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“We should’ve gone bowling more…”


I used to hate him until I loaded up the save again and made the... wrong choice.


Yeah I let Kate get lit up. Every time I date her she just insults me constantly.


GTA IV: Roman calls while Niko is being shot at GTA Online: LJT (Lester) says hold my fuckin’ beer and calls the player in freefall after their chopper blew up… the exact moment the player tries to pull the ripcord on his parachute. ^(Disclaimer: that actually happened to me once)


GTA Online: some new NPC you don’t care about calls you and reminds you to buy $250 worth of Shark Cards so you can by the new 10 billion dollar golden rocket yacht that doesn’t actually do anything.


im still fucking mad as a casual player i finally saved up enough for the flying car cant remember the name and that bitch only goes 80mph when flying. the same speed as the armored sedan. quit playing after that




I love how I automatically read this in his voice lol.


I get it. You are not alone.




Ohhh. I get you now. It's more like Whaaat?


Wow shows how much yall really know....last time I even try 


You never played GTA IV and it shows.


Omg really?! I got down voted for saying what niko says?!


That’s my bad on this one, I was on it last night and replied to a wrong comment thread lol


Niko Bellic: Why don't you show me around the city? Roman Bellic: Fucking terrorists. Niko Bellic: What? Roman Bellic: Terrorists. There's been a big scare and you can't go across the bridges so good. You, without a visa, I would stay in Broker. Fuck it, stay in Hove Beach. Everyone like us does.


Roman is more tolerable at the end of the game. He gets moments of self awareness and feels apologetic sometimes. Incompetent but earnest and once you’ve progressed enough that his problems aren’t immediately life threatening to you then the job of helping him out isn’t as infuriating. A drunken child that cares about you and fails to think. If you want him to remain in your game then your actions will decide if it happens. He’s a doofus, but when you’re past him then he can be funny.


I'd never want to pick the deal ending because Roman was really the only family Niko has left and for him to be kidnapped and have his life in jeapordy only to get gunned down on the happiest day of his life is soulcrushing. Also fuck Rascalov.


I used to hate him back in 2008 when I first got the game. I ironically just got another copy last week and have been playing through it again and Roman makes me laugh a lot more than he makes me angry nowadays lol I definitely hated him more than he deserved back then


I always liked him. The voice acting was literally perfect, which made me love him even more.


Speak for yourself. Still hate that guy and don’t remember anything about him


This was such a better game than 5. There i said it!


For me it was start of the game and by the end. He was annoying at first but he grew on me throughout my playthrough


Thats what happens when you let very vocal ppl and cringy meme’s drown out all other voices and what they have to say. Roman was a sad character that DID have a solid glow up after the whole affair with the cab business and apartment getting destroyed, but for years no one will really know cause they arent playing the games to completion and rely too much on the “Roman is calling again” cringefest of memes.


Mans loved his family. He just wanted a good life with a good job and a good woman. 10/10 would take him bowling


I love roman. He was a great gta character. No reason to hate him.


Uh, yeah... >! I still let him die in the drive-by. Hey, it was either him or my girl. !<


I’m sorry but I always choose to save Roman he’s literally my favorite cousin


They should remaster and re-release that game. Also I don't hate him for being annoying, I don't like him for how much he lied to Niko. Niko comes to get away from his old life and for a promising new one, oh I lied and owe a bunch of money to gangsters please help.


Roman was a very well rounded character. Was he VERY annoying at times? Yes. But was he also super lovable? ABSOLUTELY! The charisma, the passion, the sense of humor. Such a wonderful guy that was obviously battling some demons.


Heyy Nico My Cousin! No.


I don't think he's really hated, more the joke about him wanting to go bowling at the worst times possible is fun


I havent completed GTA IV yet, but i cant stop being bugged by Roman to go bowling.


Always like this. Similar how people loved to shit on twilight princess back then, but now it is an „uNreCogniZed mAsTerpieCE“


I never really hated him i just tought he was kind of an ass in the start but he did turn out to be a decent man trying to live the american dream


he was funny in my opinion.


I never hated Roman. Sure, he was an annoying dick, but to be honest, he's a loveable annoying dick. I read a tweet from Mutahar of SomeOrdinaryGamers, and he had wrote "Always appreciate the little things in life, like going bowling with Roman."


What hated videogame character ISN'T overhated?


I always liked him. The voice acting was literally perfect, which made me love him even more.


I never stopped wishing he would die so he would go away