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CoD for sure. It’s such an abusive relationship and I knew to get out when Ghosts came out and my brother and I waited in line outside of GameStop for it. Soon as we played the game we called it. Now I’m just looking at it all and it’s so much worse than I thought it’d be.


Man if that isn’t the truth. I still play, but I literally ONLY ever play it with my friends and I usually have to take big breaks. Like, I typically pass over one cod game since it’s a yearly thing (which is still total bullshit)


It's become the Madden of FPS


I know it’s so unrealistic but I would empty my 401k for EA to let other companies make NHL and NFL games. I wish people would stop buying them to force them to actually put some money and effort into them


The MW reboot was quite good, to be honest, and I'm saying that as someone who jumped ship after MW3 (the original, not the new one). They put in the work and made CoD genuinely enjoyable again. But ever since then, they've coasted off their work and laughed all the way to the bank. It's a shame, because they've had good ideas, too. DMZ started out really fun and interesting, Warzone and Zombies had their moment to shine... but it's just floundered and they've done nothing but push Warzone despite Battle Royale games kinda fading out (Fortnite aside, but Fortnite is a special beast)


They made CoD great again with MW only to make it even worse with MWIII


To me, the problem is skill-based matchmaking. You used to be able to join a lobby and stay with the same people. Sometimes you'd get stomped on game after game and either rage quit or get the satisfaction of finally winning. Other times, everyone else would be terrible and you'd feel like a god. Now, the algorithm to keep things balanced is so good that it's boring. I know I'm not going to win or lose more than 2 games straight. My K/D ratio will be between 0.9 and 1.1. I won't get a killstreak because someone will spawn right behind me. And if I die a couple times in a row, I'll spawn behind them. I don't want to only play against people exactly as good as me. I want some variation; it keeps things interesting.


Just play it cause its casual. I don't need to do anything extra to play it or be good at it, i can wind down after work and just shoot people. MWIII some of the best fun I've had in COD in a loooong time. I agree with your statement about ghosts, that was definitely a turning point for the franchise.


I jumped off the CoD ship after Black Ops 2 and haven't looked back.


I love cod still and shipment 24/7 is life as that's one of the only maps I played. Mw3 was a big let down but 🤷 Looking forward to blops 6 I've got cod every year since 4


I'm amazed that WoW is still up and receiving expansions despite it coming up on being twenty years old this November. My friend said that at this point many people have way too much time invested in their characters for Blizzard to ever make a new game. So instead they just keep putting out expansions


WoW was my first thought. I can't believe that people still happily pay a monthly subscription to play it. Its such an old model.


They’ll stop beating the dead horse when it stops spitting out money.




Warframe doesn’t fall under any of those categories




Another 20 year old MMO that's still chugging along is EVE Online, I just wanted to mention it because no one did so far.


It's called Sunken Cost Fallacy


That's the term I was thinking of! I couldn't remember the actual name for it


Yes, but not many vanilla players left but new generations of people, I played since 2005 and stopped completely 2015 or so


Anthem. I legit thought they took it offline years ago only to find out very recently that the servers are still up and people actually still play it


Anthem really is a sad one. It had a lot of potential. All five hours of gameplay at launch were excellent.


I literally only saw gameplay yesterday, it looks really fun but Bioware dropped support except maintenance so I’m not going to bother.


It looks fun, but as soon as you try it you quickly realize how shallow the game is. And don’t even get me started about performance and servers issues, especially at launch.


Honestly, none. I can honestly believe people can play a game for however long they want and never get bored. I never get bored of tacos, I could see people never getting bored of minecraft. Or minesweeper, for that matter. Game on gamers! Keep playing what you love!


You woke up based it seems




Me with pizza and Overwatch


Yeahh i totally agree with you, i think everyone who games has "that one" game that never gets boring or that they always come back to even if there's no new updates or content. Sort of like a comfort food. For me that game is Titanfall 2


Yes! Titanfall 2 is amazing. Love the campaign!


Hell yea


Any "rage game". Games that are literally badly designed to make you mad. That's just irrational.


It's funny how for couple of weeks EVERYONE plays it and then the games just dies out and goes back into obscurity. Look at only up lol it's not even available for purchase anymore.


If I remember correctly, Only Up was pulled because it was using asset(s) they did not have the rights to use in the game


What are some examples of “rage games”? I haven’t heard that term before and am curious if I know any of the games in that category.


