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Ghost from call of duty mw2 i have nothing against him but he gets a crazy hype just because of his mask the character is kinda just there and not special at all Idk if this character is hated or not but i almost quit life is strange 2 because of the younger brother wont replay it because of him


Yeah, dude only appeared in 5 missions and died. Meanwhile, people say how interesting character he was and how tragically he died not knowing shit about him. It's no comparison with Soap's death in MW3 who's death scene really made me cry


To be honest there isn’t really a strong characterization of anyone in that game. Your protags are nameless Soap and price have personalities but I really don’t find them to be overly compelling- they’re kinda like master cheif esq stoic badasses and thats kinda all they have to be Shepard literally is the villain because they wanted a twist snd they were so busy pulling the rug out from under the player they forgot to give him a compelling reason to commit treason at least in the reboot shepard is a dick because he fucked up doing something illegal (even though mw2 2022 is kinda horrible story wise) but in any case people get so nostalgic for OG mw2 but for the life of me I cannot tell you why. Its kind of a mediocre story with some fun levels imo


Those were simpler times. We see a character that looks cool, we used to instantly like him.


its the funny accent


Ada Wong from the Resident Evil series. I just find her whole "being mysterious" act, and never answering Leon's questions very annoying after a while. I'll never understand why so many people think they'd make a good couple.


Because the fandom ships any characters who smile at each other.


See i played LiS in like 2016 and recently bought the remaster to play thru the story again to prepare for LiS Double Exposure and honestly? I just don't get how Chloe managed to he such a fan favourite. It feels like people much rather just liked the idea of a good friend and bad friend who eventually can fall in love but that's it. That's why honestly i liked the sequel way more (never played Before the Storm btw) because even if the characters are annoying, they are annoying and have an ACTUAL REASON FOR IT.


She was an independent quirky hipster girl in a time before we were all sick to death of independent, quirky hipster girls.


I don't know, I think we had them back then she just was more bitchy than normal.


It doesn’t help that, despite the game having a good story, they did a really shitty job at dialogue. Everything sounds like an adult doing an impression of a teenager.


I really liked her when I was 12. I thought she was so hip and kewl 😎 I'm not 12 anymore though


Before the Storm completely terrible. Chloe is a little softer there, but you always have a choice between being an abusive and ungrateful bitch, or being a passive aggressive bitch. She almost never has options to be adequate. And of course, this doesn't change her vile behavior in the original.


I played BtS and holy shit you missed absolutely nothing, this game is so boring and at most 16 hours of playtime.


I found her way more likeable in BTS. I think if you're into the series you should give it a go.


Easy Pete's just an asshole who makes me tag explosives if i really need it


That's Difficult Pete to you, sir.


Aw I love easy Pete :(


i always kill easy pete, he looks funnier when he is dead


Yeah I have issues with Chloe myself. My more controversial one is Tali, I don't hate her but she's a pretty high maintenance character, if you don't do things her way she gets super pissed at you


I agree about Tali. Never understood the hype about her or why players chose her as the love interest. She always came off as passive aggressive.


Garrus on the other hand is perfectly rated, he's loyal to you regardless


Yeah, I honestly prefer Garrus and Liara over Tali.


Assuming you mean Tali’Zorah, I agree with you. She’s probably my least favorite of the ME1 squad. Besides Ashley


Jason Brody from Far Cry 3. Something him I just did not like.


i thought he was supposed to be an unlikable spoiled dude


Judy Alvarez from cyberpunk. Wastes V’s time when both of them are concerned and looking for her missing friend. Gives shit whenever possible for V being a merc, even in situations where it’s advantageous. Basically says ‘Good!’ When you take optional dialog to explain you were shot and your friend died. And then you’re suddenly buddies for the rest of her quest line. When >!her fiend dies!< I wanted say ‘thanks for the good news!’ Like jk Simmons and never call her again. Sure, she’s an idealist, but she’s a naive asshole instead of a pragmatic asshole, and the difference is wasting my time


Plus her plan to take over clouds gonk as fuck


Fellow member of Judyhaters club. I also hate her


I don’t hate her but I honestly never got the hype, sure she’s a nice girl but she’s VERY naive and blames everyone but herself for the consequences of her bad decisions, and when she does realise that it’s her fault she throws a tantrum and cries. Team Panam all the way


I was mad that we got her instead of Panam as fem V


>she’s a naive asshole instead of a pragmatic asshole It makes sense considering we're talking about Judy here.... Like DAMN shes got a bakery, no wonder she's such an asshole.


