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Coming home from school. Grabbing my bike and going to meet my friend at "the pit" Just a big hole in woods with some cool cliffs and boulders. Started as a place to throw rocks and climb things. Turned into a great place to smoke weed and talk about girls.


Good times at the sand pits


Thank you so much for your comment. Have a wonderful evening!


Why are you replying like this to everyone?


Because I like to be nice. People are not required to comment. I appreciate the interaction.


idk why you’re getting downvoted, replying with the same exact copy + paste response just comes off as disingenuous and robotic.


As a person with emotional processing issues from genetic factors and an unsupportive environment, I've been called a robot too many times to count. Maybe you should be more open to other people's social styles instead of judging them without knowing them? Or, you can continue possibly discriminating against people, you do you... But prejudice isn't ever a good look 🤙


well i most certainly didn’t mean anything harmful to anybody’s disadvantages, im sorry if i offended OP or you. i would’ve never imagined that emotional processing would’ve tied into that


No worries! I get snarky like that as a way to express my frustrations without flying off the handle so I can definitely be a dick in that way, I admit. There's also a chance that the OP genuinely is just copying the message like the old school "thank you" notes you had to send people whenever you got a gift or a compliment or something, so it could also be cultural for OP. But, the word "robot" specifically has been used perjoritively against folks on the spectrum or with other emotional processing disorder/issues for quite a while so thats become a bit of an epithet in today's lexicon. No harm done, I appreciate your candor and willingness to thi k outside the box! But also.... Thank you very much for your comment. Have a wonderful evening! 😂


"Be more open to other people's social styles" This is the internet


So? I'm sorry you've lost hope? 😂


Sand pits were hours of fun. We'd throw rocks at the fresh faces of sand trying to cause mini avalanches.


Being able to walk out my back door and go up into the woods and see no one for a day. I miss it desperately now in Chittenden County.


Thank you so much for your comment. Have a great evening!


Those days are long gone unfortunately 


Being able to frolic and roll around in high grass and not have to worry about ticks 😭


I never knew what tick was until I was an adult. And we drank from streams in the woods when we were thirsty. We MAY have gotten sick afterward, but never made the connection.


I would upvote this comment a million times. I was outside every available second when I was little. Fields and woods alike. I never once saw a tick until I was well into adulthood. The current state of affairs with ticks is demoralizing. When I see friends with littles posting photos of their kids playing in the grass the first thing I think is how many blood sucking pests are latching on to that poor kid.


Sharing a leased piece of land on Hathaway point in St Albans, right across from Burton Island, with two families of cousins and some friends. Summer weekends there might be as many as 20 kids playing all day in the water. For three generations it was in our family. I miss it all the time.


Thanks very much for your comment. Have a great evening!


Literally anything I got up to in the woods. My parents would set me free out there all day or right after school I’d bee line to the forest and play with my neighbors or friends. One winter when I was 10 I built a camp and had a fire daily and a tree house all built by me and my saw. Loved that shit


Thank you so much for your comment. Have a wonderful evening!


Sleepovers with my cousins. I loved swimming in their pond, lying on the grass looking for meteors during the Perseid showers, and going out for ice cream.


Thank you so much for your comment. Have a wonderful evening!


Going to Thunder Road with my dad and getting Al’s French Fries, fried dough, and a glow ring necklace


I have been to thunder Road before. It was fun. And everything else you listed is definitely a shared memory. Thank you very much for your comment. Have a wonderful evening.


The winters were way better when I grew up here. I think I miss that the most.


Anything having to do with swimming, rafting or tubing in the White River between Sharon and the West Hartford bridge. I loved that river.


Thank you so much for your comment. Have a wonderful evening!


You too!


Before our backyard swimming hole hit the net and got filled with people parking on lawns and littering :/


Thank you so much for your comment. Have a wonderful evening!


Not to be a total curmudgeon lol- skiing at cochrans, vycc, maple creemees, 242 Main Street concerts and coffee at muddy waters


Maple creemees are definitely a classic memory for me.


Playing in the woods all day.


Thank you so much for your comment. Have a wonderful evening!


Living in the back of beyond and being able to roam freely from ages 4-8. I mean, we're talking backwoods and dirt roads with so few neighbors I literally never saw them outside of school.


