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Remember when TRAs weren't enough to help your titan survive the zappies? https://preview.redd.it/bfmy1mfbohqc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=021f9f55c8385115c40b901203deeabaecf1e743


No. Zappies were very good to charge up my 2x TRA + Grand Balancer + Damage Controller. How I wish the newtons were not nerfed because if they caught me in mid air with my Luchador jump, the 2 or 3 zaps is all it takes to charge the TRAs up. And then it is time to kill off that Newton.


From what I see in that meme a lot a people seem to enjoy the fight 😜




Btw, I do appreciate your bringing up the TRA discussion. It's interesting to read the different perspectives on it. I'm sure that from this point forward I'll have a hard time not thinking of sumo wrestlers when I see Luchadors and Rooks in a fight.


That’s us paltry peasants watching from afar.


TRA makes weaker titans viable, and broken titans even more broken. The logical thing here is to nerf the broken titans and in particular accessories that no one is adressing: avalon. Avalon makes even the worst titans very strong. Either you do this or go through a major robot and weapons rebalence before you decide to nerf titan repair amps. shenlou, zappies, ue shotguns, ue flames just the whole bunch of these weapons can seriously melt regular equipment that people use undoubtedly and when you want to spawn a nerfed TRA titan it will get killed easily and ambushed because apparently it's a great idea to just nerf that the only trump card some people have. Not everyone is playing squad games in maxed equipment, sure the gameplay becomes absolutely boring for guys in that situation but you've basically green lighted pixonic and paid for this sort of meta anyway. We all green lighted avalon, we all green lighted a lot of things by paying for it.


Nobody is talking about taking the TRA away. All I'm saying is remove the Immunity to Defense Mitigation. That particular part will not in any way make your titan weaker against other bots, it will make him weaker against ANY OTHER titan weapon. In no way, shape or form will the paying crowd benefit more than the F2P players who have TRAs. Both will be toned down equally. Sonic beta titan weapons deal superior damage to Pyro, nobody talks about that. THMGs are crap under 200m- Of course paying will always give you an edge, but the TRAs ampliefies thoses edges exetremely. And of course Avalon is broken and deserves a fast nerf equally.


Yep. Even with full 2 x TRA stacks, Heimdall is far from immortal. It just feels like a titan. They should be able to brush off some fire from normal bots.


See aygirs heimdall video. I humbly disagree he fought a bedwyr ( not 1v1 ) but he walked out without a scratch


No. Why ner nerf nerf nerf when we can buff buff buff


TRA being nerfed would pave way for the most insane robot builds to end games by themself. Titans wouldn't be safe with nerfed repair amps and I don't mean to exaggate because it's quite literally crazy the kind of weapons that are available on tiny little robots. The worst complaint people can come up with is that it's either boring or that people are unkillable with TRA The worst complaint when TRA gets nerfed is that people are now going to be obliterated by bendy bullet titans, getting evaporated by multiple shenlous with ue shotguns, evaporated by many of the crazy robot builds that you can have and suddenly titans don't feel like a titan anymore. This would happen more than they already have been, especially the Terrible randoms who seemingly still die fast with max luchador builds.


Or that TRA’s are pretty unobtainable for f2p players


I have 2 luckily


Finally someone sees it. Before tra I suggest pixonic to nerf all the meta weapons since they were too powerful at 1 point I thought titans were useless but what did pixo do? Bring even more defense and on top of that buffed all weapons by 40% and less


I think the problem is the entire unbalance of the game. And since Titan weapons now deal such a insane damage, TRA is needed. Yea, it’s maybe a bit to strong. Cause 2 equal titans with stacked TRA can go at each other for whole match. It’s a bit tiring to fight in the same bot, against the same bot a entire match,and skills doesn’t have very much to do with it. But they can’t nerf the TRA to much either, cause the weapons r so insane. Ur Titan gets insta killed if another Titan gets the drop on u before the TRA is stacked. And that’s the entire reason everyone drops their Titan asap. And I think most players agree on titans is almost all that matters atm. Most matches I drop 1 bot, and the titans for the rest of the game, and if my Titan gets insta killed, it’s almost certainly a loss. I often find it easier to take down a Titan (with stacked TRA) with a subduer build. Balance of the game is a whacky. Almost impossible to fight titans with meta weapons with a regular bot. Insta kill! Devs have a lot of work to do to balance the game. But I ain’t seeing it happen… ever….


Me sitting in my Lynx, waiting for them to get down to 13%...


Relatable my lynx is no longer a beacon runner


Then you might be having the wrong builds. I have 3 lynxes in my hangar. It can go 1 V 1 with any titan (it is harder to kill a rook because of the shield). My builds are Redeemers , Punchers and puncher/subduer. The last combo is the best. But you also need maxed kestrel and a Mute mothership. I run IA, RA and NA. A few times I hit 700k HP in FFA. Twice in normal games I hit that too.


I have like 20% of what you just said


Then focus on building it. Punchers are better than redeemers , you hit and run off. And they charge up your mothership fast. Btw, 3x cloaking units on it is insane as well.


I can't just decide to max kestrel and modules and boom it happens. Paladin I got


I don’t mind running 5 lynxes to be honest. Most economical versatile build.


I'd use 2 but everytime I see a week needing to upgrade something I don't bother


New record...855k HP. Almost brought down a full health Eiffel (HMGS), kill stolen by a Luchador...wtf. That Luch was just watching while I was beating the crap out of that Eiffel. ​ https://preview.redd.it/62emhv1uksqc1.png?width=1553&format=png&auto=webp&s=32e2d3be0121c7f4555dc970e16b352a4e65fd47




​ https://preview.redd.it/ejcmvq0elsqc1.png?width=1553&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d0c110bec76c7ca1bb1c0a1e4e1695ef538cbf9


​ https://preview.redd.it/1798remzlsqc1.png?width=1543&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5a59ee08a9db87988f5b0579543fe64a9d4c1c3


It's odd how much stronger TRAs seem now. Guess it has to do with the flames.


Yeah I don't get it. 


Who doesn't love rubbing bellies?


The tickle-fight begins!


TRA immunity are my only hope getting to tank against 25% nuclear amplifier from robots, And the 100% alpha weapon from titans, Among all of that I'm still being used as a punching bag and killed off easily by eiffel, ;-; please don't take it away what kind of titan were you using btw. It's understandable the bedwyr is broken with it but without it my luchador and minos would be easy pickings for high champs ;-;


Don't touch my tra or my luchador ...


Same here


Did luchador get buffed? I don’t understand why it’s Meta relevant despite being so old and power creep being very real


It blows my mind that people think TRAs are fine in their current state


Without them nothing can survive flames and hmgs. Or any other next upcoming mega op weapons by pix


Nerfing TRA only paves way for the most insane robot builds possible, UE fenrir is literally a mini titan and there's no debate on that. You can end 6-8 robots with just a zappy shenlou in solo queue because of matchmaking making you face very weak opponents. Not everyone is running good things like fenrirs or ravana or other good off meta, some people still run harpy siren and other rubbish of the tier 4 category.


That’s not a valid argument as they also need severe nerfs. Literally every aspect of titans is comically overtuned currently, and everything about titans needs adjustment


The rook when it was released vs the luchador