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Every one take off their Avalons for a day. Then we can see what the real problem is. A 2 TRA titan without Avalon is a heck of a lot different than a 2 TRA Avalon. Source: I don't have an Avalon.


Agree with that. I don't have avalon and when fighting with 2 brawlers at same time my luch goes down


I have northlight(1DE), 2TRA/2DC. Luch. Ran TRA's and 2OR before current Avalon meta. Adding DC's instead of OR synergies too well with TRA's. I end up in 15M+ dmg slap fights which I didn't do before and I do not have Avalon. I'd say the TRA's are part of the problem. Some weird synergy mumbojumbo going on.


I run a lvl 27 avalon, only maxed charge rate and a couple lvls upgraded the healing, rn this mothership is extremely useful, as only 1 activation gives immunity to most negative effects, sure the healing and grey healing is strong but the mothership is not as gamebreaking as the mute was with 11 sec effect duration and even 7 seconds is a bit too much but more manageable, the problem is people abusing TRAs by stacking 2 or more repair amps for some reason and out of nowhere this module became the go to for pretty much any titan (i currently only use 1 as i prefer dmg over hp with an onslaught).Also the people using luchador as i see 3 out of the 6 titans are luchadors will make this titan to get nerfed as well.


Maybe they should just make it harder to charge each time you use it or have a resource cost just like in real life. Many other well designed games use this type of mechanism.


I don't have it. Just finished a match with my luchador and 1.5 million hp ( just fought 2 rooks )


TRA's are only good for sumo fighting, and making it so titans dont need cover... once TRAS are balanced, skilled titan users will use the terrain and cover like every other bot, and you wont be able to just sit on anyone/everyone sumo style sumos gonna cry at first, but not once the playing is good again...


It's getting boring. Even high-level gaming chair players can't take out charged titans.


I know right, even after all adjustment to their chairs.


What's TRA


titan repair amp


I have a bedwyr with 2 tra’s and still running the frozen scorn mothership. If my tra’s are at max stack I can sit on a beacon with 3 or 4 other titans trying to kill me for a couple minutes. So it’s definitely the tra’s. The bedwyr shield was useless 2 days after it become available because people in the upper leagues know not to shoot when it’s out. It’s the most boring part of the game now days.


It's not the TRA, you weren't complaining before the introduction of Avalon.


More rust was in the game which limits the TRA. Avalon removes rust effect. So now we just sit there and engage in a long snooze fest.


You and I both know they juiced the TRAs


Nope. TRA is not juiced. It is the Avalon with Durability Extender. Actually, the Mute is even better as it EMPs enemy bots and has 2x durability extenders. I have both.


Repeat after me: it’s the Avalon not the TRA, don’t give Pixonic an excuse to nerf something that helps F2P players


2nd that. Guys, I have both Avalon and Mute. It is these motherships that cause the durability of the titans, not the TRA. My lynx hit 850K HP with Mute and kestrel a few days ago.


Guess I'll be the only one dying for a while lol, still running around with kid😭


As long as flamethrower, vajira, and bendy bullets exist you will need the tra's. I am sorry but they just dump too much damage that without charged tra's you drop almost instantly. If you want to beat the meta the best thing I have been hit with is emp. Knocking out abilities makes rook, lucha, effel, and indra very weak for a time. Cycling it whipes whole team titans. Also, the Reaper, gauss, and subduer crisis is devastating to titans as well as execution from lynx as it takes into account the growing durability from extenders and Avalon. Having big titans neutralize other titans is a ligit strat and gives a titanic feel to the game.


Yall forgetting the Newton Zap era when TRA is the only thing keeping you away from 5s titan battle. At least the tank battles gives you opportunities to use skills like ability count/rotation Ppl hate when game is too short, now they hate when game is too long smh. Again: none of this happened b4 avalon introduction. Identify the correct problem.


Can you guys please explain this to me, I'm still new to the game and don't understand everything 🤝


Imagine a really big rock. Then imagine 589 Hyundai Elantras crashing into it. What happens...? Nothing. TLDR; titans are too powerful and are near unkillable.


lmao beautiful analogy


TRA=titan repair amps. What’s happening is that once the TRAs are charged up, it becomes impossible to kill that titan. So when you have squads of titans with TRAs, it ends up being a boring match where no one can kill the other.


* impossible to kill when paired with Avalon.


What's the whole point then?


Point of what?




Never got to charge it to maximum. Most I got was 59. Yes. 59.


I never knew numbers went that high


well said


Another reason to use the rust gun set up on a late game Ocho to help stop TRAs


Dumbest for now ......... give it a few months something dumber will appear


Avalon is the problem not TRA




Humbly disagree


I have both mute and Avalon. My lynx hit 850k hp in a FFA using mute (Avalon would be the same effect). No TRA. So……


Yes to all. Avalon is stupid OP. TRA CAN be, depending on the Titan. Zappys are just god awful cheap, especially on Shenlou (who is basically in a protected status around here for some reason). And we all know flames are beyond broken. I’d argue that not ALL Titan weapons need to be messed with though, but rather rebalanced. Pox had a knee jerk reaction to Tonans criticism, nerfing them into oblivion. It was unnecessary, and the same approach to every Titan weapon would be counter intuitive. Likewise, the deficit between flames and other weapons shouldn’t be so insanely dramatic.