I lived pretty far back. About half a mile from the bus stop. Walking to the bus in the morning took 20 minutes. Walking home after school could take HOURS if the weather was nice.


Thank you very much for your comment. Have a wonderful evening!


Once the weather was warmer on weekends, then all summer long, once school was out, we would sleep out in a tent in the yard.. as soon as we woke up we would get a campfire going and feed it till it was bedtime, (living on hotdogs and marshmallows) then wake up and do it all again. I always loved sitting on the front porch, watching thunder storms roll in, or bright orange sunsets in the evening... My mom and dads house had an awesome view, you could see for miles..


Christmas time on Church St. in the 80s. It was magical.


Scavenger hunts as a teenager. I moved from the Midwest with my parents when I was 15. There We just drank & smoked pot. Came up here and the small school I went to, would break up in groups of cars with a list of random things to collect. Whoever finished first won. (Granted some of the things weren’t legal lol) It was soooo much fun.


We did the same thing!


Thank you very much for your comment. Have a wonderful evening!


Lakes before Eurasian milfoil. Getting dropped off somewhere, knowing we'd 'find a ride' home; cool summer nights, no need for a/c...


I had to look that up. I was really curious what Eurasian milfoil was, straight up Thought you were talking about MILF oil for a minute. But now I know exactly what you mean.


yeah, it's disgusting, has destroyed many lakes, my hometown lake, Memphremagog, has been fighting it since the 80s...


I feel like I wouldn’t swim in a lot of bodies of water in Vermont anymore from everything I’ve heard in general.


Being outside all day and not having any ticks on me at the end of the day. Life here really is different now.


I get that if I’m outside for quite a long time in my backyard, I tend to do it to check. Maybe we should do it more often but I try not to be too worried about it and ruin the experience. Have a great day.


Check or not, they are on my almost everyday. I work outside.




Thank you very much for your comment. Have a wonderful evening.


Smelling the wood stoves during winter. And the “smell” when it snows. Brings me right back to being a kid when I smell it now


I wasn’t quite a child but I remember around 1992ish I was at school in Burlington when I heard about this Barn / house in St. Albans that was filled top to bottom with clothes. I believe all items were 10 cents. Anyway one day me and my friends went to check it out and sure enough it was a gigantic empty building / barn filled with clothes. As in, top to bottom and sometimes a couple of meters high, it was surreal. We rummaged around for hours and each filled a garbage bag with some clothes. I remember having to duck to avoid hitting the ceiling while walking completely on clothes. I used some of the clothes to make a pretty good Pimp Costume for Halloween that year! I will always remember how absolutely bizarre it was to have a random House / Barn filled entirely with clothing and turned into some strange thrift shop.


That’s pretty crazy. I’ve never heard of it. I grew up/live in st.A/Swanton but then again that was a year before I was born! That’s an awesome memory though. Thanks for your comment. Have a wonderful evening!


I hope someone else remembers this place or I may start to worry I’m going crazy! I was taking a couple of classes at the now defunct Burlington College at that time and I didn’t know the extended area well so I may be off on the town / location.


I’m sure you’re not crazy. I hate to tell the world this, but I don’t know everything about everything so definitely don’t judge your memory off my knowledge haha. Have a wonderful evening.


I also remember Burlington College, well. What sort of details are you hoping to be reminded of?


I also remember Burlington College, well. What sort of details are you hoping to be reminded of?


I also remember Burlington College, well. What sort of details are you hoping to be reminded of?


I remember this place!


Yes!!! Do you remember any of the details? It’s very fuzzy for me.


Sledding down the side of mountain, starting at the top and seemingly sledding forever.


Thank you very much for your comment. Have a wonderful evening!


I'd always find that one tree... and end with a black eye to show for it. And a few times, a broken arm or shoulder.


In the spring when the snow finally melted and the fields would dry. And we could go out for baseball practice. Play till it was almost pitch black. Go home and listen to games on the radio. Early May it was getting warm and the trees were starting to get leaves and we had our first games. Going for ice cream afterwards.


Thank you very much for your comment and have a wonderful evening.


