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Not gaming but I got a 3D printer last year and whenever I asked online for tips or solutions to minor problems I got called a helpless idiot. Edit: seems like I’m not the only one lmao. I’ve also heard stories about people posting what they’ve made and getting blasted for it being “childish”. Ie. Pokémon.


I bet you were asking for help on Reddit, weren't you?


Not all the time but yeah :(


what is crazy to me is that those subreddits are the exact opposite of my friends who 3d print. If I ask them a question about a project I'm trying to do for my students they go above and beyond to help pass off some of their learned experience with the machines off to me. They love sharing their knowledge on their craft. I really was not expecting it to be so gatekeepy. that's super disappointing.


Moral of the story: Reddit is not an accurate reflection of any community


Exhibit A : r/caffeine


Holy shit


Idkwhat i just stepped in to in that sub but my god


Can't unsee. Can't stop pondering.... this might be the one that gets me to check myself in.... I DON'T UNDERSTAND. ..... well, yes, I do. It's the internet but, still....


I was curious... #I SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN


I was typing in mod( auto suggested on reddit did a sub... very strange name... reproduce parts. The wtf why can of mess up


That's just the caffeine circlejerk.


I always thought reddit was a non-communal mob


I love how on-the-nose this is. I heard once you’ll get better information on Reddit by posting straight up misinformation and let people condescendingly correct you on it than by just asking the question you want the answer to. So scummy and arrogant of folks lmao


Yeah, it's a common joke on r/ProgrammerHumor that if you want a solution to your problem, use a sock puppet account to give yourself the wrong answer in the most confident way you can. People hate to help but love to prove people wrong.


Yeah, I found it ironic that a common complaint on r/ProgrammerHumor is how hard it is to ask a question on StackOverFlow without it getting deleted, but then when I messaged the mods on the subreddit how to format my comment so that it didn't get removed by the automod, they pretty much told me to figure it out myself. It makes it a bit funny to see unhelpful people complaining about other unhelpful people.


Proceed to add an edit crediting your incorrect solution for solving the problem and confuse the hell out of everyone


"I bet you were asking for help on Reddit, weren't you?" The most ironic thing about it is that it's what reddit was known for in the early days, with knowledgeable people helping others on topics they knew a lot about.


The amount of people who absolutely shit on adults who love pokemon is kinda insane. Like damn just let us shiny hunt in peace 😭


They're overcompensating to hide the fact they drove 3 hours for a squirtle when Pokémon Go was mainstream


Damn, you're so right


Haha I agree. I’m not much of a Pokémon fan anymore but I definitely got some of that when I was


Been there too brother, my favourite is: Me: I have problems with X, how to solve? Answer: You don’t know?


EXACTLY! And they won’t tell you either


"Of course I know, I just wanna see if you guys know" 🥸


Happened to me with the ASUS subreddit. Asked for help because there was an orange dot in my camera because I didn't know there was a privacy shutter (never heard of one, plus the only laptop I owned before this one was a crappy school laptop), and most people just calmly explained it was a privacy shutter, but there was this one guy (who posted after I marked the post as "Support-Solved") who was like, "HoW dId YoU nOt KnOw? YoU sEeM lIkE tHe KiNd Of PeRsOn WhO dOeSn'T tAkE tHe TiMe To ExPlOrE tHe FeAtUrEs." I'm mildly exaggerating, but still. Came off a tad rude lol.


Same thing in the web dev community. Stack Overflow is a hub where you're supposed to be able to go to ask questions that are stumping you in your development, but AI has pretty much killed it because 1) you get called an idiot all the time for using the platform as intended and 2) AI gets you to your answer faster and without the toxicity.


Question closed. Marked as duplicate because you used the same word that's used in another question.


