• By -


Apologize for this written novel!


No, toss off šŸ¤£




Great writeup. I think you're spot-on about Heimdall. It's still my Titan of choice, although I might finally give Luchador some playtime now that I've almost maxed one out. I don't have a pilot for it though.


Heimdall is one of my favorite titans to play. It sits in that sweet spot of being good enough that it can be worth your time, but never good enough to be nerfed. It's only received buffs


Best build? I leveled my Scavenger during a discount event + LB challenge for maximum double-dipping. Now I just need a the same for a Titan Pilot upgrade and Iā€™ll start learning something new. Nodens is still working Ok, and now Minos is getting a turn in the Main hangar, but I need variety.


I wouldn't call mine a "best build"...it's definitely in a specific pocket. But here goes: Quad Lanterns - 1 TRA - 1 Onslaught - (and here's where I get weird) 2 Quantum Sensors. That's right. I give up firepower and durability in exchange to be able to smoke any stealthed bot that I can get line-of-sight on. Late game beacon runners hate me. ![gif](giphy|xTiIzJSKB4l7xTouE8|downsized)


I hear that; I ran a Deep Radar Blinder ā€™Metz for many moons. Great on open maps when Stealth is popular.


Run 2x titan accelerators šŸ‘€


![gif](giphy|26AHLNr8en8J3ovOo|downsized) Seconded!


There are just three placements I disagree with: 1. Minos > Sirius 2. Luchador = Rook 3. Minos > Aether Also, you state that Murometz supresses, when infact it EMPs


>Also, you state that Murometz supresses, when infact it EMPs Good catch, will be updated momentarily. Luchador, Indra, and Rook are REALLY close, and could probably be interchangeable in the rankings depending on my mood. Aether was a surprise. Both u/Civil_General_8392 (IdiesAlot) and I ran it quite a bit before and after the TRA and MS nerfs. It definitely benefited and is a bit of a beast right now. In terms of Minos, we discussed it quite a bit, and thought it could go one rank higher without argument. Past that, not so much. The issue we both had with it was consistency.


Minos is an infiltrator/sac titan. Played correctly, you get one titan kill first half of hp, second titan kill second half of hp. Even 1 for 1, grab some beacons before and you consistently win more games. The sheer mobility allows consistency into A tier. Only Eiffel is more mobile


Aether is my favorite titan on the battlefield, it's so easy to kill! Pretty strange that it's above Heimdall and Newton.


It's absolutely ferocious with THMGs. With the TRA nerf, can out damage most other bots and titans.


I love Heimdall but it gets chewed up by THMGs. I switched back to Minos & have been having fun.


Aether is crazy Strong the only real problem of aether is his ability cooldown and Defence point but out of that he can have 4 OS or Canibal reactor so you can make a titan that melt other titans in second if you decide to give him 4 Cannibal and his ability that grant him a forcefield and a Emp lazer makes him very dangerous in the battlefield


I believe a haven't met it with 4 OS or canibal reactors, butĀ  it's forcefield was nerfed pretty hard, it can't do anything against sonics. And on the ground it's really pice of cake.


There's a typo: infra has 2 charges, not 3


You don't get to call out my typos with a typo ![img](emote|t5_3al50|13093) I blame u/Civil_General_8392, they were the person who reviewed the work and gave it a blessing


I was wondering if they added a new charge in the new update and I rushed checking šŸ˜­


Lol, I went and double checked myself. I was probably thinking Ravana


Great job and thx but Tell me something I don't know..šŸ¤£šŸ‘


Ā Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating one olive from each salad served in first class.


That's hilarious šŸ¤£


The driest continent on Earth is Antartica.


Antarctica is also the largest desert on earth.


the sperm of the fruit fly Drosophila bifurca can stretch up to nearly 6 centimeters in length


Only 6% of all mosquitoes in the world transmit any disease.


The largest mountain on earth is Mauna kea


I think your ranking of the Sharanga is about right, maybe a little low. Your words about its abilities being poorly designed might be accurate, but theyā€™re still usable. Phase Exile to slow down and ā€œtime outā€ any enemy that gets too close, and Full Power to beat the crap out of anyone in range. Lack of defense and slowness are killers though. Sometimes you burn through an opponent ludicrously quickly though.


