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You can tell from their posture that they’re both thinking “well shit this is the last time I’m not gonna be in pain for a while. Ok here goes.”


Yeah, even human fights should be avoided at all costs, and these dudes don’t have penicillin.


“The female’s not even watching” is hilarious


Turns out, she likes funny bears more


Why are female bears like this? 😡


Hello M’beary. *tips the hat* how do you do this fine evening?


*calls BR*


*tips furdora*


Wacka wacka wacka!


bears ☕️


If you are a funny bear, she's already half a foot in your lair.




sounds like the average Friday night out in Dundee


Was it just me or did anyone else wonder: “Is that dirt or pieces of bear falling off?”


Was poop at one point, at least.


To be fair, if I was fighting a bear I might poop a little too.


Where’s the Charmin bear when you need an assist?


Just a little? I'm pooping A LOT right now just thinking about fighting a real bear. I'm still pretty sure I could totally fuck up a teddy bear or a panda though.


Think again, do not fuck with a Panda


I could take a Koala.






Bear 1: oh fuck is that a bear!? Bear 2: Oh fuck a bear! Bear 2: Yup that’s a bear (shits self out of fear of a bear)


@2:54 https://youtu.be/kccJfnfFLC0?t=174


That'd be it!


Bro was getting his back bit so bad he shit himself.


"The fur is flying." I don't know how many times I've heard that expression, but damn if this wasn't the best ever example of that.




Thank you. Whew, I thought it might just be me.


It’s the best one I’ve ever seen that’s for sure. The size and strength of these animals is incredible.


There were several times where the bear just shrugged off a hit that would knock my head off, or a bite that would go clean through my thigh. There's not standing a chance, and then there's this. I don't give a shit if you're The Mountain, you're dead in under 10 seconds.


> you're dead in under 10 seconds I sure hope so. Otherwise, you're just sitting there experiencing a bear gnawing on your spine as you slip from this mortal coil.


Wasn’t there a woman being eaten alive by a bear on the phone with her mom? I have vague memories but after that even hell wouldn’t be able to faze you


Not the Red Viper of Dorne though, he’d totes kick the bear’s ass with his flips ‘n shit.


“Say their names!” -the viper “Raaarr… Raar!” -bear probably


I killed Raaaahger, Raaaahchard, Raaaahbert, and...oh yeah....Grrrroordon.


Rah, rah-ah-ah-ah Roma, roma-ma Gaga, ooh-la-la Want your bad romance




You stole her salmon!


Actually, it’d probably go very similar to the fight in the show I’d wager. Fancy flips and shit, keeping the bear at bay like it’s a circus animal. Then one wrong move, one quick swipe, and it’s already over. Then of course the bear inevitably dies to the poison.


But then a bear wizard—sorry, bear *maester*— brings him back to life only it’s creepy unlife and he has to wear a bear helmet and never rawrs anymore


The fact you can see the shape of the muscles underneath all that fur speaks volumes of how strong they really are.


Testosterone is a helluva drug. No backdown by either despite massive damage. Winner is probably too tired to even mate.


Too tired to fuck? Sounds like someone’s a bit low on T, here try this Bull-Shark Jizz supplement my boy Brucie gave me!


It's made with bits of real African Elephant in musth, so you know it's good.


You mean adrenaline?


No they meant testosterone. Testosterone: makes them fight Adrenaline: keeps them fighting T is a crazy hormone that makes males do crazy shit.


And there’s some ppl out there who genuinely believe they could win a fight against one of these.




Got dangit Dale


Desert power


You don’t know me bro. When I see red, I just go wild


Look I'm just saying if I was that guy there recording that, it would have gone down different. That's all I'm saying.


Jim Corbett (tiger expert) noted that Bengal tigers don't mix it with bears - even when the bear has stolen their lunch. And that's Indian brown bears. He watched a young silly tiger have a go at a bear - it was ignored until it scratched its nose, and then got batted across the clearing. Left and did not come back.