Most of the games I saw are precision platformers which are designed in a way that missing a jump will make you fall down very far, negating a lot of progress. I think the game that made this genre popular was [Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy](https://store.steampowered.com/app/240720/Getting_Over_It_with_Bennett_Foddy/), other I know are [Jump King](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1061090/Jump_King/), [Pogostuck](https://store.steampowered.com/app/688130/Pogostuck_Rage_With_Your_Friends/) and [A Difficult Game About Climbing](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2497920/A_Difficult_Game_About_Climbing/)


If there is one conspiracy theory I believe in, it's that Crash Bandicoot games were purely made as rage games.


Bed of chaos from dark souls could be it’s own rage game


Can become a case for every boss with a long runback. At least it's not nearly as long as in actual rage games.


NBA 2k and I see why, there isn't really a competition for it. I think the best representation for its relationship with its community is an old couple but the guy has a younger side chick who continues to hold more and more influence over him leaving the older wife without much love and affection


Same for every ea sports game: fifa (or ea fc), Madden, etc. At least back in the day there was pro evo to compete but now they can just get away with the bare minimum cause what other football/basketball/etc. game are you gonna play.


For me I defintley understand why people play 2k as a whole, the gm/owner and exhibition modes are really detailed, have a decent ammount of effort, and are fun especially locally with friends. However I don't understand how people keep buying the newest game on release for 70 dollars to spend all their time and money on a pointless grind playing the park and the the terrible city sim elements for their my player, those modes barely even feel like basketball at that point.


Very true, people should be playing titanfall instead.


I've been waiting for people to join me on the TF|3 servers for a while now. That shadow drop nobody noticed


Yeah it's strange, people always talk about wanting it but only a handful of people actually play it and when i talk about it they always tell me to take pills. i don't understand these people.


Is the player base still active enough?


Yeah absolutely


It came back to life last year and it’s doing well now


Nice. Time to hop back in


Also check out the Northstar client, it came out when TF|2 was effectively dead from the hacking and it's a solid custom server and modding framework a lot of people still play.


Will do


Northstar is about dead but i don't know how active it was during it's prime, normal servers are absolutely fine though.


I join to a full lobby at any time of the day


It is active. last year the servers got fixed (yes, respawn updated titanfall).






Fax, pilot


Madden or FIFA… or really any EA game at this point


FIFA just has the monopoly on the biggest sport in the world. Its not really a surprise


EA Sport games have been a copy and paste for years, and fans will tell us that it's new and different every year. Makes the new NCAA College Football game coming out a real concern to most of us who once enjoyed Madden.


Most people that play thoes are not real gamers, they just buy it cause they are into football. My friend  bought the new Xbox the first day it came out. 3 years later I'm at their house and he just got 3 fifa games for it. 


The thing is, It DOES feel different every year. "fans will tell us that it's new and different every year" is always a point made by people who don't play these games. :D I play the FIFA career mode a lot and own 5 different titles: 16,18,19,20,22. Except for FIFA 18 and 19 they all have a completely different feeling in-game leading to me dropping FIFA 20 after "only" 500 hours because I didn't like the gameplay that much. Not trying to attack you, just something I wanted to get off my chest as a football fan with no other choice but FIFA/EAFC. I do get the point tho that most FIFA kids are not gamers and buy the game because they know the game (like COD).


The last Madden I really enjoyed was 2008. After that the look and feel of the games were aimed at being more “modern” per se but they sapped all the responsiveness and fun out of the games. I also loved the NCAA Football games but I by no means have any expectations of this new one being any good. Just waiting for the day the company goes bankrupt and the licenses get dispersed to companies that actually care cuz I’d love to be able to play Madden again.




Me, currently playing OW2 because I love OW (I do understand the distaste, 6v6 is better and the current game is... rough. But there's just something about it that I can't get anywhere else. Not Valorant, not Halo, not League... OW just hits right for me, I hate to say, even though I recognize the faults in it)


Same. I love Overwatch but holy shit I hate it as well


I fucking hate this game! 3000 hours


You and all of us who still play OW feel the same way I'm sure


It really sucks that they just deleted the original game. 2 just doesn't feel anywhere near as good.


I played every day from beta till Overwatch 2 and 5v5. I played one more week. Quit and never looked back.


6v6 was the heart of the game. It has no heart anymore.


