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..i was almost going to answer this, but seeing your post & comment history, i think it will be rather pointless. To the (logical) rest: you know the real world, no need to explain. Keep your energy and help those who need, dont spend it on these baits.


I couldn't get past more than a couple threads. I know there's a LOT more to blame for viewpoints like theirs out here, but hell I wish gamergate never happened.


Yeah they sure do have some, ehrm, opinions. I would recommend for him to go outside and touch some grass, but somehow i feel that reality check would fly right past his head anyways. I truly feel a bit lost with people like that, because i so very much would want to expand their world view, to help them see the bigger picture.. but i have absolutely no idea how to do it, because they always only accept their own view, and are hostile towards anything that could change that.


I feel it. I've seen the trend increasing for a few years now where folks aren't engaging in conversation where folks reach a middle ground or a 'I'll go read into that some more'. Not just online either, I used to be a teacher and let's just say there's a reason burnout for teachers in the US is down to 3-5 yrs. I still try every now and then, but you can only be blocked and reported for saying crazy things like racism, sexism and nazis are bad so many times before you question the time investment. Many words just to say "I get it".


My respect to you being a teacher. I am not one, but i have friends who are, and the teacher burnouts are a worryingly spiraling number here in the EU as well. In short without going too much into it, trying to teach with your hands tied behind your back, just like you said as well. And i have a feeling i can be glad i was a military instructor a decade ago and not today, i see it is increasingly harder to be one as well. Gear and theory is better by the year, but discipline and morale is getting lower. And the common theme is just like you said, what counted as common sense before, is now a "trigger" for people to start to argue and throw a tantrum. Saying terrorism, sexism, racism, dictatorship is bad, is not something that i feel like was not even needed to argue about some time ago.. maybe its just that more people like to troll nowdays, people like to find things to yell about, or generally blurt out everything they think about since they do it online anyways, or they think its cool to be different in such a way. I dont know. But to echo your words, i also many times think about the effort versus reward to engage with such people, most of the times its like wrestling with a pig in the mud.. its dirty and foul, but in the end, the pig just enjoys it. However, its exactly why for example misogny and hatred and propaganda is spreading, normal people are just tired to try to educate the ones who have fallen for it, since they seldom make it easy. But i try to remind myself, it's usually those who yell the loudest who gets the most attention at that time, so i suppose often the small minority of mentally narrow people can feel like more than they actually are.


In my day job I'm a professor who teaches argumentation. Over the past 10 years I've seen this trend. I assign students to sides they don't agree with and 5 or 10 years ago they used to be able to do that. Now some just object and say they can't. This year I had two physical altercations after debates which has never happened before. Most of the time people are actually just misunderstanding each other and talking past each other but they can't calm down to recognize that.


I see you live up to the Reddit stereotype. First looking through people's post history to look for something to use against them. Congratulations on being a living meme.


I think its better to get a quick grasp of the person i am replying to, instead of just judging by the one comment you made here. I would not have replied in the same manner if i would have seen you active and positive in here, or in some other similar communities. But you do you.


In a thread asking if you would fight for The Netherlands. > Nee, laat de vrouwen het maar lekker uitvechten. Niemand is verplicht hun levens op te offeren voor het land. Laat de gegoede burgerij het maar uitvechten. Het is mijn eigen belang om niks te doen, als er oorlog uitbreekt. or for those who don't read dutch, No, let the women fight it out. No one is obliged to sacrifice their lives for the country. Let the well-to-do bourgeoisie fight it out. It is in my own interest to do nothing, if war breaks out. So in a thread where you look to start a conversation about a lack of manpower, you yourself wouldn't fight for your own country. I wouldn't fight for my country if it started a dumb war for no reason, but if we got invaded, I'd be signing up for service.


It isn’t a meme when it’s common place when people post wild things such as this on Reddit. Honestly, based on that post history you’re a piece of shit bud.


Go cry about it.


How’s life bitchless? How’s life just, being a bitch?


Live up to the Reddit stereotype of accessing a public record of your past communication, and then using that to contextualize your post? You are only making this post to defame the Ukrainian military. Go back to your silly "mens rights" forums, you're clogging the airwaves here.


Say's the guy responding one a 2 month old comment to be petty. Comments that were posted in another Reddit group, belong in that Reddit group. Am i posting any comments about Men's Rights in this Reddit group? So you are bringing up comments posted in other groups, in order to make personal attacks? That's why it's a meme, you people are just petty little cunts, bullies. Who can't use arguments, so you have to dig in their post history, to attack them. Pathetic little loser.


