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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions**|1|**First Seen In WSB**|1 month ago **Total Comments**|1|**Previous Best DD**| **Account Age**|8 months|[^scan ^comment ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_comment&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20comment%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20comment%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)|[^scan ^submission ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_submission&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20submission%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20submission%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.) >TL;DR: I started investing in September and have lost $230,000. I am looking for advice on whether I should quit or try to make up my losses.


Your broker is just handing out 10k to you cause you lost 230k thru your own will? ​ I need your broker, stat.


I know you have no dignity, but do you also have 200+ k to lose, then sure they'll give you a kick back if you whine enough.


If anyone loses 200k to me and I can give them 10k.




ill give 50% back.


Broker isn’t supposed to be a casino ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


But thats exactly what high leverage daytrading is.


I lost 244k in RH and RH gave me nothing :(


Maybe if you ask nicely. Or a little ball fondling goes a long way. Fyi


The good ol reach around


Trade 4000 lots during a month and you will get this amount


Admit loss is lost money, save balance money into T-Bills or HYSA. Never trade, but learn investing and then try yourself long term investing.


4000 lots @0.65 brokerage is still 2600 USD. Why broker would give such a deal? Is is Forex broker? What is your brokerage?


10000 does not make any sense here unless there is more info into it


Likely this guy has been pinned as a gambling addict by an algorithm and he's likely to make the brokerage far more money over his lifetime.


Did you use etoro for day trading? Their spread if huge and the app overall socks ass


No I just used it for smart profiles, I was using IC markets


If I were you I’d put the 10k in crypto. Buy equal parts Kaspa, ADA, & XRP. Sell Summer “25.


But not remotely deserved based on your terrible decision making - he knows you’ll be donating it back with interest next week


You probably were also over trading. For majority its not right to trade daily.


Is your broker a casino by chance?![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


*Must use $10k on slots only, expires 12/31/23*


On margin


For real the TDA merger with Schwab is a shit show - was banned for asking a question? I’m looking at tasty or irbk - about to short the fuck out of Schwab


> 1-5% daily profit or loss *Narrator: this being r/wallstreetbets, there was really only one outcome.*


You know, he was being conservative by targeting about 1,000% to 220,000% annual returns. /s






Reads like one of those Tiktok trading course scam videos lol


The Ponzi School of Investment


Close enough


Your biggest mistake was finding wsb with a 500k portfolio. Your second biggest mistake is the fact that you’re still here. See you on Monday for the rest of it.


Next time put 1/2 in and index and pick stocks with the rest if you want to but go long term with the stocks. Try to make 10-15% a year not 1-5% a day.


Yeah, on a more serious note, stick to ETFs (I am partial to QQQ). Sell lotto puts on margin, use the premium to buy deep ITM LEAPS or buy more ETFs. Not exciting.


> 1-5% daily profit or loss on the long journey to get my money back but obviously, it wasn't realistic enough 😂


The world's best traders count a great year as a 10% gain, my dude is aiming for 2 weeks


The worlds best day traders make millions a year, but also count 1-3% a day on their position size a normal win 😂 so 1-5% should be completely reasonable. OP is too greedy to continue trying


No one in the history of mankind can make 1-3% a day, by the end of the year they would be richer than Elon musk - do you realize how ridiculous that is? If you mean 1-3% of the BASE per day that’s still 365-1000% return per year and no portfolio manager can claim something like that. Only gamblers can get those results and it’s from pure luck.


1-3% per day on a trade. Yes they can 😂 it’s not infinitely scalable with endless amounts money but it is repeatable daily. I have a buddy that has done it. He consistently scalps 1-3% around 85% of the time all year. Using about $25k. I know someone else that makes a few million trading a year lol


> 1-3% per day on a trade What does this mean? If you start with 100,000 and make 1% per day, by day 365 you would have $3,778,343. This isn't realistic and doesn't happen. Your friends are liars your have no idea what they actually do.


Again you are not understanding. I’m not talking about compounding percentages. You can start with $100k and make 1% per day on that 100k position size. Meaning, 1k per day. You can’t infinitely scale the position size. However, you can scale it quite heavily and have seen someone trade for 100’s of thousands a day but not often (not options either). It is possible to make 1-3% POSITION SIZE per day consistently but not perfectly. There’s a reason why it’s still only the top percentages that can do it though. It takes years to understand and execute correctly and many people will never be able to do it.