Same. Just isn't the same after they got rid of 6v6. And this one is an unpopular opinion, but I don't think they should've removed all the CC from the game. That's what made some of the heroes so special. Like Cassidy and Mei. Another unpopular opinion, but 2CP maps shouldn't have been removed.


Take your rosetinted glasses off. OW was an unbalanced mess for wildly long stretches of time. But it was fun because it was fresh. OW2 is much more frequently updated and generally more balanced.


Yup I can tell these people haven't even given ow 2 a try. It's okay to be burnt out from 1200 hours 😂 but don't say the game is dead.


OW2 is great honestly, aside from them lying about the PVE aspect being free. They release constant balance updates, free heroes and free maps.


I still play, but the entire time I’m complaining about it


Overwatch is dead. It's cash grab sequel still exists I guess.


It sucks cause I fucking love ow, the gameplay loop is stupid fucking addicting but blizzard is complete shit and they've ruined the game but my god is that shit addicting


I heard someone say they'd give their left nut to play overwatch at release again (before ladder, before people got toxic) and I have to agree


Best few months of gaming in my life. My big bro got the whole neighborhood friend group into it. Good times.


I put nearly 1200 hours into overwatch back in 2016-2018 when the game was still good. Then it slowly starved to death from lack of content as power creep got worse and worse and the devs updated less and less. I've watched my favorite online multi-player experience of all time wither and die and it's honestly tragic and heart breaking. I closely watched what Blizzard did with Overwatch 1 and I knew from the get-go that Overwatch 2 was going to be a shit show. I knew better than to have any hope for a sequel made by *that* fucking company.


My problem with Overwatch was that i really enjoyed it but every patch that came out was poison to me. Every character i enjoyed took their turn being the OP thing everybody hated me for and being nerfed into the dirt so hard they were borderline unusable. And then Brigitte came out and was everything i wanted in a character and she literally ruined that game.


It most assuredly is not "dead"


Right? It's very fun still. Some people are sour on the business model but as long as you're not living to rank up and forcing yourself to play, it's pretty fun. Especially with friends


Yep It's also funny when people try to use the steam numbers, which are only a small portion of the playerbase


Just reached 100 mill players lol


The player base is still huge wym it’s dead


lol you wish it was dead


Borderlands 2. Because I'm still playing it LOL.


Because there's not too many offline looter shooters and the newer BL games aren't as good as BL2. Plus the mod support is pretty good.


>the newer BL games aren't as good as BL2. It's the shitty writing Gameplay-wise they're better than bl2. In some ways they're WAY better, actually But the cringe-ass writing ruins them. It was so good in 2


Gameplay is better ofc but the lack of traditional raid bosses, no pearls, easy legendaries, and boring endgame content is what really kills BL3 for me.


Bl3 guns in bl2 would make me buy it day 1. also maybe if the characters didn't all sicken me with how annoying they are in 3. Idk how they made it that bad


Call of Duty. Is there a better answer to this question?


COD is still a decently fun shooter, the real answer is fortnite. Like they completely ruined and changed every single aspect from the original game in 2017 we all loved. Now it’s just a cash grab full of super powers and cheesy weapons that take zero skill


>Now it’s just a cash grab full of super powers and cheesy weapons that take zero skill This sentence applies to both games tho


Idk the last cod I played was Cold War and that game was amazing so I can’t speak on the recent ones. Cod has been trying to copy and replicate fortnite for years though so I wouldn’t be surprised


Any Warzone.


Apex has had a lot of quality updates recently. The addition of other game modes like TDM and gun run (team gun game) really saved the game for me a year ago. I still think it’s been the best hero shooter and FPS the last few years. That being said, as a week one Apex player, I put the game down a few months ago when my friends stopped playing. It’s too sweaty now. I miss it sometimes, but I won’t miss getting stomped after a stressful 9 hour shift. Now I patiently await the announcement of Titanfall 3 *huffs copium*


Also a week one player. 1400+ hours on Apex and I can’t motivate myself to download it again. I tried last summer and the PS5 version ran terribly compared to all the hours I played it on ps4. It was a free game and I spent $10 once on a battle pass so I got my time out of it. Sometimes I think it’s best to just leave games and move on. 


1900 hours and counting. I'm aching to leave but there's nothing else as fluid. I wouldn't mind moving away from the BR genre and migrate more towards a shooter RPG. Tried Destiny and Destiny 2 a few times but never could get past the screwed up story from the original launch. Hopefully someone out there is working on something that scratches that itch.


