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Prime Ocho was hands down more egregious between the two. Incredibly tanky, 8s ability cooldown, and it could knock you clear across the map. EMP and Rust deal with Raptors before they can get their first Avalon charge. Also, they are unable to jump if they are locked down. Stay out of its 100m splash radius if you can, that's where its EMP (pilot) and BIW hit. And countdown 5s in your head (reflector) before shooting. If all else fails, run beacons on it. A single or dual raptor cannot be everywhere at once.


That’s a lot of very practical advice if anyone is looking for how to deal with it rather than act as if it’s indestructible.


"As if"? as of now it's the most tanky bot out there and if they manage to get the mothership charged up then it's gonna take forever to bring it down. It can be at 10% health one module use and it up to 80 again that grey damage reduction needs a nerfs on both robot and drone


The durability extender just got nerfed. Now even the mothership won't help raptor as it used to


Couldn't have said it any better. Prime "bugged" Ocho was a different ball game altogether. Great practical advice!


Great Advice. Like you said I just run beacons and maybe surprise attack to throw them off a little.


Thank You!


Prime Ocho with the bug and shortly after that was more powerful than Raptor. Raptor need Avalon to survive and the charge rate isn't what it was before. It is hard to kill, but Subduer or EMP can cut its life short.


I don't even fight the raptors. I find someone else to pick on.


this ☝️


Ocho is its prime was the worst meta. No joke.


Ocho prime solos the entire WR history (no bias)


Shenlou is fine the teslas suck Ocho nightmare, could solo one or two luchas Curie burry this thing underground and forget it, annoying af


Shenlou still needs to be looked at. If it chooses to engage you after the first jump then it's shield shouldn't be there. The amount of firepower it brings along with a defence system along with multiple teleports are ridiculous.


Shenlou should get buried alongside curie


I hate curie, shenlou and raptor so much they need big nerf for balancing the game.


Wait 3 months then we will have something else to hate lol ...


Straight up remove them honestly


I play with a Raptor. EMP and Rust Curie is the ultimate kryptonite.


I haven't faced it yet been playing some other stuff ... is the raptor reali that bad currently the shenlou is annoying currie isn't so bad Ocho still gives me ptsd


You eat Currie??


I can cook it and eat it 😋


Here is the recipe add 1 spear dagon mk 2 lvl 12 sprinkle with otto pilot add maxed paralysis drone 1 part nuke amp 1 part fortifier 1 immune amp all maxed make sure not to over cook it or u gonna get the dagon ruined ..... please keep phase shift ready


The original Otto spear Khepri was even worse.


All those freaking crisis reapers have ducks to shoot and what happened? It's all hurricane typhons Pixonic freaking genius


Curie I dont find to be annoying(my ocho completely destroys it) Shenlou is a nightmare with teslas(especially if played smartly). Also I haven't yet faced a raptor.


You know what they should do a gamemode with all the broken meta at their prime. Could be interesting to see a prime ocho fight against a prime nether spear, prime seraph or prime ravana.


Raptor for me cuz that is one heck of a tank almost like Ocho was


even now, ocho is worse. yeah, downvote if it hurts.


Shenlou is still more annoying. Atleast you can run away from Raptor.


I use my angler with 1 Jotun + 2 morana + 1 sinister claw (bugged as FC k but rust effect working) and it kinda work against raptor, once it has a rust effect on there is a high chance to kill it. I was just tinking in add a tamer but the sinister has more anmo.


Prime ocho was definitely stronger. I wish all 4 of these robots could just straight up be removed




Raptor isn't as OP as Some people claim it to be. Sure it is a tank. But it isn't immortal like prime Ochokochi was