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Make sure you sell lots accordingly. Anything held over a year has typically lower taxes Congrats


121,100 shares are 12 month the 10,000 shares i bought in the last two days are short term But i do not plan on selling until this bitch reaches $15/share


that's some serious hodling, my dude. ever consider diversifying? what if rycey doesn't hit $15/share? got any other stocks in mind?


At the moment no other stocks in mind. Probably just the safe major ones like Tesla, Amazon, Nvidia for safer hodling in the future with less risk. if it stops climbing i'm out. paying off my mortgage and living debt free. I didn't know i was going to buy RYCEY, it was an impulse buy which has turned into my high risk high reward YOLO dream.


Tesla is never safe, in any way whatsoever. One of them just ate a billionaire, and you are always one autistic Elon twit away from a 10% share price drop.


okay you're right there, tesla is wild card. but the gains are still gains


Tesla and Nvidia safes lol


okay i have no idea what is safe at this point. they seem safe? 2 trillion market cap for NVDA and 500B for tesla. i dont expect them to go bankrupt or anything...dont quote me?


If you're gonna hold, get VOO, JEPI, CAT, SHEL


yeah I was thinking of some stocks with dividends for the future. so honestly if RYCEY brings it back then I might just keep holding and never sell


I think you’ll know when to buy Tesla. It has room to fall, but it is a darling of a stock with a PASSIONATE cult of little and big investors alike. I’d wait for Tesla to fall more, especially over the summer months, and if you see $100, buy like $5,000 to $10,000 worth of long calls for 2025 or even 2026. You see how big a return could be from long NVDA and MSTR calls. So, long TSLA calls could do the same plus you can sell easily if it goes down 20%, losing only $2,000.


I really wish I knew more about puts and calls


Lol the safe ones like three of the most volatile stocks


I did end up saying i don't actually know what safe is lol


$10 easy.


Whats your thesis behind the 15$ PT?


The UK government has its SMR announcement in summer 2024. 6 potential companies all bid on it. This company is well on its way of paying off their debt and increasing cash flow Not to mention the share buy backs, this stock had 1.93B shares pre-covid before the share dilution, now has 8.368B shares. when they start buying back shares price goes up dividends - stopped them around covid time and they shall return. potential narrow body plane market they have not tapped into. right now they have only wide body plane engines. rumors of them going into narrow body. if they do it would be huge This stock is going to new heights. 💹


Why did they dilute 6 billion extra shares? Thats massive


they were going down due to debt. did it to raise capital. this was at the start of COVID, like March-December 2020 shit hit the fan. there was a lot of debate if they would end up declaring bankruptcy


Bro, dilution to 8b is absolutely mind boggling. That's a huge red flag. What are you hopping for? Billions worth of buybacks?


not anytime soon, but they have done this in the past if you look at their history. they have bought back shares. and here we are again where they offered them up to get more capital. so eventually when they back to making money they will buy back the shares, I'm not saying all at once either. but over the next 10 years i could see them buying back billions. yes.


RR sold those >6B shares for 32p each to raise capital.  Do you honestly think they’ll now buy them back for nearly £4?  SMR’s are a pipe dream at the moment. They are selling off parts of the business to balance the books. I’d love to see $15 because I’m heavily invested myself, but it’s not going to happen. Their share price is always 1 pandemic away from dropping off a cliff, again.


damn who poured orange juice in your cereal buddy? want me to get you a new bowl? they will buy them back over time, regardless of price in May 2013 they did a 1.7 billion share buyback when it was around £ 3.57 so why wouldn't they buy back now? SMR is not a pipe dream, they already got a small SMR contract with Poland last month: [https://www.world-nuclear-news.org/Articles/Poland-s-Industria-selects-Rolls-Royce-SMR-for-hyd](https://www.world-nuclear-news.org/Articles/Poland-s-Industria-selects-Rolls-Royce-SMR-for-hyd) We haven't even gotten back to investment grade rating which is going to happen soon now that it has passed the 5 dollar mark. "Rolls-Royce Holdings Plc had its credit rating raised to ***one level below investment grade*** by Fitch Ratings" this was in December of 2023


I'm with you bro (although not by anywhere near as much). 2010 shares at 1.8 average. I do keep wondering if i should add more and your figures kinda make me think yes.