Quads came out today. It’s fun as hell.


Fortnite. Like I have the spout of playing it for a bit but after a single season it’s just not fun, but then I see my friends still playing and I’m so confused how they can only play a single game with the same exact gameplay loop over and over again Not to shit on anyone who likes the game, play what you want, but mix it up sometimes


Someone already said it but overwatch, I lost all hope for it after overwatch 2 dropped and completely stopped caring about anything concerning it after they cancelled the PVE mode THAT PEOPLE INCLUDING ME PAYED FOR ALREADY!. I will never preorder another game because of that


Never trust a so-called Triple-A company


I’m confused, how did you pay for the pve mode? Wasn’t Overwatch 2 free to play?


The pvp mode was free but they were going to charge you for the PVE mode once it dropped but they sold a preorder edition of overwatch 2 that was supposed to give you some in Game currency as well as beta access and the PVE mode when it came out but the last part was just completely abandoned


THANK YOU People in the fucking OW sub will have you believe that was never part of the watchpoint pack even though I still know clear as fucking day the only reason why I bought it was to get early access on the campaign


Yeah I remember talking to friends of mine who also preorderd it for that reason and they were all upset about it


Oh dude I didn’t know that. I thought the whole thing was free to play. Thats fucked up. Thanks for answering my question. They should’ve refunded that shit. Wtf


Overwatch League of Legends World of Warcraft


league is very popular and unlike Overwatch, the players don't hate every decision the devs make


Now thats a hot take i agree with. Riot gets so much hate but i feel like they have learned a lot and the meta is pretty solid RN. As a MID main i actually dont mind Adcs being overtuned, adc meta is much better than most others. A lot of the hate they get is justified a lot of the time however. Like the new Ahri skin being an obnoxious 500$.


League gets non stop balancing updates, champion releases,events,lore, gigantic esports ( biggest in the world) and so much more. I can see why people are still playing it..


The entire battle royal genre.


I feel like this could go for any genre though lol, like I will never understand people who play sports games outside of like the STREET games back in the day


World of Warcraft. I like to mess with my pals and tell them it’s a cult, however I feel like it has a grain of truth to it. I hear them constantly bitch about the state of the game, but they can’t escape the abyss. Idk, but my best guess is the nostalgia is too strong for a lot of them to escape it.


It's mainly because people fell in love with the world/lore, they know the characters, they want to know how theirs story will continue, and nostalgia probably, for those who played vanilla-bc-wotlk wow, and probably who played Warcraft (RTS). I'd love to still play wow, but they amount of micro transactions + subscription for game who gets new content if form of chain quest every 2 months and big patch per 6 months is not worth it for me sadly


Thats actually what caused me to finally be rid of the game.I was a diehard WoW player but BfA trashed everything I loved about the game. There was nothing left for me after that xpac.


Yeah, Apex. I gave it up because while there's still stuff I love about it, it's gotten pretty boring. Even with the new elements they added, I'm kinda burnt on Battle Royale. Ironically I left Apex and went back to Overwatch and I'm having fun with it again. Tank is still somewhat in a bad place, but the new Supports they added are amazing.


There are several different game modes now other than BR. Team death match on apex is pretty lit ngl


Blizzard is still terrified of a "tank meta" because that means it doesn't play exactly as they designed it, so tanks have to be bad forevermore


Pubg. Friends and I tried to play this last weekend for old times sake. Man, it was awful. My friends liked it way more than I did, but to me it felt like the same as it did in 2018. So slow, so bad looking and SO CLUNKY! And the UI is even worse. How anyone enjoys that garbage is crazy to me.


Love PUBG, no other multiplayer game has the gunplay or the exhilaration that this game gives me when I come out on top. Definitely not for everybody though, and the developer definitely slacked on updating the game visually over the years, I'm hoping that whenever they finally upgrade the game to Unreal 5 it'll be like a new start, but I know they'll probably mess that up too somehow lol


Battlefield 2042. let it die...


Such a shame because there was a good game in there if they had tested it another year. With tweaks, optimizing and making it more like BF3 it coulda been a gem. Also, nobody wanted 5 mediocre gameplay modes, we just want one or two great ones. The Battle Royale mode was actually a lot of fun, but between performance issues, disconnects and such a thin crowd it was dead within 30 days of launch. They pulled support on it completely within the year. An entire game mode they spent millions of dollars on didn’t even survive a month. Fucking travesty of a game.


