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It should be modded directly to fan to simulate the wind speed and the speed of the podracer.


You can do that with most PC racing games, it's kinda fun


Got any links? That sounds like a fun mod to do.


It's not exactly super easy plug and play, but you'll need Simhub, an arduino and of course some fans (and some other bits). Here's a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yud4duS2l2s


I think someone made an actual physical mod for fans for psvr1 I used to put up a fan when I play (not just for summer). Honestly it does add immersion in most games. I have it oscillate too.


I use a fan so I know my orientation while in VR


What a neat idea! I am making something inspired by it and other cool things :) Still early, after so long, but getting better every day! Demo is available on Quest. Need to wrap up the garage soon :D Check it out: [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2401910/Dart_Racer/) [App Lab](https://www.meta.com/en-gb/experiences/4370464433009119/)


I played it back when you first posted and had fun, though there were some issues at the time. Have you been able to keep refining it since then?


Certainly! Ive been working on it almost daily. I think Im past the feature creep phase now, working on improving and implementing all the planned thingies :D Im working solo, so it goes slowly. But hopefully steady. The demo version is fairly old now, want the next update to be meaty!


Look up DEATHGRIP on steam, the devs talked about putting in a vr camera. Might be worth keeping an eye on.


Oh damn, that does look promising. I wonder if you could do a VR camera and then some kind of double throttle setup for the controls


DEATHGRIP is pretty great as well! Got inspired by few things :D


It would have to be official. Not cheap indie version because I'm pretty sure there already is that.


[Velocity Vector] (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1537470/?snr=1_5_9__205) Hard as nails to play, but it simulates the pod and how you'd control it with motion controllers. [Vector 36] (https://store.steampowered.com/app/346460/Vector_36/) More of a simulation, but it's essentially anti grav pod'ish racing.


Vector 36 rocks. Tons of fun with a hotas, very tricky to get the hang of if you aren't used to more grounded and detailed physics


Vector 36 is the real deal but it takes a bit of work. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPOMNAZpwSo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPOMNAZpwSo)


The first one looks like a pod racing, robot jumping, trackmania in vr.


Or this: https://ravstark.itch.io/podracer


Official one would be EA games, since they own the Star Wars license. Whole host of problems with that like just randomly not being able to access the game anymore when they decide to stop supporting it. I'd rather a passionate indie dev with enough marketing money to get a good player base... but I know I'm dreaming.


EA doesn't own the license, they had an exclusivity deal which expired in 2023.


Closest thing to this that I played was Wipeout Omega Collection on PSVR. It's the first example of a game I can think of that was built in flat and translated perfectly to VR... I think it's proof that a podracing game would be cool as shit and could even be cross-platform between pancake and VR which would really help boost the lobby numbers.


Hell yea


Try redout. Kinda similar and really fun in vr. I agree that pod racer is still one of the best racing games.


Closest we had was the arcade one, and that one rocked. Also played the Pod Racing section in The Skywalker Saga. This idea really needs to be revisited.


I can 3d model these things. Anyone with Unity or UE5 skills out there that can program? 😃


BallisticNG plays perfectly in VR.


I'm getting a lot of good suggestions from this post lol. I'll have to check this one out too.


ah yes... I literally pissed myself as a 12 yo because I couldn't stop playing it on my cousin's N64


Absolutely down for this 👍👍


Anything by this point. But of course, don't use Disney's IP.


Not me. I am the opposite of a Jedi, I would just slam into canyon walls over and over. 🤪🤣


You'd get Obi-Wan's voice in your head: "Use the instrument panel, u/JorgTheElder! You can't trust your feelings for shit, AI assist is there for a reason"


That would be absolutely incredible! Shut up and take my money


Only if Disney isn't involved.


I would be so excite to cover my room in barf, yeah <3


There's at least one project out there! There was someone already doing proof of concepts. They had a discord but went silent after a while. I played their releases and it was genuinely a great feel and exactly what you're describing! Maybe someone could spill a bit more on what happened to the project. But it is 100% playable as proof of concept!!! https://discord.gg/zP6yYcBw <--- discord for feedback and download https://ravstark.itch.io/podracer <---- just want to download the game and try it


Been wanting this for years. It's the perfect format for VR as a seated experience. Add HOTAS and other sim racing accessory support and you'd have a banger of a game.


This is as close as you can get right now: https://ravstark.itch.io/podracer


World love to see this ported as is for vr


It would be awesome if they did multiplayer support too. I'd love to yell that someone drives like a Gungan as I pass them lol


Would prefer Wipeout, now that would be incredible.




