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That’s a tough one. As a host myself, when we have an issue, we’re on it like white on rice. Our well pump went out unbeknownst to us between the day the cleaning crew came, and the next day when the guests $3K and 7 hours later a new pump was installed. That said, I would maybe ask for a one night maybe two night discount, and ask yourself how much it really affected your stay.


I appreciate your input. This host is a large property management company. Responses would come in through the VRBO app late at night or even overnight, suggesting that the support team wasn't local. Occasionally, I'd get emails from them outside the VRBO platform, which isn't necessarily bad unless I had to go back to VRBO for something they promised but didn't deliver on. The slanted bed was a pain to sleep on. I'm talking about a 12" drop from one side to the other. Additionally, I stayed at the property all day, expecting them to deliver the new bed, but they never showed up. Two nights refund sounds appropriate


To be honest, this would super irritate me and I would expect a refund for AT LEAST half the stay. It is absolutely the host’s responsibility to make sure the condition is as-listed when guests arrive. Sh*t happens but unless the bedpost broke the night before you came, it should have been fixed before you arrived or they should have made other arrangements (i.e., if it’s a large property management company they should have immediately called you and tried to accommodate you in one of their other properties or at least assured you of a fix before your arrival). When it’s a single family renting the property and something breaks unexpectedly, that’s a different story. It takes time to arrange solutions. But this is an entire company whose sole existence is profitting off lodging platforms like VRBO. They have PLENTY of resources to maximize their profits - they should be managing their properties appropriately. And that includes either: a) include photos of the broken bed in the listing as some sort of fun house feature (yes this is sarcasm), or b) inspect and clean the properties at least 1 day before guests arrive and fix any issues. I am usually very laid back and easy-going, but I would be expecting 6 days of my trip reimbursed in this case.Next time they’ll address such egregious issues sooner. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Your point of the whole point of the existence of the business being a full-time support team hits the nail on the head. If it was a single person or a family I could totally understand a little "oh shit, my bad", but this is an entire business dedicated to property management, so the fact that it took longer than one day is not acceptable. The fact that you showed up and it was broken is bad. That means they didn't inspect the property. I wouldn't ask for anything specifically. I'd ask them for a discount and see what they offer, then if it's not what you want counter their offer. Be specific and clear about the discomfort, annoyance and of the sleeping arrangement created headaches or other pains.


See that's my issue. We just left a rental from VRBO in Maine early because it was a NIGHTMARE. It was filthy and there was biohazard on the walls (vomit, poo, and blood). Pee stains on floor and toilet and walls. Dishes put back dirty with crusty food and drink. There was coffee in the drip maker's filter that had MOLDED and she wanted us to clean it up ourselves. The showers stopped draining 3 days in and she wanted us to pry up the drain covers and clean it. A closet door fell on my mom when she opened it. She lied and said she had cleaners. Then said she'd been the day before and used that bathroom and it was fine. She's lying or blind or disgusting. We had to make her send a cleaner and she tried to tell me she'd knock off $100 from our stay if I'd do it myself. Four people in a supposedly 4 bedroom house (lies) and there was one roll of dollar paper towels and 3 Rolls of 1 ply dollar store toilet paper. We had to drive an hour and a half round trip and pay tolls both ways to get stuff the house was supposed to come with. She left twp falling apart rags (dirty and smelled) for kitchen and 4 total towels and 4 wash clothes and 3 hand towels for 4 people and two bathrooms. But they were the flimsy white ones you get at like the Motor Lodge and you could see thru them! Threds hanging down. My husband stepped on a nail. Twice. A rusty ass giant old nail and she said that the contractors must have left it. And apparently they also left all the dirt and dust everywhere on the floors and walls, even tho ty cleaning lady supposedly had come after them. There were bugs inside the fridge and kitchen. We could not use the patio we paid for because it was caked on dirt and grease filthy. No one has cleaned that porch or table and chair set on the "deck" ever, much less for the season. There were key joints and/or their nails and screws missing from the deck FFS. It wasn't even safe to walk on. But there was nothing else and nowhere else to go. So we just made her send a cleaner, documented it and left early. We will dispute it with my credit card company because VRBO is useless.