Or they close your question and say it's the same as some questions that is not at all the same


Omfg yes. One of the main reasons I stopped 3D printing. Anytime I'd ask for help I was just a bumbling idiot who couldn't level their bed. Didn't help I had the shittiest printer on the market cause that's what I was given so most of the time they'd just rag on my shitty printer instead of actually trying to help. Like fuck outta here. Good for you for bein able to afford a $5,000 modded Ender 3 now tell me tf is goin on here lol


If you ever get into resin printing the folks over at r/resinprinting are generally pretty nice. Now I'm nervous about asking about my problem with my FDM printer, though.


How dare you not know what I know.


It's the same when I tried to learn programming. Like the only answer you get is to google stuff. But googling only ever brought me to articles that brought me to what the book already told me, and reddit threads of people telling folks to google it.


yeah no the 3d printing guys are assholes luckily for me i have people that know this shit.


Dude, when I started printing the same. I'm in a plant community that acts like this, too. They ignore facts and hate just to hate on one another. It's wilde to me that people aren't more helpful now days.


Any game based on some anime


Yup, sadly this. Anything even remotely anime related gets ruined by young or adult weebs. They're usually the worst at becoming overly attached to a fandom and adopt it as part of their core beliefs pretty quickly.


As someone who watches anime, other people who watch anime are fucking annoying. Literally making my way through one piece on crunchyroll. Half the comments are, "my god Sanji is such a fucking simp, he needs to be shot and thrown in the trash where he belongs" and the other half is "oh my God I want to motorboat Robin and Nami so bad. Step on me mommies!" This is why I avoid any anime videogame that might make me interact with weebs.


I hear you. When you start to wonder if many Reddit users are below the age of 12, it does start to make more sense.


oh there's definitely a "line" in the anime community, normal people who respect and enjoy the medium on one side and fucking annoying, unwashed, degenerate weirdos on the other. People who play anime games are rarely on the normal side, it's possible but very rare. I'm actually going to see demon slayer in cinema when it releases and I'm fucking terrified because of the weebs. It's like they transcend all capacity to feel embarrassment or cringe. And the worst part is, I know I'm going to see at least one cosplayer. I don't have a problem with cosplayers in general, most are genuinely lovely people with a genuine passion for what they do but there's just a certain type that even cringelord seems too light to describe them. The type that live, breathe and exist just to bring cringe into this world. And the worst part is, I know I'm going to see at least one.


I'd argue r/DBZDokkanBattle is pretty chill. We just pop bubbles and watch nostalgic scenes


Are you referring to JRPGs? Most JRPG fandoms are incredibly chill by gaming community standards


No, he's talking about games like Naruto:Storm Connections and Budokai 3 (fighting games based on an anime)


Every online shooter.


I think Cod over all


I feel like it used to be less toxic or at least more fun. I used to enjoy hearing 12yr olds screaming at 25yr olds in mw3 (it had a more playful fight vibe than now when it happens) and when it got annoying I could just mute the lobby. The most toxic gameplay thing was noob tubing and youtube was full of trick-shot comps. Now I feel like the racism got super out of control and the gameplay has like 20 different toxic mechanics and warzone is warzone. Maybe it was just easier to ignore the problems and have fun when I was 16 but it really has only gotten worse in my mind.


Escape of tarkov and COD especially?


Escape from Tarkov is a joke. It's filled with people who think they're better than everyone else because they play Escape from Tarkov. I have thousands of hours in Arma, and I don't act like a stuck up asshole.


Rainbow six siege on console. they message you directly to curse at you and then getting banned when you report them.




Yup, this is fucking crazy. I was surprised by the amount of hate.


It’s cause they still don’t have PS5s


r/thelastofus2 is up there with this sub


Omg no one is happy there😂


Yo I thought u were exaggerating


Yeah it’s sad no one is happy it’s such a good game to🥲


I showed up there bc I loved the game & was SO excited to talk to folks about it. 😭💀 ETA: not sarcasm, at all. I just wanted to discuss with other folks who loved the game and now I just have mild trauma


It’s amazing to me that they’re still bitching about a game that came out four years ago. Like, get the fuck over it. There are other games out there.