I still want to see those guys for real. And sure, if you start with a million day traders there is a trader or 2 who just have a very long lucky streak just chance.


Well I know two people personally that have lived off trading for the past two years..


I bet you they sure as shit aren’t asking Reddit for investing advice.


Definitely not, just laughing at it with me


Came to the right sub to declare his madness, I mean intent![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Once you lose 50% of your portfolio value in order to break even you’ll need to regain 100% of your portfolio value. As you may understand this is a very risky situation, many people tend to get burned like this. Realize that you fucked up do some proper research not like the research you did before and try to stay in trades for the long run. There is no get rich quick life hack. I would even urge you to talk with an advisor because you are emotionally tied to the loss that just occurred to you.


Just take the remaining 50% and put it all on black, double it, then you're back even


Just buy 200k in long dated gamestop puts It's basically free money


Supposing OP is American he has a chance of 47.4% so his expected value on a 230K bet would be -$11.960


It took me ages to recover my losses and also end up getting some more. Lesson learned so I took a break from trading entirely since.


Seriously just dca spy


SPY is not a long term hold, the expense ratio is higher than substantially identical alternatives. VOO would be a more efficient long term hold, while SPY would be better suited for short term or options traders.


youre asking a gambling subreddit what to do with rest of your money after you lost half of your life savings gambling. come on now. take your ass to /r/investing r/bogleheads


You're right, I shouldn't have asked for advice here. I'll go take my money to somewhere where people will appreciate it more.


To be fair bogleheads will guilt him into investing into VXUS which pretty much costs the same as it did 20 years ago and probably the next 20 years


VXUS still has better performance than 99% of the people here.


With a positive 3% annual return since inception you are likely correct lol


I saw the words investor and daily trades, your confusion is confusing your p&l to the point where you lost it all. You are a gambler, you should put the money into a more safe game plan. 230 k would retire me with a hundred acres of land, not sure what your trying to win with the trades but now you gotta spend time and effort to get back where you were. There are no free lunches , slow down and think about how many hours it took you to make the money you’re gambling on your next trade, but I think you need professional help if you can blow 6 figures trying to earn profit.


Bro where do I need to move for hundreds of acres + retirement for 230k. I’ll do it right now




You are totally right it took years to get this money and I wasted them in few days, I am not old and I make this money from scratch, 6 years ago I had nothing. For a moment I thought I knew I have the skill of making the money and I am smart enough to do more, I ended up with losing more than 50% of my capital, I got huge loss but unfortunately I still believing If I fixed my mistakes, I can get up my losses, at this moment I am just controlling myself from very ambitious ideas and try to get down to the earth. Maybe trading isn’t my thing as I discovered some issues in my personality like I am a gambler person more than risk taker and I have an issue of over self confidence. Anyway, I think I have 2 scenarios, the first to destroy everything or to be more realistic


6 years ago you had nothing? 230K is more than half the money you have? What kind of job lets you save about 400K in 6 years? If I were you, I would take a step back and take a break from trading. What would you do, if you were lose the rest of your money?


This is all OP needs to read jokes aside


Why does everybody on this subreddit who loses money always come in and say the $200k+ they lost is only 3 years of work


Because everyone in here is rich tech bros who get paid an insane amount of money and in reality they aren’t any smarter than the rest of us


If it was more years they probably wouldn't feel like YOLOing it was the correct play


If you can't make 200k in 3 years you are at peasant lvl.


Until OP tells us how he got this money he is just pulling our leg and wasting our time. Don’t believe it for a second. OP if you are telling the truth then put your 200k in a high yield savings. In 30 days take the $700 interest and put $500 in blue chips. The other $200 you can play with if you do your research. In all the following months leave half your interest in to grow the savings account. Then take $50 and add to the blues. With the remaining $300 do whatever you want. even if you continue to be frivolous you’ll still make up your losses in interest and stock gains each year. Lastly, if the way you made this money in 6 years is not due to work but instead the markets, then recognize you didn’t earn that, you won the market lottery. No amount of research can control market ups and downs. Take the W and stop being the hillbilly that wins the lottery and blows it on motorcycles and cigs. Because that’s the equivalent of what you are doing.


