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In 2020 I weighed 335 lbs. I had diabetes and coronary artery disease. I couldn’t tie my shoes or put on socks. I could barely walk across the room without feeling exhausted. I am 5 feet 7 inches tall. Today I weigh 235 lbs. I work out at my gym 6 days a week. I no longer need diabetes medication. My heart no longer shows any signs of weakness. I smile every time I put on socks and tie my shoes. I’m working towards dropping below 200 lbs. I am not gonna die anytime soon.


Ive been a personal trainer for about 8 years, and in the strength-training world for 24 years. I'm in my mid 40s now and I see a lot of people my age declining rapidly now. Stories like yours are a huge inspiration to others. If you can build a sustainable activity and nutrition habit that becomes what I call "non-negotiable", it creates a mindset that will be with you the rest of your life.


The best thing about this is I post my progress on Facebook and I’ve had many friends now change their lifestyles because of what I’ve done a good friend of mine who owns the gym took me under her wing and really helped me get to where I’m at today and she would post videos of my progress on her gym website And on her Instagram. I have people I don’t even know come up to me and tell me how much I have inspired them to change. I now help anybody that wants to get healthier anytime they ask. I have completely changed my lifestyle and it’s great to pay it forward.


That's awesome. I love when clients do that, wish it happened more often.


Side note, I’m menopausal f59 and I am astounded at how weak my muscles have gotten. Frankly I, scared. Any suggestions? I ride my bike in the summer and walk when I can in the winter. I’m fifty pounds overweight and am making healthier food choices.


Biking is great cardio but you'll want "weight-bearing" exercises to improve bone density which paramount for postmenopausal women to avoid osteoporosis. Walking and weight-training. Depending on your budget you'd do best finding a qualified trainer, ideally another woman in your age range if possible, or barring that, get started with a gym that has plenty of machines which are simple and straightforward to use and just start building muscle that way. At a certain point, literally anything is better than nothing. But to make real progress you'll either need to do your research with beginner routines you can find that fit your simple and straightforward needs or get someone experienced, helpful and knowledgeable to get you moving in the right direction.


Thank you, I appreciate thee feed back


Dude I’m mid 30s and my friends that used to go out to concerts and festivals in the summer and party with me are starting to drop off because they can’t hang. It’s honestly really sad. I’m no health role model I drank and smoked all through my 20s but it’s not THAT hard to keep active and feel fit. I can’t imagine feeling so old at my current age that I couldn’t go party with friends or see the type of concerts I want to see.


Do your friends (I assume also in their mid-30s) have families and children? "Adult" jobs with limited PTO? Just a lower desire to "party" in general like they did a decade or more ago? I'm in my mid-30s and certainly can't "hang" like I did in college. More than a couple drinks in an evening and I'm a mess the next day if I don't carefully hydrate and prepare. I can't imagine the damage I did to my ears in my teens and 20s going to shows without hearing protection.


Do your friends have kids? I (im not anti kids) don’t have kids but my friends started “dropping off” with energy around their mid-30s but the main common theme was they started having kids. I don’t and I attribute that to simply being able to sleep whenever I want.


I hear that! My friends with kids 100% get a pass. These are friends that don’t have kids, they definitely have adult jobs now and I get that, I have a job too. I’m not talking about raging all night on week days I’m talking about 2-3 annual camping concert type events or Friday night hangs. They’re still down for things like board game night where everyone’s seated eating snacks for hours. To be frank they’ve lost their youthful metabolism and haven’t made adjustments and they’re just slowing down in an avoidable way. I’m not judging them, I love my friends, but the impact on me is that I’m more lonely doing the stuff I used to love doing with them! And that part is a bummer. Like I said I’m not some health nut with a super clean diet. I drink beer and eat pizza and only work out 30ish minutes a day, but even my limited bent toward health seems to be making a gigantic difference.


I burn around 4k calories per day weightlifting/swimming/running and yoga/mobility. I exercise a lot 6 times per week. I’m 39. I don’t “hang” much anymore and has nothing to do with energy, priorities change: wife, kids, etc. don’t be that hard on your friends. It’s life. Also, these days half a beer will make me feel like fucking shit the next day regardless of hydration. I just stopped drinking all together.


I feel you and no, my friends who have fallen off don't have kids. They're just unhealthy and out of shape. We all used to smoke and drink. I quit smoking and cut back drinking while being active. They can really only smoke and drink and sit around now. They can't join me at walks. They can't go to outdoor fairs or festivals that require too much walking. No bike rides, no swimming, no hikes, can't sit in a car too long, can't go on a flight longer than an hour and a half. It sucks man, I feel you. Still friends with them, but our list of activities has really shrunk.


Good job homie


Whatever you do, DO NOT STOP. I focused on getting healthy, lost about 50 lbs, then started putting it off because work/kids/life/etc. Put 30 back on before I knew it. It's a lifelong battle, but you got this


I will say though that working a bad job makes it really really hard to keep fit. I used to work from home 100% and now I have an in office job. I will tell you I am way more unhealthy now as I cant even take time to take a full lunch much less workout!


I’m three years into this and it’s now my lifestyle. I don’t plan on changing it.


Hell yeah!


Fuckin A. Get it.


Damn. Good on you. And you’ve given me another nudge to get at it with my fitness. Until age 28 I was one of those tall beanpole “heh I eat whatever I want and however much I want but nope I cannot put ok weight” guys. Weelppp that’s not a lifelong perk and ever so gradually as I’ve gotten into my early thirties I’ve been hitting incremental all time highs on the scale. I’m not in dire shape but as of about a year ago I’m now officially carrying more weight than a guy my age with my height ought to be carrying and I’ve seen a couple more incremental increases to the point that this year my doc felt the need to actually bring it up for the first time. And its all just because I never buckled down seriously to change my food habits and be deliberate about what I’m eating and how much. When my metabolism stopped acting like a furnace around age 28 started packing it on little by little I’ve always loved motorbikes and another wake up call that I need to turn around before its a much harder journey was the other day when I came out from a friends house and realized I had left the key in it and had a dead battery. Oh well, its a hefty bike but I’ve push started this bd boy in the past so let’s do it. One attempt to push a 450 pound dual sport up to the necessary speed on flat ground to get the engine to turn over with a popped clutch…and I didn’t only fail to start the bike, but I stopped and realized I was struggling to breathe from the intense 20 seconds of exertion, and I stood there for 10 minutes in the road almost heaving because I felt nauseous from over exertion. The same bike I frequently push started in college when I was 24 like it was no big deal. Had to call someone to come help me out. Didn’t feel great. Would like to not continue having more of those experiences.


