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I’m so sorry for your illness and that you’ve lost your sweet pet. can so relate to that grief. FWIW, I’m also 6b (northern Illinois) and don’t direct sow anything until March. ( No greenhouse so when I saw you’re in 6b and sow veg seeds outside in Jan, I was like….whaaaaa?:) ) Just planted my spring peas and I’m going to put in kale, collard, turnip greens, radishes, corn salad and lettuce over the next week. The corn salad may be the only thing that’s a little late right now. (Also starting tomatoes from seed inside this week - those I’ve \*definitely\* got a late start on so we’ll see how it goes :/) TL;DR - why not try? Tending to them will be a welcome 🤗 utdoor distraction and you‘ll probably be pleasantly surprised! (edited to remove duplicate sentences)


Yes I sow outside in winter using the “winter sowing method” for some greens (kale, lettuces, spinach and hearty herbs). It makes for really strong healthy seedlings. Thank you for replying! I spent this past weekend planting my potatoes and early peas. It felt great to be out in the garden again!


… I’ll have to try that next year. Last year was my first time trying spring seeds. I felt kind of “wobbly” trying it but was so pleasantly surprised at how well they did!  The idea of getting out in my garden planting in Jan/Feb Is tantalizing (rubs hands together mad-scientist style). Thanks for the tip!


There are a ton of YouTube videos on winter sowing. Growfully with Jenny has a short series on it. January and February are when I typically start getting “the itch” to be out in the garden and this has been a productive way for me to scratch it. I’ve been doing it for about 4 years. Prior to that I would inevitably start my tomatoes and peppers indoors waaaaaay too early and end up having to restart in March anyway.


Thanks for the recs😊