On Reddit, we are all (rightfully) subjected to having what we say or post put in context. People like you want your views put in little boxes never having one influence the other but that simply not tenable in the 21st century nor does any rational, intelligent person want it to be that way. If someone is going off on one thing yet holds ridiculous views on something else, that's called "context." All of us are held to that standard on Reddit as we should be. If you don't want that context being brought up, don't make stupid ass comments somewhere else. I'm big in UAP/UFO subs as well as liberally left subs. I stand by any comments I make in them so when someone wants to use those as context for say *this* comment, that's ok and they *should*.


No one has made any personal attacks here. Apart from you, of course. I only stated that you engage in "mens rights" groups, including the reddit group titled exactly that. If you find that stating that fact is disparaging, then maybe you shouldn't post there. Your post history confirms that you aren't engaging in this community in good faith. End of.


Right, so checking someone's post history, looking for something to use against them. Then bringing up posts from that other group, without context even. Is somehow not a personal attack? I guess you don't consider bullying to be bullying either, it's just character strenghtening, right?


The thing is, you are supposed to be bullied. And i mean you specifically.


You ARE mostly active in "men's rights" communities. If you really agree with those positions, I'm confused why you would think this statement is pejorative. I guess it's because I called them silly? I'm sorry darling :( Personally, I think your post history gives context as to your emotionally around rejection. Ukraine wasn't accepting (many) civilian foreign volunteers because of organizational, logistic, and experiential reasons, many of which have been elaborated on in these comments. Rather than accepting these reasons rationally, you've created an emotional narrative around being wronged and insulted for being turned away. Your post history shows that this type of behavior is not restricted to this topic.


>And now they accept anyone with 2 arms, 2 legs, 10 fingers and 10 toes. They have made the requirements for joining less extensive since the beginning of the war but come on, don't be dramatic.


That change in recruitment policy was pretty recent, think somewhere earlier this year. Before that it was hatred and contempt for civilians.


You still didn't answer your hyperbole bullshit assumption. Ukraine is free to choose who to mobilize. They lowered the age cap, they're in a war. You're posting this on a volunteer sub, and as far as I know the requirements have become more strict than in the beginning.


Yes, and i am saying. Many potential volunteers who wanted to fight in 2022 or 2023 were recjeted, and treated like shit by former soldiers. So those are all people that were turned away at the door. And became uninvolved with the war in Ukraine as a result, no longer caring or interested about it.


You seem incredibly butthurt dude. Just move the fuck on already


Your post history says everything about you.


Many potential airsoft dudes were inrolled faking their crendentials resulting in many unncessesray deaths, like the airstrike on that base because "soldiers" didn't understand basic opsec. The units have changed, if you don't know your shit, you don't belong. Regular army is one thing, conscripted over 25 get drafted. Their country is at war, so nothing less is expected. The legion and units operating in ukraine has a more strict vetting prosess than in the beginning. You're just misinformed.


In some cases I had more respect for some of the non previous combat vets in Ukraine than those who were combat vets-they weren't suffering from ptsd, nor chasing their glory years, nor know it all. They were eager and quick to learn/adapt. There are obviously exceptions to what I just said. On the small chance you know me and are a combat vet from before Ukraine don't get your knickers in a knot lads. You likely know exactly who I'm talking about. So, as I said (in slightly different words) in another reply. If someone airing their personal opinion online about whether or not you should lay your life on the line in defence of a civilian populace, is enough to sway your decision on whether or not you should come... Well, kind of obvious what kind of character you have and how committed you would've been, isn't it?


>Before that it was hatred and contempt for civilians. From recruiters? General members of ZSU? Ukranian natives or civilians? If the answer to ANY of these questions is no then you have an ego. If you genuinely believe the cause is worth it, than one "no" from any of the three questions I asked would be enough for you to come and enlist. Fuck off lad.


No it was not?


The first few weeks of the Legion were a shitshow with people whos only training was Call of Duty accidentally discharging their weapons, livestreaming their locations to the Russians on Tiktok and generally being more of a danger to themselves and their own side than to the enemy. Nobody was being disrespected, the Legion stopped accepting untrained civilians at the start of the war because they didnt have the resources, infrastructure or personnel to train raw recruits in English, Spanish or any other language apart from Ukrainian and Russian. Now they do, so if you reeally want to go theres nothing stopping you, just stow away the attitude first.