I know you likely have hundreds of messages after this post but I just want to say congratulations. This is an incredibly tough and brave journey to undertake. You can be very proud of your courage and grit if you have already done that much. 100lbs is amazing good luck with the rest of your journey.


Good for you, man. I tear'd up reading this. It's a battle that so many unfortunate souls lose every day, but you and I are coming out on top. I'm down to 190 from 250 last year, let's never stop improving ourselves 💪


It’s so awesome to hear this. I get angry at some of the messaging about being fat being okay. It’s not okay. It kills you. I was days away from a heart attack. You are not a lesser person because you are fat. You are just seriously compromising your lifespan.


That's awesome stuff. A year ago I was about 330lbs. I didn't have any major health problems per se, as I was always active, but I had similar things like struggling tie my shoes at times. I'm 5 foot 10 for reference. As of now, I am about 245 give or take. Feel a lot better, go for weekly runs, am moving faster and contributing more when playing sports. I started wearing dress shirts to work since I felt better about myself and will soon have to start buying smaller shirts. I am about to turn 46. Sure life isn't perfect and it isn't easy to lose weight, but it is possible. Small changes at first and build from there. Compare yourself today to who you were yesterday, and consider how that is going to shape you tomorrow.


That’s so awesome. I went from a 54 inch waist to a 40 inch waist. I went from a 4x shirt to a 2x shirt. I had to get all new clothes. It feels awesome.


There's lots of old people and there's lots of fat people. There aren't a lot fat old people. Good job.


Venn needed


Keep it up!!!


That is seriously inspiring. Keep at it


Good for you! "Fuckin'-A!" as the Gen-Xers say.


Proud of you.


Congratulations! That’s an amazing achievement.


I’m proud of you. Great dedication and discipline. You saved your own life.


Glad to have you with us.


This is why batman doesn’t get fat. No mom




matricide diet sounds kinda dark bro. I'm in


"No pain, no gain" -Batman


Alfred is an uptight bitch, keeping all the *biscuits* to himself. Good on, Alfred.


Wow. The giving of the candy by the teacher for the “a” really hit. When we lived in California - no treats brought in for birthdays and all rewards given by the teacher were non-food. They accosted points towards “bring a friend to school” (have a stuffy or action figure, wearing a hat during classes, sitting in a special throne chair for the day, pizza or burger with the principal, etc. They also had a program where the kids walked/ran laps around the playground - they earned a tiny plastic charms for their dog tag necklace. The kids were immensely proud of their necklaces and very competitive We moved to the Florida panhandle when my daughter was a third grader . Immediately- I had people offering and giving my kid candy without asking at every turn! Just the first two weeks - candy multiple times at school , two birthdays with cupcakes at school. The escrow agent pushed a bowl of candy at her across the table at our closing the minute we sat down even though she was already quietly coloring. She was given a baggie of candy at the bank, when we went to register the cars. At the new library. We went to dinner with husbands new boss and I was handed the children’s menu with some crayons tucked inside so I handed it off to her without looking . I look up and she’s got a mouth full of tootsie rolls! What I thought were crayons were the long tootsie rolls! Who gives a kid candy before dinner ?


We’re in the Midwest and my son started preschool this year. I was not prepared for the amount of unhealthy snacks he would be getting. I packed his lunches daily but in addition to that sometimes they had “breakfast club” with sugary cereal, they had a daily snack (muffins, cosmic brownies, sometimes pretzels and stuff) towards the end of the day and then holiday and birthdays obviously junk gets brought in. Then at the end of the day they get to pick a treat if they stayed on green all day! I emailed the school asking if I could provide some healthier snacks. We would be happy to pay and pick up so they could get some fresh fruits or something in there. (They were constrained by budget and allergies and I guess couldn’t store fresh fruit) They declined. I just don’t understand why he needs anything at all! It’s not even a full day of school.


This video signifies many aspects and cycle of addition in general. This is me with drinking and not caring it is slowly killing me


Big that you can admit it. What do you think is your best case strategy for reducing your intake (possibly down to zero)?


I can admit it, I have to. I need to face the facts. I'm not buying a bottle of vodka everyday like I used to so it's fine right?? I'm only drinking 5% "beers" now and haven't been blackout, but I'll call myself a medium functioning alcoholic because thats the most appropriate term, we think we are high functioning...but it's not


Ugh that’s a rough lifestyle. I wish you the best on getting it under control. Consider your exposure points. Do your friends recreationally drink as well? If so, perhaps try to find an interest group on meetup.com or Facebook to hang out with people based on some other distinct interest. E.g. like wood working? Socialize with people that also do, and maybe some will happen to be the sober type that can help keep you distracted.


Appreciate it, old dog I feel. Husband is sober, an advocate and consistently on my case....the problem is I'm not sure if I'd like to prove him right or wrong anymore I've been a regular drinker for 10+ years and this ain't my first rodeo


Long-term goal has to be zero. Please do. It not only helps but also everyone around you.


I will say though have met former alcoholics who can successfully have the occasional beer or glass of wine or champagne for a special occasion. But just one and no more.


