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Everyone gangster until they get deep into champion league ![img](emote|t5_3al50|13094)


T1 drones and no pilot when


Well that was the plan from the beginning of the challenge but uh I worry the challenge wouldn't of gone further.


what's your strategy to get to champs? What robots do you plan on prioritizing leveling up, and how do you plan to counter strong Tier-4 bots?


My strategy to get to champs is simple. Spawn rogatka first aim for beacons if no enemies or team aims for the beacon. My ways to counter bots are simple, id try hugging them and run around them making them difficult to turn around more quickly to shoot my bots. But vityaz i just brawl face to face instead of running around. I don't have any bots that could counter raptor... other than that my main techniques are to stick with the strongest teammate and hope they know what they're doing and protecting a weakling (aka me) and I always focus when beacons are not getting defended by an enemy just to aim for it. Basic ways to get to champs easily


Eyy I just hit masters 1 today as well! Though your dedication to this challenge is really impressive. How does Kid hold up in these higher leagues?


Gonna say, I have been master 1 for as long as I can remember. I intentionally roll support now so I do not league up into champs. Matchmaking is broken AF and has been for some time If you're super good player, run healers and effects like lock or rust or freeze. Play 0 powercells builds If you're just aiming to hit champs, good luck I guess. Master class seems to be more about fun than winning


There's no healers or effect that are tier 1 you silly 😜 I'm purely running tier 1 here


Keep on that grind man holy smokes good job !


whats your hangar? The moment I saw vityaz i was shocked, you rock




that's absourd, replace vityaz for SCHUTZE


That be unnecessary, although I would use Schutze if it was in shop I'd replace bolt for it. Votyaz my only best tank with 400k hp


Dont get me wrong, bravo. But youre gonna get your ass handed to you and stop playing.


Well done keep it up .....