I phrased it as "feast or famine" and Idiesalot phrased "very hot or very cold".


It does a lot better with cover. Maps like Castle and Valley and Abyss are way better for the Sharanga than maps like Shenzhen and especially Canyon.


Yeah few titans can benefit from certain obstructions like Sharanga.Ā With that much firepower but no exposure you can obliterate much better titans without a scratch.Ā  Moon, the lava place, and Springfield have a few. Would be cool to do a bunch of custom matches and find out where they all are.Ā 


At castle on top where thereā€™s a clear barrier is the best spot in the game for Sharanga.


I feel like Luchador is squarely below Rook now. It's just not the invincible brawler it once was. Or maybe MS and TRAs made almost every Luchador pilot incapable of using it, and there are still Luchas that can be a menace but I just never see them. In all the titans I run, I've lost maybe a single fight to a Luchador since the nerfs and it was in a sonic Sharanga. The Luchador ambushed me at spawn and I still almost killed it lmao


That was my opinion until I ran them both the past two days. They're very close, but luchador performs more consistently. Although Rook is better on larger maps.


Indra is my new go to....it's pretty lethal if played intelligently. I concur with ratings.


I was happy to participate in the testing. It is fun to run out other titans, and see how they hold up. The Aether in particular surprised me. Way stronger than it was before the TRA nerf. Luchador is still the king of tanks, and I still think the Regular Ming is trash..... but we can agree to disagree ![img](emote|t5_3al50|13093)Excellent write up as always DNR!


Turns out trying to run and evaluate all of the titans is a pain. But it can be fun to do, and arguing over where Ao Ming belongs was hilarious.


Will die on the hill that you always under rank minos because the skill cap is so high. THMG meta even indirect buff because minos can control range as efficively as Indra and Eiffel Solid A Rank for skilled operators


Idiesalot and I discussed minos quite a bit. We had a hard time deciding which titan ranked ahead of it , should be behind it. I could argue it ahead of Sirius, but not so much Heimdall, and better.


I have a low upgraded lucha and indra. I always thought about what I want to put all my plat in but your list helped me a lot F*CK IT MINOS IT IS


One of the best budget Titans in the game. Played smart it works well


My only problem are the module slots. I'm not quite sure if I either want to play without anti control and getting locked constantly or only having one TRA


One TRA is not worth playing. In that situation 2 anti controls or two good defensive modules


I play OR, OR, TAC, QS and can outduel anything but vajra minos/indra with me using cyclones Cannibal reactor more than worked before I lucked out with onslaughts Use reflector, dashes, and cover for defense, minos second most mobile titan, use that benefit


And yet I can 1:1 most Luchs withy Rook. I think if Rook played well is no. 3 after Bedwyr, ahead of Indra and Luch. Luch was OP before the TRA nerf though, but all you got to do be clever when to hit a luch, wait for them to finish using the ability, castle and boom.


1v1 performance was discussed, and as much as possible, not factored into rankings. I can 1v1 most rooks in a Heimdall, but Heimdall isn't better than rook. We have to use significant contributions to the game , which leads to winning as the general purpose criteria.


2. UE Ao Ming (S tier) šŸ™„ we agreed it was no better than 5th and possibly C tier.


Sorry, but we all know Pixonic heavily relies on my analysis to determine nerfs šŸ˜¬


![gif](giphy|l4pT3W66Xyr3C225i|downsized) UE Ming is trash. Donā€™t listen to DNR Pixonic.


Great write up. Do you think 2 TRA 2 OR is a better setup than 2 TRA, 1 DC and 1 OR for my Rook. I run the latter, curious if it's worth upgrading a second OR.


Hard decision. I haven't decided which is better. Personally I think 2x TRA and Onslaughts is still the default answer for most bots. However, with rook specifically, because if it's self - healing, a DC is worth running.


My glorious king aether getting the respect it deservesšŸ˜­šŸ™


That was a surprise. It was terrible before the TRA rework


Nice rankings, glad to see aether got an indirect buff!


I own a max level karura aether and it is pretty good on the battlefield especially in its skyward form


Mine is level 105, I used to play it with sonic weapons when it was meta, it was my first favorite titan. I'd love to be able to play it like that, powerful but not OP šŸ˜Š. It wasn't that long ago, either lol


Im planning to shift on to some other titan but im thinking which one as a fulltime user?