Smoking for me. I’ve watched this a few times. The part that hits me the most is him going to the doctor, possible diabetes, gotta make a change. Then he is in the drive through. Stress triggers our addictions. “You’re gonna die” is stressful. And as much as people don’t understand it, when we don’t have any other coping mechanisms, we turn right back to the thing that’s killing us to manage the stress of hearing that something is killing us. I’ve found Miracle Morning very helpful over the last year. It’s built up some healthy habits without the knee jerk of preaching to me about my bad ones.


Many but not all. A lot of people use food to nurse their emotions and trauma, just like how people use drinking, but whenever stuff like this comes up therapy is usually never mentioned. You can’t break a habit if the drive of the habit isn’t fixed itself. Everyone mentions AA (not therapy) or a diet, but nobody asks “what happened to you that made your overconsumption so bad? What void are you trying to fill? How can we rehash our pov of food/alcohol?” Because it’s easier to just call them lazy/unwilling and move on.


Yup! Been a nail biter all my life. It never really affected anyone but me, so I didn’t care to stop it. Fast forward to now… at 33 I finally started therapy a few months ago. I’ve already noticed that my nails are the longest they’ve ever been because I’ve stopped subconsciously biting them. I’ve started actually *dealing* with my problems and not “biting” them away. I overate too and I find myself less hungry now as well. Like I’m not looking to bury my emotions by things. Addressing obesity is so much more than just losing weight.


When covid happened, I stopped biting my nails, but last year, went back to my old habits lol


Congratulations fellow nail biter. My six year old shamed me into stopping after 40 years. Feels so weird to see non chewed nails.


Haha! I agree! I was looking at my hands the other day and I was just like “wow, is this what they look like with nails?!” Lmao. But that’s what made me realize it. My hands looked weird to me and it took me a while to figure out why.


Food addiction is especially heinous because you can't quit food cold turkey. Food is fundamental to live.


And then some of us know what void we’re trying to fill already but we’re also acutely aware of the fact that we can’t do anything to fix that problem so just shovel more fries and whiskey down my gullet until I can get out of this hell hole that is my life.


Naltrexone + Bupropion, talk to your psychiatrist about it. 4 years sober thanks to that combination (and therapy). Bonus points is it also works on food addiction.


Yeah, math is hard.


I have a friend who's obese, and his 4 year old son is going in the same direction. Not sure how to show him this.


Maybe link it to him and say, "look there's a coupon for two-for-one bloomin' onions at Outback Steakhouse for people that watch this full video."




Onions are a vegetable, therefore is healthy snack. ([2000 calories in those](https://www.nutritionix.com/food/outback-bloomin-onion), Hahahaha. And it's an 'appetizer.')


Appies are meant to be shared. You’re supposed to pick at it with the other ~3 people you’re there with while you wait for them to over-cook your steak.


Definitely need to share with more than 2 people. I once split a blooming onion with a friend and had burger with some blooming onion on it, and I'm pretty sure satellites mistook me for a methane pipeline leak.


"We can share it, just a light snack that's 700 calories per person before we get to the main course."


Obviously it's not a healthy choice, but going to a restaurant every once in a while isn't going to make you obese. You can have surplus days, hell, even a surplus week and it won't make that much of a difference. Weight is rather insidious because it creeps up on you slowly until one day you see yourself in the bathroom mirror before a shower and you don't like what you see. Ask me how I know - I'm glad I caught it at 225 instead of 325. Weight also falls off slowly, much to the chagrin of those trying to lose weight. But the fact that you gain it slowly is why "cheat days" exist - eat a 500 calorie deficit from Sunday to Friday and you'd need a 3000 calorie surplus on Saturday to undo your progress. You gotta *try* to eat that much; for the average man it's over 5000 calories. That's *a lot* of food in one day. Sharing a Bloomin' Onion every once in a while? No problem, just take it a little easy on the food afterwards for a bit. Sharing a Bloomin' Onion every day? Yeah, you're gonna have some problems.


I've lost 80lbs in the past 10 months, thing is weight loss (and gain) isn't a game of binary extremes. Nobody becomes obese from one day of eating, and nobody slims down just cause they got up and walked half a mile for a single day. You absolutely can indulge yourself infrequently if you have the self control to consistently remain in a deficit most of the time otherwise. Devoured half a knockoff bloomin' onion when I went to Texas Roadhouse with family a couple days ago. Budgeted for it (and the rest of the pretty calorie intensive meal) by going into a heavy deficit the following few days. End result is I've *still* managed a net loss of weight since then. Like, you *are* able to enjoy yourself while losing weight from time to time, you really don't have to stick to a rigid 'no enjoyment allowed ever' diet. As long as you're not doing something stupid like eating fast food three times a week,


Thats a 600-700 calorie appetizer which is a meal. Three 700 calorie meals is 2100 calories which is a days worth


yo that's so fucked.


You're a monster. But my buddy has the type of sense of humor where he would still find it hilarious. Edit: I also just remembered he detests onions.


Putting the end in friend


damn. needing that coupon now


Thanks a lot, now I want a Bloomin' Onion.


Just send him this and say “hey this looks like y’all!”


"hey lardass, stop killing your kid"


You'll figure something out. Time is running out.


I’ll send it to him! Anonymous tip


The Redditor: a lifetime retrospective


I watching and thought “Oh wait, this is about *me*.”


Wait, is this fucking play about us?


Waaaay too many social interactions, wife and kid, and also health care. Not nearly enough basements.


Just needed a quick World of Warcraft screenshot


Reddit mod


This implies Reddit powermoderators left the house enough to graduate.


they have degrees that end in "studies"


I game regularly but I Don’t pound snacks or eat at all while I do it. I also do light cardio during the week. It’s all about balance and Being in my 50’s makes me even more aware of my lifestyle. I’ve been obese before and it was the worst era of my life. I like this ad and there’s nothing sensational about it.


I think the gaming in this are mostly a clear way to show sedentary and passage of time visually. Unfortunately it kind of pushes a stereotype but I don’t think that’s really why they used it.


Yeah it’s not the gaming, but the lack of anything else.