Or even think a Silverback could beat one of these




You **really** overestimate the size and strength of gorillas (or underestimate the size and strength of brown bears). Males of the larger sub-species of gorilla average well under 200kg, with the absolutely largest on record being around 270kg. The larger sub-species of brown bears however average something like 300kg, and the largest are upwards of 700kg! And this isn't even getting into the differences in adaptations to physical conflict. Brown bears are predators, they have large muzzles, teeth that are adapted to hold onto prey, they have huge claws. They are also adapted to regular contests with other bears for feeding grounds like the this posts depicts, with thick fur and tough skin to protect against other bears. Gorillas are herbivores. While their jaws are much larger than a human's and their incisors are respectable, they are much, much smaller than those of a bear, and they have no claws, and much less protection from fur and hide. A large brown bear wouldn't even be threatened by even the largest of gorillas.


Yeah the big thing people don’t realize is that bears skin is loose on their body and super thick, it’s basically a natural body armor and this fight really shows how effective it is. They tear out clumps of fur and stuff but they don’t have huge gashing wounds across their entire bodies. Humans and gorillas have tight and thin skin, which is great for staying cool and it helps our muscles work more efficiently but offers basically no protection from cuts. One swipe from those claws would gut a gorilla but these bears shrug it off like nothing.


Stupid tight skin


It's like I'm wearing nothing at all...nothing at all...nothing at all...


stupid sexy hoptimus-prime


*Stupid sexy tight skin


Tighter than dick skin!


Like, look how much shear force must be being applied, when either of those guys has a grip on the fur or skin...each of those fuckers probably weighs a thousand pounds, and they're *trying* to rip each others' skin off...and it doesn't come. Clumps of hair barely come off. They're very difficult to damage with their own natural weapons, and they truly are apex killers. Not much else on Earth compares.


Agreed; it would be an interesting matchup against a troop of gorillas.


duck-sized bears vs a bear-size gorilla


People who push the gorilla agenda don't realize they lost a war with chimps


The issue is not so much power. They both have that. The armor will probably be the big difference. One swing of those claws can mortally wound a gorilla. Lot less likely the opposite way.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Fc-l7VNCrI But if you're being serious, the bear is like 2 times bigger and has more (overall) strength. The best a Gorilla could do is run away.




I mean it could get lucky. Cheetahs ~~don't always catch their prey. They usually do, but not always...~~ almost never catch their prey, the little shits...


they usually don't. They are only successful about 10% of the time.


The natural predator the bear is makes me favor it more than that.


4 Silverbacks with Spears could easily hunt these bears




4 humans with spears could easily hunt these. Probably only 3 or even2 would do.


These guys aren’t even trying to kill each other.


We should have bears as police.


I mean.. I think they pretty much are. I don't think they could really go much more savage than this. It's hard for them to kill another fully grown male of similar size. I don't know if they could. They can kill smaller sub-adults.


If you get to the end of the video, you can see there is still an order to things. If they were trying to kill each other, bear fights would end with one gutting the other. But they all end like this.


The bears are at the point of complete exhaustion. They can't fight any longer if they wanted to. I think they both would have killed the other if they could have, but they couldn't. There is no "holding back" here. It's just that this same effort on a person or a smaller animal would be brutally fatal. If you google, you can find a video of a similar sized male as these two attacking a much much smaller male in Yellowstone. It's the same kind of attack, but the smaller male is killed because he could be killed. They are trying to kill. That is their ideal scenario.


That was my takeaway too. 8 minutes of pure brute force strength and both bears are gasping for a breath by the end. I imagine it's taking both of them every last bit of energy to stay standing because if either collapsed, then there's a final opportunity for a kill.


Yeah it's like if you were fighting yourself. Fresh me could easily beat during fight me. It's bit even an competition. If the one who lost came in fresh when they were just huffing and puffing at the end it could have taken them both.


