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It’s difficult to give good advice without any detail to go by.  Does your school have a well-being team, or do you have a trusted teacher you could talk to? I don’t know what your home life is like, but speaking as a parent,  I would absolutely want to know if my child felt unsafe, so that I could do everything I could to ensure that they were. Depending on how serious this issue is, and how well or poorly the school is handling it, going to the police for a restraining order, or moving to another school are both options to consider.


As a parent whose child was bullied in primary school, I urge you to talk to your parents & get them to meet with the teachers & the principal. When nothing is resolved, they need to go to the Education Dept and keep pushing.


Internal suspensions are always a disciplinary option however would require parents to be notified.


Sounds like a situation that you need to take further perhaps speak to your level coordinator or assistant principals. In school suspensions are issued if you have done something wrong. What you are referring to from the sounds of it is you want a safe space. If that is the case you can talk to your level coordinators.


your folks no value ?