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Family is family, there are certain obligations. Trina is a bad sister, but Tori doesn't have to be a bad sister too. Letting Trina be screwed over here would make Tori the kind of person who deserved a sister like Trina


>Trina is a bad sister, but Tori doesn't have to be a bad sister too. I love this


Best to cut toxic family lose though.


Trina isn't toxic, just annoying. She's self-centered, but she hasn't done anything that went further than "Just a sibling thing." She's also the one who convinced Tori not to give up on Hollywood Arts, so Trina being a good sister sometimes is the only reason we have a show.


Don't forget Sikowitz tripping on expired coconut!


She’s a teenager. Teenagers act like this but grow out of it eventually




She never should’ve been in the school to begin with. This would be writing a wrong, not getting screwed over. The school is for talented people. In the school or not, Trina would never amount to anything post graduation. So she may as well get it over with and go to a normal school


Those things aren't exclusive, her not deserving her spot doesn't change the fact that she got it and hadn't been kicked out previously, despite prestigious schools like this being free to do so. It doesn't matter if she'd amount to anything right out of high school, it could still help her get into a good college later if she gives up on the performing aspect of the arts after graduation.


Because Trina is still Tori's sister, done. Tori even mentions this. Not to mention if Trina got kicked out she would probably make home life just more hell anyway.


Trina was way too much most of the time, but I have always sided with her on the song as a gift episode. That would have been an amazing gift for someone like Tori or Andre. But Trina is materialistic. Tori knows this. Tori gave Trina a gift she herself would have liked- not what Trina would have liked. Not to mention, the song would have been a better gift if Tori has just given her the flash drive. Performing the song just made Trinas birthday about Tori- she stole the limelight, something I'm sure Trina was probably real sick of. So while Trina was not the best sister, neither was Tori. But they both still cared for each other. Trina probably would have done the same thing for Tori had the roles been reversed. She just would have made a bigger deal about how she went out of her way to help.


In Tori's defense she was gonna give Trina a materialistic gift that she would have actually loved. Trina just ruined it by buying the boots herself. If you're going to insist that your family spends the whole week celebrating your birth the least you could do is not buy gifts for yourself during that week.


That is a fair point, too.


Well there's clues that she came to really appreciate the song. It's the song she keeps singing to Andre's agent's agent in Diddly-Bops


Or she just knew it was a better song than she could write!


that can be super-true, too


IVE BEEN SAYING THIS!!! i absolutely despised how all of her gifts were just songs like in all honesty who the hell wants a song sung to them as a gift on their birthday or for christmas


It’s a toxic relationship, Tori only helped her sister out because otherwise she’d have to deal with Trina’s yapping and complaining around the house on why she deserves to be at H.A.


The writers can't write relationships that *aren't* toxic and thanks specifically to the ID Network now we know specifically why


And if you look at the numbers these shows made you’ll understand why. No body wants to see normal rational couples in a live action sitcom, they want flawed, chaotic characters that set up conflicts for you to watch and be entertained at. You’re not going to get those things with Vanilla relationships.


That's very true too


This is my core issue with Victorious tbh. How much of a flawless goody two shoes they wrote Tori as in a misguided attempt to make Victoria more likable and promote her as a singer.


It's a bit unfair to call Trina untalented. The school had these kids in different classes, had them try out the different parts of the business both in front of and behind the camera. There was an episode where Trina was directing or producing and Tori made a comment on how good she had done. She had talent, just wasn't interested in not being in the spotlight.


Bruh Trina is a teenager. U have to give ur siblings a chance to grow up a little and experience real life before cutting them out. Also Tori knows how shitty their parents were to Trina and that they're partially responsible for the way she acts.


last time i watched victorious i was like 10 and rewatching it now tbh they made all the characters too morally ambiguous to make statements like this. every main cast member has done shit that realistically would get them kicked out of their friend group so idk how to feel about trina. since they're siblings and in that one episode where trina is younger she's portrayed as nerdy and awkward tori probably sees trina's narcissistic behaviour as an act? maybe? so she might not be too bothered by it


To be fair, a song is an awful present.


no but i swear i thought i saw trina singing good when they sang that song in yerbia


To be fair the song was a terrible and narcissistic gift


Don't know why you're getting downvoted. You're not wrong 🤣 it was super narcissistic, although, I do not believe that was Tori's intentions. It came off that way, though


What's narcissistic about dedicating a song to someone else and making most of the lyrics about how you love her, and she made you who you are?


