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Nostalgic memories with friends and family members who wouldn't usually game but played this




This. Not so much the fun of the games, but the zeitgeist overall. Literally everyone and their grandma played wii sports. Even my family that always spoke negatively of video games. Nowadays couch co-op doesn't really exist, but this was a big deal when we used to play videogames together in the same room.


Theyre starter games. Wii sport came default on the console. So for many, it’s the first experience of gimmicks that the Wii is capable of.


Yep, 4 games enough variety, then when you got a regular bowling game it was somehow worst, the only problem with the wii was everyone had one and it was worst than the old atari 2600, about releasing crap games, hey Mario racing was good, hey look here's m&m racing, how can it be so bad....how can every bowling game suck yet the one that came with the system be so close to perfection? Wii was an interesting system, my 60 yr old dad bought one so the kids could play got a few tv game show games plus of course the m&m games, they made at least 4 or 5 of those, but everyone had a wii, amazing for nintendo


I don’t know how common this was but the first came free with my Wii. It used the Wii controller gimmick perfectly and showed what the system could do in a low-stakes, repeatable way.


It was because anyone could play. Playing with grandparents because all they had to do was fake bowl? It was great.


Resort was awesome, had some great times playing with friends and family


theyre the best tech demos of all time


It was a good time spent with friends in person. I have more vivid memories of local play on games with people than I do with any other games


Because I *still* play them. I had *just* gotten Resort a couple months ago.


Wii Sports was a phenomenal way of introducing the Wii and demonstrating what it was capable of, control-wise! It also highlighted the ‘active’ element of the console—encouraging gamers to stand up and use realistic movements to control their characters. There really hasn’t been a game like it since, imo. Well, except for its sequels. Resort improved upon most-everything from the original. To me, it felt like a mini-vacation in your own home!


Because they're awesome as shit. Well, Wii sports resort is. The OG is not nearly as good. If you disagree, go back and play both of them


Wii Sports was pretty solid for what it was, can't say the same for the other one though, really feels like Wii sports was lighting in a bottle for Nintendo


man I loved Wii sports, I got Resort lke last year and tryed golf but it played nothing like the OG and we didn't really like it. but we did like the bow game ;3


I got resort recently too and the adjustments were rough but it *is* the better game.


you make a good point, likely cus of the rosey glasses, but I don't think i'll every see Resort as better :3


If you owned a Wii, extremely high chance is that you also owned Wii Sports. One of the few games where EVERYONE was easily able to pick up and play. I can’t speak for Resort. I wasn’t aware of that game until only a few years ago. I’m glad I didn’t know though as it likely would have tainted how much fun I had with Pilotwings Resort on 3DS on release had I known the same island was reused.


I just enjoyed Wii sports it was simple and everyone could play.


For me it’s the great music and just fun memories


There is a least one game out of the group that the gave adverse people could still enjoy so it was a game that brought people together. The gamers didn’t want to be worse than non gamers so that’s why they would grind their character to level 1000 in all the games


Because you can have great fun with basic games that don’t have life like graphics. It’s fun to just pick up a game and play.


Because fun


I played wii sports with my sister ALOT lol. Just great core memories I have growing up. I remember when the connect for Xbox came out we got the connect sports or whatever it was. I remember being in my basement playing the ice skating where you had to jump at certain times. I was so into it I jumped to high and hit my head on the ceiling and ate shit. Me and my sister were laughing hard after that. I’ll always cherish moments like those.


I wish I could get this game back, if I’m not mistaken Resort had archery and my family and I played the piss out of it back in the day. ‘Twas really fun!


“You had to be there” type beat


The same reason Solitare was so popular in Windows3.1 thru XP. It taught you the functions of the controller without explicitly teaching you how to use it


There is no one who didn't want to get down on Wii sports at a party. Shit could be absolutely raging through the whole house but there would still be a room full of people bowling or playing tennis or whatever


Games are not about the game itself but its about the experience. If a tree falls and makes a sound but there is no one there to hear then it doesnt make a sound. Same thing goes for a game. If a game is created but no one plays it then there is no game. Games are all about the experience


The first Wii Sports was at a time in my life where everything was changing. Lots of nostalgia for the Wii era.


There's no adds,no weird things pushed into them,nothing but you vs. each other or the scoreboard


It's couse it's one of the first games gamers played that involved sports


They quickly got binned ot ended up in 2nd hand games shops retailing for 50p so I'm not sure about why they are "fondly remembered"


Probably just your area dude


You're probably right. I bet second hand copies of those games now retail at $50 everywhere else