My regular favorites are luchador for high damage and durability, and indra because it's so chaotic for the other team to deal with.


Well... this list has confirmed my fears. Nodens is no longer viable. Sad. I ran mine for 3Ā½ years and it has served me well. Good thing I just won an Indra from SC. It's going to be my new long term titan.


I have really struggled to make Nodens effective, and worse; it was boring (at least IMO) to play. It needs a UE version to be good.


It needs a big speed buff. Changing out the suppression for blind or emp (or a combo) would also help.


Thanks for the list! I've been saving for around 6 months for a Luchador. So far... around 900 PT :( I need 2000, soooo.... welp. But I now have a more clear image about the performance and abilities of each Titan. Only issue is, the comments are getting me confused about Luchador's ability to generally be good lol. Nevertheless, thanks!


Got my attention with the Aether. How did that happen?


Nerfs to TRA, and MS charge, along with its abilities and firepower


How is it that much better than Murometz? Give me some weapons to try out.


Looks like you nailed it. Spot on with the Aether ranking. However thereā€™s a steep drop off from the top 6 where it sits. I donā€™t think it belongs in the same tier as Luchador, Indra, and Rook.


I will still forever and always say Ming over Muro when considering Liu, but otherwise I can agree, very good list. Never thought Iā€™d see Aether over Newton. I swear, the most recently nerfed Titan just gets kicked down so far, same thing was the case when Aether got nerfed initially, I remember seeing it in lower tiers than purple titans lol.


Ao Ming caused considerable debate. It's for sure better than Murometz with its pilot. But, it's very rare, and like most UE pilots, inaccessible. Ao Ming has an asterisks because of it.


I hope that he gets dropped into the pilot shop for a thousand platinum or so, then everyone can witness the glory of Ao Ming ;D


Honestly, I do agree with the rankings in my opinion. However, I feel like in certain scenarios, Rook seems to vastly outperform a luchy or Indonesia. For example, I can fight against Eiffiels (even maxed ones) with a rook, and sometimes I come out on top, but with a luchy I stand no chance against the extreme mobility of the eiffiel.Ā  Ā I think both Luchy and Indonesia have their spots well placed, because if you aren't careful with rook, you can get cooked fairly easily. I think it comes down mainly to how you use the titans. A bad player in a maxed Rook will lose vs a good player in a maxed Luchy, but it's kinda interchangeable. I think the pilot for Rook is what really makes it a powerful titan tbh. Like seriously, skills like the suppressor and shield expert at max level is crazy, and it helps out a ton for Rook users.Ā  Anyways thank you for coming to my mini Ted talk.


the fact that ming can be 1 shot makes it the worst. its too bad because its the best designed titan


Please how does luchador self heal gray damage?? I have it. But I hate it, compared to rook


I mis-wrote and will fix it shortly; Luchador takes less gray damage as passive ability. It heals at end of its ultimate defense ability.


I am an excellent Kid user and could beat any of the Titans ranked here below Heimdall, who is ranked 9th, by a comfortable margin. I don't know because I switched from Kidd before Newton came on the scene, but I beat Luke. If you are a beginner, I would recommend strengthening Kidd for cost effectiveness. If you can get a free Top Titan in the Super Chest, switch over.


Sorry i forgot what THMG was again, could someone tell me


https://preview.redd.it/y2n8jsy974yc1.jpeg?width=2376&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b8652c5b92f0066ac3835835a37c337fe43998f Titan's Homing Machine Guns.




Got it thanks


Currently readying a Bedwyr. Any advice on pilot skills and module setups?


Still happy with the lucha. I have jump around the map many a times to stomp the Eiffel. Just have to time jumping at them as they land.


Muros and Minos need a higher ranking than sirius and heimdall....one on one, muros can easily beat them, muros and minos can be tough fight only because of minos reflective shield.


My Ox Minos with Stellar Evoras rock in CL.


I've run the luchador from the time the muromets got its nerf .I know how to use it quite well, but after the tra nerf I'd say you're spot on with the list. eifle is still the most annoying thing to try to fight .


Yessir! Rooks back baby


Can you explain the acronyms? TRA, OR, etc?


TRA = titan repair amplifier OR = onslaught reactor




Whats an HMG?