Yeah, sure, but that fighting was far more intense than an ordinary fight between bears. Either of them could have easily sustained fatal wounds. The vast majority of intraspecific fights are non-fatal, because it's just not worth it to any one animal to enter into an engagement where they're as likely to be killed as they are to kill their opponent. This fight was highly unusual.


Show them this list that's soo long to scroll through, your finger gets sore [Wikipedia: List of Fatal Bear Attacks in North America](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fatal_bear_attacks_in_North_America) They don't even need to use their teeth and claws >Russell Ringer, 49, male March 31, 1969 >Ringer was crushed by his pet bear, which had no teeth or claws, as he entered its cage for a wrestling match at the military base.[225]


Dang, this bro fought to the end >Rudolph Gaier, 50, male November 19, 1952 near Anchorage, Alaska >Gaier and a black bear were found dead at a remote mountain cabin. An investigator concluded that Gaier shot the bear after it entered his cabin, and before dying, the bear fatally clawed Gaier.[235][236]


This is why bear spray is a better weapon against bears than firearms, counterintuitive as it is. That guy is lucky he even hit the bear, but of course it still didn't stop it. Spray is much easier to hit the bear with, and more likely to make the bear turn and run because it envelopes their senses immediately and makes it hard to attack. A bullet strike can and will be ignored until the wound makes itself known.


It's good to have both options. Dominant boars will sometimes ignore pepper spray. I always carry a rifle and bear spray when I'm in grizzly country


I read this whole list like a month ago. Pretty wild stuff.


A well trained man can EASILY kill a bear when the bear chokes on his body.


Our weapon is indigestion. lol


Bro. Just do a leg sweep and it’s over.


If I see LeBron James fighting one of these, I'm supposed to help the bear?


Caught one survivor on video (NSFL) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkRX21hHHiM


I could do it. Be my third win.


I remember there being a meme/graph of that but at one point it dawned on me that they were abusing the margin of error.


I still don't think this is true. I've seen the evidence that x number of people will say "yes I could beat up a bear" on a survey, because they think that's funny, and they're right. I do not think there is any evidence that anyone "genuinely" believes they could win that fight.


People are really stupid, dude.


Most people are idiots.


My brother in christ, I don't think I could win this fight with a belt-fed M60 in a blackhhawk helicopter.


In this scenario is there someone flying the helicopter? because if I'm doing the flying the bear outlives me for sure.


I definitely could. As long as I have plenty of high caliber weapons and ammo.


You underestimate my power


It looks like they would deglove your arm with a slap. Look at those hanks if fur flying at the start.


Just cause you are weak and can’t fight a bear doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t be able to beat both of their asses at once.


I wonder how many times they have to fight in the spring time. Is it a one and done or like a tournament type deal?


Probably less than once a year for the big guys - certainly a fight like this is gonna be way less than once a year.


He's gonna be telling his bear grandchildren about that one one day


Thanks for sharing. This is sick. Bears are horrifying land sharks. I’m glad they exist but they scare the shit out of me. That clip with the blood dripping from his mouth is just so hardcore.


I call them the meat tanks of the forest.


It's insane to think these aren't even the largest of their species. Polar Bears can be 10 feet tall. Bears are truly insanely strong creatures. Amazing to watch. While the commentary wasn't great the camera work was fantastic. EDIT: I actually looked it up because I was curious, while Polar Bears are bigger than Grizzlies, Grizzlies are just as strong because they have longer/stronger claws & their elongated skull with sharp canines.


Polar bears (Ursus maritimus) are not the same species as brown bears (Ursus arctos).


Huh, the etymology of ursus arctos is just Latin and Greek words for bear. So brown bears are scientifically known as "bear bear," and polar bears are water bears.


Scientists are silly


Probably named when a scientist first saw a big one in the wild, “BEAR! BEAR!”


>water bears Tardigrades and polar bears are the same species


Goddammit Moon Moon


All grizzlies are brown bears. Not all brown bears are grizzlies. Kodiak and Peninsula Bears can be massive at over a 1000 lbs, but they are not grizzlies.


i heard dinosaurs were even bigger!


