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Considering a ton of television news field reporters use smartphones nowadays, I don’t think anyone at the station is going to care about, or probably even notice, a difference between the S5II and S5IIX. They care about the content more than what gear you used to create it. If it’s a terrestrial TV station then they’re more than likely going to still be in 720p or 1080i anyways. Both cameras are more than capable of capturing excellent quality footage. I would focus more on lenses and lighting, because those are going to make a bigger difference in overall image quality.


Thank you! I didn't know they were still using 1080i, but then I don't watch a lot of local TV. I have a 20-60 f/3.5-5.6 and a 50mm f/1.8 and hoping that'll be enough. I will have some lights with soft boxes for the interviews. I've worked with the GH5 and a Leica 12-60 f/2.8 and that's always looking very solid, so thought the S5 ones would be ok.


I've shot commercials in 8bit color on a GH5 that made it to broadcast with no issue. I think your S5ii will be more than fine. The S1H, which has roughly the same quality, was an approved camera for Netflix productions.


Thank you. Yeah, seems like I might have confused myself. SE S5ii and S5ii X look very similar if not the same in hardware specs. Also, apparently TV doesn't have high standards so I should be fine.


Yeah good on you for caring, though! Always best to check and be safe.  Broadcast is weird because some stations will be insanely picky about file formats, or require you to add like a 10-second long slate at the beginning, and other annoying shit like that. But most of the rules revolve around the broadcast running smoothly on their end rather than the quality of the content being consistent.


Anything is pretty much suitable for TV. It's a dying medium that has the lowest quality compared to everything else


Didn't really think it was that bad. Someone above said they ask for 720 or 1080i, which is not at all what I thought it would be.


If you’ve ever been to Australia and watched the TV adverts - it’s full of monstrosities. Adverts that look like they are made on PowerPoint, adverts that look like they are shot on an iPhone 3GS etc. You’ll be fine


Ha! I haven't seen it, but considering a lot of AV guys use ppt for their graphics, it wouldn't surprise me


news stations have been (and many still are using) 1080p eng cams that frankly have pretty bad image quality. sometimes used my iphone 11 for an extra camera without any issues at all next to it still great cause they have built in nd, are parfocal, have power zoom, sdi, xlr, etc, but image quality (and af) are probably their weakest aspects


Yeah, you'll be fine. I work for a TV show and shoot from as high-end as an FX9 and as low end as an iPhone. As long as your shots are composed, in focus, and well-exposed you'll be fine shooting on most anything.


If you want RAW with the video assist you need the paid upgrade for the s5ii


Is that still a paid update? I saw one on their website but it looked like I could download it for free


When I was doing more freelance around 2019 one of the news stations hired me to shoot behind the scenes promo footage for their station. Panasonic S1 4k 24fps 8 bit rec 709.