Yeah, you could be watching TV, coding at a computer, reading a book, doing the crossword, or knitting. The point is spending long periods of uninterrupted time sitting down is bad for our health.


Yup, but the tv would be a harder read of time. The changing controllers show pretty clearly we are jumping back in time with each change.


Yeah, I never get that. I’m an avid gamer. I was also an avid long distance runner until I injured my back. Now I’m an avid elliptical user (not as fun, but gets the job done in 30 minutes). Enjoying video games and being active aren’t opposites.


Probably worth pointing out that you don't need to be active to stay thin/lose weight either (although cardio health is good)... Literally just eat less than your resting metabolic rate. Your body isn't an enigma of science that somehow breaks the first law of thermodynamics.


If you think about it, just eating an extra donut (200 cal) everyday with no other changes, can cause you to gain a pound every 18 days or 21 lbs in a year.


That's facts. Most Asian countries are lean and it's not like they workout like crazy. They just typically eat less junk and get full off of whole foods like meat veggies and rice. Cutting out junk food would do wonders cause they make it super palatable, alot of people are going to over eat.


As an Asian from an Asian country, there's also the fact that everyone walks a bunch. A lot of people naturally hit 10k steps a day from walking around because public transport is a bit more accessible (at least in my country). Those calories add up too.


I’m not an asian but fully agree with what you’re saying here. I moved from a city with no transit to a city with great transit and I walk so much more. I’ve lost 30lbs in 2 years due to all the steps I get in just using transit to get around. It’s a nice built in low effort exercise.


something that i noted with people when they stop studing is the various "oh now i'm doing a sedentary job and i'm fat" and i usually add up "yes and before you were walking from point A to point B a lot just to do stuff like changing classes and so on, it all adds up"


That’s definitely true for weight loss. You lose weight in the kitchen, not the gym. But the health benefits of exercising and moving cannot be replaced with a good diet, especially as you get older. I believe regular exercise positively changes your brain chemistry


Be careful, or you will summon the "starvation response" advocates. Or the "thyroid issue" proponents.


I think it was just showing that the guy spent a lot of time sitting and not moving. Maybe you have a diverse set of hobbies, but I think you'd agree gaming itself isn't an *active* activity. Neither is reading, watching movies, etc. These things aren't bad but gaming and using the elliptical don't exactly go hand in hand.


Not opposites, sure, but you can't really do both at the same time. If you want to be active, you have to make a real effort to do that outside of your very sedentary hobby. There's also nothing wrong with eating fast food fries, if you do it like once a month and eat healthy the rest of the time. Most people just have trouble with the moderation part of things.


Agree about the effort part. It took me a while (like a year) to get in the habit of breaking up my gaming sessions to the point where I am now that I have an urge to workout regularly. Now it's easy and not a mental battle but I really used to debate with myself about why I didn't need to go and move around.


I think outside of the flashes of eating they wanted to show a sedentary life. What are the three most common sedentary activities... probably watching tv, being on your phone and gaming. Even when they showed him 'watching' the tv. Note how the tv wasn't even on. Showing tv programs or even specific phones/websites/apps can be complicated for legal reasons and often isn't always the most visually rewarding experience. Meanwhile showing a controller both indicated this sedentary activity where you are just sitting around on your couch in a more visually interesting way. It also can show the weight gain somewhat over time. As you could hire different actors at different weights to be the hand stand-ins so to say. That being said you are absolutely right that it seemed more interesting in showing everything almost like we associate with obesity, rather than a more honest depiction. Also in theory I feel like the same thing could have been implied by showing a shot of a guy using a remote to repeatedly change the channel. Or if you aren't going to do any of that... maybe just make the 'gaming' look somewhat real.


I've taken the opposite approach to snack while gaming, i exercise while gaming, mostly on a stationary bike. Havn't figured how to manage it with a kb/m but it works for things that you can use a pad for.


>It’s all about balance For you. For many others it is about being addicted to sugar and a change in body chemistry that they cannot reverse without help.


Very true. For me I had caused a metabolic issue with sugar and even artificially sweetened sodas.


He got a hot wife 21 seconds in though. So he's got that going for him


“How the hell does that happen?”


He may be really nice, fun and intelligent? Or he has money? :)


He got As in school and seemed to have some friends, he was probably a cool guy


That kid went from a NES to a gamecube. Must have blown his tiny mind.


PSA Fruits snacks are candy. To all the dumb parents who give this to their children as a snack, stop!


Should also go to say: just because there's free food, doesn't mean you need to eat it. I get weird looks when people bring in snacks or donuts or rice or tacos or soup to work and I politely decline. I've already eaten, I'm not hungry. Just because it's there doesn't mean I need to add it to my calorie pool for the day.




I did Food Not Bombs for a while (free vegetarian meals are given to the hungry at parks, etc.) and we did a lot of vegetable soups and pasta salad, what I kept hearing from guys on the street is it's not that hard to get food, but shelters and soup kitchens would give you a lot of hot dogs, white bread, boiled eggs, beans, that kind of thing. We'd serve on Sundays because oddly enough while churches were a great source of free food if you're homeless, they didn't do it on Sundays.


I don’t want to criticize an entity that’s actually providing help, but at the same time… the reason why they don’t serve on Sundays is so their donor base doesn’t have to see such “unsightly” poverty.


The amount of times I hear “oh I shouldn’t” and proceeded to take a plate.


Or if you're like me, even if you are hungry, that doesn't mean you should eat the donuts!


True fact: A lot of obese people will see this and not relate..


Obesity in the US has been normalized such that morbidly obese people think they are just obese, obese people think they are a “little overweight”, and overweight people think they are healthy. The obesity epidemic is mostly a mental health one. People who have eating disorders can’t cut food off cold-turkey like cigarettes. The temptations to eat are everywhere.


and food is specifically designed not to nourish but to hit all the little pleasure bells in our brain that tell us it's tasty and we should eat all of it.