When you really look at it, being subbed there is so fucking weird. Why would you curate your feed just to bitch about something? I know we use the term circlejerk a lot, but that sub really defines it. All the posts are just like "Hey bros do you still fucking hate tlou2?" and the comments are just "Hell yeah bro fuck tlou2"


tbh I'll never forgive them for what they put Laura Bailey through, one of the kindest ppl


The people that actually enjoyed the game just know to stay away from the toxicity.


The way that sub treated Girlfriend Reviews was disgusting. I recommend watching the video Girlfriend Reviews put out about the situation since they explain everything that happened.


Oh shit I forgot about this one. This has to take the cake. It’s an echo chamber of media illiterate incels that chased anyone who liked the game away and think their fringe views are self evident.


I have to thank god for not making me a marvel fan


Before SM2 was released, I used to be so active in the community cause it was very chill and fun. Ever since the game awards last year, everything switched up so quickly. I had to leave it was just too toxic there


Noooo! Every negative posts in that sub are valid and constructive criticism and no one truly hates the game! Why can't you fanboys take criticism? Why do you supress different opinions? Why do you depend billion dollar company? 😱😱😱🤮🤮🤮


First thing that came to mind. In fact most PS exclusives communities are dumpster fire.




I hate it when they say "it would be so simple to do this" when its a thing that takes at least a month from a big skilled team of developers.


them getting so upset over not getting goty was music to my ears.


Most of you aren't suprised but it's Call Of Duty.


That game is a drug to many people.


Pretty sure cocaine might actually be a healthier choice in this case.


And that drug is meth.


Would it make you happy or sad to know that the COD community is significantly more mature and less toxic than it was in the original MW2 days? If you don't believe me then spend 15 minutes looking up lobby footage from MW2 in '09-'10. Anonymity and 0 moderation really brought out the worst behavior in young males.


yeah its like, i enjoy the games (mostly for zombies but for mw3 ive really been digging the multiplayer this year) but man the community makes me want to lobotomise myself sometimes, its dreadful so yeah i just get on with enjoying my silly little shooters and ignore the community


League of Legends is a fun game, but it's community is the worst.


easily the worst community ever


It's easily Overwatch for me personally. Never played with worse people.


100%. Get told to die every round of every game.


Heroes of the storm tried its best to be more toxic.


The most helpful advice you can give a new league player is to turn chat off permanently. And also limit yourself to 3 matches a day, because after that you're prob just rage quing and it will shave off a month of your life each time you get ganked by the enemy jungler.


the most toxic gaming community I have ever seen, bar none.


I love league as a game, but the community is such absolute dogshit that I have zero desire to actually get good at it.


It turned me into a terribly angry person. I’m not sure if it was the game, the community, myself or some part of all three. Deleted it again for the 3rd time cause I needed a break again.


I thought “maybe I should give it a go”…opened the game up. Found myself an open game, had something like “amateur” or something in the name. Perfect! No! The game started, it took 2 seconds and they started a vote to kick me out, called me a noob, etc. Real fun crowd


League of Legends ~~is~~ used to be a fun game, ~~but~~ and it's community is the worst. Pretty sure self-loathing and cope is the only thing that keeps me playing. Aram my beloved.


for a community that's literally called lol, they are indeed not funny and quite mean.


whenever a redditor behaves like a volcanic asshole, you can bet that their comment history includes this place


Forever ago, I played a bunch of round against computer opponents… played **one** round with the community… never played again…


Why did I have to scroll so far?


R6 siege. I got into late and holy shit that game has a toxic community. I thought Overwatch was bad. Deep Rock Galactic probably has the best community I’ve seen in a game.






Rockity Rock and Stone!


Almost every game in existence


Seriously, gamers in general can all be very toxic


The Yakuza series fanbase is so amazingly great, at least on Reddit. Like the only group I've not found to be toxic nor aggravating.


Fuck you bitch 1v1 me (I’m a toxic Yakuza series fan)


That's pretty cool. I should play more of them, I only ever played Zero and really liked it.