Imagining dinosaur sized bear...I dunno, it's sound kind of beasaur to me.


Fucking runebears


The size of animals is really weird to guess. I've never seen a real life walrus and assumed the size of toys was equivalent. Not even remotely: https://www.hl-cruises.de/fileadmin/blog/2015/08/RussTschukotka_2015_SG_1371-Medium.jpg I have no idea if that is a juvenile bear, being not a bearologist, but even then it would be an enormous sealy-thing behind it. Edit for more pictures: https://www.hl-cruises.de/fileadmin/blog/2015/08/RussTschukotka_2015_SG_1384-Medium.jpg https://www.hl-cruises.de/fileadmin/blog/2015/08/RussTschukotka_2015_SG_1381-Medium.jpg So the bear is about the same size as the walrus girls, those two bulls are much bigger. And allegedly it is a juvenile bear.


That image is either edited or it’s forced perspective. They’re roughly the same size. https://www.reddit.com/r/natureismetal/comments/lknckg/the_way_this_massive_walrus_intimidates_and/


>That image is either edited or it’s forced perspective. It's just that it is not a fully grown bear in that pic. And it's an enormous walrus.


I'm not entirely convinced, but wouldn't rule it out. Wiki says the average size for a female bear is 250kg (450kg for a male), most male walruses between 800 and 1700 kg. The BBC link is odd, because the first linked post (youtube video starting at 1 minute 06 seconds) also shows a bear that appears much smaller than the walruses. Need more data. Can I have money for research, please?


people nowadays will just film anything, why didn't you break it up? /s


At least he didn't shout worldstar.




That shit was like 50/50 but either hilarious or rage inducing.


"Where's the zookeeper??"


They really need a bear mediator


guys, guys, stop. you're *both* soft and cuddly!


my cousin was on a SEAL team in the 90s in the Balkans. he and his team went to a pub with a ring wear you could wrestle a Euro Brown Bear. the bear had filed claws and was muzzled. his entire team took a turn and each one got squashed when the bear's handler gave a sign. my cousin said it was like wrestling a Bobcat front-loader.


I wish they were wearing different colored shorts so I can tell them apart.


when thier muscles go active and tense up, you see how fucking jacked these things are, probably the longest and most violent bear fight ive seen


This is what struck me. I’m well aware how large, strong, fast, and dangerous they are. But watching these, even under all that loose skin, fur, and fat, you can STILL see muscles. Insane!


Think of the calories these guys burned. It’ll take days, weeks to recover. Incredible.


All worth it for the karma.


And the sows weren't even watching. What a waste!


Which bear is best?


Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.


There are basically two schools of thought.


FACT. Bears eat beets


Wrong! Battlestar galatica.


"Who won? Who's next?!"




Was 3:56 the turning point when old guy gained advantage?


Nah. 1:18. When the old guy did his first ground and pound and then started chewing on his spine. Loser should have realized at that point he was way outmatched.


Can't fault someone for really giving it a try and giving their all. And we don't really know how much he likes the girl bear.


Amazing video!


I understand why people talk, but should people talk? They have a telephoto lens. A telephoto microphone would be useful.


Seems to me like this video was recorded by the guide and not the camera crew since the framing is too tight and shaky. You can hear the producer at the end calling on the other camera people on which bear to follow. They could have a shotgun mic which would help but they might have been there just for photos.


Yep. He says at one point something like "Even if your camera failed, I got it all right here". We're watching back up footage.


Framing most likely tight because he had a standard 600mm fixed focal length prime lens mounted. Theyvare great lenses, but you can't zoom out.


Imagine having the setup to capture this, and then failing to shut up for just a few minutes while the actual thing happens. Crazy. Just add your voice over later if it's important. Edit: Obviously I'm not referring to their communication regarding their safety. All for that.


"Hey guys I've seen one of these before lemme tell you all about it RIGHT NOW!"


I understand why people comment, but should people comment?