Post this in the Maine sub - this is ridiculous. Many of our areas are very rural and it is difficult to get to a store etc . I’m sorry this happened to you .


If they were gonna get rid of the bed you should have just smashed out the legs 😂


What property management company, I may be able to help.


The wasting of a whole day is ridiculous, honestly and rude. I’m sorry!


Plus you had to make yourself available to be there when the bed came !


Gotta ask…were you unable to just take the mattress off and sleep on it on the floor? Doesn’t excuse the host of responsibility but that seems like a much better way to use it while the frame is broken.


There wasn't enough space in the room to put the mattress on the floor without taking the frame out, which I wasn't equipped to do.


Home Depot? 6 bricks to get it close to level in the interim?


Why should a guest have to do or think about that at all




At some point when the host isn’t fixing it, its decision time. I’m either finding a new place to stay or fixing it myself. While I agree they shouldn’t have to, I’m also not sleeping on a slanted bed for 5-6 nights.


Why is this being downvoted?!?


The wallowing in victim hood is pretty judgey.


You’re asking for people to consider personal accountability. Surely there’s an idiom regarding a very similar situation of just being uncomfortable and complaining vs doing something to alleviate the issue. And yes one could argue that attempting to resolve the issue with the responsible party is, in fact, “doing something”; however; it’s lazy.


Yeah, the host definitely could have done that before they delivered a new bed.


I really hope you don’t work in hospitality. No, paying guests don’t ever have to sleep on the floor. Christ.


What does my second sentence say?


It’s just as bad as the first sentence, this wasn’t the “gotcha” moment you were hoping for.


Whatever. I was simply pointing out a possible solution in the interim if the host wasn’t responsive. If your choice is a bed at an angle or a flat one on the floor, I know which one I’m choosing if possible. Sorry you needed to be such a dick about it. Clearly you *do* work in hospitality with that demeanor.


Neat, glad you found a way to feel good about the unhelpful comment you made.


You’re right, yours was soooo much better and necessary. Bravo. 👏🏻


You’re right, mine was fantastic. I’m sure you’ll do better next time. I believe in you!


Simply report that the furniture is broken. There's really not much more to this. I would have found a way to correct the problem temporarily and reported it. Or, I would have removed the frame all together. It's really that simple.


How much does the thing you sleep on being broken really affect your stay?? Umm… a lot 🙄


lol, your viewpoint as a host is completely unreasonable. not having a bed to sleep in seems like it would affect your stay quite a bit!


To be fair, sleep disorders are among the ‘higher rates’ as far as disability ratings are concerned ( I know that’s phrased oddly, I can’t find the right words to convey what I mean). As in, if you can’t sleep it doesn’t only affect the 1/3 of the day you spend sleeping, sleep quality impacts your entire day. So while it may seem like a minor inconvenience, not sleeping, or sleeping poorly, is a major factor in well being. This is not to say the entire stay should be comped, but a reasonable amount will be more than a pittance.


You didn't have a proper bed for 5 nights, and they disrespected your time, I'd want 5 nights worth of refund.


That is ridiculous. If you didn't stay in the house then yes you should get a refund but did you use the roof? Kitchen? Bathroom? Then you used the property. The host would likely offer reasonable compensation but it is entitled attitudes like this that result in getting nothing back.




If you went to a hotel room with a broken bed , you would absolutely ask for another room and if they can't provide one in the same hotel, you expect them to come up with either alternative accommodation or a full refund. It should absolutely be the same rule with vrbo or airbnb. Greedy careless hosts are why no one wants to continue using these services.


From a chargeback perspective, if the bed was broken on night one and you chose to stay there anyway then you’ve accepted the new terms. You need to walk away the first night if you want a refund. You cannot stay the night and expect a refund.


Was that before or after they promised to replace and fix it and delayed for multiple days?


It doesn’t matter. Did you accept the new terms of the agreement? You asked for a bed without issues. You found a bed with issues. You agreed to sleep in it. They promised to fix it, you kept sleeping in the unfixed bed. You accepted the conditions of the room and kept using it. You agreed the room was worth the cost. It sucks, I won’t pretend it is ethical. But the cost of going somewhere else was more so they stayed and accepted the room as it was.


