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When you’re making fun of your sibling while out in public and dad has to step in


That reminds me of a family vacation to Disneyland when I was a kid…


That is super mild, hardly a mockery


Seriously. It’d go so far as to call it playful and good natured. Nothing to see here. (Unless there’s more context between these two.)


It’s maybe not mockery for you, but it is indeed an unneeded tweet. If Vueitfy is going a route that they should’ve long ago, it should be celebrated and not used as a gotcha moment showing off another framework


Seems rather like he is advocating for himself than making fun of vuetify. Also Evan regularly does the same for vue. Remember his post about signals?


I don't see it as mockery. It's best to see the follow-up tweet.


Infighting doesn't help anyone. They need to work together to defeat the real enemy... React. **EDIT**: Wow. Downvotes. Tough crowd.


Embrace Vue. Reject React.


Ironic. It was vues embrace of react concepts that made me just switch back to react. Apparently I'm still subbed here. 😁


composition kekw


What a REACTion


Evan is a spoken supporter of React, its place in the front end community and the types of problems it solves


You have some links for that? Would be interesting to give it a read.


No links off hand. But I learned this last year when I heard him talk at a dev conference in Atlanta last year. He spent a little bit talking about React and its tooling and objectives and how it differs from Vue.


It's just a little banter. I think it's more sad that someone has to step in saying "banter no good, offended, we emotionally made of butter" It ruins the fun No fun allowed This is XXI, we cannot banter, someone might get offended


Wow twitter is so sad, can't even joke with other open source maintainers?


What is the joke?


The italian guy IIRC is the guy with the most subscribers on tiktok. He basically shows someone doing something needlessly complicated, and then he does it in a very simple way and does that gesture and makes that expression. So I guess it's telling the other guy that he's overcomplicating things.




Didn't get it either. Is it that Vuetify is "copying" PrimeVue? Either way, a low and unnecessary blow.


I would file this under playful ribbing rather than a low blow.


PrimeVue has had an unstyled mode for a while now (I think about a year or so?) And Vuetify is just now starting to consider it. Vuetify was also really slow to move to Vue 3, whereas PrimeVue was one of the first.


How is that relevant, though? Everyone's aware of the issues with Vuetify, I don't see how that justifies the creators of PrimeVue throwing shade at the fact that Vuetify is well behind them in terms of features – especially when PrimeVue is backed by a real organization whereas Vuetify is maintained by a tiny team. Of course, as others suggested, it could be that they're close and we just don't have that context. But considering Evan You himself apparently didn't have it, the tweet is unprofessional and just a bad look in general.


Personally I love quasar


https://imgur.com/gallery/monkey-looking-away-3hpd9mX Myself using the paid version of nuxt ui for everything even though it doesn't have half the features I was used to with element-ui, antdv, primevue and veutify.


Why do we have to be a fan of a tool? It's not a competition.


I've been thinking to start using PrimeVue on my next project. Been using Vuetify for a long time, but version 3 is full of too many bugs, it doesn't work as well as 2.6 Anyone who has used PrimeVue can recommend it?


I can absolutely recommend PrimeVue. Using it in production quite well for awhile now. It’s not perfect and has its quirks but as does anything. It’s an incredible community, great documentation, and active open source development. The project and updates they are making are very sensible (even tho I personally don’t care for tailwind). Cagatay and the PrimeVue team our top notch


I’ve made this exact change in a medium sized app. The components are very nice, full featured, sensible naming etc. On the bad side I’ve seen breaking changes in patch versions, especially with the passthrough customisation stuff. 


PrimeVue 4 will follow Semver apparently.


I’ve been switching one project I have from Vuetify to PrimeVue because of the botched v3. The migration plugin for Vuetify was pretty good, but the overall lack of component docs in v3 and the number of issues I ran into killed it for me. Plus wanting to use a more Tailwind styled approach, PrimeVue was a no brainer for that. That said Vuetify is still decently solid. If you don’t feel compelled to switch, you’re probably fine.


Yeah, I liked Vuetify but I've ran to too many problems lately with it, first it was the pagination component not updating properly, then was the dialog v-model not working properly with the composition API... Plus when you go to their discord for help they always go "I don't see the problem, looks fine to me"


It's probably an overreaction but it was all this that made me revisit React and use Nextjs for a project. The whole process needs to be as frictionless as possible - we're here to build, not waste time trying to debug issues in our tooling.


Honestly, for a medium -> large app, Vuetify has been an actual nightmare. It's so damn difficult to style & customize. We've ended up creating our own components or reaching for other libraries so often we're probably only 40% actual Vuetify at this point. In the past we've used Quasar as well, which was a bit better, but was still a styling nightmare. And have previously use Vuetify 2 and even Vuetify 1! And even then it was a styling headache, though it didn't feel as bad as it is today. Ironically another MUCH larger (100+ devs) project I'm on is in React (Yeah yeah, gross I know), and uses Mantine. And let me tell you, it's a night and day difference. I love working in Vue compared to react, but we're talking _"playing with tonka trucks vs using real construction equipment"_ difference here. And it's ot react doing any of the lifting here, it's ALL in the UI framework. Damn near everything you could want out of the box, entirely styleable & customizable, no asinine assumptions & "inner content" divs that you can't style, comprehensive global style overrides & extensibility, build tools for everything...etc It keeps on blowing my mind when I switch contexts between projects. I wish every day that we had a framework lie this in Vue, it would be perfect.


I just picked up PrimeVue on a nuxt3 build and I can't believe we didn't do it sooner. Really enjoy building with it.




I recommend Primevue, but not on its merits alone. There is only one good free theme, and anything else costs money. Slim pickings in an overall fractured market.


No it’s not. Who cares. Vuetify is laughable at this point. If you want something not opinionated in design PrimeVue is that. If you want full customization, PrimeVue is that.


yeah, evan made it unnecessarily awkward. it was just a stupid meme


Who actually cares?


What’s snips?




These are pretty cool, but looking at the source a lot of the cool stuff is kludged together against the underlying component styles which are non-customizable. And therefore likely to break between versions. Which makes me sad


No big deal ...


Bruh I have bigger fish to fry, I'm sitting here pondering how to bring the downfall of React