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Go enjoy Lake Murray in South Carolina?


This is the way.


Actually, it’s that way > *points to SC*


This is the way


I hear it’s nice this time of year


Columbia SC is the hottest place on the planet this time of year. Facts.


Texas enters the chat****


Phoenix is already 112 out so 🤷‍♀️




Fuck that "dry heat" shit. I was seeing some friends in AZ and it was 106 in the shade. They pulled that and I told them that they've spent way too much time in the heat. Dry heat my ass.


The first time I experienced this *dry heat* they speak of “not being so bad” was in Vegas in July a few years ago. I could only describe it to people as lying on the ground under a hot, old car muffler after the car had been on a road trip while God had his blowdryer on high heat pointed right at you at the same time. JFC. I hate humidity but I’ll take humidity and 80-85 over whatever the hot states have going on these days.


Try it in New Orleans when the temp is +99° and the humidity is 98%. You’re soaking wet but you can’t cool off because the humidity doesn’t allow your sweat to evaporate. I’m not sure if dry heat is worse because I’ve never experienced it, but New Orleans in July and August can make you lose your damn mind.


Yeah, it was like that when I arrived for a visit in Belize several years ago. No AC, just fans.


Oh, I think they’re both a nightmare! 😂 I was just pointing out that people love to say things like “Yeah, but it’s a dry heat, though.” as if that means it’s more tolerable. 🫠🥴 I’ve been to Savannah midsummer before, too, and it felt like I was trying to breathe in marshmallow fluff at 3am. It just…never cools off. 😭 Idk how all of the people in the south do it. I can’t make it without blasting the AC in PA.


I was in the Air Force, and I've been to every state south of 40° lattitude, and the hottest was South Louisiana. Easy. I've been to Phoenix and West Texas where there is dry heat, and it just doesn't hit the same. Dry heat IS a thing, but if it's 106° in the shade, that's still an almost 20° swing. You can't run from humidity, and it's still triple digits. I'd rather braise to death than bake. The only places that come close are in the Middle East.


Humid heat is much worse.


And how about last year’s heat dome? 🔥


Checking in from Gulfport! It is in fact insane here and NOLA in the summer months. I hate being outside


I’m with you. Dry heat is bullshit. Used to travel to Phoenix to see family every couple of summers as kids. I remember 122 one day when we were at the zoo, it lasted 30 minutes. It was oppressive and you didn’t quite realize how much trouble you were in because the sweat evaporated almost instantly, and we all just had no energy or hydration.


Yes! *All* heat is pretty nightmarish to me, tbh. I’m going to have to head farther north at some point because I can’t even take the heat in the northern Appalachian/mid-Atlantic region. 🫠🥴 122 is *insane*. Not sweating almost got me with the dehydration in Vegas a few times I was out there, too. Anything 80+ is oppressive in my book. 😅 I’ve always had issues regulating my body temp and now have some health issues that further contribute to that so it’s tricky for me to find proper comfortability these days.


I can picture your description as the lyrics to a punk song by a band like X.


Sounds like you and I were in Vegas at the same time. 114° days and you’d step outside with Insta burn.


YES! I was there for work and would step outside of the place with my boss and regret it immediately. Full body blowdryer action. I thought I was going to melt. We had a pool and hot tub and never touched them until the sun set.


I am in Reno. Just like Vegas but the smoke from the CA wildfires blot out the sun for at least a few weeks every summer.


I’ll take dry heat of humid heat any day. I’ve also been in Vegas over July 4th where the average was 108. If you walked through an ally it was like walking through a blow dryer. But Florida in August will have you sitting in a puddle of sweat by the time you finish your dinner on the beach. Side note. Never put your arms on the edge of the pool in Vegas when it’s this hot. You will burn your armpits. It’s very, very uncomfortable.


I’m sorry but this made me snortle


Lmao.. I've lived in AZ, NC, VA, to name a few. I promise you there is a huge difference in Arizonas 100° and North Carolinas 100°.


I’ve lived in Texas and California. If it’s over 105 it doesn’t matter if it’s a dry heat or not. It’s f***ing hot.


We hit 115 broke records for June and I’m like dammit I’m tired of braking excessive heat records!!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Past 110 dry heat is an oven. We also are in monsoon season so humidity is sitting around 30-40% many days


BARF! I'm so glad we got relocated out of Phoenix.