Nah that’s not how it works. If I want to leave or a refund but you say no we will fix it so I give you time to fix it. That isn’t me agreeing to the broken bed? It’s me agreeing to stay there ON CONDITION of you repairing the bed. Anything outside of that is dumb.


Call it dumb if you want, but that is how it works. If you stay, you agree to pay. As I said, that doesn’t make it ethical, but staying for a week then asking for a refund isn’t ethical either. From a chargeback perspective, staying is agreeing to pay.


tell me you have no idea what youre talking about without telling me


Look in a mirror. I know more about the rules surrounding bank chargebacks than you ever will.


From a business perspective, that makes you a slum


A working bed is expected and advertised. Of course the host would provide compensation. My issue is with the entitled attitude. No one likes doing things for people when they are rude. And expecting 100% of your money back for a night that you used 90% of the property is extreme. One of the nights was at the own fault of this renter who didn't answer their phone so obviously it didn't affect them to the ability they couldn't sleep. People need to be reasonable on both ends.


Between a guest's attitude who is being inconvenienced on vacation and the host's attitude who CHOOSES to run a business, I'd say not ensuring your business offering meets the basic standard of acceptable before renting out is way more rude and disrespectful.


They literally bought an entire new bed. You think they have that in their back pocket? You think that is "convenient" for the host too? People treat hosts like they aren't also decent humans trying to feed their children and it is gross.


Hosts are people choosing to run a business..If they can't afford being a business owner and having extra cash for emergencies that come with owning a business, they should not be trying to run a business. It's not like they gifted the bed to the renter- it was something they had to buy anyway for their property and ideally should have ensured was in place before this guest started their stay.


The host is a property management company.


Yeah, and it does sound like they didn't communicate well and made the guest wait on them. Sometimes I get worked up because I have a grandma that rents a condo and people treat her poorly because she's "a greedy business owner". It makes me sick when she tries to help people that complain about stupid things like seeing one bug like they have never seen one in their own house and try to scam her out of money back.


Your grandma is a property management company with overseas customer service people? Sounds like she sucks.


Reasonable on both ends applies when it's a friend offering you a spare room. This is a business transaction where one side clearly did not do a good job of running the business.


Out of curiosity, do you understand what the word “entitled” means? Cause it sounds like you don’t and are making a lot of assumptions about how a conversation went.


50% off of the 5 nights you had to sleep on a crappy bed + a little extra for wasting your time on the bungled delivery = 3 free nights sounds fair to me.


This is what I would ask for as well. A lot of people would demand 100% of the whole thing, but 3 nights sounds fair to me.


Except as u/whathehey2 mentioned, if they're a large company, then demand the full refund for not providing what they promised. To a person, be fair; to a company, fuck 'em.


Fair point - worth asking for the full thing, and if they refuse there's room to negotiate.


I can’t imagine staying in a place with a non-functioning bed. It didn’t sound like they thought the new bed would be there in the for the first night, so at that point I’d ask them to cancel and go elsewhere.


I can see by some of these ridiculous owner responses that I have been giving VRBO owners too much credit. This is enlightening. If you are sleeping on a slanted bed, you are trying not to roll off the bed all night. I have stayed in places where there was no room for a blow up mattress, there was no room to build a new bed (lol), there was no room to move the mattress. The lack of timely and accurate communication is absurd, too. A VRBO host's job is primarily to provide a habitable place to sleep.


If you notice the slanting bed then leave and find new accommodations. If you find it acceptable for multiple days, then pay your bill. This isn’t complicated stuff. Don’t use what you don’t want to pay for.


So leave, pay for another hotel, and hope the host will refund you? With responses like yours I'm not going to trust that. Also, not everyone has the time, money, or ability to just book something else.


No, not to hope the host will refund you - so that you have dispute rights with your bank. If you stay, you’ve accepted the condition of the room. I’m not making a judgement call, I’m stating what the rules are for Visa and MasterCard. You cannot stay and get a refund (or even a partial refund) from your bank.


oh okay, I get what you're saying


I in principle agree with this, but this sounds like a group rental so finding a single place on short notice could be prohibitively expensive with no promise of a refund.


