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1951!? I see who won in hoi4 lol (all jokes aside) that’s crazy bro! You’re game is set up awesomely at that point, well done


I had a similar start in my Austria super germany campaign. He is now posed to unite Europe and ignore infamy, basically.


You know what they say about infamy, it IS just a number after all


R5: I got Mexico and Argentina as protectorates, beat the USA, saved the Indians, Allied to Russia, went for NGC, and fought Austria. Now we are homies after bankrolling them, and now I would beat and balkanize France. Game so fun damm it


Pretty sure that was Hitler's whole plan, form Super Germany in 1951


That's sweet, how did you get Austria to support you?


Improved relationships with them since Day 1, they didn't like the Ottos so I just rivaled them, and Austria had a civil war for Racial Segregation, so I helped them with a Trade Agreement and flooded their market with my goods, bankrolled them for 80 relationship, go for the Brother Wars, and do the same, they rivaled Great Britain so do I, I bankrolled them using Murica War Reps and money for good ol´ "Mexiko"


One of the recent patches made it turbo easy to form Super Germany since Austria and Russia both love you at game start now. I did a game today and formed Super Germany in 1845 literally right as the Brothers War ended on my run.


Despite a job well done, that's not even all of Germany, let alone super Germany.


Unification button isn’t pressed. Once it is, super Germany will be formed