Stop stop stop stop!!!! YOU ARE EMOTIONALLY TIED TO THE LOSS AND NOT THINKING WITH THE RATIONAL PART OF YOUR BRAIN. Your trading is based on hope not strategy... You will lose the bank. The market will still be here next year, but for the love of God have a time out and relearn the emotions of trading


Thanks, I am quitting for now as you mentioned


Bagholder spotted. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh my gourd! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Your problem is not greed or risk management, your problem is that you’re addicted.


I agree with you, I have addiction personality, I went out from addiction to addiction


Don't waste the rest of your capital gambling. Please consider coke and hookers!


I lost over $200k in futures trading. Please take your money out and step away for a while. You will lose the rest, that’s almost a guarantee. Trust me on this one, bud. I wish you the best.


Stop trading. the overwhelming majority of traders lose all their capital over time. Invest instead. Doesn't matter if it's stocks, a local business, vintage cars, whatever - buy things for less than they are worth, add value to them if possible (like fix up the car or real estate you bought), and be patient and sell it for more than it's worth. Yes, it can be that simple. The reason you invest is to have a BETTER life, not be stressed all the time and staring at a screen all day. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6HHwOoq9M4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6hhwooq9m4)


I invested 6k into wish. It’s worth like 60 dollars now


buying stock in a business that has always lost money, and has no real prospects to make a consistent profit, is more like gambling, it's not investing. When you buy a share of stock, you are buying a minority interest in a business you don't manage. Would you buy a minority interest in a small business in your town that has always lost a lot of money, knowing you can't step in to run the place differently? A business that can't make money has no value


Best comment in the thread!


you can apply the same logic to stocks. Just buy them and sell it for more.


I was your spot before I lose another 100k. Quit and visit /r problem gambling sub.


To be honest- OP probably would have made out better with money line bets 😂


where is the chart?


Correct. OP, chart or GTFO.


The sexting isn’t enough for me either. I need some pics to finish.


What exactly is your goal?


OP is too delusional to realize why this "goal" was nearly impossible. >Earlier this week I made a childish plan that I would start with $2000 as a base capital and I would target 1-5% daily profit or loss on the long journey to get my money back but obviously, it wasn't realistic enough, and again ended up with ZERO Balance account.


1% daily profit each day is more than 130% annual growth. OP is a genius!! I'm trying to decide between this and the doubling a penny everyday trick.


to lose the rest, duh


My goals in order are 1- Learn , 2-Getting back my money and 3- Earn




How much did you want to earn before you went down that much?


Sometimes I was getting $10-30k per day and after being a realistic I was targeting like 5% from the base capital


"after being realistic".....1 % a day is roughly 1300 % a year (based on 260 trade days). Not even most top notch forex investors achieve that, and those guys dedicate their whole life, 7 days a week, to trading.


I mentioned I was wrong, anyway thanks


Speaking from personal experience, OP, that money is gone. You’ll need to accept this to move on. You absolutely WILL lose the rest of your savings if you don’t take a break now.


What’s stopping you from learning and starting small? Once you know what you’re doing you can do it with higher amounts. You’re just trying to get rich quick.


*walks into AA meeting, “your problem is that you’re drinking too much. Have you tried limiting yourself to only a couple beers with dinner?”


How the hell do people just have $430k in cash just sitting around??


Probably dealing drugs.![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


Probably not a bad way to clean money either at low 6 figures. You actually win on the trades and you have a paper trail for your wealth, you lose and it doesn't matter because you weren't "supposed" to legally have the money anyway.


You’d be surprised at how many rich people there are. Most of whom are business owners


What should we do?


Is it at least sitting in a high yield savings account? Surely you're at least maxing out your 401k/IRA/tax advantage accounts right?


