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I only have one because I needed a laptop for college and the ones that met my college's specs were already expensive AF


Gaming laptops usually are the same cost as a standard “high” end laptop that looks more professional but has 1/4 the power as the gaming one. Nerds gonna nerd and want to play a game every so often. Plus you usually get more features (except for them razer pos)


I got a MSI Crosshair a year and a half ago since it fit my current situation better than a desktop. Long battery life if it's not plugged in and I'm not gaming, otherwise it's plugged in at my desk and the turbo cooling fan option is very efficient and hasn't stumbled once. It's not even necessary for half the games I play. Of course I'd love to go back to a desktop one day, but it's so much better than the Lenovo I bought 10 years ago in college that was still over $1,000 and was terrible at running most things


I have one cuz I tricked my dad into getting one for college, he didn't know it was built for gaming. I just got my first gaming PC yesterday and I'm loving it already


This was posted not too long ago bruh


I had one years ago and loved it battery lasted at least a few hours too even with gaming. Only real issue was I needed a cooling pad for it or my nuts felt like they were roasting on an open fire.


hahah you could literally cook on these things after playing 30mins


Only if you put it in your lap without a cooling pad, blocking the vents. Also anyone playing video games on an unplugged laptop is an idiot.




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Bad bot https://www.reddit.com/r/videogames/comments/1bbz7tm/portable_at_least_30_minutes/ Posted 4 days ago


Yeah I remember seeing this post lol.


Portable as in you can take it anywhere in the house with ease and take it abroad etc. Of course you still need to have it plugged in, not even just for the battery life but performance.


I've never used my laptop on battery. Even on road trips I bought a cigarette lighter power converter. Who the fuck plays games on battery?




Yeah, exactly this. Live just playing in a hotel room


And after 6 months, won't keep a charge to save its like... becomes a desktop laptop.


My laptop is already a desktop laptop because I don’t want to run the risk of ruining the battery


I thought same thing was going to happen to my area51m because i used it as a desktop basically and always was plugged i for years. Battery was actually good.


If you have a software to keep the battery from fully charging when plugged in (lenovo has official software from this), your battery will be almost as good as day 1 after years of use. I had a lenovo for more than 6 years and it still could play a one and a half hour movie on battery. That might not seem muth but it used to last less than 3h brand new.


Dont batteries cost under 50$


I just always keep it plugged in


Maybe a hot take, but gaming laptops shouldn't be used at portable devices. I've kept mine in the same spot for 3 years


Yeah the portability is for occasional moving since you don't have to unplug a system.


Gaming laptops should only be used as portable devices if you know the place where you’re moving the laptop to has an outlet to plug the charger in. Otherwise, it’s just a keyboard, pc and a monitor combined into a single device that’s kinda portable (not really but still)


Agreed but the problem is anyone under 30 doesn't understand that a laptop battery is a whole different ballgame than their cellphone battery. "Whyyyy can't my gaming laptop last alllll daaaay like my why-phoooone?" BECAUSE YOUR PHONE ISN'T PLAYING A 3D GAME AT 4K RESOLUTION AND 60 FPS!! THAT'S WHY!!!


Exactly why I only unplug mine when I'm turning it off


But why not have a desktop then?


People like convenience, instead of getting games from different storefronts, they just wait until it's on steam, instead of getting music from different platforms, they just stream it on spotify, getting a laptop that only requires one plug and that's it is a lot more convenient than building one from the ground up. More importantly, not all of us are staying in one single place forever, most people I know have never even left their hometowns, so a desktop suits them a lot more, but some of us are contractors, which means every 6 months or so we move to where the client is located. Lastly, computers are not just for gaming, you can argue that carrying a desktop on plane is not as bad, but that would be ignoring that I also use my computer for music, and carrying a heavy bass is already a massive burden. But on least drastic examples, not everybody has a car, and finding a cheap place for rent can be tiresome, especially when landlords keep increasing rent prices, so even if they never leave their hometowns, finding new places to move every time can also be a burden. Is that enough, or would you like more examples?


A gaming laptops cheaper and smaller


2010 called they want their repost back


I have one cause I move around a lot and it's easy to setup in a few seconds and fits in my backpack. I miss a proper desktop but this is solid.