When we were kids we my friends had this huge barn that every Halloween their parents would turn into a haunted barn. One year we made this maze out of stacks of hay, it was so awesome, around the corners all my friends and I would be dressed up and we would spook the attendee's as they were going through the maze. I think a wall of hay fell down at one point but didn't hurt anyone. After the guests all left we had this huge simulated military battle and then slept in the barn. Probably the funnest night of my life.


My family has had a cottage off Lake Champlain since the 70’s. When I was a kid it was my aunt and her husband who owned it and pretty much the entire family would show up almost every weekend. It was great as my cousins and I would all sleep in tents and run around playing in the woods and on the beach. At night we’d make campfires and depending on how motivated/ drunk my father and uncles were potentially bonfires lol. I learned how to make fires safely there as well as how to fish and some very basic boat craft. Alongside my aunt dragging us all over the state to visit various waterholes, mountains, festivals and niche eateries I absolutely loved my weekends spent here as a kid.


Thank you so much for your comment. Have a great evening!


Okay while I was born in Vermont, I admit that I actually grew up in NY, 3 miles from the border so I don't count BUT I have so many fond memories of camping at Little Rock pond. Also spending a day outside during the summer and capping it off with dinner at the Sirloin Saloon in Manchester (RIP)


Well, I would say good memories are good memories. As long as you enjoyed it that’s all that matters. Thank you for your comment. Have a wonderful evening.


The family camp out on Barney Point directly on lake Champlain. I think it was the summer of 96 or 97 where the water was incredibly low and you had to walk out probably 50 feet or so before you could reach water. Not long after that the water started rising. Eventually they had to put a rock dam up along the coast to protect all the lake houses. Never saw the water level get that low again. Also summer camp at Kingsland Bay. Also being able to ride my bike pretty much everywhere. These days if I even think about siting on a bike seat my hips hurt.


Walking barefoot on smooth dirt roads. Lake Elmore Jumping in fall leaves


I grew up with a lot of dirt roads and gravel roads. It was always nice walking down them or riding horses. Plenty of memories of jumping in leaf piles as well thank you for bringing up some memories of my own. Have a great day.


😻😻😻 I actually live on a dirt road again, after 16 years on the west coast I’m so happy to be back home ❤️


I remember in the Spring when our feet were too tender for the bare gravel roads, then by fall we could have walked on broken glass without noticing it.


Swimming in Lake Champlain back when it was mostly clean. Not so much anymore, unless you're one of those wealth folks with a boat who can ride out to where it's clean 🤷


It’s a toilet now. I don’t like even wading in it. Truly a disgrace that we (Vermont, New York, Canada) completely abdicated our responsibility to the earth by destroying this resource.


Well, we're lazy and broke, which is a terrible combination, lol. I didn't realize until I lived in other places that "well, that's good enough" isn't a super common phrase in cities. Or constantly jury-rigging solutions instead of just buying a replacement part. Or every apartment in Burlington I've lived in has at least 2 or 3 baseboards that were never actually attchached, but just stood in place 🤣. Right? Its usually the little ones off to the side of door jams, or near fixtures like the heaters, or bathtub. Like... come on guys, nobody wanted to add a little teaspoon of adhesive to the fraction of a baseboard to complete the project? Hell, my current apartment has 2 smallies and one entire wall baseboard that show zero signs of ever actually having been attached. But because project managers and inspectors all looked at it and went ".... meh, good enough" it's been over a decade of just being incomplete 🙃


When I got a bit older I loved being able to go off and find something to do. Riding my bike as far as I thought I could to go swimming in the river going fishing ect. Got a vehicle after 16 and could go drive out some trails and make a fire with friends. I get people are busy and kids can be difficult but I miss just going out camping or something with friends. Can wrangle and cook for kids just as easy out in nature just gotta load them up! Lol


I was a scout in Essex for a while and we usually had meetings that happened in the backyards of members homes. I remember distinctly we were cooking meals using tinfoil wraps by campfire


For me it was summer camp at Mt Norris. What a fun time.


Aye ive been there too! I love Norris, still friends with one of the camp counselors to this day


Standing on the sideboards of the Ford truck and holding on to the mirror as dad drove down the hill to the store. Lol 


That sounds both very dangerous and very fun. Overall sounds like a good time. have a great day.