What the fuck do you do for a living is my question


Basically, you're being dumb. You went in with no trading strategy and lost. I've been there. Extremely painful. I'd recommend not trading for 6 months, minimum. You need time to psychologically heal, and yet I'd bet you with 99% certainty you won't do this. You'll go and lose more money, with 0 strategy, and then ask, "Why loss?" - the market works to draw you in, and without an edge, you're just profit for those who know how to trade. Seriously. Give it up for 6 months, and develop a strategy with a PAPER ONLY ACCOUNT. there are plenty of back testing guides. Test a particular strategy, and only one. Do not try to trade every day. I recommend high news impact days 1 trade a day and that's it. Track your progress over 30 days, or get an automated journal if you're into that sort of thing. Others will tell you it's fine just get up and keep trading, but if you don't have a tested edge over a series of weeks and months, you have 0 track record for profitability. You're gambling against a system that's designed to take out easy liquidity and understands human psychology better than the average joe. If you don't understand things like quarterly theory, general price action theory beyond the typical "support resistance", market order flow etc, then you need to stay away. Plain and simple. The market is only going to get more volatile (in ny opinion) not less. Trading is hard. 90% of people fail. Okay what other cliche bullshit things can I say here? The history of financial markets has been a giant fucking of the American people through financial derivatives which have single handedly overthrown the governments ability to control monetary policy, public debt, and generational financial loss via Wallstreet. When you learn that price action works to fuck over the typical trader, it starts making a lot more sense. 6 year student of financial markets. 6 months testing different strategies and now working on passing a funded account test. 30 days in up 1% (need 6% to pass). I use 0.1-0.25% per trade, and try to aim for 1:1.5 ~ 1:3 RR... also only win 40% of my trades right now. Other than that I have no criteria to be speaking on the subject other than my own big personal loss early in life via the options market, so don't come at me, this is just what comes to mind for me. Hope you recover your losses.


Thank you so much for the your advice, time and effort


Short answer: quit. Put the rest in a saving account and get 5%


Looking for advice? Stop gambling you regard.


Your issue is that you’re a gambling addict and using “investing” as an excuse. Far too many people who think that when they have a winning day it’s because they did a great job trading and are a great investor but when they lose it’s simply because they strayed away from “the plan”. Even 1%/day is an insane target. You need to cut your losses because the $200k you have left will seem like a lot when you lose it all and have $0. Put your money in VOO and go back to work.


Obvious gambling addiction. Hope you get some help before you lose the rest of it.


I do not have a gambling addiction.


I think this is a case of “tried, tested and failed”. Quit while you’re still above water and lucky enough to have half your savings left. Otherwise at the rate you’re going you be here in a few months telling us how you lost everything. Edit: *Sorry, I forgot which sub I’m in: ignore the above advice. Pick the next high risk thing and Lump into it! Start at 20k and aim for 25% increase per day. You only live once.*


Damn this is so sad... Positions or Ban! :)


​ > target 1-5% daily profit or loss You're not an investor, you're a gambler. Isn't it obvious that if you've lost $230K you aren't good at this? Stop doing it!


Coveredcalls and dividends is a good starting point. 1-2% per month returns doing the wheel strategy.


Most noob option traders overestimated their ability and thought they could learn from actual trading as opposed to practice on paper trades.


You gotta pump up those number


F, not that quickly but been there, been staying out so far but tempted to get back in, knowing ill fuck myself even harder is keeping me out so far


Sorry to hear that mate. One of the biggest mistakes we all make is trying to target 1% or 10% profit per day or per month at the start. From, my experience this can be a misleading goal. Some days the market moves down as a fucker - this day you buy into positions and may have to wait for a few weeks to close those damn trades. And some days you do a 20% in a week. Hence, what is important is to enter and exit the trades at the correct levels. Once you are able to do that with solid capital risk management, you can start counting monthly or annual or weekly returns.


Thank you for doing your part to fight inflation. We need more money losers like you. God speed.


Here’s the problems with the “1 to 5% a day method” As already stated it’s not possible- but the real issue lays with limiting your upside and maximizing your downside. Pretend you bought aapl calls this morning and sold at 5% up, you would have missed out on a 35% of potential profit. On the flip side when your loosing you hold don’t you? 1-5-8-18% down hoping it will come back. Your upside won’t ever be enough to cover your downside


Stop trading, it’s not your thing. Get a money manager, you seem to be high-earner. Want to learn trading? Set aside 5-10% and try to learn the basics with that. Blowing up small account feels same as 230k, life consequences are different though.


>It is possible to make up your losses, but it will require a lot of work and dedication. It is also important to have realistic goals and expectations. Trying to achieve too much too quickly is often what leads to blowouts like the one you experienced. Take your time, learn from your mistakes, and be patient in rebuilding your account.


Out of all the times you tear people apart, you chose to be nice to this guy? I’m disappointed.


Honestly, the market is working. You capital has been reallocated. Keep trying!


Let me guess, YOLO on AMC?