I'm on mine right now and just use it as a gaming pc, don't take it anywhere. Before you ask, I was given it by a family member and don't have a gaming pc and it's actually not too bad. It's nothing fancy but this gtx 1650 works pretty good on almost anything. And again, before you ask, I don't have the money to just buy a gaming pc better than this laptop. A gaming pc better than this would be thousands and I can't just do that


I got one new for $2000 and it died a year later 💀


An entire year?!? That’s one impressive battery!


Not exactly what I meant lmao No it was the graphics card


I bought a 30,000 mah portable battery which can also charge my laptop Absolute beast of a portable bank, it allowed me to play for 10hrs straight and still have plenty of juice for several hours more Absolutely worth getting if you mainly game on laptops or if you are out and about


You don't game on a laptop without it plugged in. Period. Like... that's not supposed to be a thing.


Surfing the web drain my battery life so fast =(


Mine is actually decent tho


Tbh i use my gaming laptop as my main laptop and since i couldn’t really afford a high end PC, my laptop is great. I can use it for other stuff besides gaming, and it runs great for playing big titles when it’s plugged in. And I’ve had it almost 2 years at this point, it’s all about how you use it and what exactly you use it for. Also of course staying on top of storage and stuff like that


I have gamed on laptops for years & years. I won’t deny that my laptop gets crazy hot when I’ve got the raytracing on but I’ve had it for 3-4 years now & it still keeps a charge for about 2-3 hours on high graphics games. It’s not for everyone but I have physical disabilities so it works beautifully for me.


Keeps the thighs warm in winter.


My laptop lasts an hour on 1%


It was all I could afford and I almost never unplug it from the charger


Oh yes... Reminds me of early Stable Diffusion gens on a laptop during the summer heat of '22.


Guess what: gaming laptops aren’t meant to be used on battery (at least not to play games). Not just because of battery life but because having them plugged in is the only way they have access to the performance you paid for when you bought them…


If you've ever lived in a trailer where everything is exactly the wrong size you might appreciate a desktop replacement that you can move out of the way. I suppose any cramped living situation would qualify. A compact case that you could plug into the TV might be somewhat comparable, but you couldn't multitask (or multi-entertain) as easily with it. It would likely have cooling issues as well. You could also just plug the laptop into the TV when you feel like it. You'd have to choose whether you want something a little more powerful and upgradeable over the self-contained laptop, I suppose. Don't they have cooling pads for laptops?


We come full circle. It was Console vs Console then it turned into Console vs PC and now its PC vs PC. Gamers love arguing with themselves.


That title alone tells me that the OP never had a gaming laptop in his life, who in the right mind had a gaming laptop and would let the AC off to play any game with normal battery? it must always be on charge if you want to play games or editing or anything that cost a lot of CPU & GPU.


My laptop runs at 60 c° on performance mode, while plugged in. It's a Lenovo Legion 7 gen 6 3080


My friend has to plug his laptop all the time because it drains battery like a mf. He did have a PC before, but he told me it was completely “buttered toast,” so that’s why he has a laptop.


...Buttered toast is a *bad* thing...?


It’s his way of saying “the computer got destroyed by viruses.” He has a habit of coming up random terms.


...Huh. That's... Pretty weird. Oh welp.


I’ve got one because I couldn’t get a PC when I lived at home. I like it for gaming on the couch even though it’s become essentially another desktop.


I've had both gaming desktops and gaming laptops simultaneously for 15 years now. The gaming laptops are for areas the desktops don't fit in or travel to. Vacations, the bedroom, spare computer in the basement for streaming, torrenting, playing AA/indie games. One of these has been on and running for nearly 10 years straight and is still going like a champ. They're a pretty good value if you shop around. No one games on these without them being plugged in unless it's light gaming. Like a lot of other PC master race memes, the shit around gaming laptops is painfully dumb sometimes.


Unfortunately, the people who make PC master race memes actually believe it, more often than not. Talk about believing your own hype, amirite?


My one alienware with 4k screen would burn me if used it as a laptop. Like sunburn burns through pants.


Why not just plug it in while you use it? I do with mine almost always. Then when I'm finished, I put it safely away in my laptop backpack.


Perhaps we should make more laptops with vents not obstructed by your desk or lap


My laptop has the heat vent right next to where I need to plug the charger so I need to work the cord around the front of it instead of the back 🙃


I am always concerned I might start a fire


mines fine?


