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Abusing that feature for the ugly ass cloak you get from the first swap v-blood. I hate organizing my cloaks, so I just use this transmog slot to stash the cloak I am currently using.


BTW you can hide cloak so you don't have to use any ugly ones


How? I don't think I've ever seen that option.


Click on the colorless X in the color selection.


Nice. More than anything else, if you have long hair, it clips with your cloak a lot. I'll check this out.


Whaaaaaat we fashion souls now


Vampire The Masquerade: Fashion Week lool


Unleashing your inner Toreador.




\*drops jaw\*


Thank you, gonna put to good use, you really is helping alot with all ur tips.


There is also a steam achievement for putting an item in that slot I now have all the achievements excepting the brutal difficulty ones Female chars can also place the midnight gown there to have a pretty dress while fighting too


pretty sure that's not gender specific


Itโ€™s not! Had my lad in it the other day and was looking beautiful af ๐Ÿ’•


Have you SEEN some of those sets??? If you're playing a female toon, you're doing it half nekkid.


Yeah, but as a vampire, it's permissible to wear ridiculous outfits. If this wasn't a survival game in which we're playing as a ridiculously underpowered bloodsucker fresh out of centuries of slumber, it would be different. If we were as powerful as an 8th or 9th generation VtM vamp, it wouldn't matter as much. Take my character in Cyberpunk 2077. Wearing armor would be superfluous, below a certain level. She was so modified, inside and out, particularly with her surface tissues, small arms fire would barely have an effect. The difference between a bikini and SWAT gear had to have no impact upon whether or not a bullet would pierce her skin, below materiel rifle rounds. Hop in a mech, or don't bother with armor. Edit: Oh, and duh. Why do you think I'm playing a female vamp?


The. Give me the big 16th century collars and brocade coats and the drama of colour! Weโ€™re very limited with colour and design. Granted, I havenโ€™t moved past the farms yet (my save glitched terribly and I had to start over) so there may be more to come for sure. But at the moment? I donโ€™t like my boobs hanging out. Each to their own!


nah, this game is peak!


Does it really give 1 extra gear score? I find it silly, but I also dont understand that the cosmetic items say they give 1 gear score, not home yo try rn tho


Items in the cosmetic slots give no bonus stats. The 1 gear score you see on cosmetic items is because you can also wear them in normal armor slots. They give you +1 level, just like the beginning Boneguard items, except they don't give you any other bonuses, like the bonus health even the Boneguard gives.


I did not know this ๐Ÿ˜ฌ thank you


Funnily enough this was the first thing i noticed, when i went to change the color. I'm so hyped for transmoging, because i had personally never really liked the blood moon set, so i was beyond hyped for the new armors. But personally the Legendary armor doesn't look good to me. So i use the Blood Templar Chest piece from iron\* tier


Same man, I use fking marauder gear since I liked how primal it looks


Thank you for that. I don\`t like the feathery cloak I\`ve got. The first one was amazing. Gonna use that instead.


Thank you for posting this! I'm new to V-Rising and hate my look. Soon as I log on tonight, I'm putting my good drip back on.


It just struck me that the vampires in this game look a bit like the Mordesh from Wildstar. I miss that game.


This is where you put your Alucard DLC cosmetics ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป


holy thats so huge


I'm too poor for Reddit awards, so here is a trophy emoji ๐Ÿ† Thank you so much for posting this! I wasn't aware it was a slot, I thought it was just an icon to indicate what piece you were currently editing!




Oh dope. I never realized that.


lol thanks for the tip, started this week, have a nice cloth but no stats so i am no using it, didnt give much thought cuz i am still learning the game. but now i can do that looking more fancy then ever.


God thing to do is put the cloak to prevent the curse in that slot and hide it. Means you can always swap into it without loosing a slot:)


Have they changed it yet so you don't lose your hat upon death?


that is a modded server feature, not vanilla


Found this feature with colors and transmog only when completing the last steam achievement :(




My only gripe with the way they implemented this is that the cosmetic is independent of the gear you are using and it's a bit fiddly to play around with looks. You can be naked and still have a full cosmetic outfit on. Which confused me at first because I was taking pieces off to get a better look but it wasn't helping until I unequipped the gear and the cosmetic. Still a cool feature. So glad they added it even if it's a bit awkward to use.


You would prefer to have it tied to each piece, so it gets lost easily when you swap it?


I would prefer a wardrobe system rather than it actually using gear.


You mean that you have all unlocked skins with you, without need for physical item? When we are at it, i would love to have option to create build layouts so you can quickly swap between farming abilities and fighting.


Yes. But I also just want the skin to apply to the item like it does in most games. Applying to the slot is very rare and for good reason. If they don't use a wardrobe system but have it apply to the item that's still better. They just need to fix the UI so the cosmetic physical item isn't lost.


Ya'll are blind lol, how is this news to anyone


I didn't know it was a slot. I thought it was just an icon to show you what slot you are currently coloring


Some people don't know that the cosmetic system was added. Some people don't know what they are looking at, or don't click every detail of the menu.


And that's exactly what makes me call people blind. You are looking at the screen, yeah? How do you not notice the arrows above the equipment slots? There's been a big update, do you not look into things that you do not recognize?


People don't read or examine various settings games offer, nothing new.


Never said anything about it being new.


i have had people think that they are decorative. also, a lot of people are brand new now that it is in full release. how should they know it is different if they haven't played before?


If it's *all* new to you, the bigger reason to look at everything with a keener eye. And who would design a UI like this, if they were just decorative, but only for a few slots on the same row/segment of the UI and not all of them (helmet slot, trinket slot, bag slot)... No that's, again, blind people. If the excuse is "well I didn't notice they weren't the same on all of them" - Believe it or not, blind.


i bet you're real fun irl ๐Ÿ’€


And apparently many people don't read patch/dev notes or video updates


a lot of people are just coming in for 1.0, and have not had reason to read the past dev notes since they haven't played before. if you are just starting, why should you care about changes to things you do not know?


And a lot aren't. Even if you're new I know a lot of people watch trailers or similar. Idk why you're getting a little defensive this isn't some attack or critique of people. But it also was heavily advertised even on the website and steam page...