I just recently got my BMI under 30, which means I'm now overweight instead of obese. Which really doesn't feel like *that* much of an accomplishment, truth be told. Feels like calling not shitting my pants an accomplishment. But the thing is, I don't really *look* obese. A stereotypically obese dude is a *huge* dude, and he's got visible fat deposits on his arms and face instead of just his gut, right? If you're 5 ft 10 in, the cutoff for a BMI of 30 is 209 pounds. The cutoff for a BMI of 25 (the lower overweight limit) is all the way down at 175. Sure, we can quibble about how accurate BMI is as a measurement, but the reality is that our image of an overweight or obese person is a *way* higher weight than what it actually is.


It’s a type of body dysmorphia, and it’s harmful because so many people aren’t aware that they are an unhealthy weight. Their doctor might try to be kind and say something like “You could lose a few pounds” in the 3-minute annual checkup, but in reality they are slowly grinding their way toward diabetes, heart disease and strokes. Good job for you taking more control of your health. Getting your BMI moving in the right direction is an accomplishment worth celebrating.


The tough part is things like fixing Obesity has to come from within. Unfortunately, for a lot of people it doesn't matter how much you beat them over the head with it. Some people the only way they ever end up fixing it is by hitting rock bottom, and some never wake up before it kills them.


For most it is a mental health issue. My advice to anyone who struggles to lose weight and get healthy is to get into therapy and work on yourself. Diets and exercise programs are secondary to good mental health. Finding, understanding and processing the underlying causes to eating disorders, food addiction, lack of discipline when working out, etc. will lead to better results across all aspects of life.


I was an avid runner and fell off the habit during covid. I didn't really think too much about it because everyone complimented me for being in shape still, until one day I popped on a scale and realized I was right on the bubble of healthy weight and overweight (5'10", 175 pounds). It shook me and after 2 years of stuttering trying to restart my healthy habits, I finally got my exercise rhythm back. My eating habits have gotten way better too. I'm down a little bit of weight and have a much healthier body composition. The thing that still sits in my head is how when I was right on that bubble, people kept joking about how I was the skinny one or how in shape I was. When I started telling people that I actually was on the cusp of being overweight and should lose a tiny bit for my health, some people straight up wouldn't believe me or think I was joking. It was such a weird dichotomy. It also sticks with me how difficult it was to rebuild the healthy habits, and that was as someone who was still essentially in the healthy weight range, so I could pick up cardio-heavy activities without a bunch of extra load on my joints and avoiding feeling like death. It's truly incredible that people are able to be 300+ pounds and turn it around. They're really inspiring to me. Far more inspiring to me personally than professional runners that are setting world records as much as I am inspired by them.


People will be accused of fat shaming if they acknowledge the significant mental and physical impact of being overweight. We need to stop listening to those people that direct their anger at others for their own choices.


I’m 5’11, 208 (peaked at 233 during pandemic) and still pretty overweight in European standards. I should be weighing 170-190 range for healthy matters. I do run 3 miles every other day/play pickleball for 3 hours at open play so I’m doin my best to hit that goal 💪


Because they're being brainwashed and told they're beautiful and perfect as they are.


I won’t say that body positivity is entirely un-problematic, but I do think learning to love the body you’re in is a much more effective first step to taking care of it than feeling the shame, guilt and self-hatred that many people are conditioned to feel about obesity.


It's kinda a double edged sword because you do need to have some pride to want to change. People shouldn't be told their disgusting or unlovable. However, a lot of body positivity is normalizing/celebrating obesity it in a way that gives people no motivation to improve. Vanity is a big part of it, and it's oddly good because by the time health problems incentivize the change it's a much more serious problem. Part of what makes it hard to combat obesity is there aren't many immediate and serious repercussion outside of cosmetic/lifestyle aspects. Obviously we know down the line it can cause serious health problems. The idea of loving your yellow smokers teeth and only quitting when you get a cancer scare would seem crazy by comparison. I mean being obese is bad, you shouldn't hate yourself but you shouldn't really feel positive about it in any way either. What you should do is love yourself as a human being beyond your appearance and realize you deserve to be healthy. It's also a better way to encourage people to lose weight, as opposed to bullying and insulting them.


Have you talked to an obese person? That they're fat and it's harmful to their well-being is not news to them. They're literally reminded of it every time they tie their shoes, sit down, see people looking at them in disgust or ignoring them in public. Their are PLENTY of immediate and serious repercussions to being obese. None of them want their body to look like that, and most go to serious and often harmful lengths to try to change it. Body positivity is about having just that tiny sliver of pride and positivity in an ocean of feeling less-than. It's about not applying moral judgements like "being obese is bad," but instead treating it as something to work on. I feel like a lot of people haven't gotten over that child-like aversion to diseases that most everyone moves past by the time they're teenagers. For a bald cancer patient or someone with MS it's not (and shouldn't be) socially acceptable to stare or make moral judgements, but for obesity we still have people arguing that it's a moral imperative that the suffering are made to feel that their bodies are unlovable unless they change, that they're a problem for everyone around them.


It's all because media craves ragebait. Person in a wheelchair you see in an ad doesn't promote the idea that you don't need legs. It's there to say that everyone deserves a happy life despite what hand they've been dealt.


Hear, hear! I doubt many people were bullied and humiliated into a healthy BMI.