We just had a similar situation in Chicago but the bed was in poor shape on our arrival, we notified the manager after night 2 and it was fixed (although well) the next day. I chose to not leave a review as it would not have been good and simply will not rent from them again. From what we could tell, they managed quite a number of units in that one building.


Leave the review. We rented a cabin in the mountains that had great reviews but when we got there, it was a nightmare, place was small old and dirty. Looked nothing like the pictures. Nothing worked. Was supposed to be very private with no houses nearby and yet there was a house literally 100 yards away where the neighbors spent the entire weekend pressure washing their house driveway and I’m pretty sure the entire forest. Their refrigerator didn’t work so all our food we bought spoiled. Hood vent in kitchen didn’t work so cooking set off the smoke alarms every time. Bed was hard and slanted. Dishwasher was broken. Zero outside trash receptacles so we had to take it all home with us. HVAC didn’t work so it was 1000° because it was the middle of summer, there was a funky smell, and small black flies everywhere which we found out was because the septic system wasn’t working properly. We found that out when the power went out during a storm, and the smell of raw sewage filled the entire place. We had to drive an hour to get phone signal to let them know all this and they were like oh let us know if anything else is wrong. Like we have no power, no food, no fridge and can’t enter the place because the smell is so bad. Zero response back from the renters we paid $1000 to so we drove to the middle of nowhere just to turn around and drive 4 hours home Literally 24 hours later. There is no way other people didn’t have such horrific experiences but nobody left a bad review. We did get a refund after we complained but my husband developed a really bad skin infection a week later that hospitalized him multiple times so I suspect the leaking raw sewage caused it. $170k in hospital bills later.. POST THE REVIEW!!!


If a previous guest had left a bad - but accurate - review of this property, I would not have paid the premium I did to stay there over other properties. IMO, the reviews are there to help the platform. You're assisting future guests to understand what to expect from the property so they can decide if it's a good fit for them. You're also helping the hosts understand what guests need and what they can improve upon (or keep doing).


I would ask for full refund.


No, no. They should have immediately moved you to another room. Contact Corporate. They should refund what you paid for your room.


Oh my god is this real? Did you check the level of all of the items in the house, did a pen slide off a countertop? This is pathetic.


It makes the property unfit for purpose: you would have rented a DIFFERENT property, not this property but at a lower rate, had you known this ahead of time. So a full refund is reasonable.


Full refund after you chose to stay? What planet do you live in? If you rent a place and the place is not as described, you have a few choices: stay, negotiate a discount to stay, or break the contract and go somewhere else with a full refund. There is no scenario in this world in which you'll stay somewhere for SIX NIGHTS and later decide you want a full refund because the bed was broken. Matter of fact, if you took this issue to court just like that, the judge would all but laugh at you for the chicanery: If the bed was that unacceptable, then you should not have stayed. It's not like there is a shortage of rentals anywhere.


It's not "later you decide". They reported it immediately, and the property owner never made it right. In what world does that property owner deserve to be paid?


Easy fix: rent a hotel room.


If the VRBO was owned by a very large company I would ask for a 200% refund. If it was a small Mom and pop type operation I would give them more consideration, but I have no sympathy for a large corporation


At least 100%.


at least 50% off.


I am a host, but I also travel and use STRs. I would ask for a refund for each not you were impacted.  You notified them and they didn't fix the problem.   If they had shown up and temporarily fixed the bed so your sleep was normal, that would be one thing.  Placating you and not taking care of you, IMO, is unacceptable.


LOL at "fix it yourself" If they couldn't have a new bed ready for the next night they should have offered $$ compensation and for someone to come remove the broken frame and move the mattress to the floor. (Personally I could and would have done it myself, but someone with physical limitations could not.)


Start with a refund for every single night you were there and I would settle for two and a half nights


If it took that long to replace the host needs a better support team to handle things like this within 24-48 hours is more then enough time. As far as the refund to ask for 50 Per cent is fair. Or if you’d like to come back ask for a 50 percent credit Off your next stay and get it in writing. Just my .02 and it’s worth what you paid Paid for it.


It’s a rental company, not a family. Ask for the full refund.


Stay at a hotel next time. Tired of these shitty accommodations.