Same with Evelyn, she made a ton of mistakes and casued a lot of problems but is supposed to be admired. Judy and her both rubbed me the wrong way.


Dutch Van Der Linde, I played RDR1 before RDR2 so I already hated him the exact second I saw him in RDR2. I hated him even more as the story goes on


I don't think this is unpopular tbh


Felt the same about Chloe! I loved the first game, but I had to force myself to finish the Chloe-centric follow up. Though I have to admit I teared up a bit over that moment I won’t spoil near the end of LiS2.


Geralt. In the games he's a textbook Gary Stu where his only weakness is having sex with too many attractive women


so that I disagree with He’s powerful as fuck because he’s over a hundred years old (and is the playable character so he’s going to be insanely hard to kill) He definitely has flaws in the books that also don’t come about as often in the games because as players we often get to make his choices like book geralt is not always picking the “good” option imo i think its less gary stu and more the result of taking a character with defined traits and giving the player the choice to use him as their own vessel to interact with the story, unlike a character like say, joel, who is written to have agency and follows a pre determined story where his character isn’t ever compromised by a players decision


Same. I am completely sure that if all women in the game had not fallen on his penis, the game would never have gained such popularity. Look at Cyberpunk. There was such a huge hype, the fans were happy that they could fuck every beauty girl in POW. The game came out... and if not for the scandal, game would have been forgotten much earlier.


Oof, not sure about this take. The game definitely lures in casual players with some sex and nudity (heck, look at the opening scene), but it's a masterpiece even without all that. It plays into the gamer fantasies of young men for sure, but it's an incredible experience for just the gameplay and world building.


And yet there is a core amount of people that absolutely love and idolise this character with a #relatable thrown in for good measure. She is pixelated cancer…


Let's not forget that there's a new Life Is Strange game coming out!! Max is gonna be our main protagonist and a majority of the comments are all "WHERE'S CHLOE?!?!!!" Give the new characters a chance for God's sake.... Also I would rather see Kate, Warren, even Victoria or Nathan before wanting to see Chloe again


Yennefer from Witcher 3. Annoying and arrogant.


Hard agree with this char. I despised her so much i always wished something happened to her. Wouldve made the game less toxic tbh


Well, lots of stuff does happen to her! Lol. I get what you mean though! Max isn't really all that much of a character because her and Chloe are so joined at the hip. Max isn't a character... she's a plot device and an stereotype character. Sure, other shows and games (*insert Total Drama Island here*) have stereotypes for characters. The difference is, those characters have interactions with other characters that make them grow!! Max... doesn't have that. Kate and Victoria get more development than Max!


Max is a completely spineless wimp, who can only run after Chloe and never punch her in the face for her crap. David and Joyce are saints. It’s terrible that because of Chloe’s fanservice, David either suffers, or suffers and wants to improve his relationship with this scum.


Max: let me kiss your boots Chloe! Let me worship the ground you walk on Chloe!! Max just... isn't a character... she isn't...


My favorite moment in the game when Chloe gets hit by a train. And this can be repeated again and again and again)


I was genuinely devastated when Kate Marsh jumped off the roof and went out of my way to save her. At the end, when I had to choose between saving fuckin' Chloe or the town, I just the town mainly to make sure that my precious cinnamon roll Kate was safe and free from danger. Sorry Chloe but you're a bit of an idiot and the world clearly wants you dead but Kate has hurt nobody and must be protected from all the horrors of this world and all costs.


Ditto. Wish we got a sequel with Kate instead. Not interested in seeing Max save ANOTHER dead best friend.


Not interesting when they literally repeat the first part.