Just don't be like some moving to the pnw who whine and whine about the rain and cooler temps. The amount of times I've wanted to say "well go back to Arizona (or socal) if you don't like this that much"


Laughing because my parents moved to the PNW from Arizona and bitch constantly.


So is an oven.


“But it’s a dry heat!”


99°, 90% humidity and 0kt wins are a tough way to live. Welcome to COLA, last stop before Hell.


Texas is already Hell's little annex. We have summer at least 6 months a year.


9 months in my Texas


I was going to say 8, but tried to be conservative.


Sane. It makes me so sad


i stg Texas acts like the only desert


Most of Texas isn’t desert. Houston is hot as fuck and the humidity is ungodly. It’s hot, swampy weather. The average humidity in July is around 75% and it normally peaks in the morning at over 90%. It feels like you could swim through the air most summer mornings. Definitely not desert.


Amen. I live in CenTex, and it doesn't have to be a desert to be hot.


When you said 6 I was going to ask if you were new here. CENTEX has five layers of summer and we are still in preheat.


CenTex, too. At least deserts cool off at night. 🥵


Death valley california enters. The only place whete satan leaves to cool off.


Having lived in both Texas and Cola, I can definitively say Cola feels hotter. The temps get higher in Texas, but the stifling humidity in Columbia makes it feel so much worse. Going outside in Columbia at any point in August or July feels like someone is trying to suffocate you by rolling you up in a weighted blanket made out of the swamp. There are days when Houston comes close to feeling like this, but Columbia has many more of them.


My electric bill was RIDICULOUS living in Columbia! Too far from the mountains and the ocean to capture any kind of cool breezes.


I live out on the coast by Charleston. My favorite is that you never know how hot it really is outside with a normal temp gauge that tells you just the regular heat. 99 degrees, seems reasonable in the summer. But no. It's 99 degrees with a 99.9999999% humidity and we are in that zone bubble, so instant 115. I forgot how insane it is here until I just got home from Mexico yesterday. Walked out of the airport and instantly lost my breath becuase it was so hot. At 11pm. 😂 Welcome to South cackalacky.


*cries in triple digits*


Humidity, temperature, or both?




Washington DC will also be 99° this weekend, I am SO looking forward to that (not).


Even Wisconsin was in the upper 90s with matching humidity this week.


Phoenix would like a word


Starkville Mississippi enters the chat


Phoenix enter the chat***


Staying in the lake is highly recommended.


You mean that 50,000ac backed-up-river full of 84° bath water?


Laughs in 106 degrees in CA this weekend. (But yay, no humidity!)


*Central Valley fistbumps you*


Parents live on Lake Murray (SC) and I live in Texas. There is no comparison. That's like taking a cool vacation. You can sometimes even sit outside in SC or maybe wear a long sleeved shirt in the early mornings.


Would it be better in Oklahoma??


Yeah, wtf is that other person on about, lol. I live in NC on the coast and it’s disgusting even here. Every time I’ve drive through Columbia it’s felt 20° hotter than at home. I’d take the L and try to find somewhere in Ohio. It’s like Satan’s asshole in the Carolinas from May to November. If I could get out of here, I’d be gone.


False, it's actually hotter in Boston right now (have friends there telling me about it) BUT it's *about* to get hot af. And humid beyond belief with a tropical depression breathing down our neck.


It is hot as hell in Boston right now! Source: personal experience.


It’s really hot, but it is a beautiful lake. Go Cocks!


I live on Lake Murray so I am here for this. Come visit; it’s a great place OP.


Too bad it’s like a 16 hour drive between the two!


Itß not bad really


It is a beautiful area! I used to live there a few years ago. They can walk the bridge and see all the love locks!


My parents live there, tell them hi.


Being from Columbia, South Carolina, I would only wish a summer time vacation there upon my worst enemies.


As someone who has been to Lake Murray in Oklahoma, I bet theirs is better.


OP, since the reservation is in less than 24hrs. I can only assume you are outside the cancelation window. Unfortunately, you are at the mercy of the host's generosity.


Fortunately after being on the phone all morning the host did show me great mercy by canceling and not charging the full 1000 $ lol. But they still kept their 130$ deposit of course. But whatever. At least it was sorted


If you’re able to leave them a review, I would because that was incredibly kind of them


Yes. Don’t mention the refund, just that they were super-easy to deal with, responsive, and friendly in their communications, etc.


This is so smart. I once accidentally hit “reserve” on an Airbnb that had a no refund policy. I cancelled in less than one minute. I called customer service and they tried speaking with the host who refused to give me my money back. I should have written a review.