I bought 4,000 shares yesterday at 4.91 another 6,000 shares this morning at 4.98 it isnt too late to buy more. im going to keep buying as much as i can under 10 bucks. YOLO


Congrats and fuck you! No options?


no options


LMFAO I sold all of mine Feb 15 for a profit, and then it takes off. What the fuck is this game?


I felt that was always me, selling early. WSB has taught me diamond hands. i bought AMC 15,000 shares at 1.99 and the night before when it reach like 5-6 dollars i sold and of course the next morning that shit was at $20/share and market was freaking out and they shut it down. not to mention the $72 peak they reached later that year. if i held that would've been $1,080,000 😭


I have so many stories of two stocks in one hand, I yolo one to lose it all, and the other has a record breaking week. If I chose the other way on 3 recent trades, I’d have 4 milly in my bank right now, but I’m in the red for the year :)


ZOM fucked me, i bought 350,000 shares @ $0.19 held at 2.70 instead of getting out. shit tanked back down to .74 before i realized it was a loss. could've had $945,000 got greedy and lost it all i got into NIO for $2.47 average with 13,000 shares. and that took of and reached like $65 and i sold at $4.12. could've had $845,000 was tired of holding and sold for a small gain my best was holding FCEL in 2019 for like 0.25 average of 100,000 shares. sold when it got to like 30 cents cuz i had no idea what i was doing in my late 20's and that shit reached like $26. no big deal missed out on $2,600,000 We all have these stories...we either learn from them or we don't. only reason I'm still holding RYCEY is because of my past fails


Listen here man, it sounds like we need to run trades by each other before we end up naked behind Wendy’s together.


We both could've been millionaires more than once and somehow we have not reached that level. i'm hoping 2024 brings new gains for me and my family. don't tell my wife i dumped our 50k of savings into RYCEY in the last two days, i might end up sleeping outside in my shed. or should we just meet at wendy's now?


There is always tomorrow, brother. I’m gonna do some regard math and try and compare some past earnings for some things and will be rich here soon. & Well, let’s hope she isn’t stealing the rest of your money for steak dinners with her bf’s. If my trading history continues, I will be waiting for you behind Wendy’s once Rolls randomly declares bankruptcy next week.


sir yes sir


Love you, good luck with everything


good luck to you too, hope you get back in the GREEN. i think it's a little soon for me to say the three little words. awkward 🙄


More to come from these guys. There was an article a few days ago about being part of the future moon missions which is huge. Earth is running out of helium and the moon has more than we could ever use so whatever country gets their first is going to make bank. I think the next move after AI is moon related companies.


Lmaooo what, post that link please


Nice, I sold 60% of my stake in 2.6, 3.3 and 3.6£ numbers, rest will pay dividend on next year 👌( bought in 0.7-1£ range 🫢)


I love this stock


Congrats, please keep going, I think you'll have a second set


How the hell do you even find these stocks


Well at the end of 2020 i sat with a buddy and we said lets research what stocks have not recovered and are still undervalued after the COVID stock crash. I found RYCEY and said hey guys this is it. this is how we gonna become millionaires. so in Dec 2020 i started loading up and have continues since. the biggest SCARE was September/October of 2021 when I've been holding for so long and then i see my account in the red $100,000 so i get whatever money i could and just kept buying more. and i told myself it still hasnt recovered fully from covid and this stock will rise again. 💎👐 to where we are now. and im still gonna HODL until $15/share to the moon we go


If this isn’t the def of diamond hands I don’t know what it. Here is me Tipping my fedora to you.


why thank you lad. almost shit my pants when it dropped below $1.00 I decided to uninstall my investment app and just stopped looking at it for months. a buddy texted me if i was still holding and he was like it's climbing and then i started following it again after the new CEO took over towards end of 2022. but HODLed strong and buying more


Why do you believe in this stock?