Well you can DO it if you want [https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/146f2e45-1b5e-4ad9-ae16-3b4c73b83384/d91owen-fde7725a-6c36-4589-9722-44d697f7b2d8.jpg/v1/fill/w\_1121,h\_713,q\_70,strp/life\_is\_strange\_\_\_one\_more\_round\_by\_thegouldenway\_d91owen-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTIyNSIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzE0NmYyZTQ1LTFiNWUtNGFkOS1hZTE2LTNiNGM3M2I4MzM4NFwvZDkxb3dlbi1mZGU3NzI1YS02YzM2LTQ1ODktOTcyMi00NGQ2OTdmN2IyZDguanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTE5MjUifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.M0mxI6czoEQsT\_hhHWVMVlj7oaUrMOgyyBJlrQjmI9Q](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/146f2e45-1b5e-4ad9-ae16-3b4c73b83384/d91owen-fde7725a-6c36-4589-9722-44d697f7b2d8.jpg/v1/fill/w_1121,h_713,q_70,strp/life_is_strange___one_more_round_by_thegouldenway_d91owen-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTIyNSIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzE0NmYyZTQ1LTFiNWUtNGFkOS1hZTE2LTNiNGM3M2I4MzM4NFwvZDkxb3dlbi1mZGU3NzI1YS02YzM2LTQ1ODktOTcyMi00NGQ2OTdmN2IyZDguanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTE5MjUifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.M0mxI6czoEQsT_hhHWVMVlj7oaUrMOgyyBJlrQjmI9Q)


like that time she shot herself so you had to rewind time like seriously?


Yeah based on the comments of multiple playthrough videos I've watched of that game, most people seem to dislike her with a passion.


I saved her dad from death, thinking it would make her more calm. But then she was confined to a Life support. And I was fine with that


I found that odd. If it'd some final destination scenario because you saved Chloe from death again and again, wouldn't that also apply to her father? Maybe even fate hated Chloe.


Trevor from GTA V. Just an absolute piece of shit that people love for some reason.


He's loved specifically because he's a piece of shit lunatic. His unhinged thought process is entertaining.


He is an insane psychopath in a world where you can do whatever you want with impunity. That's why.


Sean from RDR2


I love and hate the Irish bastard


I loved him personally, but I could see why he wouldn't appeal to some people.


I never liked him but I do wish we could have seen more of him.. I felt he was killed off to quick to form a “real” opinion on him


Yeah I can't stand him, not sure why everyone loves him


I just finished the first game for my first time yesterday and started her game today. I still don't love Chloe and I did not hesitate to make my decision at the end of the first one lol. I hope that choice is considered Canon in the new game with Max.


This is truly canon, that's what the developers said. And I'm wondering if there will be a transfer of decisions, and what will happen if someone chooses Chloe.


i SOO agree with u on chloe teenage angst rebellious asshole, such a gimmicky character, brings down LIS 1


90% of the characters in genshin impact. Most of them are bland but look pretty.


Chloe was unbelievably annoying. I was always indifferent to both Roland and Lilith in Borderlands. Maya is the better Siren.


Liara from Mass Effect.


Everyone loves Chloe? No lmao, i have never heard of anyone liking her, most dislike her.


I am with you on Chloe. She is a toxic individual… Max can do better!


Kate is RIGHT THERE!!! Hell, Victoria gets more development than Chloe!!




VICTORIA!! You know, the rich, snobby stereotypical mean girl that we're supposed to hate??! But come to realize that she's just a teenager with a rich family who has to keep up the facade of being a mean bitch, due to the pressure of her family! THAT'S interesting!! Chloe has the blueprint to be a good written character, but they go NOWHERE with it.




Aloy I like the games but never cared for her thought she was kinda annoying


*Aloy I like the games* *But never cared for her thought she* *Was kinda annoying* \- AdvertisingSignal455 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




She's basically future Karen.


Cloud Strife. Meh.


Yeah, he's all like emo one minute, then stereotypical anime badass with no flaws the next minute.


That's how Advent Children portrayed him and now Square only shows that Cloud. In the original FF7 he's nowhere near as edgy even with all the stuff that went down before the start of the game


Ranni from elden ring. Shes a doll and uses anyone to get her deeds done. Just another power hungry ruler wanna be. Rodericka is the bestest girl in Elden ring


There is no mistaking that Ranni is simply trying her hand at a new order, but there is very little bullshit in those lines. The shiniest pile of shit. Rodericka may be best girl, but she's still just a tuner. Signed- an unga bunga, still taking Ranni-mommy, who had the fucking *balls* to kill her own fingers at a better attempt.


Kate Marsh was the sweetest cinnamon roll and I wish the game was about protecting her instead of Chloe. Would have been far more impactful for Kate to tearfully accept that she needs to die to save everyone, which goes full circle with her faith. Chloe was far easier to yeet.


