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Probably in the sense of innocence and being “clean” other than that being a virgin is boring


Yeah, also it’s not something to openly brag about.


Yeah and if I asked them to switch with me to become a 28 yo virgin, I know exactly what they’d say


Virginity is only cool if other people want to have sex with you more than you want to have sex with them which isn't true for me.


Depends how you wear it. If it’s a choice to be a virgin and save yourself for the right person it’s looked very well upon. However if it’s presented as being involuntary and an insecurity/source of envy people tend to laugh or look down on you


this reminds me of the “virginity rocks” clothing from highschool


I need a shirt like that


Where I'm from, virginity is pathetic and humiliating.


Where are you from




How about love. ? Any post-puberty person can have sex.


I’m 27 and still have it. I am starting to think it is. Specially where I live everyone is hooking up and Cheating or in “open relationships” and you have to ask people if they have diseases. So when girls ask me what my body count is I can say with pride 0. So yes in my opinion it’s cool.


Much respect and great job using wisdom 👏💪👊. Truthfully speaking if more male and females thought this the world would be a much more safer, cleaner disease n virus free place.


Ikr,I wish whole world was like that but that will never happen




So you're body counts means how many times you've had sex in your life? I never knew that. I thought everyone just said a different random number lol


I have truthfully underestimated the mental toll touch deprivation can have on me. If it wasnt for the gym and working out i am 97% sure i would have killed myself, now im down to 80%


Any man who thinks this is either just being ignorant or is the type of dude who wears **virginity rocks** t-shirts.


no i don't , considering i am still a virgin and will most likely be the rest of my life . Well i think that being a virgin or not is not important except to keep humanity alive of course. and no i am heterosexual not asexual


Well, you don’t have to worry about STDs and unexpected pregnancies. You don’t have list of exes to harass you or worry about your partner comparing body count. For some partners, they get be their first meaning there is nothing to compare to which can be appealing


I'm 30. A lot of people my age that were very sexually active before now have to deal with consequences. Like suffering from STDs (HIV included), having unwanted children or having to cope with a failed marriage. I don't think being a virgin at my age is an optimal outcome, but it surely has some perks.


Really even hiv?


I know a dude that had an unprotected sex with a transsexual person. It appears that person had HIV.


Thank god that shits basically curable these days.


M25 i had a few chances to lose it but i rather wait for a relationship and just dont care if i still have it


I've heard that's hot etc as well. Maybe for some but not for me.


Religious people, most likely.


Idk how it’s possible to not think like this tbh


For girls it’s cool


Wouldn't that be an example of sexism? Don't get me wrong hook-up culture is totally unhealthy, but unhealthy for everyone.


Yes reality is sexist


And in reality everyone has a unique opinion...


It is healthy for men to have sexual experience with women. No woman wants a man that doesn’t know what to do, in any situation.


The question was 'is virginity cool?'. The word cool implies a judgement call. You have made it clear how you judge people. Not everyone would necessarily have the same opinion, even if they were all the same gender. Also, if what you said above is true, then all males would be virgins as people don't know how to have sex when they are born...


Humans have been figuring it out since the beginning of time (or we wouldn't be here today). I know a couple who were both virgins when they got married, and they have 4 kids now, so obviously it's one of those things you can learn on the job. I asked the wife (private conversation) about how they did it when neither one of them had any experience. She just laughed and said the very first time was a lot of "try this, try that " combined with some pain; but by the end of the honeymoon, they were trying all kinds of positions and having a total blast.


Young girls already know boys in their age range won’t have experience. So they are ok with it for the most part (17-20 year olds). But it is a fact that women like older men as well. This is a historical fact. Because older men have more experience/knowledge/resources. When I was 18, my 19 year old girlfriend didn’t expect me to be knowledgeable about sex obviously, I was 18. But if I was 28+ I’m sure she would of expected me to be knowledgeable.


If you're a guy why is your profile pic a girl? Nothing is 100% anything so I'm not going to worry about one rando's opinion. I expect things to be tough, but impossible? It's only impossible if you are a slave to convention and a cog in the machine.


It’s some guys wife that wanted to cheat on him with me but we never did it. The pic is a screenshot of her saying that I am her soulmate (yea it’s weird and random but I find it funny). Who said something was impossible?


I understand things better now. I want to meet people, and you want to meat people.


So what your saying here about what's healthy is that you hate gay people?


When did I say anything about gay people? Elaborate


You said, "It is healthy for men to have sexual experience with women." Gay men don't do that, so your statement implies they are unhealthy.


If you never want women, then there’s no need to practice


??? You good bro


Strong no it's not. No one I've ever been around has seen it as a plus, or hardly even a good thing. Men have not wanted to deal with it, women have laughed at me for it; not all of them but most of the time. And it's gotten much worse the older I got


The lower the body count, the higher value the woman will be to other men. Doesn’t work the other way around.


So my question is probably off topic but what are you trying to achieve here ? Are you trying to ragebait ? Are you trying to troll ? Or what it’s a genuine question. If you want to ragebait people here are nice and won’t get mad easly. So again what are you trying to achieve here ?


I’m being factual. That is all.


About what ? Have you got some factual objective proof that does not base around your sugar coated deluded opinion ? You didn’t answer my questions


Look it up. It takes some learning on your end, for you to understand. Female virginity is worth millions of dollars for a reason.


Damn even ragebaiters nowadays are lazy 🤣 at least put more effort trying to make people mad


I love you! Hope you decide to learn! Either way have a good day redditor.


Buddy you are here arguing with everyone in the comments for like 6 hours. “Redditor” you have 3000 karma you spent more time on reddit than I spent playing CS 1.6 13 years ago. If I were you I would shut it down you are literally making it easy for me to roast you LOL


No, this isn't correct. Well-adjusted men don't care about body count at all.




Well adjusted men prefer a chick who knows what she's doing. Way more fun that way


So again, no. Even if you say lower that doesn't mean 0. There are men who do not want to be bothered with virgin women, especially after like 25. I've seen it in real life, I've heard it online. This stuff is all individual, thinking that's true for even a lot of men is misguided. At best they don't care




I'm 21 and I think it's cool I can say I have self control and clean from stds


To me being a virgin is a act of discipline like imagine being so weak willed you’d fuck anything walks




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I think in this over sexualised society it is, it's a rare commodity to have, especially with such temptation in the world. That's just me tho.


1. I feel like anyone who ever says such a thing is being sarcastic 2. If they aren't, then it's probably people trying to minimize chances at teen pregnancy since a lot of kids know it's cool to have sex, so certain people would like to try and make them not try so young (but they're just gonna do it anyways and so we all know that doesn't work in reality)


It's definitely unique. Whether its cool or not depends on how you look at it


I found this youtube channel recently. He is a virgin till marriage by choice and in one video he talked about how a few girls find it arousing and nice, that he is still a virgin. I don't know in which video he talks about it. But yeah: i find his take about relationships and girls not always great, but definetely interesting. https://youtube.com/@swoozie?si=hVN-tZtDZCWNcJt2