I think it’s gray and I’m not sure what approach is right. You’re definitely right that you have to care about your body and your life before you make positive changes to it. At the same time, if someone has a BMI of 50, should they be positive about their body? They have a serious medical condition and that they have created for themselves and have permanently reduced their lifespan. We don’t tell addicts they need to “be positive” about their addiction. We tell them to get real and get help. At the same time, it’s not like our society treats addicts well or has a high success rate of getting addicts clean. So maybe the way we treat addicts isn’t a goalpost to strive for. I know for sure that endless positivity and endless negativity are both not the right solutions


I feel like our whole body-image mentality hasn’t reached that point of healthy attitudes yet. Feels like the idea that body-shaming isn’t normal or appropriate is still a fairly recent trend. So the first instinct was to push hard to the opposite rail (“Ots not just okay for people to be fat, it’s *normal* and *healthy* to be fat!”). And that was well-intended. it came after the “heroin-chic” phase of the 90s, when people were trying to literally starve themselves to achieve a frankly unhealthy level of skinniness. And they wanted to push back and say “our standards of beauty are themselves unnatural and unhealthy”, and “what we’re seeing as ‘fat’ right now is actually your average healthy body weight”. But as we get better about moving the standard back, we should be addressing the fact that message has been picked up by more people than intended. And like most health things, probably a bunch of people for whom the message wasn’t needed/appropriate. And we need to work on hemming that in so that it doesn’t become a pass for people to completely let go of their health standards.


You can’t just be unfat the instant you accept it’s unhealthy and you need to make a change. A lot of overweight people are actively working to make a change and could already be down dozens of pounds at any given time. What’s the point in continuing to mock and deride people that already know they’re fat and unhealthy? It’s honestly a very small group that believe they are obese and healthy, so it’s seriously just bullying and wanting people to feel bad regardless.


Yeah, I remember this ad. I was obese as a kid and certain things hit hard, particularly the family dynamics. It has taken a very long time to unfuck my palate re processed foods. I still love fast food, etc. but basically treat it the same way you’d treat having a drink. Getting off sugar/artificial sweetener has been extremely hard. Also, to folks who are being hard on their kids re their eating…..a word: YOUR CHILD DOES NOT HAVE MONEY OR GO TO THE STORE, YOU DO.


I just had a memory unlock. When I split from my son's mother, I was working on ships so barely got to see him. My first trip back after the breakup, he had just turned 3 and spent the whole time with me during my leave. He said he was thirsty and I gave him some water. "Dad, you don't drink water." This kid has straight up been drinking nothing but juice and coca cola so much so that he thought water was only for the toilet and washing. He's 14 now and doing great at least.


Water? You mean like in the toilet?


I am strongly oppinated about western society being literally poisoned by the foods corporations addict us to. Southeast Asian countries for example do not have an obesity epidemic as their food choices are much healthier, their culture encourages eating well and their corporate food produces are not formulating processed foods designed to addict us. Ever try to lose weight? Your body will go through withdrawal because you have been hooked on a drug.


Asian cuisine is also full of spices and seasoning which taste 1000x better than any McDonalds ever could.


All cuisines have a lot of spices nowadays, and better is subjective if I want something unhealthy that tastes good McDonalds is better, salt and sugar just can't be beat sometimes.


Having lived in SE Asia (Cambodia specifically), a lot of this is availability of food, as well as availability of leisure activities. Many SE Asians are still doing hard labor for work, AFTER they finish their factory job for pennies per hour. Not saying your comment has nothing to do with it, but it's also specifically related to how much poorer these countries are. I don't mean that as an insult, either. The west has a ton of money and we're killing ourselves with it, which is really fucking stupid.


weirdly it doesnt require much wealth to get your nation into an obesity epidemic. see: mexico, egypt, turkey.


Also fat shaming is still allowed


The main problem with this garbage food that people regularly eat is that they literally forget what real food tastes like. Their tastes buds adapt to the McDonald’s or Burger King menu more-so than anything else and they get addicted. To the redditors that may be struggling with obesity. Cut out the sugar, processed carbs, and fast food. Cut it all out for 1 month and your body will feel completely different. Find friends and make a support group, upgrade your spices and share recipes that actually taste good. Lift each other up because changing your diet after decades is no easy task but I promise it’s worth it. You feel better, your skin will look better, your mental health will be better, you will literally shit better. Anything that is worth doing is hard but it is worth it. Make today THE DAY.


step 1. start drinking **WATER** instead of soda or juice


154litres per capita every year of soda consumption. That seems like a lot.


If that's averaged, then the people who avoid soda are bringing that way down from where it is for the 711 big gulp crowd.


Holy shit.


Yeah this. Or really, start with carbonated or mineral water if you want the bubbles. I used to be a soda fiend…..then I discovered that the bubbles was the main thing I liked. Now I have an expensive spindrift habit.


I started counting calories back in February and I've mostly drank water because the calories in any other drink are a pain to calculate effectively.


Former obese child here. Well intended, but this type of thing is very difficult. Hell, it has taken me years to unfuck my palate from all the processed stuff I’ve eaten in the past. Sugar/artificial sweetener has been the hardest.


Neah that's not how it works, taste buds experience turnover every two weeks or so, there is no need to mysticize why people like or become addicted to McD or Burger King, fried food tastes good, salt and sugar tastes good, McD and Burger King have a lot of those ergo people like them.


I’m a new mom. And I want to say that the information and resources parents have now are so much better than what our parents had. Remember “part of a complete breakfast” cookie crisp? Juice was called healthy. Formula wasn’t as good and nutritious. A lot of healthy food options we have now were not available to throughout the US. I didn’t even know what an avocado was until late high school. Hummus around the same time. My mom is very involved in my child’s life and she has this guilt sometimes when she learns a parenting choices she made or was told to do are now known to be detrimental. It’s not her fault. Pre 2006/2008, research into children and women’s health was almost zero. Since then we have been learning so much more. That said, kids are little sponges and they see everything and learn. Eating healthy yourself is a great way to help… but it’s so hard to so when you’re working, stressed, and your options are to feed your child or yourself because there’s no time after work. 😔 I just want to put that out there because it’s I think common to just blame mom… but we don’t see what she has to do outside of this snip, and where’s dad? Grandma? Grandpa? Who is the other lady there and why is she just judging and not helping a clearly overstressed mom


mom's also love to compare to other kids as well. i've had to tell my wife to stop comparing our kids to others. great, someone else is feeding meat to their 5 month old. it's not time for that, it's too early. we know a lot more about nutrition but some parents love to get in this race to see who eats solids first, who crawls first and who walks first. (there's a bluey episode about it). that is unhealthy and put risks on the baby too.