Take a hot sec to cruise OP's history, he most certainly will not be able to stow the attitude. Deep into purple pills, pushes back on arguments labeling people misandrists. Oh, and [my favorite, very recently ](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/s/LLtRl87g1C) stated conscription is male rape and equivalent to woman being raped and forced to carry. I'm sure the 60,000+ women in the AFU are going to love chatting with him. Edit, Okay, okay, last one. I really hope 'when' they volunteer, the make sure to have the Ukrainian women pay him for ['being a gentleman'](https://www.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/s/OmoGUsmhAF)


in the thread asking if he would fight for his country, he said "No, let the women fight it out. No one is obliged to sacrifice their lives for the country. Let the well-to-do bourgeoisie fight it out. It is in my own interest to do nothing, if war breaks out." So yea, he's not here to give any actual debate or conversation.


And what do posts in other groups have to do with this group? On pretty much every forum, personal attacks are forbidden for this very reason. When you have no arguments, you petty little cunts just use bullying to get what you want.


>When you have no arguments, you petty little cunts just use bullying to get what you want. You are nulling your own point by reducing yourself to using vile language like that. Feel free to stalk my post history and call me a hypocrite but as an insult, I really despise See You Next Tuesday.


I mean if you say crappy things don't be all shocked when people that read them think you are a crappy person and thus dismiss what you are saying. That's just how the world works.


I know this falls on deaf ears, but bullying would be akin to what you just did, calling folks petty cunts. On the other hand, looking through the very public words and thoughts you have espoused, this is not bullying. That's just pointing out the things you've done and thought publicly. How you conduct yourself and what you choose to post online can certainly indicate how receptive you'll be to civil conversation and if there's any common ground to connect over. It does rather seem that most folks here are not receptive to your style of argument or conversation. Make of that what you will.


Can you confirm that they are accepting civilians?


they are


Do you know how they handle people on a Temporary Residence? Currently doing NGO work out Avdiivka direction but my NGO is spiteful as shit and will cancel my TRP as soon a I mention trying for the Legion.


when u sign contract they handle all visa and residency issues. It shouldnt be a problem.


That seems...not great for your NGO to do but regardless nothing should stop you from being able to join just because you are on a TRP. You also don't have to tell anyone if you apply, that's up to you.


also man what ngo are you with 😂 pm me i will help u


Will help me at the NGO or will help me keep my TRP to make a run at the Legion? I'm down for latter but not the former.


Take a day off from the NGO, say nothing to them and go to the local recruiting office. Better yet, take two days, go all the way to Lviv and state your intention to enlist at "the place" If you're serious about joining DM me, better yet make a post with questions so more than just I can answer.


Thanks for the advice. I'll set the post up on my day off. Then maybe arrange for a lviv trip when I rotate back to Kyiv. Be in touch.


.. Yes. They've been having one for a while. This isn't a sudden shift in behavior there has been a gradual shift in mobilization requirements throughout the war. Ukraine has suffered a lot of casualties and flight by dual citizens. This is necessary to continue fighting. This isn't the first crisis either, earlier they fired all 42(?) regional mobilization/recruitment heads.


>To proceed to humiliate and insult them, won't be motivating to fight for you/Ukraine. Who done this?


Check comments made by former soldiers or former soldiers who went to Ukraine. They alway's talked shit about civilian volunteers. And made sure they are not welcome in Ukraine. And Ukraine only allowing combat veterans basically reinforced their opinions.


This is not true. I went to volunteer in Ukraine and was largely welcomed and thanked for my time/commitment by almost everyone I met, including soldiers.


I mean, I wouldn’t want untrained civilians getting in the way either (not saying how they’re going about it is right) but there’s absolutely no way I’d put my hands into some civ who’s only ever played cod. That’s just asking for trouble and that’s majority of those who volunteered.


In my experience soldiers in Ukraine are really grateful to and respectful of civilian volunteers who are helping get them supplies or are doing other work.


Other work, but not when volunteering for a combat role?


They've seen their share of both total clowns and professionals. The clowns tend to make big public asses of themselves. The professionals get the directive "go kill Russians" and get the job done. So yeah, some mentally defunct CoD reject or TikTok warrior is gonna get shit on.