All they had to do was make BF3 with a 2042 theme and it would be the best shooter out right now, but they messed it up big time.


CoD, World Of Warcraft, Pokemon Go......Pokemon in general


League of legends, never played it myself though. It looks boring asf!


Apex Legends is pretty great! Why should we be surprised people are still playing it?


Its just feels so good when it’s going right.


I also have over 300 hours in the game and believe it's just an overly sweaty game that shouldn't be a popular as it is right now.


As someone with 1.5k hours in the game. Yeah I took a break after the FF7 collab. They've done a lot of reworking of stuff since then that I'd probably like, but I got hella burnt out and I agree, the sweats in this game are crazy.


As someone who’s dumped probably 100 hours into this game I’ve probably won 3-5times? Not good and never claimed to be. I didn’t particularly love the game but it’s something I cannot do on my own. All 100 of those hours were spent with friends. I liked Gibby and his dome, and Rev. As soon as he came out I never played another character. It’s a very sweaty game. Drop hot and drop quick or play 20 minutes of loot simulator and get absolutely blue balled out of nowhere. I realize that’s just a battle royale thing and I’m just not a fan of them. Apex is good and the people who continue to play it are so nasty with it. It’s not something you can enjoy casually. You can drop other games like league of legends for months and still preform. If you aren’t doing fps everyday or hitting kovaak daily you’re going to eat a bag of cocks. 🤷🏻‍♂️ to each their own. Good game though just not my cup.


My friends and I quit Apex a week or two after it launched when the loading screen that shows the top rated players in your lobby ALREADY displayed people with hundreds of hours and tons of wins. I really don't want to play against people who treat the game like a job, especially in a battle Royale game.


Tbh tho, i think it's hard to create a somewhat competetive pvp game without getting a bunch of sweats that make the game unfun for everyone else. I still play apex on and off with friends tho, i like the gameplay loop, the gunplay and how the game feels. There's just not rlly any other shooter that scratches that itch for me. (Though i am biased since i do have about 1.6k hours in the game).


I'm surprised nobody has said GTA V.


because it's a good game and still very much holds up today.




Apex, agreed. I forever hold a grudge against that game for taking Titanfall 3 away from us


Overwatch and Dead by Daylight


dead by daylight i can see, but at the same time they are very consistent with updates and the core player base is extremely strong. the only issue is it's very hard for new players to get into with all the content that you either have to pay for or grind hours and hours for.


With how the DbD sub talks about it, I'm surprised anyone plays it


Overwatch. Coming from someone who plays it most days.


World of warcraft. I played it for so many years but now, even though they keep adding new xpacs it just feels the same


Overwatch 2


All games deserves loyal fanbase, no matter the size, cause that fanbase it’s a clear message to the artist who made it, that it worth it.


I enjoy Destiny but I'll be damned if it hasn't deserved to die off numerous times at this point


For me it would be Fifa. Like their is plenty of times were EA has used predatory monetisation tactics to get their players hooked on their games and even then their games are copy and paste just doesn’t make sense to me why people still play it.


Overwatch and WoW


Apex Legends, Rainbow Six Siege, and Call of Duty in general anymore. Apex I give the stink eye mostly out of a grudge that something as unique and fun as Titanfall doesn't get to exist now because of it. Also just not really a fan of this side of the world, the characters or anything pertaining to Apex Legends honestly. Feels more like a bizarre universe that for some reason just happens to have some Titanfall content. I just don't really like it for that and I think Battle Royals are past their time at this point. Just feels like a trendy cash grab. Nothing more. Nothing could ever make me return to this game. Rainbow Six Siege is the first time I have witnessed a game get WORSE with updates. I really enjoyed the first two, maybe 3 years of the game. But as the roster grew, map reworks began to happen, just an overwhelming amount of very questionable changes, the fun began to vanish. To me it's fucking sad that it only balanced and catered to literally JUST the very top of the ESPORTS leagues. Fuck everyone else, right? Even the way the player base handled playing it. It's wild that it felt like the fun was at its peak and how tactical, how much of a breath of fresh air it was during its beta and Year 1. Now it's kind of just unrecognizable compared to then and feels like it's suffered identity death instead of growing or evolving. It just wants to blend in with the crowd. I kind of wish we could see Rainbow Six Patriots instead or something new for R6 but given Ubisofts track record anymore, it'd be mediocre as fuck and an open world that feels like every single other game they make anymore. Ubisoft in general deserves a lot of shame. Call of Duty. I don't have much to say. The playerbase itself seems to fucking hate the game but is addicted to it. The game literally doesn't seem to evolve from everything I've seen or tried. I can't stand movement shooters typically either and this game is sort of just the epitome of everything I see as terminal cancer to online gaming and the FPS genre as a whole. Every person I know who plays this feels the same way that League of Legends players feel about League.