Just binge the whole series and dedicate a year or two of gaming to it. 0 is stronger than most of the older games, but it's a fun ride up to Infinite Wealth. I started the series in 2020 and it's my favorite game series now


I've found the Resident Evil community on Reddit to be pretty nice. There are definitely some conflicting opinions, but people are generally respectful about it.


Deep Rock Galactic?


Rock and stone!


Rock and stone brotha


To Rock and Stone!




r/Terraria community seems to be a wholesome one. Edit: typo.


\*horny one


Titanfall 2 is the opposite of this: its the kind of game where people expect a toxic community based on how the game works, but it's actually one of the most wholesome ones around Apex Legends' community however, did not follow the ways of its predecessor


When I played a game of Titanfall 2 after DBD, it was night and day Everyone was just having fun, they said glhf before the match started. Even during the match people would be like " I'm sorry for using epg"


not toxic but painfully unfunny. rdr2


When I played RDO I met some of the coolest and uncoolest posse members ever.


yeah, either preteens or some 30 year old whos super likeable


Enough Tahiti lumbago and plans PLEASE


Elden Ring too tbh. No one is mean there really, but my god every post is either "let me solo her" or the same picture of the guy fighting the rune bear from the concept art.


What zero dlc does to mf


The rdr fanbase exists only to capture funny glitches


Dead by daylight


Oh my god yes, no one in that game plays fair, if you’re the killer you’re gonna get stomped by a squad of four flashlight spamming troll twitch streamers And if you’re a survivor you’re gonna watch as the killer stares at you while you’re on the hook until you die, not bothering to go kill your friend who’s got four gens done and is working on the fifth as we speak


Whenever I see someone equip the flashlight I always change to the hillbilly, their salty messages at the end of the game are a glee, even if I lose


You haven't been able to switch killers mid lobby in like 3 years.


Oh, granted I haven’t played the game since May 10th 2019(I only know that date cause I recorded gameplay on my YT). They changed that? When was that updated?


Not sure. The 3 year estimate was just a ballpark guess. They added it to have killer specific MMR, so you wouldn't be going up against vastly better survivors if you play a killer that isn't your main. Also if you like Billy he just got a massive buff the other week.


My fucking God yes. Survivors expect you to play like a fucking bot and do everything in your power to make it an enjoyable experience for them. They complain about things like face camping and tunneling but will sit there and pallet loop and exploit game mechanics for their own benefit. Both sides have toxic gameplay and refuse to do anything about it. Is the killer face camping? Cool, come help me knock out a couple gens because he is just wasting time and we are safe.


League of legends


Persona Danganronpa


Persona has a toxic community? Like they are abusive assholes? Or are they getting creepy with the characters? That's how cyberpunk was, amazing game and amazing community, And a really cool anime to go with it just whatever you do stay away from that animes subreddit.


I love Edgerunners and love it’s subreddit too


Don't even get me started on the shipping community in DR.


The ship folx for personal shipping are a new level of creepy


r/lethalcompany has a weird toxic faction of mod haters. Like it's free optional content bro, play vanilla. Most of it centered around a specific mod, control company, but I've seen the sentiment grow against all modded lobbies. They outright want mods banned from the game, which I find extremely frustrating as they can just host a fucking vanilla lobby. Not really toxic the way yall wanted, but this kind of toxicity will kill the game if they succeed.


Haven’t really had the opportunity to play Lethal Company, yet, but I have noticed a small but growing mod hating… movement across several gaming communities. It’s pretty bizarre, but I think it comes down to puritanical “you are not allowed to play differently” knuckleheads and players who can’t figure out/do want to learn how to mod the game. Hell I have seen such players request other players be banned for using costume mods… that can only be seen by the modder.


Ark. I hate the community.




Rust, genshin impact, honkai star rail, etc...


Call of duty




TBF Rust seems like one of those games that’s intentionally made to bring out the worst in people


Yeah, but the sheer amount of people who just go around killing brand new naked characters, destroying survival shelters, and pretending to be friendly just to backstab you is the worst I've ever seen. It's just a game full of people with thousands of hours killing noobs just to be a dick. Like, the literally have nothing to gain from killing a naked guy with just a rock, but they do it anyway. 0/10. Absolutely the worst game I have ever played.