I lost 21% my life savings. I got out. Ate the loss. Deleted Schwab app. And am hiring. A CFP (certified financial planner). I am not cut out for that stock life


Just send the $10k to me. Youre going to lose it anyways.


Put the money in the bank in a pension plan or high interest account and continue doing whatever you were doing to make $400k in six years instead.


Bro just lost the first ten years of my working life


You left out the biggest mistake of this game…Impatience. Impatience makes patient people rich.


Just gradually increase your risk profile to target the amount you need to make back, and if your initial thesis is wrong just double down You'll make up your losses in no time, but you have to accept the risk that the account that will be going up may not be your account EDIT: Financial advice not


Dear OP, you lost 230k Yep u r a loser. How TF did u get yourself in such a hole? Doesn't matter accept you are not a trader yet & get out. Consider stop trading for 1month...see if u can resist. If u can resist... then u reset & learn to trade again & yes I can bounce back from -230k. Maybe u can too. If u can't resist ...then you're addicted (in the worst way possible)...get out & stay out. Call Gamblers Anonymous or the equivalent in ur country


Thank you 🙏 I will follow your advice


Stop cold Ur trading. No looking at charts, no reading about markets, no small trades for easy money. The test is "are u addicted or not?" Losses at ur level indicate u have a gambling addiction... If that's your problem then you should never trade again....u will need professional help so u never slip back into gambling mindset. You can invest but not trade. Invest is buying & holding longer, trading is in-out within days weeks.


I was barley winning then I read six technical analysis book in the last two months…. Now I’m positive 11/12 trades daily…. Risk management is a must…. Now I am reading up on fundamentals and the mathematics behind chart structures…. I had to step back my volume and only trade small amounts until I master this bad girl…. I just ordered four more books on technical analysis…. I use three filter pages…. Learn your basics


My man just stop, I lost 70k i was addicted for this… now I just buy e stocks with no rush, last month i got $500, withdrawal everything put on apple savings 4%, when the market drop if drop i will buy stocks, options is a hell


Think of how you made that money you had in the first place. Go back to that strategy!


Should have invested in Solana


It is good to get these lessons early on in your journey. There is no better teacher than pain. I've made a ton of mistakes myself in the past, and it is generally because I was either too greedy or too fearful. Here's one solution that I found works for me - find a systematic strategy that you can backtest and then trade live. Eliminate all of the emotion, and trust the data. Here are some books to help you get started (includes trading rules, code, instructions, etc) - [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CM449Y9J](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CM449Y9J)


I know most people are just teasing you on this thread. And while I enjoy teasing people also, I also don't like watching people f themselves. If you could make 1-5% a day you would be one of the best traders in the world I imagine. And up until now, you have not been able to. What are you going to do differently to get better results? The three factors you mentioned are killers when it comes to having a long term career trading. Just one of them is bad enough. Maybe take a break. I have been working on a post that might help. But bottom line it for me, why did you get into trading? Just the pure hate of a full time job? Desperate to stop working? Because you had enough money to collect easily $1,500/month in dividends. You know how many places in the world you could live decent/well on that and be free? I am worried that if you keep playing you could lose the rest of it and then be broken as a human being. With 200k you might be able to get 1k/month with a little more risk. But that is more success than you have been having in the market. I would step back. Accept reality, take the L and chill for a bit. Good luck.


Thanks for your advice, I decided to quit at least for till I have a better investment plan than a revenge one


If a trader hasn’t gone through this lesson of the journey, they’re not actual traders. Only thing that can truly teach you how to trade is losing, recognizing, learning and applying. But $230K’s too far for “a couple months experience”. Since you actually belong in this thread, I’ll give you gold nugget. QQQY yields 70%~ a year, or 5.5% a month. Just YOLO into it and in a year and a half you’ll be complete 👍


Trade $SPY or $QQQ ONLY. Get long on pullbacks above VWAP, get short on bounces up to VWAP. Get out on the candle that closes below (if long) or above (if short). Start with 2 contracts until you figure it out. Take profits one at a time unless the trade goes against you. Start small. I blew through $100k over 3 years until I started this process. I’m now green.