If they use a directional mic, you’ll only hear the bears in the Final Cut. I agree it’s a bit obnoxious but I think they needed to talk just to keep themselves from shitting their pants


Now I know why David Attenborough makes so much money. Sir. David, please save me from these frat bros.


I am pretty sure they are there for photos, and never expected to capture such a fight on video. This is probably while all of the chatting. They sound very experienced, not just frat bros :/


The smug fucking entitlement in this thread is out of control. The guys are putting themselves in danger to capture once-in-a-lifetime footage and basement dwellers are complaining about the guide's vernacular. Unbelievable, but so on-brand for Reddit. Maybe the people in this thread could capture similar nature footage IF THEY EVER TOUCHED GRASS.


>EVER TOUCHED GRASS And risk getting in a bear fight?


Also, the amount of people not understanding that a lot of what you hear in wildlife documentaries is added in post. The default mentality of people on reddit is super negative, selfish, and depressive. This is really not a healthy website to frequent to be honest.


Dave Attenborough reads from a script in post production. This is raw footage.


I would love to hear David Attenborough that close to bears tearing literal bloody chunks out of each other and compare it to how he sounds normally.


This one is even more brutal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gP92j-uEnps


The part at the end when the older bear has his paw pressing down on the chest of the younger bear... I can't imagine what that must feel like. The amount of pressure on your lungs and diaphragm must be fucking insane. That will take the fight out of anybody real quick.




They are nature photographers first. The video is a huge plus. If it was one guy it would probably be just a series of photos with no scale on how long and intense it was.


And it sounds like they muted entire chunks of audio because one guy kept swearing. It's two bears tearing each other apart but no-no words are not allowed!


This is just a private video, it is not the official video from the film crew he had with him. Do you think during other documentaries the crew says nothing? No ofc not, the audio is done separately, also because of the distance.


how about you use your brain and figure out this is nothing more than a raw unedited clip, if u want planet earth go turn on netflix lmao


What if I don't want any commentary and wanted to hear the growling and mud etc?


*you get your ass out to the alaskan wilderness yourself and get yourself in the middle of a fucking bear fight*


I actually liked hearing their reactions. This is an amazing video he took and you chose to get mad at the guy instead of having a good time watching it


To annoy ungrateful little shits.


I know these people went out to capture wildlife and got an amazing video but its not exactly how I like it, so I need to say something.


Imagine complaining that some guys carried 70 pounds of gear, food, water, and camera equipment into the Alaskan wilderness for days and days on end. Away from their families, in the elements, sleeping in bags in tents. All this at great expense to themselves, with no guarantee that they'd make it back, or even see any bears. They did all this work, risked their lives and spent countless thousands of dollars but some anonymous person on the internet is upset that they had to hear their voices. Lmao. Some people.


Kuma vs. Kuma


Kill the camera man! Zoom out would ya!


Brown bear, brown bear what do you see? I see another bear looking at me. And he better stoppit!!!!!


i think the camera is following a older bear at first, younger bear comes into view a little later... younger bear looks like he has the upper claw at first...is the older letting him get tired younger bear has a flesh wound near the right "armpit", get knocked to his back cameraman sounds like Bert Kreisher, but in a bad way, SHUT UP both are tired, one bleeding from mouth, but they continue to fight, despite being massively tired younger looks like "i'm sorry, but i'm too tired to run away"


During the wrestling there was no credible offense from either opponent. Ref should have stood them up and reset them.


Cameraman is the director of a crew. Yes, some of what he said weren't instructions, but it's easy to get excited when he's been around these bears for 25 years. Cut him some slack. Sound can be edited later if they wanted to, since there wasn't anything notable other than growling, which you wouldn't know if it was original or not if it was edited well.


>sounds like Bert Kreisher, but in a bad way so… sounds like Bert Kreisher then.




That was a crazy intense fight.


Stephen Colbert was right.


CGI some animals encircled and dub in BEAT IT from MJ.


Oh my god, I can't bear to watch.


Somebody tag **Joe Rogan**