>there's a bluey episode about it Dude my wife cried *so* hard when she watched that with our baby. I got her a little keychain with "You're doing great" written on it for Mother's Day and she loved it. And cried again.


Omg I just watched that Bluey episode for the first time last week and SOBBED! I cried at the “you’re doing great!” Part but sobbed at the “‘maybe it’s because you saw something you wanted” part.


Idk if we “love” it, or if you’re just trying to do the best you can… and then ads like these show you that if anything goes wrong with your kid down the line someone will say it’s your fault as mom. Other parents also ask questions and sometimes it can get a defensive bent to it. The moment the algorithm found out I was engaged to my now husband I started getting fear-mongering media in my feed about my future children. And even though I am aware of what is happening it can sometimes get to me. I don’t think Dads don’t have that pressure on them.


Dads don’t have that pressure. But the pressure of being a man and being emotional and being a good dad and husband and knowing how to do everything, etc etc that a man should be is the pressure we have.


Yeah. I see this a lot with my dad’s generation too. The feeling that they can’t show happy emotions except to their dog. It’s sad. I hope men now know they can like what they like and love what they love.


> Juice was called healthy. It can be, depends which. If you look at ingredients and in 100g there is like 30g sugar than yeah, maybe pass on getting that.


Can't access the bloody website from Pakistan. Wtf.


fuck u bloody!!! https://old.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/eymne1/bloody_fuck_you_bloody/


I remember seeing this ad on reddit back in 2015/16, and it was a bit of an eye opener since I was already in a slump and wanted to crawl myself out of it. I've lost 50lbs (245lbs to 195lbs) since then though I've rollercoastered a lot up and down. I wanna keep going and I believe anyone else can accomplish it as well. My key was simple calories in vs calories out with going to a gym and walking more often.


[Less powerful ant obesity ad.](https://youtu.be/lMKNtc4RJHc?si=brJOZE72BPRFlFif)


I thought this was going to be about insects and their need for sugar.


Really wish nutritious foods were as cheap and easy as fast food, but they're not. Everything in the US is excessively sweetened. Everything is designed to reduce effort. Everything pushes people towards this outcome. This isn't to negate personal responsibility or agency, but being healthy is much harder than going with the flow.


Yep. If you go to a market in rural Africa, 90-100% of the food for sale there is fresh or dried goods that you need to cook and prepare yourself. This used to be the case in the US as well, which is why we used to have a distinction between grocery stores and “convenience stores”, where you could find ready to eat things. Now, grocery stores are basically just giant convenience stores— something like 70% of the store is taken up with convenient, ready to eat snacks and food. This is also way worse for you but it’s the main way that grocery store make profits now. There’s just no margin on selling dried beans or leafy vegetables.


Happy Mother’s Day.


As a parent of young kids and someone who is overweight this terrifies me.


it's not wrong but.......jesus, wow.


POV average Reddit mod


You posted this to the wrong website, lol. I got into internet scuffles for arguing with people that it’s healthier and more inexpensive to cook your own food and I got downvoted for it. Notice too that many people on this site whine about how the dating pool sucks and they’re lonely and depressed. Fine, stay that way. I’ll continue to work-out every day and reap the benefits over the average person by simply not eating like a slob and valuing my health.


To anyone reading this comment who's thinking about losing weight: You do not need to work out to lose weight. In fact, if your primary goal is to lose weight, it may be better to not work out at all because the calories burned are relatively minor, and a lot of people think, "Oh I worked out today, that means I can have this treat." Or they'll think they need to fuel up prior to working out. Working out is good for you. But losing weight is primarily about diet.


"You can't outrun a bad diet"


This is absolutely true. I used to be morbidly obese as a teen, I managed to go from 154 kg to 90 kg in under 2 years by measuring what I eat, cooking and cutting back on juice/cereals. Been stuck around 89 kg ever since. Working out seriously will help *after* the main weight loss. Before it though, just walking a bit should be enough, don’t stay sat all day in front of screens.


I've got a pretty good guess as to why to you get downvoted often


I don’t even work out every day; I can’t stand getting sweaty. For the folks who think hitting the gym is too hard, it literally just comes down to calories in and calories out. If you consume less than you spend, you’ll lose weight. You can live a largely restful, sedentary life and still be thin if you just eat less. To be clear, I’m supplementing, not refuting your point. Those who can add exercise to their routine will of course be immensely helped by it.


> I got into internet scuffles for arguing with people that it’s healthier and more inexpensive to cook your own food and I got downvoted for it. I don't get why people still make that argument. For the price of a takeaway meal you could easily buy the ingredients to make a week's worth of dinners based on vegetables, grains and some meat. It's not that hard to prove. Well, I guess I do get it. People want to act like their bad health decisions weren't really their fault. For many people the flimsiness of the argument doesn't outweigh the convenience of it.


I think it's more that people don't want to cook but just won't admit it and instead have excuses. I know because I am one of them, I hate cooking, I suck at it, it involves thinking and planning ahead, the clean up sucks, and I have never liked leftovers so cooking in quantities that make it economic also sucks. I work about 10.5 hours every day, the last thing I want to do at the end of the day is think about dinner. I want to just go home, grab a burger on the way or throw some hot pockets in the microwave, then sit on the couch and veg until it's bed time. Straight up, that mindset is lazy and slowly killing me, I'm trying to stay mindful and break that habit but it's still hard. I think though the first step in getting out of that is to stop making bs excuses.


This happened to me on the shower thoughts sub regarding meal prep. Folks tried to make excuses from tryna spend time with kids too being too tired. I can understand what they mean, but with the less than 24 hours we have. 1-2 can be utilized to help make sure you're properly fueled and not succumb to preventable illness


Do not speak the truth!