>The professionals get the directive "go kill Russians" and get the job done. Yep, and they don't speak to the presss. The retards do. Making us all look like retards.


As much so, if not more. The vast majority of people in this sub are military though, so you won't see that being said. You'd know it for yourself if you done ANY kind of volunteering in Ukraine. Military or otherwise. But you haven't. So you don't. If you have a question regarding volunteering in Ukraine, post it on the sub. We will all answer to the best of our ability in the hope that you actually will volunteer. Be that in a military or non military capacity. If not, fuck off out of this sub.


Nobody wants someone who's combat experience is CoD making survival even harder for them. If you want to be a useful volunteer without combat experience, volunteer for something where your lack of combat experience doesn't put everyone else in danger.


>If you want to be a useful volunteer without combat experience, volunteer for something where your lack of combat experience doesn't put everyone else in danger. This line repeated over and over needs to end. In all wars in human history, upwards of 90% of those who fought had no prior combat experience. No one is born with combat experience. Possibly the most switched on man I have met in Ukraine not only had no combat experience but no formal military training (cadets was all he had prior)


OK, I think you're talking about this and other subs. Which I don't necessarily disagree with. HOWEVER. It is not everyone. And it is most CERTIANLY not the attitude of everyone on the ground in Ukraine, especially native Ukrainians. As a foreigner, I personally struggle with how to respond to thanks for being here. Even when I say to civilians I am doing non military volunteering (as a persec cop out) , they are extremely thankful and it makes me feel very awkward, i do not know how to respond. If you are taking what some random people on social media say to heart and taking extreme offence, that says a lot about who you are. Especially when it's not directed at you specifically.


My personal belief- the manpower issues is true and partly driven by the lackluster delivery of military aid. (ETA: typo, original had “milk aid”. EU dairy farm mobilization is very inadequate, lol). Nobody wants to be mobilized to sit in a trench and wait for artillery shell or drone to hit you, with nothing but an AK rifle to stand against the Russians. Ukraine was promised the arsenal of the west, and it would provide the manpower, and together we would defeat the Russian orc horde. What has happened? Three years into the war and units are still fundraising for civilian SUVs to go into combat on. West still sitting on depots of surplus military vehicles (hummv, m113, Bradley and more) USA managed to only send 31 Abrams Artillery tubes are still in short supply I promise - all the manpower issues will be solved if the men knew they’d be signing up to fight as part of a truly well equipped and backed forces - vs need to put out social media videos begging and thanking for donations.


I agree, the lack of mobilization in Europe's dairy industry over the last two years is shameful.


There are still lots of foreign volunteers willing to go to Ukraine. Just because they said the role was limited to people with experience that doesn’t mean they told others to go fuck themselves.


You're 100% right. I want to be one of those foreign volunteers this Fall. I just don't know how I want to volunteer so I'll probably just decide once in country


Don't feel pressured to go down the military route, despite what this sub may suggest is needed and what is not. The vast majority of us here are not Ukranian natives and have no right to dictate who should not come and help out because of personal opinions. Civilian volunteers in lviv, kyiv and Kharkiv are very much appreciated and needed. If you have the funds to support yourself living in Ukraine (unfortunately none of the work is paid) they are very much so important jobs that need to be done and you will be helping the war effort.


Yes, thankfully I'll have enough funds by the time I leave. I heard about "Hell's Kitchen" in Kharkiv and that's what I'm leaning towards as of now. Also, just regular tourism to help boost the economy and influence more tourists to consider coming to Ukraine. I'll probably fall in love the country and won't want to leave. I won't rule out the military route. Is the International Legion the only option for foreigners in Ukraine or is it true that foreigners can attend Drone School too? Join the Ukrainian National Guard?


>I heard about "Hell's Kitchen" in Kharkiv and that's what I'm leaning towards as of now. Good stuff. Best of luck. >Also, just regular tourism to help boost the economy Unfortunately some people forget this, or blatantly ignore it because they just want money donated instead. But you are correct, during war money moving around the economy is more important than ever. I mean fuck, even if you got a job a barista in Ukraine, by living here renting a flat, buying groceries and paying income tax, you are directly helping the war effort. >I'll probably fall in love the country and won't want to leave. That's a strong possibility, don't rule it out. Alternatively you may not fall in love with the country but a native instead. Has the same end result I suppose, re not leaving. >Is the International Legion the only option for foreigners No. But I highly recommend you go there as opposed anywhere else, and deploy with the international legion as opposed anywhere else.