Kate needing to die instead would have ripped my heart out. I almost cried at how cute it was when she started making a childrens book about bullying.


See? Would be much more emotionally impactful. Kate herself wouldn't have wanted everyone else to die to save herself. Chloe didn't seem to care that everyone had to die to save her.


Nobody likes Chloe except the egelords. She's literally any young adult protagonist, and totally deserves all the bad things she's gotten. That's why I didn't touch any more parts of LiS, because the creator and fandom adore Chloe, and constantly ignore everything bad she does by explaining that - she's just a teenager, that's normal. And constantly putting her on a pedestal. Disgusting.


Every character in Borderlands, but mostly Tina.


I can see that


Roxas or Kairi from kingdom hearts


...Albert Wesker. So many people love him as a villain, but I can't even love to hate him. He's just so meh. Please don't kick me out of the fandom! I love all the protags. Well, maybe not Bruce MdGivern, he was kinda meh too, but all the others!


Kate from The Walking Dead: A New Frontier


I don't know many people that actually really liked her. I think a lot of people just went with her cause she was the only real romance option. I hard friendzoned her ass and she was like, "You're lying to yourself." And I was like, bitch I don't even like you let alone love you. I treat you kindly sometimes because I treat everyone that way and David was being too godamn aggressive in the flashbacks a lot. Fking delusional.




I agree, I do not like Chloe Price, I just cannot stand her. I know that a lot of people like her, but I just don't no matter how much the game try to convince me to care.


Abby tlou2


Sadie Adler from Rdr 2


i get u, the character herself is well written if not a bit 2016-ish, but the way the community treats the character pisses me off


Agreed, you can be a strong, independent woman and not yell or get aggressive at every little thing. She was annoying to me.


I agree with you.


People love Chloe? I thought everyone hated her.


If you look at the new Life Is Strange game, I guarantee you'll find comments about Chloe, mentioning her or wanting her in some capacity


That's so weird to me. I always thought she was one of the most unlikable characters ever. Not that Max is much better.


I try to like Max... but I feel like she's just a stereotype... and a plot device...


Max is the epitome of people who think you're supposed to admire Holden Caulfield


I want to like Max so bad!! But I just feel like she's less a character and more of a plot device/ stereotype...


i liked max because u can atleast change her decisions and make her not quite as bitchy, not like chloe


She has a huge fanbase and her creator absolutely adores her. In Before the Storm, literally everyone around her adores Chloe, even though she acts as horribly, as always. If you transfer your decisions to LiS2, in a reference to Chloe, both endings will be in her favor, because the fandom also hates David. In the canon comic, Chloe hit the jackpot. Max destroyed the city, and they literally immediately forgot about the fact that they killed all the people. Chloe and Max are happily traveling around the world. And the universe was divided into two, in one she dates with Max, and in the other with Rachel. And she perceives all universes, and even communicates with characters from other parts. For some reason, except guys from LiS2, the fandom hates them.


I just don't get how people could like Chloe in Life Is Strange. In context, she's a horrible person.


I can’t Stand this series.


The PVZ Chomper, he is a fun character in GW I just never use him, I don't even care.


2B. I don't get her. But I guess I can see why some would.


its a really nice a charming character when you get far enough in the story >!but the moment she starts being actually cool she fucking dies xd!<


Can't say I felt bad when that happened. I just didn't like her at all, and felt nothing when that scene happened. I liked 9S though....>!then he turns a crybaby and suddenly I don't like him too.!<


Roland in Borderlands 2 I didn't play as him in BL1, barely interacted with him in BL2, felt nothing when he died.


Handsome Jack. Can't/don't even see him as a well written bad guy just annoying as fuck and is the reason why I still haven't played through BL2 and just watched a playthrough instead.


That's fair. People like him because he's just petty and vindictive in a relatable way. At least more so than the types of villains who are just bland personified evil like Ganon. He does take the mouthing off trope to 11, though...


I think you're the first person to actually respond to me saying I don't like handsome Jack without being like what's wrong with you or something along those lines. Thank you for that. I'll give Handsome jack one thing though I hated being called butt stallion but seeing that become a character in wonderlands killed me with laughter.