Genshin impact game is fun but people who play it are labeled as weirdos because of the community


Rainbow 6 siege


Destiny 2


You know, I really liked Destiny….had great times with friends….raids was….well there was a point to them. With D2 it’s like what’s the point and the community is toxic af. From my experience people are way too serious.


Started playing The Finals, a pretty interesting shooter, hopped in to the subreddit and it’s just people whining and complaint about the tiniest things.


Truth. Criers


Social media bias: Anger generates the most traffic


I thought I was going to enjoy the game way more than I did based on reviews. It’s fine, but nothing special.


It’s league. It’s always been leagur


Pokemon. Huge community and everyone has different expectations for the games


Not to mention everyone complaining about how every game is too easy, while ignoring the fact that the intended target audience is 7-10 year olds. Its baby's first turn based, elementally aligned rpg, not dark souls.


This was my experience on FFXIV


Really?! Man that’s upsetting. I’ve mostly had positive experiences playing that game. Went in as a tank with no knowledge and experience and was helped loads by the people I was matchmade with. The only couple of negative experiences I had were usually converted into positive experiences by other (more helpful) people intervening.


I had the very opposite experience. On day 1 I was invited to a guild filled with really friendly people willing to teach me


Yup, found out the hard way.


This was SMITE for me back in the day.






There are a few different Last of Us subs and I can never remember which ones are “man, this game is so immersive” and which are “get fucked you woke cunt”




Counter strike


Sea of Thieves


Ahh my first time stepping into the D4 sub…good times.


Fallout new vegas. A bunch of degenerate furry slavers owners telling the rest of us we should get nailed to a cross because of taxes.


Buddy you just got added to the list. *readies nails


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter


Maybe I’ve just had the luck of talking to an odd group of players but every single one I’ve talked to is either one of the farthest left tankies or the farthest right person I’ve ever met. And then the game itself, if I say it isn’t the best game of all time they’ll be on their way to my house


Sea of Thieves. Oddly enough, the people complaining about "toxic players" tend to be way more toxic in the community.


I kinda expect and accept the toxicity as it seems to add to the authentic pirate experience.


God people of SOT are toxic as fuck man, but I got to witness prolly the most amazing comeuppance for a super toxic gally. I was farming fort of the damned with a few guys cause we found a bunch of skulls (ran it 3 times over) and in the distance we saw a sloop dunking it out with a full crew gally, it was a ferocious fight that lasted a while. Eventually the galleon sank and the sloop came over, turns out the dude was solo and the gally had been harrassing everyone on the server so he started repeatedly hunting them down, it was crazy


This. This is why Sea of Theives is amazing. Fuck your gold, fuck your cosmetics, fuck your ship captaincy, *tell me your story.* SoT is ***FAT*** with stories like this.


Let's see here... Modded Minecraft Team Fortress 2 Counter-Strike Any social deduction game Bloons TD (did you know a 4-0-2 Druid is not the same as a 4-0-1 Druid?) Many, many more.


Hello Genshin Impact 👋


From my experience (I haven't played genshin in like 2 years) I'd say the anti genshin community is more toxic. Genshin players are sensitive as hell but people act like being sensitive is war


Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2


Gta5. The hotring community on PlayStation are some of the worst people ever


def fps games like overwatch, tf2, csgo, cod etc. the game that may be the most toxic is cod, idk tho




Animal Crossing Lots and lots of toxic people with toxic rules and toxic drama


When I stepped a foot into r/spidermanps4


fortnite, most of the randoms i play with have their mic unmuted with some music in the background or some random tv show and they never talk. The ones that do talk say the n word every sentence and trash talk people who are better than them.


Every game. Except maybe Stardew Valley, they seem pretty chill


Until you voice an opinion about which datable character you like


Hahaha people will fuckin murder you over that. 🤣


The Souls/souls-like games. You'd be surprised the amount of pretentious jerks that community is full of.