I didn’t realize it was going back in time until he was on the high chair. I was really freaking confused as to why they were yelling at his wife for his weight gain. Most of the video I was like “damn, being a dad stressed him the eff out”


It would help dramatically if the nations largest food companies didn’t sugar the FUCK out of everything we consume. But that’s a convo for another day.


Thank God. Now fat people will know they shouldn't be fat


I appreciate that they’re not just pointing fingers at people and offering helping hand.


That's weird. I don't remember ever having a camera strapped to me. I'm out of breath just watching that video.


This should be translated in every language and shown in every country! A very powerful Ad!


Is that powerful though? The most powerful motivator to me was slowing down and ​​taking an honest look in the mirror / candid photos not taken by myself. ​​​​​​​​​​​​Between work, a kid or two ​and wife nagging you it's easy to just be coasting on ​​​​​just getting by. It took a life shake up to shock me into action. ​​​​ The best not actual motivator but secret - just literally not having any junk food / soda / alcohol etc etc in your house/car at all, then heavily restrict ​eating out. If its not convenient when you get those cravings you're far less likely to go there. Then after you've done that, you start to see results and that becomes your motivation, first you'll get pretty significant visual changes, after several months though that will have to change to goals more than visual as it will slow down. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​You physical markers will still be noticeably improving ​​​​​​for quite a while after that, and from there is just either becomes habit or you slip. To me, ads like this, or people saying stuff, or whatever is all irrelevant, it needs to be my own strong desire to change such habits. ​​​​​​​​​​​ Having gone through this myself (though I was no where near that extreme) such a video wouldn't have said anything to me. ​​​​​​For anyone trying - the first month is by far the hardest, after that you won't crave sugar/alcohol/caffeine etc nearly as much. You'll start to actually like stuff you could barely stomach before. It's pretty simple really energy in - energy out = mass gain/loss long term (short term level of water retention can make a big difference). ​​If you are looking to cut weight though you should do so while maintaining at least 0.8g/kg goal body weight ​​protein intake by PDCAA rating spread through the day, and keep up your vitamin/mineral intake - besides that the rate of loss is going to be a function of the energy deficit. ​​And drink water... (NB: why mention PDCAA, because nutritional information doesn't make such a distinction, but let's say peanuts for example, realtively high protein content but only about 50% effective protein for human tissue synthesis, the rest is effectively just equivalent carbs (ie will get used as energy), should also be noted however that certain combos of low power PDCAA rated foods can in combination effectively providre a higher PDCAA rating consumed together, example beans + rice. Independently pretty terrible rating, together not nearly as bad. Processed wheat protein for example is only about 25% effective as usable protein vesus its protein levels on a nutritional label)


The guy in the ad cooks none of his own food, it's all the packaged-and-processed, true blue American crap that he eats.


Wait, are people pro-obesity?


Welcome to America.


All this add does is make me feel like a failure. And my mother didn't stuff me with crap. I've been obese off and on (mostly on) since I was a teen and could get food outside of the house. I'm 60. I've been there, got the t- shirt, grew out of it, and donated it to goodwill. I've lost and regained weight more times than I can count. And I'm at the point now where I don't give a shit. Everybody dies. Fighting for a couple more years is like trying for peace in the Middle East. And thinking about it, over the past 40 years, I've known at least 6 people who were around my age who died. Two from suicide, one from an aneurism, and three from cancer. Not a single one of them was fat, let alone obese. And here I am, sitting on my fat ass, at my computer, wishing I could have traded places with any one of them.


> And I'm at the point now where I don't give a shit. Everybody dies. Fighting for a couple more years is like trying for peace in the Middle East. Sure, but you're not just living longer by not being obese, you're also living better (as in, literally feeling better).


I admit that much of my eating habits and inability to stop them is rooted in poor eating habits as a kid, but it wasn't my mom feeding me french fries. It was being poor, not having a lot for entertainment except video games, no father figure to teach me how to be a boy or man, no one to teach me how to play other than to entertain myself with a screen, and an incessant need to satiate a boredom the drove me insane because I couldn't keep my brain occupied on one thing for more than 30 minutes. The easiest thing to do that was food. Entertainment for your mouth. I never was taught the importance of reading even though I could do it. I was never taught how to feel good about delayed gratification the importance of hardwork. I was neglected and left to my own devices in a bedroom with a video game and a screen at an age that had no way to know any better. And anything that was available in the cupboards. Food was never sustenance to me, it was always entertainment The ruts of habit so deeply ingrained in my brain that the cycle of video games is a shadow of what they once were. I go through the motions hoping to find the spark again. Chasing a different kind of drug. Novelty. Something new. Something different that I haven't tried before. Led to a cell, and not locked in, but instead something far more sinister, handed the keys to lock ourselves in.


Honestly a lot of my stomach fat developed because my mom kept feeding me good food non stop during my younger days. Don’t know what it is that doesn’t make them understand that they’re causing long term harm to their kids. My mom still cooks a lot of unhealthy food and complains when I tell her not to add unhealthy butter or oil to my food. She says it won’t taste good and you won’t like it. But I love it regardless and tell her that I like it without the unhealthy butter. She still sometimes sneaks it in. Don’t know what it is. It’s like she loves it when I take second or third helpings and if I don’t take it, she takes it personal like I didn’t like her cooking or something. She will say “ you exercise a lot anyway” yet she doesn’t know that she feeds me 3 times the calories in one meal that I burn in one session. That’s one session a day and she feeds me two such meals. If I skip dinner because I’m too full she takes it personal. If I don’t eat more she takes it personal. I’ve explained the concept of calories to her and how dieting is the first defense. How it is 80% of my weight gain. She understands the science but on the inside she feels like I’m just bluffing or overreacting or something. My father died at age 49 from a heart attack. I don’t want to end up like that. I tell her that he died because he ate unhealthy. She blames it on his lack of exercising but he actually worked out pretty alright. But burning 300 calories in a workout a day isn’t gonna do much when you’re eating 2000 calories a day.


Luckily there is a quick solution to this; turn a blind eye and call it body positivity.