Thanks for your response. Stay safe over there


If being told "you do not fit the profile that we need" is enough to deter you from coming then fuck mate. Hopefully those whom were not acccepted at the start managed to pick up skills and come back. Unless ego is too strong and resolve too weak


>Unless ego is too strong and resolve too weak This is more important >Hopefully those whom were not acccepted at the start managed to pick up skills and come back. Than this.


Is Ukraine having manpower problems? Unfortunately yes it is. Sometimes some people here and one geebag in particular that will try say otherwise, stay home and give money to a group. But they are wrong. It is better to be here and help than throw money at the prohlem. Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, he'll feed himself forever. Not exactly like for like, but you get the premise.


I have been trying for months. No luck. I'm 55, but fairly fit. Ex-cop and have mechanical skills. I just had a friend come back to the US because they stuck him in a camp with no running water-- just bottles of water and a literal outhouse. No training was given whatsoever. Someone showed up once a day with MRE's. He sat there over a month in this environment. He said they were very hostile to international people coming in. This is straight dope from someone who was there, not just armchair experts.


Yes. It seemed obvious a year ago and it will only get worse. But you cannot win a war without boots on the ground, so who will go over there?


I take it you felt you were one of the insulted and disrespected potential volunteers?


There's thousands of Ukrainians training in other countries, the Ukrainian army would prefer a trickle of fully trained professional soldiers returning than have untrained personal like the Russians use, the Russian death toll tells it all.


There are manpower problems, a lot of soldiers died and got injured while the west was drip feeding just enough aid for Ukraine to stay in the fight with 1 hand. And soldiers who have been fighting for a while now need to be demobilised too. So it’s not just replacing casualties


This Reddit group is hilarious, so predictable. As soon as someone say's anything critical of Ukraine. You just gang up on that person, like bullies. You are not different from those Putin groupies, both groups react in exactly the same way. Both groups are toxic as fuck. Like you never had a goal in life, so you cling to this for dear life. Like an atheist converting to a religion, always feeling the need to overcompensate because they are a recent convert. So they are alwaý's the most extreme to prove themselves. And i see the same with you people.


Their only hope is if France intervenes and sends soldiers but that will escalate a lot within politics. Even with Americans sending them aid and allowing them to use US equipment on Russian soil, that will only do so much. I feel bad for the soldiers despite my disdain for Shitlensky.


They are getting ass raped by Russia that's why


Yes.  Lots of draft dodgers.  They don't want to fight for themselves but expect me to work to send my tax dollars.


This is just such an incredibly stupid take that i am not even sure i should give you an answer since you have to be an absolute bellend to not see the, very easy to see, big picture. Every nation stuck in war will have some dodgers, its human nature. Some have the flight response, some have the fight response. Your tax dollars are all ready spent, whether the stuff they are spent on, is sent to Ukraine, or not, does not matter, since its allready spent anyways. At least it goes to something good. Ukrainian and International heroes need every penny worth of equipment there. Or you are a troll who will not understand, or even want to understand, this anyways. Since you are absolutely not interested in joining the legion, and most assuredly do not have friends in the legion, i'd recommend keeping out from this sub. Go continue telling people to use up sick leave on work & ask if milk gets spoiled in coffee.. because this is not a place for you. Oh and a last point, since you have not yet gotten it, even if it's shoved down your throat all the time: most of those dollars are spent in your own country! This has been repeated so many times, but still people are yelling about it.


You are too funny, so emotional.    You and Greta Thunberg would make a good team pleading for global warming.   Well, you you have a keyboard, soldier on.  


Our tax dollars are being spent with US defense contractors creating jobs on US soil.


Wonderful!  Same with bombs to destroy Gaza and foreign aid to save Gaza.  One big money spent in the USA _____ jerk.  Ignore, the budget deficit.  Ignore the interest on the national debt.  Ignore inflation from spending money we don't have in the USA - that's how you create inflation and devalue currency.   But hey, it's being spent in the USA - good deal.


>Same with bombs to destroy Gaza and foreign aid to save Gaza. And there is where you have gone wrong. If you see an offensive operation in Gaza as the same as a defensive one in Ukraine, you are as guilty as the US government you so much claim to despise.