I’m the guy that would find something within the unit - say books - and stack up the number needed to support the broken portion - I would definitely not be hanging around waiting for someone to show up with a replacement- if the temp fix worked - I would say replace it when I leave at the end of my stay




We had a similar thing happen!! Bed frame broke partially with previous tenants, hosts informed us prior to arrival they'd fixed it best the could and would bring new bed in two days. Bed broke even worse, slept slanty, but did get whole bed frame replaced in two days. Was 8 day stay, they offered us 25% refund before we even asked. I thought that was pretty fair as the rest of the place and other bed were fine.


Get cost for each day, then 5 days of 1/3, which is 8 hours sleeping out of 24 hours.


A whole day of your stay wasted = full refund of that day. Half off for each night you slept on a broken bed.


One half of the rooms were not properly usable for 3 quarters of the nights where you planned to sleep for 1/3 (8 hours) of the day. 1/2 x 3/4 x 1/3 = 3/24 =1/8 1/8 of your money should be refunded. If you feel like the poor sleep affected your enjoyment beyond 8 hours per day, change the fraction. And add in time spent dealing with it.


That's 5 days no bed 1 day waiting for bed. 6 days out of 8 days total stay = 75% refund should be settled on.


How many beds in the space? If 2, then 50% discount.




Zero. Leave a truthful review and move on.


What?? A functioning BED is a baseline expectation for somewhere you are paying to sleep. The fact that they had to wait around a full day for a delivery that didn’t come? 50% refund. No refund if it had just been replaced the next day like it should have been.


Checked their comment history and of course they’re a host. Reading the various Airbnb and VRBO subs beginning to wonder if I should ask prospective hosts if they frequent these subs so I can look elsewhere given their attitudes about renters. Thankfully I’ve yet to have a bad experience with a host. I don’t understand why half of these people choose to host given how hostile they are to their guests.


A bed being slightly slanted doesn’t render it unusable


A 12 inch drop is “slightly” slanted?


It was broken. It was dangerous. Broken means unusable.


Couldn't they have just put the mattress on the floor?


They said in another comment that there was no room. The other factors are poor communication, and they were given a time frame for the fix that was missed.


Not everyone can. Sometimes there's no space and some people don't have the strength. They're allowed to have lives too, you know.


Couldn’t the HOST have? Oh, no no - the guest should have to pay AND also do maintenance on the unit. That’s totally reasonable. JFC




functioning bed? i did not know a bed is some high tech device that needs maintenance. Man the people on the internet these days are soft as fuck


This comment is insane. I'm not the OP, and I'm hardly soft as I slept on what was aptly called a rack during my USNR days on the ship but you can be sure I would be irate if I were paying someone for a place to sleep and you dont have a functioning bed. Not an air mattress, not a couch, not a futon on the floor. Calling people soft for the reasonable expectation of useable furnishings just makes you look like someone who has a chip on their shoulder. Do you have a crappy vrbo that constantly gets called out? You seem super defensive.


This is a stupidly obtuse answer. LMAO. What's it like to be in your brain?


“Soft as fuck” I believe this was a Freudian slip on their behalf on the state of their grey matter.


You sound cranky, are you getting enough sleep? Or is that because you're sleeping on the ground instead of a bed


I really hope you are not a host.


Damn. Tons of hosts outting themselves as cheap as fuck slum lords ITT.


Full refund. and move.


This- refund for every slanted night especially with a company owning it. That’s crazy!


Surely you didn't really sleep on a slanted bed, did you? Why not just move the mattress to the floor? Seems pretty to expect compensation for that.


Surely you aren't expecting a guest to sleep on a mattress on the floor like broke-ass college kid in a VRBO that they paid a lot of money for, are you?


Many (most?) bedrooms don’t have room to put the mattress on the floor *if the bed frame is still there.* And taking the bed frame apart may require tools and guest does not have *on vacation.*


Are you injured or damaged in some provable form? If not, leave a bad review. Maybe they’ll pay you to take it down.


Yes, they did not have adequate accommodations for five nights, something they had paid for. If you pay someone for something and they do not provide it, they should give you your money back.


Don't forget to deduct some of that compensation since you didn't even respond on day 3 when it very well could have been replaced that day or even day 4. If I knew there was an issue I'd surely have been paying attention to the messages.