Don’t give up but you better start following some sell rules. I don’t know when or how you arrive at buying a stock but you should only buy at buy-points. Then if your stock drops 8% below the purchase price sell it. If it’s a good stock it’ll hit another buy point and you can get back in. Don’t wait the 10-18 months or whatever it takes to come back around when your money can be in other things gaining. I know a lot of people have problems with the 8% thing but they have yet to show me a stock that dropped 8% below a buy point and then turned around to do great things. Historically there is no example of that ever happening. Also, people who think it’s ridiculous have losses of 50-75% or more. I’ll just keep being ridiculous with my 8% MAXIMUM loss


the loss is when u get out. as long as you r in the market you can make money. But you have to have a strategy and stick to it. investing on big caps the right sector, and mostly selling options or spreads. I m not a big fan of buying options as the time decay is very dangerous and is always against you, unless you want to gamble . Most of the stocks that went down in september october are back at their highs .


Here I am with a risk-free measly 26% YTD by doing nothing. But seriously, stop trying get rich quick strategies. Slow and steady gets you there.


Take a 6 months break


Never copy trades. Risk management. Market is unpredictable, but does give you an edge based on your strategy. Always remember though, it’s unpredictable.


What's OP's trading strategy..... how to lose money?


Lol, I’m just being optimistic that he has one.


Buy Albemarle and Enphase now and thank me later. 😊


Inverse Cramer. Just calls or puts not shares, buy the derivative 4-6 months out, let Cramer magic happens once the spike occurs close the position immediately. That’s the only way not to go broke.




1% a day? That's nuts. 1% a week is far safer. 52% a year. Who the hell needs more than that?!


Go into prop funds/trading instead of your own capital. At the rate you’re going, you will blow up your capital and go to prop trading anyways to keep learning.. so save yourself further pain and go to apex and start trading futures that way. Also, stop doing options.


If markets have taught me 1 thing in all my years trading OP, it's that you can reasonably expect to recover from losses in roughly the same amount of time that it took you to incur them! It's like some unwritten universal law... You just have to have unwavering conviction and belief!


Yolo some NVDA calls and you will make your money back


Lemme trade for you bro we'll go 60/40. trust




Although it’s never good to blindly follow gurus, you would have to follow ALL trades from that trader if they are indeed actually a winning trader to ensure the odds eventually work in your favor.


Search some high-beta stocks with really good fundamentals and roadmaps, better in the financial sector that sucks now due to high-interest rates, most of them dips now, do some research and tech analysis, and then accumulate them, after an official pause and cut of IR by Fed they gonna bring u to the moon ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


Don’t give up. I feel you will recover quickly ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


If you have more than 100k plz join ThetaGang. At thetagang, we take advantage of vulnerable kids at WSB 😎


https://preview.redd.it/xp0u4fyz1lzb1.jpeg?width=1072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=931e82bf9907c4677ad4769997893c48a067a2d2 Take what u got left and buy into High Dividend stable stock like Ares Capital I'm up 10k in 7 months


"Moby Dick seeks thee not. It is thou, thou, that madly seekest him!"


another one bites the dust


Wth did you trade? options or stocks? You could've just bought 100 shares of tesla and sell covered calls.


When I'm in this situation, i always punt. I put all my money on green because black and red don't pay enough.


You mean you kept trading?


Trade with one tenth the money you have and then have your girlfriend inverse you with the other 90%.


I just hope it’s money you earned and not someone else’s.


It’s my money


Good. At least you haven’t got that to deal with. Just move on now. What’s done is done.


Excellent, greed, bad risk management, and bad technical analysis are the worst.


If you get your money in a week you’ll have it ready for the xiaomi earnings call on the 20th. You can get atleast some money out of that. You can also just close your account


Just one stock it bro


In not even 3 months, you lost 230K while the market had one of the best weeks of its life? Yeah, you most certainly belong here.


I hope this is shitposting and karma farming. If it’s not you need to stop trading and get help for your gambling addiction in this order.


It’s ok.. you know what they say when you lose a small fortune… 🦗🦗🦗🦗


Why not send me 500 dollars as Christmas gift 🎁 instead of loosing money


Invest and make it back over the next 10 years


This sounds really, really, please post your loss porn next week when you lose the rest of your savings. Side note, how the fuck do regarded people like you always seem to have half a mil in the bank they can just start playing with


At the very least, when the losses are piling up you should have enough common sense to stop the bleeding and learn from your mistakes. And you know this is WSB right? What kind of advice are you thinking you'll get here?


Damn bro ever consider quitting? You’re probably shit as assessing stocks and potential option plays..




Nice idea, keep it for yourself


Do you even feel sad or no ??