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I’m waiting until October and secretly hoping to see an A7siv announced, but I’m not holding my breath.


No way they’re releasing an a7s4 this year. Way too soon & they’re still making a killing off the a7s3. I’d say there’s another few years before we see an a7s4. We’ll likely see an Fx6ii sooner, or some kind of new equivalent.


Why specific October?


I thought someone told me there was a series or three that always got released in October. I could be wrong.


Want to know something crazy? The Sony FDR-X300, released 8 years ago and now out of production, is still the gold standard in personal field live streaming. There is no alternative produced since or available on the market now that compares to its reliability, hardiness, audio pickup, or pleasant viewing experience. The price for them has been skyrocketing as a consequence. But it seems the market is still so small that it cannot justify a successor. So sad.


Yep. We use these for work almost daily. They are workhorses.


Give it time, they have to wait for everyone else to actually innovate, then they can play catch-up like always


Whatever catchup they have to do seems to work relatively well for them given their popularity


You didnt mention the ARV


i think hes focusing on the mainline cinema lineup


Yes, a9iii not on that list either.


I will update but I was focusing on the cinema line


hey , quick stuff - the zve10ii with the same base a6700/fx30 spec is gonna land with an 800$ price tag - its no fx3/a7s3 sensor but for 800$ its a step in the b-cam cinema camera world


I will update but I was focusing on the cinema line


At least somewhere in the coming ten years!


Fx30 was released September 2022


About time for an A7 V later this or early next year.


BURANO is due to release later this year.


Forgot to mention Burano that came out in February


Why did I think it was later this year lol, shows how much of an impact that launch had I guess...


The burano is wack af


tells your favorite youtuber?


No its just my personal opinion based on price to specs ratio.


ok. I love it btw :)


I mean if I had one I’m sure I’d love it too! I just couldn’t comprehend paying that price for what it’s worth. Lack of global shutter, rolling shutter issues, the IR pollution, etc.. I’m still holding out for something more, but I guess there’s not really a perfect camera is there. Tbf what’s in the image is much more important than any camera will ever be.


no there is not, all the other cameras have the same issues or different ones, which are sometimes more annoying :)


What are the main reasons you chose the Burano over a FX9, RED, etc?


I had the FX9 before, loved it! now everything is a nice stepup :) the ibis is goddamn good. the image superb. btw on FX9 nobody talked about rolling shutter, that's strange. RED no, it just doesn't work for me, powerdraw, no light codecs, switch on time so long. it's not versatile for my jobs.


Ahh, that makes sense. Your use cases benefit from the perks of a prosumer camera but want the pro features of a cinema camera, more or less? In fairness I think the reason people are more focused on the Burano’s rolling shutter is that it’s a 2024 camera, not a 2019 one, and it costs 2.5x as much as an FX9 haha


Naah i think it's good the dynamic range is crazy


Lol my a7siii has the same dynamic range, and it’s roughly 10x less the price


you comparing raw vs h264 codec? Just take a look at the latitude.


I’m comparing the max dynamic range of both cameras, regardless of codec. What are you a Sony rep?? 😂


no, but I think you don't understand dr tests. raw cameras gonna have always less, until you switch them to a compressed codec. compression plus backed in noise reduction gets you always few stops more.


Maybe I’m misunderstanding then. From what I read the camera gets about 12-13, which is the same as the a7siii. Are you saying there’s more?


In some image scanner modes the Burano has less(mostly raw), in some more. it depends on scanner mode and codec. in the same codec burano has 0,5 more. latitude is also very important to compare together with dr, to see how flexible it is in the postproduction. you may have more DR, but they are maybe not usable, because of noise or whatever.


I had a chat with Alister Chapman at some workshop a couple of months ago and he didn't through they were gonna make a mark ii version of the FX9 since the size of the FX6 is so popular. He through the next thing would be a FX6 with a 6K or bigger sensor, maybe add the IBIS stabilization from the FX3. Let's see The reason why I made this post is because I'm just about to invest and don't know if I should wait


FX6 with IBIS would be sick but I doubt they would do that. Internal ND and IBIS is a major selling point for the Burano and I doubt they’d want to step on its toes like that. I would love to see the ability to shoot S35 4K on an FX6 II but even then I feel like that would step on the FX9s toes. They don’t really have anywhere to go with it.


The FX3 have the IBIS. To me the selling point with Burano is the sensor and the dynamic range


Yeah the FX3 has IBIS but it doesn’t have Internal ND. Only the Burano has both.


A HandyCam? Probably never. The HandyCam will be phased out in a fashion similar to the internal combustion engine, with the AX43 being the final camcorder. The ‘tech enthusiast’ sub-genre of YouTubers have convinced us to settle with using large sensor mirrorless cameras (which offer only marginal video quality improvement over the 1.0” type sensors found in the discontinued Sony CX900) that have a tendency to overheat when recording 4K video, boast poor battery life, and cost more than camcorders in the long term when you factor in lenses.


I’ve heard the FX6ii is not too far away


From where


It’s currently just rumours but people are suggesting it will be released sometime this year.