"Whatever" would not have been my reaction. My response would have been a huge THANK YOU and maybe delivery of a gift basket, lol.


"Whatever" wasn't their response to the owners. "Whatever" was the OP being dismissive towards their own financial loss. It is "whatever" to lose $130 to OP now because in comparison they could have been out $1000. Like wtf is everyone doing chastising OP for not groveling enough? Like do ya'll really expect OP to send a gift basket. Fucking where the rental house?


You're right. I wasn't referring to the owners, though. I am appreciative of their help. I was just annoyed with talking with customer service all morning and getting thrown through hoops just to get anywhere.


Not one single bone in your body should be annoyed at any part of the transaction, you should be absolutely thrilled and maybe should play the lottery today. The hoops were created by you.


OP's feelings are valid. They're allowed to feel annoyed that something frustrating happened. "The hoops created were by you." *which is an annoying thing to experience.*


You created the hoops by booking on the wrong side of the country. They had no reason to believe it was the truth, they hear this stuff all the time.


😅 whew!


Bet you that was the easiest $130 you ever spent. Good job to the host. My advice was going to be start making phone calls and get your diplomat face on, but you beat me to the punch. I cringed hard at your post. I think most of us have been in this situation one way or another and boy, does it hurt.




You should add this edit to the 13 hour old post


Very kind of them. Keep in mind, they are probably not actually keeping that $130. Those are probably various processing fees that they can't get back.




Thats actually a kind ending, loss of a mere 13% isn’t bad at all!


Oh my goodness, I know that was a huge relief! So glad it worked out for you. That sounds like the kind of mistake I would make lol


Yeah , that worked out, enjoy your vacation


That’s awesome, I’m so glad it all worked out for you. I’m always changing my plans so keep never book anything but hotels with generous cancellation and refund policies. Your post was another reminder to me to stay far away from these houseshare sites.


as a host in portland, oregon i was able to have a guest immediately cancel who thought they were booking for a rental in portland, maine. have you contacted the host? how long ago did you reserve?


Oh no... I'm currently looking at Portland Maine as a vacation spot. Portland Oregon popped up twice in the check out this listing in Portland. Clicked on them two separate times and realized the map looked different. But if I wasn't so inclined to look at the area map I might have done the same.


I love both of the Portlands, so I would have been cool with it either way


I’ve done something kind of similar but not as drastic. Same town name but two states away. We ended up staying in the middle of nowhere town I accidentally booked. We actually had an okay time. I very much hope you’re able to get your situation resolved.


Yeah its quite an unfortunate mistake, but thankfully I was able to get my problem solved. Granted, I did still lose 130$ but at least it wasn't a thousand lol.


host probably lost 1k, given the booking was tomorrow. Hope you're incredibly grateful to them. That was generous, good humanity on their part. But they almost certainly took a loss.


They will be rewarded 10 fold for doing the right thing.


Fair enough. I am extremely grateful for their generosity and their grace. I was just frustrated from being thrown through hoops trying to get it resolved through VRBO. I will definitely leave a good review.


Make sure you do something for the host, essentially they paid out of their pocket for your mistake, send them flowers or a card, see if you can write a very nice review — but DONT mention they did this refund, that will put them in a tough position w/ other renters, just mention how great they were during the booking process.


I’m very happy for you. That’s a massive location difference and I’m sure plane tickets were involved as well!


Exploring SC may be fun?


OP, since the reservation is in less than 24hrs. I can only assume you are outside the cancelation window. Unfortunately, you are at the mercy of the host's generosity.


I live ten minutes from lake Murray SC AMA! You should try and go there, it’s fantastic. Otherwise yeah idk anything abt VRBO lol


I have no advice you haven’t already received. But I will just say I once almost booked a stay in Reading, PA, instead of Reading, MA. Only one letter different LOL…only realized it when I noticed Hershey and thought, “Huh, is Hershey, PA, really that close to MA?” 🤣


Was on a business trip with a coworker who accidentally booked his train ticket to "Munster" instead of "Münster", and yes, they are in very different places. He eventually arrived at our hotel around 6 AM the next morning.


I was on a business trip once to San Diego. When I arrived in the US for my connecting flight, realized the flight was to San Antonio - that was a mad panic, I’ll tell you. Managed to get it sorted out, and even got my luggage re-routed, and arrived in San Diego as planned. Can’t believe that I didn’t spot the error when I checked in.