It is true. In some circumstances portability outweighs any benefits of a desktop


I play rdr2 in a lap top bro 💀


Can personally attest, this is true.


jokes on you, my laptop stays plugged in 24/7 at my desk😅


“Oh did I say I’ll die in 25 minutes? I mean 25 seconds”


Gaming laptop only needs to be powerful enough to run steamlink and tunnel into my pc


The game is which one dies first, the battery or the performance.


Lol what is this not popular? Lan parties at my college was full of gaming laptops, the weirdest one was a macbook.


I've lived in 6 different places in a 2 years span, I was happy I had an overheating laptop and not a tower.


Yeah, because as a trucker, I have unlimited access to my desktop...


25? Mine isn't a gaming laptop and it dies in 10 seconds.


my screen is broken so i have it plugged up to a tv that isnt as high quality as my drivers can pump out S U P E R I O R Gaming rigs are really good for music production also.


If they are so stupid at playing with batteries, they deserve to be PS5 players


I remember the first time my gaming laptop battery exploded


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^LordDaddyP: *I remember the* *First time my gaming laptop* *Battery exploded* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


No steam??? [Insert Megamind]


My Legion 5 is the last thing my nan bought me on a credit plan. She passed away before I was able to pay most of it off and now I've inherited a house and 20000 debt. Woohoo! On the plus side...the battery and laptop outlived her?


Speaking of which, I gotta swap out my battery with the new one since my battery only lasts 10 minutes unplugged (and only using word)


I never use it not plugged in. Most hotels have power outlets in the rooms.


A laptop is just a table top PC you can carry around Your pretty much supposed to plug it in while it’s in I mean it’s NOT but at the speed that the battery dies at in the more powerfull versions and how slow the ones that don’t die instantly are Your honestly better off getting one that dies in 30 minutes but is extremely powerful and just sitting near a power socket


I got my self a laptop over a regular PC cause my parents are separated so it's nice being able to take one of my proud achievements between parents places cause I can be in their presence while still having my laptop. It's nice. Also I plan on just removing the damn battery I rarely use it unplugged


I don’t have the space or money to get a full blown box PC, get off my back.


It's not all bad, I can't really play anything high end but thats fine because most of the stuff I play are indie games. Stuff like fear and hunger, tf2 and barony work great for me....then again I always play with my laptop connected to the charger.


mine has a very good cooling system and doesnt get too hot usually, and battery runs for like 2 hours while gaming so I got lucky I suppose


Tell me you don't know how gaming laptops work


I need gaming laptop because my work is semi mobile,


Laughs in steamdeck


Repost and still a dumb take


You gotta get a liquid cooled one. https://www.eluktronics.com/


Yeah, you buy a gaming laptop if you are using it for college and want to play some modern triple A games on it, other than that is it pretty much useless.


I figured my battery out in a way 3 hours if not playing games but have music playing but 1:30 if I'm playing a game (assuming full charge and on highest battery drain)


I remember playing toontown on a laptop when I was a kid. The shit would lag the fuck out anytime I unplugged it, making it barely playable for just trying to move


So it’s not just mine 🥲


I keep mine plugged in at all times. Probably bad for the battery, but at least I can avoid having to plug it in every so often.




This is exactly how I ruined my first laptop. Now I game on a desktop.


Mine is works fine, even so I playing some casual games on emulators, like Ragnarok origin on bluestacks


One of my dad’s coworkers made his PC portable


Yep, thats me right there. And the portable aspect has to be necessary for me. I move around a lot but still like playing games. And the switch aint for me.


Wow, i thought i was the only one with the battery problem :)


Steam deck is more portable and I got helldivers to run on it.


I still don't get this argument. Who the hell is trying to play major games on a laptop with it unplugged? By default you're getting less performance. Gaming laptops aren't made so that you can play a game on your lap (a serious misnomer). They're made so that when you travel, you can still play games somewhere, plugged in (hotel room, maybe even airport if you have a long layover). Edit: I used my for travel trips overseas so that I could still play games.


Yeah and they start working slower and slower as time goes by for some reason


Nah bruh it goes something like this!\~ ​ "At least its affordable, at least i have food in my fridge"