Riding bikes to the Lower Cabot Store to rent a movie and buy penny candy w/ friends. Collecting sap in our woods with my parents. Cabot 4th of July parade, watching bread and puppet and collecting candy and cheese! Fishing for trout with my dad.


Sounds like great memories. I really do miss the atmosphere of going out and renting movies. Not the hassle, but the sense of community was very nice.


Owning our small town on our bikes. I had a bunch of friends all within a 1/4 mile or so. We would ride our bikes to the general store and buy snacks with money we either earned or bummed off our parents. There was a swimming hole, a dirt pit for bike jumps, a family that shared their trampoline, trails through the woods, a trash pit to smash bottles in, we had it all. I just had to be home by dark and in the summer that meant I got to stay out sooo late, it was awesome. My mom bought me a bike odometer for my birthday and created a chart on the wall to track my daily miles covered and had goals set at certain total distances with rewards. It was meant as something for me to work on over the summer. I burned through the whole chart in less than a week just riding my bike around with my friends.


My hometown. Having a lot of family around. Lots of good memories


Thank you very much for your comment. Have a wonderful evening!


My entire childhood! Riding my bike to the park, playing tackle football with all the neighborhood kids, playing capture the flag in the woods off of the church parking lot (we called it the north jungle LOL) The best thing is that my girls get to do all of above, after my bf purchased my childhood home. I get to relive it all!!!


That’s so awesome. I’m glad that you get to relive your memories. I remember playing capture the flag in school, but I definitely remember playing capture the flag across from the Swanton public library in the park. Specifically when I was in Boy Scouts, which was a very short period. Thank you for bringing back memories.


I only recently moved back, but I remember in kindergarten, we had woods next to our house, so me and my friends would go play in the stream and catch salamanders or pick up rocks to look at bugs. Simple shit but I miss it.


I lived in an old farmhouse on a brook. I'd say just floating on an old inner tube (a real one, not a store bought fake) then going for a bike ride with my friends in wet shorts (old cut-off jeans, not swim trunks) was the height of Summer... We won't talk about pulling leaches off after swimming... or getting poked mercilessly by the tube's air valve, or even the severe sunburns that sometimes followed. All minor inconveniences. 2nd place: Riding in the back of pickup trucks, standing up looking over the cab, or just sitting on the edge or tailgate totally trusting in the driver, one of our parents, bombing along at 50mph.


Our old farmhouse and hearing the river at night. The clunk of cars crossing the bridge . Clean air and water. Hunting, fishing, camping and getting into trouble


The 30 some odd kids in the neighborhood ca 1960. Boomers!


Walking on the back roads, every car that passed would wave, we'd wave back. I was a simple friendly gesture that has gone away.


Hanging out with my sibs — we were *latchkey kids* before anyone ever thought of that term, except that no one in VT locked their houses *or* cars 😆h — and swimming in the river (what I & everyone else would now refer to as a *stream*)


Sounds like some good memories. Thanks for the comment. Have a great rest of your day.


Grew up ten miles north of killington…so..snowboarding definitely snowboarding…live on the Maine coast now and didn’t go once this year 😢


Well, I’m sure those serene whites slopes are awaiting your return with bated breath.


Yeah I mean my family has 30 acres and a cabin there but I never seem to get the time to make it back…plus lift tickets are like $200 😂


Well, at some point, I hope you get to experience that again. I’m sorry that it’s loaded you so far.


Camping at Camp Skyland and waking up to crisp, fresh Lake Champlain wind and spending all day searching their beach for sea glass and interesting rocks. No screens.


Thank you very much for your comment. Have a wonderful evening.


Are you a robot


No, I’m not. Like I said replying because I was appreciative that people were taking the time to comment on my post.


Grew up in Burlington. I used to take my bike for round trips up and down the bike path. Used to hit up Charlie's boat house in the summer, rent boats, and jump off the bridge thing before they built it up. All my friends would go there and chill. Was a hell of a time to be alive.


That does sound like a blast. I remember being younger and boating around Lake Champlain. Maybe I can again one day.