It's called the stupid tax we have all paid it! Probably more times than we like to admit.


I wouldn't normally suggest speeding but you DO need to go "east bound and down"


In the future I'd suggest using the map feature in the app and cross-referencing this with Google Maps. Indeed a terrible mistake but also incredibly unnecessary.


So sorry how painful!


Lake Murray is nice and not very crowded. My wife's brother lives there.


don’t come to oklahoma. we fucking suck.


Lol don't worry. I'm an Oklahoman so I know


I’m from Lexington, SC and grew up going to Lake Murray. It’s quite nice. Go enjoy it lol.


You are not dumb you are a HUMAN.


OP always aquire travel insurance- Cancel for any reason is the best type of policy to have.


Just wanted to give you some solidarity since I once booked a hotel in Roswell, GA instead of Roswell, NM. (Thankfully I noticed in time and was able to cancel/rebook!)


Call support and ask nicely? Be happy you aren't [these folks](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/italian-tourists-end-up-in-wrong-sydney-1.975605).


Guess ya'all aren't vacationing in Oklahoma? Hopefully, this was only a vacation and not a trip planned for an important event ya'all will miss. Enjoy the new destination, and make the best of it. Own your mistake, apologize, and move on....... Preferably to the vacation rental in the new location. Why was it all on you to plan & book it? Obviously, you've got more responsibility due to that. But, it's not like they were helping you. You were the travel agent, at no extra charge. Sometimes, we just eff up. And make mistakes. That's okay, OP. Nothing unforgivable here.


Very rarely do you truly encounter big time last minute adventures like this. Make the most of it! Go have fun in South Carolina!


Bring snacks for the gators!


FWIW, I’m near Lake Murray and it’s fantastic.


Lake Murray SC is nice. Enjoy your vacay!


If it's through Airbnb, call them and they'll refund you. I had to do that once


South Carolina lots to do beautiful time of the year


How do you book a rental in a state like 1500 miles away? Talk to the host/management company and explain your problem. If they are decent, they will charge you a fee, and free you to book what you wanted. Sometimes you have to pay attention to what you are doing.


The owner shouldn’t have to pay for your mistake. They could have rented it to someone else. Sorry, but this one is on you. Enjoy South Carolina!


Glas you fot some of your money back!Have fun at Lake Murray, though! Don't forget to pay for your parking pass.😂 They enforce it like crazy. Government has to get their money 🙄


I feel like you subconsciously want to get out of Oklahoma. Lean into it.


Yeah, I did this (ish) too. Canadian who planned on going to Albuquerque for a trip, looked at the map, and saw that Las Vegas was less than two hours away. Perfect! Booked flights, booked hotel in Vegas, etc. etc. Apparently, Las Vegas, New Mexico, is only a few hours away. Las Vegas, NEVADA, is nine hours and two states away. Still went. Trip was likely even more awesome because of the error.


We need the gavel smack to be a la Law and Order *dun dun*!


Motion to unclose the case. Did the folks who gave you your refund get the well-earned positive review?


Hey, I once had a friend book plane tickets to San Jose California, when they were supposed to be for San Jose Del Cabo Mexico. Even funnier that they didn’t realize the mistake until after they were in the air and couldn’t figure out why the sun was setting over the pacific west coast.


My one and only trip to Florida was in late July to early August with my nine month old baby. I vividly remember walking out of the airport and feeling like a big hand was pushing me on the ground.




Dry heat or humidity. The ONLY positive I've discovered in 5 decades in Mississippi is the humidity is much better for our skin the dry heat. (Horrible for our hair)Seriously. Wear sunscreen or avoid direct sun. Stay hydrated. Everyone may not agree but as I've aged I can definitely see a difference from friends who live in dry heat. Dry winters are tough on skin as well. I go out to the pool early. Fortunately there are trees blocking the sun from directly burning our skin off until around noon. I've also worked out in this mess. It does suck being soaked within 10 min. Wear sunscreen when your 40 youll look 30.


I've never admitted to making a mistake...


i did that but caught it right after. glad you got most of it back


Baton Rouge, LA enters the chat - hotter than the devils ballsack.


I feel your pain. In the late 90s my best friend and Imade plans for a long weekend at the shore w/ an acquaintance , staying at her grandmother’s house in Ocean City. My friend and I map quested our way to Ocean City Maryland to finally figure out the house was in Ocean City New Jersey.


Frontier and spirit airlines have pretty good prices


Patience is a virtue, impatience is a costly mistake.