As a souls fan it really annoys me how many folks online act like gatekeepers to the experience. I’ve never met a real life souls fan who didn’t just want to talk geeky build stuff. But online they can be such dickheads.


It always surprises me because I've found some of the most wonderful people I've played with online on soulsborne, but I've also found some extremely toxic "play like me or you're trash" people all over just as much. It's so 50/50 all the time over there


I said something in the fromsoft sub about I wish they’d make different games like they used to. To say they were pressed about it was an understatement


I feel this with Elden ring ( Not specifically on reddit, generally ). Because of its popularity maybe.


All of them.


I’ve been replaying Red Dead 2 and I find the communities on Reddit for that game to be pretty awesome. You can criticize things you don’t like and no one throws a shit fit, but most people are generally very positive and helpful. I made an offhand comment in a thread about hunting that I was having trouble finding a badger pelt for one of my satchels and almost immediately had multiple people give me suggestions for where they spawn regularly, and I found one about ten minutes into my next game session. The people who actually play the game online can be cunts, but that’s basically every online game. Not that RDRO is that great to begin with compared with the GTA version.


This is the right answer.


You need to step back from AAA games, then. Especially free to play. People that play games compulsively and can't enjoy anything are usually play the most popular games


Fallout 76, No mans sky, Deep Rock Galactic.


Every game in existence. The only fandom that has being quite nice for now is the Omori fandom.


It isn't toxic but jesus Baldur's Gate 3 community is so insanely horny Also Roleplay community is toxic


For me Overwatch gets under my skin the most, because the community is filled with super sensitive millennial losers. On the community servers, Tinder-watch is the most popular gamemode after Deathmach 💀. The game can be super easy/simple but the community is very scared to use their mics compared to when OW1 came out. People have no awarness and get offended if you tell them to switch nicely. They think that going 3-10 is a strategy failure of the team (while being too scared to use a mic to focus/cordinate) and not their character pick. I have gotten to the max rank in many games solo - q ing but i got stuck masters 2 while baby sitting my teammates every game. Idk as a gen Z, the millennials who play this game are just too soft and the most passive aggressive. I rather get yelled at by a cod lobby. The game has good servers and anti cheat so it makes it more sad how spoiled the players are. Other games: Counter-Strike 2 - NA is fine, cheaters are the worst part of the game. There is no censorship on this game or punishment so it’s a wild west. EU CS is literally just a verbal race-war (they are all white ironically), this would be the most toxic game by far if you translate what people say in other languages. Russian pros literally drop the F slur regularly but are still sponsored lol. League of Legends - I can’t take it seriously since it’s all text chat. The game also is a time sink with the amount of learning and match lengths. I got to like level 11 in 2014 and quit the game since it felt like the most waste of time. R6 Siege - honestly the game is kinda chill now except for cheaters. Sweats did kinda take over but it is what is keeping the game alive. Fortnite: Honestly its just sweats or little kids playing now. Apex: Many high tier players are cheating in some way with scripts, xims etc. Casuals cry for mostly more content and respawn listens instead of solving core issues. Pretty chill commentary though. COD: Honestly just the addicts stuck in 2012 playing these games. Warzone players are somehow more cringe than the normal. I don’t mind the shit talk though since most ppl calm down and are chill as long as you’re not camping/cheesing. FGC: Older super chill players or man-baby city depends on the game. Egos can be big but are easy to expose. Valorant: a lot of edgy teens and e “boys/girls” and a lot of people who play all day but still aren’t good somehow. Low ranks is kinda like OW where people are scared to use mics but expect you to read your mind.


Last of Us. They're either incel dickweeds who act like theres a war against white men cause Abby killed Joel, or reactionary assholes who put you on blast for criticizing literally anything in the second game, which definitely had narrative issues.




The last of us 2 😂 These chuds can’t handle the minor female character they wanted to fuck in 2014 becoming a lesbian