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And that's the Green Ranger himself, the late Jason David Frank, playing one of the playground thugs.


A man so nice they gave him a first name thrice


I bet he actually was the person who choreographed it.


That totally makes sense.


How is this being downvoted. It's great haha


For some reason, certain modern audiences don't understand humor and think he's just making fun of Bruce. I wish people were not so sensitive. Jaleel White has a lot of talent.


Crazy crazy talented….him and Alfonso Ribeiro (Carlton) played their character so well that they didn’t get other opportunities…people just couldn’t see them perform in another character.


"People are just too sensitive" is a pretty convenient and overly simple reasoning, imo.


"This was supposed to be a blue-collar Cosby show, now you're turning it into goddamn Quantum Leap!"


What do you want me to say bubala he’s the star of the show?


That was shockingly competent and some of the talent here in the background performers is amazing. JDF taking that prat fall right off the bat. White is good at this and it kind makes me sad he never got to do much more physical comedy like this.


He should have played Jar-Jar


I don't think that would have changed much at all.


It would have been more polarizing


I mean....I guess that's a point. Instead of having 99% of everyone hate jarjar they could have bumped that up to 100%


99% didn't hate Jar-Jar. A lot of kids liked him. I thought he was fine. Are we all gonna act like C3PO was some cool dude? Jar-Jar was comic relief and a well done piece of motion capture


Jar-jar is comic relief that didnt work and the entire story hinged on him. C3PO could be deleted from all of star wars and the story would still basically be the same and they also did WILDLY different kinds of comedy. If you delete Jar Jar from the prequels you lose the context of 1/3 of the phantom menace (and that wouldnt be a bad thing) Jar\_jar is a shit character and i do not care how many stupid kids like him and casting White to that role, at the height of his popularity wouldnt have made the role better or worse and only would have intensified the backlash. You have to remember there was a large subset of people that fucking HATED urkel more then Jar Jar...imagine That same performance with an actor people were already tired of seeing. AND for all intent and purposes, I will defend Ahmet Best's performance. He was pretty much just doing what the director wanted and honestly, he was treading new ground with new tech. So while he wasnt exactly a trail blazer comedically, his performance is actually extremely good


Funny how Urkel and Bruce Lee had such similar builds. Bonus points for the Gymkata at the end of the last fight.


best Brucesploitation ever!


Man, racism is way more acceptable against Asians.