Go to south Carolina leave early


My aunt and uncle live at lake Murray sc. it’s quite pretty


And you ask here on Reddit instead of asking the obvious VRBO, or reading their policy? The internet always amazes me


Did basic training in army in July and August 1978 at Ft Jackson in SC. Damn hot and mosquitoes that could drain your body of blood.


I live in South Carolina. Lake Murray is nice. School is out so....yeah. Temp is in the 90s here.


Maybe try a new place?


As a South Carolinian I resent the implication 😂


Lake Murray SC is wonderful


... This crap is why I just book hotels.


Did you contact the company right away?


Enjoy South Carolina


I've lived near both. Not a mistake, an upgrade. Start heading east.


Calling the business you didn’t mean to book with ASAP is the only thing that’ll help. You may be out the price of a night or similar for late cancellation, but they might go easy on you. BEG!! Legit CALL NOW!!! Then call the other place and time what you can get.


Philadelphia PA entering the chat going to be 97 here this Saturday🥵


FYI: Vrbo is horrible. There are many host and third-party companies that keep your supposed to be refundable deposit as long as there’s no damage. Twice now we have not received our damage back and made sure it was cleaner when we left then it was when we got there. I even took a video checking in and a video checking out for proof. The third-party company was capital management they also go by capital hotel. They are scammers. If they tell you to pay the incidental fee via cash app be prepared to not get it back. They waited five hours before check-in to tell me I still had to pay $189 refundable incidental fee both times. Yet I never got it back and the property did not look anything like what it was advertised. I continued calling Vrbo who does answer the phone customer service wise however they just keep telling you you have to wait 5 to 7 days to get your money back blah blah blah blah blah. This was in May and guess what money never came back. So since it’s less than 24 hours before, your reservation day they’re not going to refund you. I hope for your sake you find a loophole. But you might just be better off going to the place that you have the reservation if all else fails. Just make sure you follow the contract to the T. Because trust and believe, they will find any excuse that you did wrong in order to have justification to not give you back that incidental fee. There are so many bad reviews on Better Business Bureau against them. Seems like they’re trying to get better but they’re just a platform and they can’t control the host or the third-party company whose property it is. Sorry this happened to you and I highly recommend in the future don’t use vrbo!! best of luck!!


Did you… contact Vrbo….?


Regardless of your preference regarding dry heat or wet, moist heat, it’s the combination of plain old heat, and then the addition of humidity. A human cannot function with a temperature of 90° and 95% humidity performing outside activities. Just not physically possible you’ll die. I don’t really challenge that statement, but I’ve never wanted to try either. The triple digits that have been happening all out west and especially for my friends in Texas is horrific. I know my grandpa used to work construction and road paving in the summers in northern Missouri during triple digits; farming too, but their solution was to go to work at 3 AM and be back by 11 AM. Never Would they work through the heat of the day.


This person doesn't want your stupid remarks.


Yeah dry heat works up to maybe 90 degrees. After that, all bets are off.


You can usually cancel within 24hrs of making your booking


You can camp at Lake Murray in OK. It’s a really nice campground fwiw.


I'm a host. I would absolutely have refunded it if that short amount of time passed since you booked and your actual stay. I had someone do something similar with a booking and it was too close for a refund. VRBO called to ask me and I said sure, he just booked it this morning. That said, I once booked a flight to portland, oregon instead of portland, Maine and didn't figure it out until like the day before. I lost a ton on that mistake.


Looks like you solved the problem, but I think most of us have made, nearly made, or will make a similar mistake at some point. I got lucky, doing it quite early in life and with no lasting consequences, but it stuck with me. My error? I booked a hotel in St. John’s, Newfoundland instead of Saint John, New Brunswick. 🤦‍♂️


glad you got it fixed and got a full refund! Yay! Hopefully whomever is in charge next time can plan a little bit further ahead?


I live in Maryland, it was only about 95 today, but no humidity. Usually it's 95,° 95 humidity . I was in Apache junction Arizona and it felt like you were in a furnace. I have been on west coast of Florida and it was hot. But Arizona was fn dry heat fn 🔥


Unexpected travel plans are dancing lessons from God. --Kurt Vonnegut


This is why I absolutely can not go to Hell!!!!


I was going to complain, but I just may get laughed off of this page. From Sunny mild beautiful So California


Reminds me of the time I accidentally booked a flight for the wrong month. Didn't find out till I was checking in however 🤣