**Ballistic NG**. It's awesome in VR, while being very PS1-aesthetic. **Redout**. More colorful-generic-modern graphics, also a bit hard to run in VR on cheaper hardware.


Pretty sure there are podracer worlds on VRChat but not the real gamr


I just want DR BEEF to mod the OG episode 1 racer game 🤷 that’s all we need tbh


Would kinda work perfect with VR motion controllers, too.


Just don't call it "pod racing" or Disney will send you a Cease & Desist and you'll have to change your logos and assets and marketing materials. It has to be a generic thing that won't be construed as being associated with Star Wars other than in similarity.


Yes yes a thousand times YES!!!!


With HOSAS support.


I think I still have this disc somewhere.


I loved this game back in the day, and I specially loved the Sega Arcade. I think that it would be awesome in VR. I know that people usually criticize the Star Wars prequels a lot, specially Star Wars Episode I, but I remember loving Episode I when it came out. And they made all these amazing games they made, like the LucasArts adventure game, Star Wars racer, and Jedi Power Battle. I saw the movie recently and I think that it's actually pretty amazing, full of crazy costumes, makeup, cutting edge VFX, and some insane sequences like the race and the final battle with Darth Maul.


Yeah I don't understand the dislike for the prequels myself either. Granted, I did grow up with them. But there's plenty of stuff I grew up with that when I got older, I saw was bad lol. The star wars prequels aren't one of them tho. I still like them to this day. I just rewatched Episode 1 The other day, which is what made me think of this idea and rethink about this game. And yeah, I agree that a lot of things about the movie hold up surprisingly well, including the effects. I can't believe it was released in 1999. It's right up there with stuff like Lord of the Rings and Pirates of the Caribbean for having some of the best early CGI effects that still hold up well to this day.


Take my money


Any quality game for VR right now is appreciated.


Would it really be much different than current VR racing games?


The difference would be in the controls mainly. I would hope for either a double throttle setup, or at least using the controllers to simulate holding the 2 control arms of a pod racer. My personal dream would be double throttle setup with hand tracking so you could take your hands off the thrusters to hit other controls like repairs. Plus boosting, repairing on the fly from collusions and over boosting, turning sideways to squeeze thru cracks, stuff like that. Not too many racing games that do all that.


That actually makes a lot of sense. I didn’t think of the double throttle situation.


Just as any VR game idea, if done correctly it could be the shit, if done correctly


The Pod Racing stuff in the movie or the game(s) never really appealed to me, but I could see myself enjoying it in VR. I'd love to see them add in some ship racing too. Star Wars Resistance was a show built around ship racing, so it'd make a nice combo to the Pod Racing. I especially love the setting for Resistance.


I wish sony would make wipeout VR for PC.


Bruh. https://store.steampowered.com/app/473770/BallisticNG/?l=polish


Yeah this is the shit VR needs to actually start producing.




Me!! I played the absolute crap out of this on n64. Atleast I think it was n64


Someone has built a podracer VR experience: https://discord.com/channels/779489137312530463/779489137744150529


Sure. As long as its an optimized and of a visual quality that fits to 2024 and not 2010.


Actually I had an idea od recreating this game for VR. Would be awesome




Yes! Please, someone do this already!


I have been following this developer and they have expressed the desire to add some form of VR. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1721590/DEATHGRIP/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1721590/DEATHGRIP/)


It's a new lap record!


Whatever that ship flying Star Wars game would also be dope


Star Wars: Squadrons does have VR support last I heard.


It does. Works pretty well too.


Thats the one! I'm guessing just for pcvr cause I tried to find it in the Meta store


it's on PSVR too




But not PSVR2 😭


I miss Sony’s backwards compatible days :(


It was fun when it worked. I've just had so many issues with it and now I can't get past the EA sign in screen.


There have already been multiple Star Wars games made for VR, it's really a no-brainer, although they might be waiting for the standalone market to catch up bc I don't know if Quest 3 could run a podracing game with huge arenas, a number of racers, and all this at high speed


It'll be interesting to see what the upcoming Quest 3 exclusives are able to accomplish like Arkham Shadow. I heard one dev say that the leap from developing for the Quest 2 to the Quest 3 was way bigger than expected.


Ah yes, also known as "Puke simulator 2000"


I'm fortunate I guess. I've yet to meet the VR game that could make me sick. Even when playing on the Rift S with it's pretty low refresh rate.