pics or something stupid 😂




https://www.lacsn.org/practice-areas/consumer-rights-project/tenant-rights/rental-assistance Links to rental assistance programs in Vegas, as well as information about how to contest or handle an eviction. Just fyi in case anyone reading this needs assistance.




Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. This is exactly what’s happening.


Cause ya’ll are wildly misinformed on this subject?


How so, exactly? Landlords were forced to take losses when the government banned evictions, then they took it up the ass again when the deadbeat tenants destroyed properties before moving out. All the while, landlords had to pay the mortgages and maintain the properties. This is common knowledge.


"During the pandemic the government made rents free." That's what you agreed to and now you're moving the goal posts.


Preventing evictions of deadbeat tenants results in “free” rent for the tenants. What’s so hard to understand about that?


We moved out of that Fucken place fuck Vegas


Then leave the “local” subreddit? Problem solved, bro.


Oh ok, thought it was just a Cali thing. So they just gonna systematically screw is all into oblivion or what? And they wonder why birth rates are low, shit getting outta hand


Vegas needs more homes to be built, particularly homes that are about 2000 square feet.


I remember my parents got a house in Summerlin in 1998 for about $110,000 that was 2000 square feet


There is also an unavoidable market correction. It will probably take pulling back interest rates and a bubble. It will be ugly but necessary. People can’t afford a home. People who own a home can’t move. This isn’t working


The market did correct as the fed raised rates. Median home prices in Vegas dropped by about 15% when rates went up to 5% and higher. But guess what? Increased rates meant higher payments, so although the median sales price dropped, home ownership became less affordable. All that will happen when rates go down is that pent up demand will start purchasing which will push up home prices even higher. In my opinion, the answer lies with more affordable housing and less corporate investment.


Lowering the rates will allow the unavoidable bubble to build up and burst. It’s the only way out.


I’m curious, what do you mean by the “will allow the unavoidable bubble to build up and burst?” Lowering rates will increase demand and push up prices further.


Love how you’re downvoted because on Reddit they don’t want people to have their own 2000 square foot houses. They want everyone to live in Soviet style apartment blocks lmao


Why wouldn’t we all want SFH ownership to be the norm? I got my piece of the pie and I want everyone else to have a slice too.


Plenty of home stock for sale for $250,000 and under in Vegas. Buy a place! You're the landlord now!


Cocktail waitresses and parking valets can earn $80,000 per year in Vegas. We have it better than lots of other places!


I’m a table games dealer at a local casino, we’re making $16–18 per hour most days (wage+tips combined) . Many of my coworkers have to drive Uber on top of working full time 40+ hour week . You’re saying valets are making as much as most engineers 🤨


Dude, I parked cars on the strip and made $150 per day in wages, and my worst day of tips was over $100. And that was low seniority for crappy shifts.


I wish I work at a strip casino 😫


Are you guys still hiring ? How to get a valets job?


Indeed says, Ceasars, Palms, and Golden Gate. Plus others for Valet subcontractors which might be restaurants or concert venues. Plus also look at Bellman jobs, which are also extremely lucrative.




I made that when I used to work as a server at a hotel pool over the summer (not a Dayclub). That was just pool season, there were girls who also went inside during the winter.


Totally true up and down the strip and probably low.




This is literally true of all jobs. If you are just starting out you get the worst shifts and the lowest pay. If you leave every 13 months you never gain seniority. You pay your dues and move up. At my last job I was number 1 in seniority after 3 years. Gimme a break.




Dude is out of touch. Probably thinks every stripper makes $100k lol


You couldn’t pay me to work either one of those jobs


You're not wrong, however, if you can get a job. Those jobs are EXTREMELY hard to get. Idk about Valet, but I've been trying to get any waitressing job. Cocktail, restaraunt, etc. The job market is horrible right now. I know other people having trouble finding one too. Due to the economy, people are working more than 1 job, taking up more jobs on average and then you have people left struggling to get 1. My husband works in the casino industry and has for a long time, it's good money, back in 2019, making what he makes now, we could've bought or rented a house or really nice luxury apartment. Now, in this economy, we're in an old crap studio in the hood and the only way out is if I'm able to make close to what he does.


Not to mention things like Only Fans and Instagram Influencers that never existed before. I was absolutely gobsmacked when my 18 year old daughter told me she has friends selling pictures of their feet and toes for hundreds of dollars on different fetish websites. Personally, I think there are a lot more people capable of paying these astronomical rents via methods nobody is aware of.


Theyre doing more than just feet pics


Maybe, but at least my kids are willing to talk to me about it honestly. I can't control an 18 year old anymore than anybody else can. If she chooses to sell old panties and already chewed bubblegum online, then that is up to her. She isn't randomly meeting guys at hotels or dragging them into my home to do what you are obviously insulting.




She's 18, an adult. Am I wrong for having a verbal discourse with my daughter? Or are you projecting some weird warped idea here with your comment? Do you not want to know what kind of a world that your children are entering into?




I simply provided two examples of income streams that were previously unknown and the other avenues previously unheard of. You are the one fetishizing a simple conversation.


Damn thats crazy only a couple of years ago i got flamed on this reddit for posting my 2 bed room apartment for 1100. And i told em "hey good luck when that corpo raises rent to 2.3k dont come crying to me" I hope theyre crying rn for flaming a dude trying to help out people.


“If you were trying to help people you would let people live in your house for free” - the Redditors who downvoted you


Renting out my house and pocketing ~$1,300 month after paying my mortgage and management company when I retire and move is looking better and better!


No one wants to live in that dump


Good. It keeps the riff-raff out.


well youre here so evidently it doesnt


It’s “you’re” and “doesn’t” sweetie.


Stop embarrassing yourself kid.




Not necessarily, it's the working class that are getting screwed the most, which means the only people surviving are some of those on welfare/housing and the rich. And it also pushes more people into welfare and housing which is already a disaster with a lot of people. People aren't going to just disappear. It creates more riff raff. Californians moving here in droves isn't helping either. It's projected by 2030 Las Vegas will have the 2nd most expensive houses in the country. It's turning into little California.


Now this is how you make your case instead of downvoting. I apologize for coming across as being insensitive.


Brother I'm normal and work full time IT job I'm not riff Raff and I can't afford a one bedroom by myself.