My best friend and I lived next door to each other. There was a small ditch in between our houses and we’d meet there every day and just ride our bikes around town for hours


I love that. Growing up for a while one of my best friends live right down the road and it was so nice to build. Just walk back-and-forth to see each other. Thank you for your comment.


Kampersville. My dad's brothers and sisters and their kids would come back home to vermont for a week every year and we'd rent a cabin at kampersville. We all didn't fit in the cabin so there was always half a dozen tents, as well as a couple campers friends brought along to make the accommodations a little less cramped. There was a flood in the 90s that took out our neighborhood but we still went. My dad is a stubborn guy so he wasn't gonna let the tragedy ruin our vacation. He rented a camper, brought our boat along...only to have that boat EXPLODE with him on it, it threw him into the water, he had 2nd and 3rd degree burns on his legs (he hasn't grown a single hair on either one since this incident) but like I said, he's fucking stubborn and he wasn't going to let it get in the way. Another time we went to the alpine slides. My aunt and I said, "nah, we're cool" and took the lift to the top to watch the idiots. 15 people rode the alpine slides and fucked themselves up bad enough to put the nurses station out of supplies...when i was 18, my aunt and uncle decided to go skinny dipping in lake dunmore and almost got atrested...I have a million of these, a lifetime of weird, hilarious, and very special memories, as well as at least a dozen pictures of us kids in front of that stupid squirrel statue.


Rock hopping up streams for miles. Swear to this day it was the best agility training for sports I could have done. Visited recently after being away and my teenage son immediately started hoping rocks up a stream. Made me so happy to see.


walking down our 1/4 mile driveway on warm summer nights and laying in the field to watch the fireflies and stars.


Half day kindergarten. Woke up and went skiing with my dad then went home got ready for school and hopped on the bus


Camp Keewaydin(Sp?) Lincoln Ave Elem School, class of 90. Rutland and some other town spent a wk there.


Camp days- summer vacation we could choose the daytime activity of "berrying" up dirt roads w mom cousins and aunts or fishing up off of dirt roads with dad cousins and uncles. Fish fry and berry shortcake for supper. Campfire songs and lightning bugs caught in a jar with grass in it and holes in the top. Rain on the tin roof of our camp to lull you to sleep and let you sleep in the next day then you'd wake up and race to see if your lightning bugs survived. Then do it all over again the next day. Maybe the next day we'd all go fishing. Or all go berrying. ❤️


There are so many! Picking strawberries at Dutton's, 4th of July fireworks in Bellows Falls or up at the West Hill dam, riding my dirt bike from my Grandmother's house off of Rt. 100 up to my Grandfather's on South Hill, breakfast at Rick's Riverside in Springfield, the best pizza ever at Ludlow Village Pizza, going to work all summer long with my grandfather digging basements and building roads, ice cream at Downers four corners, Cruise night in Springfield, Saturday night oldies party at WCFR with my dad DJ'ing, and so many more!


Summer nights playing round up with a bunch of kids in the neighborhood


1970s…walking across open fields (nobody cared if you walked across their land then) to a nearby stream and spending the whole day fishing, making dams and forts, and wading in the cool water. After supper, all the neighborhood kids played “Capture the Flag” until the dew fell, the grass was cold on our bare feet and we got called indoors because it was dark.


I don't even live here and I want to move now.


Hanging out with my sibs. We were *latchkey kids* before anyone ever thought of that term (except that no one in VT locked their houses *or* cars 😆). In the summer, swimming and hiking up the creek, sleeping out in the fort or on our porch, playing ping pong or badminton. In the winter, building the ***BEST*** track for sliding.


Having housing.


Didn't grow up in Vermont. But considering moving there to be near family. So this thread is of interest, to see what my son's childhood could be like.


My upbringing was so shitty here honestly. The only good things I have memory of are when my family from NJ would come visit…however I cannot tell you how many time I was dragged to the maple museum, the Ben and Jerry’s factory, and the teddy bear factory as a child because my father wanted to show our family “what Vermonters do”. Never did we do anything “fun” much less memorable when other people weren’t around


When i was taken advantage of by my babysitter but that’s neither here nor there 




Own over 20 acres in both states you can’t get rid of me lol