Siege is actually really good right now. For the last 2 years they have actually updated the game to make it more tactical


Apex is goated don't hate


Fortnite and Madden games


MFs in here saying Fortnite like it's not a quality product just because it's not made for them lol And that's coming from someone who doesn't even enjoy it


Indeed. People hate on it saying it's shit but it's 100% because of its popularity Its quality is unbelivably high. The way it looks and plays is top tier (they reworked the animations and they look awesome). Graphics are ironically very good, it has an insane amount of content...


Fortnite has been delivering good content recently ngl


Another thread where everyone lists all the popular games to be edgy lmao. People play apex because it’s fun. Same with overwatch COD fortnite, whatever. Your tastes are not objective. The one that genuenly currently perplexes me is Rainbow six Siege. Game is currently completely overrun by cheaters. Non-stop posts on subbreddit, whenever my friend plays a game it’s literally a 80% chance of a cheater being in the game. And the games mass appeal already perplexed me given it’s basically the OPPOSITE of a low-attention span arena shooter. And now your playing with someone who is walling at best more often then not and at worse 50/50. Yet last March was to my knowledge literally it’s highest peak player counter EVER. Why? How is that fun? Have we come full circle and it’s genuenly just the most popular game for cheaters?


Old-school runescape


I'd definitely replace apex with ow or any cod


As someone who played this game for years at launch I have to agree. It’s lived it life. Honestly these types of games get on my nerves now. You just spawn right into the action cuz you have Tik Tok brain and can’t handle reading one paragraph about something explaining a game. Go play a game with a story and a beginning middle end. That will be much more memorable than wasting time and so much money in a game that is designed to make you psychologically addicted to it.


Team Fortress 2 I couldn't ever get into it (partly because the controller accessibility settings were frustrating to try and get working), but with the SaveTF2 thing, I just don't get the interest. It is a very old game, Valve shouldn't be expected to keep it alive for the players anymore.


Just cause it’s old doesn’t mean they should just let it wither away. people adore the game and it’s astonishing how it’s survived for so long


Monster Hunter 4 on the 3ds before the shutdown they were lobbies full for a game on the 3ds not even the most popular of a series still had plenty on it


Red Dead Online. You're not gonna get updates or but fixes, please give up hope 😔


PubG. They made it so soulless that I can’t imagine why people enjoy it.


I'm the one who's the question is asked to and the answer because tf2 community is based to the core.


I loved apex at launch because it still very much had that titanfall feel and aesthetic. At this point it's just a technicolored cringefest. I tried playing it with the boys a few days ago, and I literally had to go disable all of the character voice lines. It was beyond annoying.


NBA 2k


Tf2,I've been told why many times and yet I still don't understand,even played it myself a bit back and still don't really get it


As a Former Player with 2k hrs: Paladins that game is Hot ass and has been that way for ass long as I've played it NOT AN EXAGGERATION!


StarCraft 2


WOW. Everyone I know was addicted to it a decade ago. Never got into it myself though.


Overwatch and League. If they're so bad stop playing them


Apex. The gunplay has always felt like diarrhea and playing "Who can 3rd party the most effectively" is boring after a single day.


Anything made by Ubisoft.


Rocket league Edit: it's me. Idk why I'm still playing this game


Cod I kinda enjoyed the multiplayer of mw2 (the new one) but everything else was meh ever since Cold War came out I’ve just not had any interest in buying them I only play them cus I’m gamesharing with my friend who gets every one of them






Overwatch and Cod


GTA Online


Titanfall 2.




Definitely CoD, FIFA, and NBA2k for sure.


Runescape and Minecraft


Apex is SO fun to play though lol why are you surprised that people still play one of the top 3 Battle Royale games out?


I found out a while back that City of Heroes, and Champions were still active.  Meanwhile Wildstar languishes unloved.