Sora. My disappointment at him being the final smash character lol


*Sora. My disappointment* *At him being the final* *Smash character lol* \- lewderduder --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Ranni from Elden Ring. I can only see people liking her for horny reasons, but as a character? She's shit!


One way to make me hate/despise a character, regardless of them or their show's popularity, is **writing a character with dangerous or problematic traits and try to paint it off as sympathetic or funny, or playing down what that character is doing or trying to normalise it.** I know I might get some flack for this from Dragon Ball Z fans, but I absolutely ***despise*** Roshi, since he's a pedophile and has a history of sexually harassing women and underaged girls, yet no one is calling him or the writers out on it. It's why I stopped watching the series for years, because when I watched the show (*as a young girl*) I just hated how uncomfortable he made me feel and how the writers tried to pass off the creepy old man touching girls and women as funny to other kids who were watching the show. (*Yes this includes dragon ball and what he did to Bulma who was a kid at the time, plus the outfit they gave Chi Chi as a child was absolutely creep*y, *even during my anime/weeb phase as a teenager, that felt so wrong to do to a young child*) A friend begged me to give DBZ abridged a try, so I did and at least they address the issue, but I haven't seen the OG show since the Cell era, so I have no idea if they've fixed this issue since them but I just wished they'd kill him off. If they tried redeeming him, I would be livid. There's some characters here and there that also bother me but if I had one choice of a character who would be wiped from existence, it's be Roshi or that other pedo from family guy. I sincerely do not understand why people try to write SA or pedophilia as funny or try to normalise it. I could be missing a joke here, but I just sincerely depise a show that tries to go that route. That also reminds me of Bo Jack Horseman. I tried watching the show and the moment they tried to make the audience ***sympathetic with a fucking pedophile(Because Bojack Horseman, the main character, stalks a literal child),*** I dropped it in a heartbeat. This is one way to make me absolutely hate/despise a character immediately, no matter how popular they or their show are, and I sincerely do not know why writers do this if they're not in on it themselves. Bojack would be abother character to be wiped from existence. I get that sometimes people want to write a complex character, but some there's a point where something should have *never*made it past the concept stage without someone shutting that down in a heartbeat. I also know I'll get flack for some of these characters, but I don't care. This is my opinion, I'll stand firmly by this.


I agree on Chloe. My hopes that the Double Exposure makes sacrificing her canon. As to the characters I couldn’t stand in games, there aren’t any. Maybe from Star Wars and it would have been Bo Katan, but besides that there had seldom been any characters in stories that I couldn’t understand the purpose behind.


I despise Chloe Price. I don't understand why so many people love her, she's a genuinely awful, horrible, terrible, garbage person who uses her trauma to treat people the way she does. She doesn't learn and you can't even call her out on her bullshit, believe me, I've tried. And the game forces you to like her, which is straight-up manipulative. My opinion of Chloe is to the point that I'm convinced the people who like her are still children, dumb teenagers, or mentally unstable adults, especially the people who say, "She's literally me". Those people should be treated the same way we treat people who say the same about Arthur Fleck from Joker.


Chloe is quite selfish and manipulative at the end of the day


Sadie from Red Dead Redemption 2


Thank you for this. Best answer. So fucking annoying 


I hate her too. Found her so annoying and went to sacrifice her. She’s not worth the lives of a whole town of people


Lenny from RDR2. I understand how people like him, he's kind of like little brother in the group. I would like to love him like so many people seem to, but I've never just cared of him like I've cared some other side characters in that game.


Ellie from the last of us is annoying af.


Link I don't hate the character but I don't care for him. I've never been able to get into any type of Zelda game.


Majoras Mask is incredible


Ocrina of time ending i so depressing a hero do all he can only to ended of back in time when he's nothing.


I hated Chloe so muchhhhhhh too




Abby the last of us part 2


Omg I agree so much. She ruined everything


Mario. I'm not even sure if people even love the character or if they just love the games. There's nothing interesting or cool about him. He's just the guy that jumps around and makes "funny" noises. And Somehow this snoozefest of a character is still relevant and has been the mascot of Nintendo for the last 40 years. I just don't get it.


Bcuz it's Mario. I mean, coming from a Mario fan, he isn't meant to really have character. He's just meant to be an everyman that can be put into any sort of situation or adventure and it work. He's just the "main character". Plus, he's still around cuz the character still appeals to different audiences be it through nostalgia or idolization. I'm not saying your opinions wrong or anything, but he's just not meant to have much of a fleshed out character, yk?