Like I said, I don't think it was Tori's intention. It came from a good place, but the gift shows narcissistic thought processes. It demonstrates that Tori thinks everyone operates the same way she does. Tori would love a song as a present, but there was nothing in Trinas personality that suggested she was anything but materialistic. Basically, Tori gave Trina a present that Tori herself would appreciate, but didn't put into consideration how Trina would feel about the gift. I like to read. Would i get my friend my favorite book as a present and expect her to love it? No because i know her, and I know she'll find no enjoyment in that. Giving her a book would take my feelings into account, but it would completely disregard hers. And to top it off, Trina probably always feels one uped by her sister, and then Tori went and performed the song, taking away Trinas spotlight. Trina is probably so hell bent on birthdays because Tori always shows her up (not on purpose but it happens), and then she went and did a whole ass performance on her birthday. I wouldn't like it either.


Her being Materialistic is why Tori gave her the Song in a physical item, too, it's a material gift giving her permanent credit for everything that happens. The performance is an appeal to her ego at every level. Trina absolutely loved it; you can see it on her face, the song just wasn't enough for her.


Giving the song in a physical copy isn't appealing to a materialistic person..... she can't do anything with it besides listen to it. It's not something they can wear, use, etc. Let's go back to the book example. If I buy my best friend my favorite book, the physical copy isn't going to mean anything to her. It's still going to be a shit gift because she will find no enjoyment in it. I basically bought my friend a gift I would have loved, but I didn't take into consideration how she would have felt about it. The item doesn't matter. It's who you're giving it to. Do I think the song is a nice gesture? Yes, absolutely. I would love a song written about me as a present. However, the point is that Trina wouldn't. And Tori proved by giving her that gift that she knew nothing about her sister, which is pretty narcissistic. How are you with someone your entire life and not know they wouldn't appreciate that kind of gift? If we the viewers can understand Trina is materialistic, why can't Tori?


She did know that. Trina bought the boots that Tori got her as a gift by going to over 11 stores. The song was plan C because Trina ruined Plan A by buying herself what she really wanted and she rejected Andre's Plan B Cheese idea. Those boots seemed expensive, Tori did the best she could when Plan A went up in flames. These are two different scenarios, Trina loved the song. In your book scenario, you're getting your friend something you liked, but they wouldn't. You know they don't like your favorite book. Trina likes music, she loved the song too. How was Tori supposed to know Trina's screwed up definition of what a Present actually is, siblings don't talk about personal definitions. Especially with the Younger sibling.


That's true, but wouldn't it have made more sense to just go find another item that Trina would love? All that effort into a song could have been put forth into finding something else Trina would enjoy. And since she's materialistic, it really isn't that hard. A fancy hat, scarf, dress, etc would have worked just fine.


Yes it is that hard, Clothes/jewelry are judged very harshly. Get her something, and you run the risk that she hates the material it's made with and just never told you. Or she complains that it doesn't go with anything and chucks it into a closet/drawer to never be seen again; She already wasted money on those boots, maybe she just didn't have enough to buy an item Trina couldn't have already bought herself or been in the process of buying. There's a certain paranoia that comes from being screwed over once. Regardless, it isn't narcissistic, that's just called giving an unappreciated gift. Narcissistic is something else entirely, Trina is the Narcissistic sister.


So the answer is to get her something Tori probably knew deep in her heart Trina wouldn't appreciate? Or should the answer have been to get over her paranoia and get something Trina would have actually liked? When I didn't know what to get my sister, I would go in her closet and look at her things. Doing that tells you what the person likes, and it tells you what they don't already have. (Not suggesting anyone should look at someone's closet if they aren't close with the person, but in the case of sisters who live together, I would have done it.) Look, I'm not saying the song isn't a nice thing. It is. My point is, when you get someone a present, know your freaking audience. Edit: I'm not saying Trina isn't narcissistic. I'm not saying Tori is. I'm saying what Tori did was a narcissistic thing to do


Yeah it was a generic song to boot that’s a shit gift looking back 😭


1. Helen Back Again was a great episode 2. Writing a song for Trina's birthday gift was a shit present


i mean i would be pissed too if all i got from my birthday was a song


She didn’t want a song on her birthday and Tori is a bad sister for not knowing that