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If you have to experience in fighting here in ukraine please join 1st batt or 2nd, cause you come to a Ukrainian unit ment for assaults ans you don't like your job guess what 6 months you ain't going no where


Not an exact answer to the question but i appreciate you taking your time to answer. Thanks mate


He's stating that if you go to a ukie unit that is doing assaults and that's not your cup of tea, it's much more difficult to leave these units than say 1/2nd bat IDLU. I think that's a reasonable way to look at it. If I was a spanish speaker I'd go to 2nd battalion but be prepared for heavy work.


That is absolutely correct, but my question was to find out how lads are being treated on that specific one. And by treatment i dont mean you are having it easy , but for example actually receiving things as the ID on proper time ( even though it is a right, you do talk with people around here that have not received, got fucked over with payments and some got straight up sent to positions where "drinking with complacency" is normal) Everyday there is a ton of south americans coming in and recruiters from units that had no history of recruiting foreigners are coming every day to offer spots, but everyone is a bit aprehensible since the conditions have changed and people no longer can break contract and just find other unit. And that is no opinion, is what you see at the military district every day. So, it was a question on that note. People shouldnt interpret asking about "hey how is that unit" as a "is that work easy or not" , is about finding a profesional brigade with a profesional attitude regardless of nationalities.


I was in Ukraine in 2022 / 2023 for brief stints. 13th wasn't even a name. From what Wikipedia says it sounds like it's still forming among a sea of units needing reconstitution and reinforcements. Any unit standing up at this time would give me the impression that it's probably a shitshow.


Just join 1st batt who cares about other units..find that out later.. you need to learn and see if your able to even take part of this exciting party


I ment if you don't have experience*... Truth be told what I see alot here onr reddit is alot of new guys who wanna come ukraine and join units they have no business in.. I suggest going to legion.. eat some arty take some shots from tank get fpved and see even if you dan handle work