This is considered an emergency to me... If you don't allow them to enter the unit what are they supposed to do? I can't stand guests who complain of emergencies and don't allow me inside to fix it, luckily 90% of the guests allow me inside. Just move on... People can't just sit around waiting hand and foot on you. Airbnb hosts don't have staff on call. Leave it in the review and move on.


I'm happy to get a host's perspective on this. To be clear, I never said they couldn't enter the unit. I don't know how that applies to this situation. You don't sound like a host who will tell your guests at 7pm Wednesday that you'll be there Thursday, then wait until 1130pm Thursday to tell them you'll be there Friday. I scheduled my day around being there when they said they needed access. Their behavior shows complete disrespect for my time, and yes, that is something I will note in the review.


I've been hosting around 13yrs and have around 3000 completed reservations. I'm in the small construction business among other things... If a guests complains about a bed they will have a new bed setup before they go to sleep in the evening. I do everything myself even the cleaning, electrical, plumbing, recycling I do it all I don't expect other hosts to do what I do. But also... A bed is an emergency situation I'll confirm that it's ok to enter and I'll enter and get it fixed with your approval. If your not there or won't let me enter then to bad. I have 100 stories like this so I'm not going to share any but it's basically the same ole story. Guest says XYZ is broke, won't let Host in to fix it while they're not there... Hosts has to wait until next day, next day guest doesn't answer the phone. Guest finally calls, and im meeting guests or cleaning an apartment and can't come guest complains problem wasn't handled fast enough.Guest. Wants refund or some money back... Etc... It's always the same story


You keep coming back to the "wouldn't let host enter". There's no sign that the host was denied entry or made any attempt to co-ordinate with the guest the day the bed allegedly arrived. On the contrary, the host claimed they would come the next day and didn't.


This is real simple OP never gave the host permission to enter, otherwise the host would have entered and set the bed up. Here is how it works.... Hey bed broke can you fix it? Sure I can have a bed there today cool... GO AHEAD AND LET YOUR SELF IN AND FIX IT... I GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO ENTER. OP NEVER SAID THAT.


DID YOU READ THE POST? Gee, that look authoritative, doesn't it? Here's the thing - the host didn't contact them at all until day 3 days, so your "They would have fixed it THAT DAY" line is bullshit. The host didn't give them any notice until telling them they had the bed, so the guest wasn't even in the unit when the host was suddenly "ready". But they weren't really "ready" because they made the guest wait an entire day without showing up as promised. THE HOST DIDN'T ASK FOR PERMISSION, THEY ASKED THE GUEST TO SAY ALL DAY. So your can't claim they would have handled the issue right away, when they failed to do it for an entire day AFTER TELLING THE GUEST THEY WOULD DO IT THAT DAY. Maybe you're the perfect host and never make mistakes and your properties are in perfect condition and repaired instantly with no inconvenience - the story with this host is obviously very different. And you've done a very good job of convincing me to never rent a B&B. Thanks.




Found the host of OPs property


Yeah, this guy is incredibly defensive over something that apparently has nothing to do with him. Could be he's just really stupid, and thinks he's obligated to defend other hosts no matter what.


I'm a Host, I don't like when Guests try and get free stuff.


The guest never said the host couldn't enter. Please link to that statement


Move along 🥺


You slept on the bed anyway? (Not on the couch? Or the floor?) Did you ask the owner or offer to go out and buy a blowup mattress? I really don’t know how to answer because we would never allow that to happen- if nothing else, the person who cleaned the property after the last tenant would have let us know so something isn’t right in this story… Sounds like you’re looking to get something for nothing.. I’m not sure how much you think you’re gonna get refunded, but I would refund you what it would’ve cost to get a blowup mattress at a nearby store or delivered directly to the house… deal with the homeowner and the situation online in a reasonable and truthful complaint.!


The couch was used by other guests and there was no room to put the mattress on the floor without removing the frame. The host said they'd replace the bed on day 1. They wasted a whole day of my trip by not showing up when they said they would. They finally replaced it 2 days before checkout. I'm not looking to get something for nothing. I paid for a space advertised with room to sleep 4. It had room for three to sleep comfortably for 6 of the 8 nights.