Johnny Silverhand. I can't describe how putt-off I was by his character. He insults you every time you disobey him, he pops up to give his worthless two cent's every time you don't want him to. >!When you let him take over your body to talk to his friend, he immediately fills it with drugs and uses your body for sexual gratification from strippers and club girls, which has got to be sexual assault or something. I don't know what, but it feels gross.!< Every problem in the game that arises story-wise, is his problem that you are forced to deal with, and >!every ending is bad for you no matter the effort you put in. !


The most unpleasant thing is that in the original he has a completely different personality.


That's valid honestly. I have a love hate relationship with him myself since we're opposites in almost every way possible.


So the take I heard that I stick with is that Johnny isn’t a good person and isn’t conventionally supposed to be found to be a likeable guy he’s not cool or liked by fans because he’s V’s mentor or because he’s noble; he’s cool because he is such an asshole with like, no brain dude literally nukes a company he doesn’t like and decided that was somehow the best course of action to get revenge imo he’s not meant to be revered or seen as cool in a conventional sense but as a character he is compelling because he’s so stupid and such an asshole He’s a shitty roommate to V on a whole other level fans kinda dig that because it is that unapologietic badass archytype like johnny silverhand could be s protagonist in his own game; he wouldn’t be likeable and people would constantly hate his guts for his choices and outlook on life but i mean it’d be compelling to see him go through an arc and look cool doing it Tldr: he’s not “cool” as much as he’s compelling, interesting, and kinda funny with a cool asthetic


Kenji from Ghost of Tsushima, He’s the most annoying little fucker but that sub loves him


Damn that was deppressing as fuck to read.


I'm sorry!!!


Little Jacob from GTA 4. He was annoying as fuck


Marcus Fenix. I never got into Gears of War.


I’ve always liked the games but never felt there was enough character development to really grow attached to any of them.. reading the books helped with that… they made me really like Bernie even though she’s only in one game for all of 10 minutes


So Irish on the BF subreddit somehow got everyone to be nostalgic for him despite being a dogshit and irritating character


Chole price I have an issue with same damn issue I have with Violet from the final season of telltales the walking dead game. I don't get why she is the popular romantic choice over Louis when her writing is iffy as well. Not over Minerva her ex and when you romance clementine with her I feel Violet is using Clem as a rebound and neither clementine or Violet have romantic chemistry. Violet's romance route is boring as hell everything with her is dull, soulless and no spark. Plus Violet is absent most of episode 2 to make a romantic connection with her. I'm not hating on gays when I say this but it feels like telltale copy and paste Chole price and reinvented the wheel and called her Violet. There literally is no difference between Chole and Violet as characters and they act the same towards their love interest the act same way. Get pissy when you are not 100% on their side. No originality on the two Sapphic relationships between life is strange and tfs of telltales the walking dead game. I turned Violet into a better character and gave her the love she deserves than what was in the games. Sorry but the lesbian or Sapphic romance in the walking dead game the final season was way too overhyped and not good storytelling. Not what Ive seen in league of legends or arcane. Please don't come at me and label me homophbic on this critique. It gets really annoying and makes the gay community look rabided and unhinged on a critique I have with the game.


Ranni from Eldenring She is a huge piece of shit. To recap she >! Murdered her stepbrother Godwyn, then killed herself, stuffed her soul into her into a doll so The Greater Will can't track her only to make everything worse. What in the actual fuck was the point? The Black knives can kill gods right? So just go kill the fucking eldenbeast instead. The amount of effort she went through just to at best not fix anything and at worst Fist fuck reality is staggering. Yes, The Greater Will is bad but killing your stepbro for no percived reason then soul swapping with a doll so God can't track you is an act of fucking lunacy!< Also she has no pussy to simp for, she is a literal doll. I don't get why people are so into her. It's not like she is the Doll on bloodborne who canonically has a fakussy that German had been porking for decades.


Everyone loves Trevor and Michael in GTA 5 - i hate em Everyone loves Handsome Jack - i hate him Everyone loves Johnny Gat - i dislike him (he steals my kills) Everyone loves Touhou characters - i hate em (except Reimu and Youmu) Everyone loves Gandhi - i hate him (he keeps nuking my cities, forcing me to bring him peace through war) Everyone loves Biker - i hate him (he keeps killing me in his boss fight) Everyone loves Postal Dude - i dislike him (hes insane) Everyone loves Dwarfs ftom Deep Rock Galactic - i hate em (They are too cute silly little goobers, cant admit i love em)


Sans from Undertale He’s a great character and all but the fandom hyper fixated on him way too hard especially when there is an entire cast of arguably more interesting characters in the game.


Arthur Morgan from RDR2


Dutch from RDR2 and most of the gang. I find it crazy how every story involves Dutch being the most naive and blind leader while the gang patiently waits for a mission to fail and have a friend get killed. Story should have lasted less than 2 hours. Still one of the dumbest main stories i've had to play through. Rockstar dickriding is crazy.


Claud from fire emblem 3 houses. Everyone simps for him but I don't get it. He's a dumb ass who figures shit out no faster than anyone else yet he's he's supposedly a master strategist and very intelligent, despite making the same stupid mistakes as everyone else in the story lol


Ally horizon ZD


Mine is Daisy from the mario franchise and Roxanne Wolf from Fnaf


From the comments I take it this is “life is strange”. As a mainly open world rpg single player gamer what would my outlook be on this game? Is there any ‘gameplay’ or is it just cut scenes you choose dialogue to carve a different path/story and watch it unfold before you? People are nuts about the game and from the little glimpses I’ve gotten, like cut scene stuff, I just don’t get it. I’ve never played a game like it I feel.. but I have just started firewatch and that seems like it might be similar? Again, I have no idea.


levi 🏃🏻‍♀️


Jole from the last of us, his story never grabbed me.


Honestly, Kenny from The Walking Dead. He's not the worst character, truly. I'm okay that Clem has an attachment and bond with him, but he's such a hothead and constantly makes bad decisions and doesn't think rationally. He acts first and asks questions never. It's his way or the highway.


Tifa. I don’t dislike her or anything but I also just don’t see the appeal. Even with considering the bozongas.


Although i liked her i was feeling she was controlling.. I don't know if that was the purpose the programmers!!


Sylvando voice is the most annoying I’ve ever heard. He is also way too over the top in his mannerisms. I don’t use him a lot in the game bc he doesn’t have that high of damage output.


I understand your reasoning, but I loved Chloe as a character after I played Before the Storm. As for who I can't stand? Victoria Chase, same game. I know there's a person somewhere hidden under all that bullying and condescension, but I feel like she's not worth finding.


Alex from Stardew Valley. I don't really care about him much, but I don't hate him.


*Insert lie buzzer sound effect*


Flynn from Skylanders. I find him to be very annoying and I can’t stand him.


The MC of Days Gone, couldn’t last an hour because he prioritised a bloody bike over a friend and they got injured because of it. Stupid arsehole, I’m sure it’s a good game should I give it another try but I’d be restraining myself to not let the selfish idiot die.


Astarion from BG3. I do not understand why everyone loves this self absorbed manchild. He shows no capacity for growth without HEAVY outside influence, and even if his constant hostility were seen as a fun trait, he's horrible at it. He just comes off as an edgy, needy theater kid who's convinced he's the best there is at what he does. I don't get why everyone clings to the one character they have to babysit.


Link from Ocarina of Time He is so painfully boring. I can enjoy quiet protagonists like Joker, Byleth and Ammy to an extend. But these guys and gals still show emotions and Personality. They smile and cry. Link feels like a Soulless puppet with no emotions and no motivation of his own. He only ever does what other characters like the Deku Tree and Zelda told him to do without showing that he cares about them or what he does. Now people said my complains are unfaire becuse Ocarina of Time is old. Its one of the first 3D games ever. The thing is that this logic does make my experience with the character better.


From what i know of the community, makoto (persona 5) dont get me wrong she is good, but i could care less if she wasn't put in so much after she was introduced. I love haru, but she gets little screen time speaking minus her arc, but makoto is speaking so much, and it feels like she is intended to be romanced because of how much joker and her are alike and near each other. Some of her more vocal fans have also ruined her for me (if you want to know, i am willing to tell just ask).


Venom from Spider-Man 2. He's boring, one dimensional, and not an interesting character. I do love his design, voice, and gameplay tho.


Morrigan I don't like her social darwinist views and her lack of an on screen character arc.