6 out of 8 nights (75% of the time), you did not have a reasonable bed for 1 out of 4 people (25% of the occupants). That sounds like you deserve 18.75% back, plus the inconvenience of not communicating with you while you did their job for them (waited in the apartment for the bed). Therefore, 2 days refund sounds perfectly reasonable to me.


if you cannot afford to go out, do not go out. Simple as that


This is a wild take. You go to a restaurant and order steak. They bring you a plate of scraps because they're out of steak. When you say that's not what you ordered, they tell you if you wait 2 hours, they'll bring you the steak you ordered, they just have to send someone to get it. 2 hours later, no steak, but they want you to pay for it anyway because that's what you ordered and you stayed and took up the table space. Why didn't you just go to the butcher and get your own steak for them to cook, while also paying for the steak they charged you for? Why didn't you have steak delivered from another restaurant at your own expense while still being told you have to pay the full price of the restaurant you're already at? If you can't afford to go out, don't go out.


terrible analogy. A more correct analogy would be you order a steak, but the steak was not plated properly like you would like. And so you eat everything and after you eat everything you complain online that it was not perfect and ask if itsjustifiable for you to issue a chargeback.


you seem like a handful. You are complaining about an 8 night stay that the bed was uncomfortable. You are obviously just looking for any opportunity to get your money back which is scummy. I hope nobody rents to you ever


What a pitiful remark


I hope your next hotel stay there is a rock for a pillow, and some hay as some bedding, and you miss the bed bugs that were in the room.


....and you seem like you haven't fully read OP's comments.


there is nothing to read justifying my bed was slightly crooked so i want a refund. Grow up


A foot off?? You’d have to cling to the bedpost. Yet more pitiful


A foot high slant from side to side is not "slightly crooked"


Found the host!


no i am just a normal functioning human being unlike most of the people who post petty shit like this online.


12" is not *slightly* crooked. It's way crooked, and they made OP wait around for two days in the unit for a replacement. IDK how much OP was paying but if it was more than your average campsite would cost you I would think that they are owed a refund for the two days they sat waiting around for the delivery and some kind of percentage reduction beyond that, because one of the crucial things about charging hundreds of dollars a night for hospitality is offering a comfortable place to sleep. It's not like this is a broken kitchen chair, it significanly affects the quality of the stay.


lol whats op going to say next, the slant was 50inches? if the slant was 12inches you would literally fall off your bed. OP is clearly exaggerating her claims to get some internet points online so she can feel good about issuing a chargeback/refund.


You do realize that you don't have to lay on the bed normally, right? You could lay on it with your head at the "top of the hill" to prevent rolling off. Wanna bet that's not a great night's sleep?


As opposed to wildly speculating about what really happened for internet points...


Nothing normal about you including your opinion of yourself


Mmhmm sure Jan






Lack of communication? You did the same to them??




They said in another comment that there wasn’t space for the mattress on the floor.




And if OP had shoulder or knee problems and couldn't move it? This is a really ignorant take.


Move a new bedframe into your unit, be a grown up.


Not everyone can lift a mattress long enough to disassemble and remove the frame beneath it. Just because you or I probably could doesn’t mean my mom with arthritis can.


You’re entitled to a bed that isn’t sloped 12”, but consider this: sometimes the property is an hour or more from a large city, and our resources/handy people are busy and can’t get out for a couple of days. Or sometimes they say they’ll show, and have emergencies and are delayed. This happens a lot in the area where I manage. You don’t snap your fingers and have a repair person on the property when it’s convenient for the guest. Personally, I would’ve been there within an hour, dismantled that bed and put the mattress/box spring on the floor until I could get a new bed delivered. But that would’ve taken a minimum of three days, as everything that is not marked up 800% (from the local stores who cater to second, third and fourth homeowners) needs to come from our closest large city. Not your case being in DC, but food for thought with regard to some of the other responses. I would’ve given you a 1-night discount had I not been able to get at least a used bed or a repair by the next day, but I’m betting based on tone you would’ve asked for more. Sometimes things happen that are out of our control.


DC is not an hour from a big city. It is a metro area.


Yes, I’m aware. I was speaking of the properties I manage.