>The UK government has its SMR announcement in summer 2024. 6 potential companies all bid on it. > >This company is well on its way of paying off their debt and increasing cash flow > >Not to mention the share buy backs, this stock had 1.93B shares pre-covid before the share dilution, now has 8.368B shares. when they start buying back shares price goes up > >dividends - stopped them around covid time and they shall return. > >potential narrow body plane market they have not tapped into. right now they have only wide body plane engines. rumors of them going into narrow body. if they do it would be huge > >This stock is going to new heights. 💹


Just to add - all the Boeing problems are leading to more business for Airbus. That’s what I personally believe is leading this recent climb


Also they did just get moved to "investment grade"


Thanks! Makes sense.


you're welcome, not here to pump the stock because this is not a pump and dump. this is a diamond hands hodl to the moon baby


Lol.. I was just reading your comments and wondering. What a smart guy! But what the hell is RYCEY? Then I checke and realized it's Rolls Royce. Turns out I bought the stock at 1.32€ thinking the same. Turns out I was smart as well. Still Holding. Should've bought Calls though 😉


FWIW RYCEY actually made its rounds around WSB when it was $1/share. You just had to hold it for long enough.


I'm glad it made its round on WSB back then without turning it into MEME stock. The gains on slow but consistent and i couldn't be happier


If the interest rate is lower than 5% just chill on paying off the house. You could earn more in a savings account over the whole time.  Right? Who knows. I don’t have to think about this because I don’t have the cash.


interest is 3% but mortgage is on a $750,000 house. so it's a lot of fucking interest over 30 years. debt free is the way to go IMO. what do i know, im young and stupid. thats why i bought the stock and still hodling


Totally agree. Debt free life is what I am going for - been paying off my mortgage aggressively for the pastfew years. Basically lived on bread and butter. Only 80k left and I am free


at the rate this is doing, nice and steady gradual gains, i feel like end of 2025 i should be able to pay off the mortgage in one fell swoop.


OK, so I am brand new to trading. When I say brand new, I mean I don’t know jack shit. I just saw your post and it doesn’t make sense to me. Are you saying that you purchased stocks in Rolls-Royce and then sold them immediately and then kept buying back in? I want in on some of this. But I thought when buying stocks you just bought it and let it ride. I’m not understanding how to read the chart you posted with your profit and losses.


Each line with a date is a separate buy. He bought starting in December 2020 and has kept buying. The most recent buys are at the top of the chart, including the one from today. He has not sold anything yet.


That chart only shows shares I've bought, and at what price I bought. the cost of buying the shares and then the current value based on current price. main objective is top highlighted yellow showing total shares, total invested, total gains, and total % gains.


Dammit, that was my secret. Now all the degenerates will start playing this.


no they won't they don't touch stocks with a solid foundation


You’re actually right, I completely forgot this.


Why in the world would you pay off a house when you can achieve much higher returns in the market ?


Because at the end of the day the market is unpredictable and it can crash. If i pay off my mortgage and live debt free all the money im making is then free to be invested. Thinking of the future, dont have kids yet im only 32. i wanna live debt free, sue me.


At 32 you’re able to have a much higher risk tolerance than the average person without kids. I’d keep leveraging that.


Kids coming possibly next year, so I'm trying to lower the risk by end of next year


You're rich AND getting your weiner played with? God damn some guys get so lucky all the time SMH my head


💯 the right move


More to come from this amazing stock.


>Here is my take on it: > >The UK government has its SMR announcement in summer 2024. 6 potential companies all bid on it. > >This company is well on its way of paying off their debt and increasing cash flow > >Not to mention the share buy backs, this stock had 1.93B shares pre-covid before the share dilution, now has 8.368B shares. when they start buying back shares price goes up > >dividends - stopped them around covid time and they shall return. > >potential narrow body plane market they have not tapped into. right now they have only wide body plane engines. rumors of them going into narrow body. if they do it would be huge > >This stock is going to new heights. 💹


That’s your bull case on it?


Congratulations 🎈


Are you selling covered calls on these shares?


huh? please speaka de inglish sir (i am no way doing that because i have no clue what that is) what is a covered call?


Can you buy options on rolls Royce? If so, you can sell contracts using 100 shares as collateral. Sell weekly FDs to yolo’ers and make some extra $ per month


no clue but I'm definitely not doing that


If you own a lot of shares and options are sold for the underlying there’s no good reason not to. But if it’s out of your wheelhouse stick to holding


OP - you may have to wait until the next UK election (no later than Jan 28, 2025) to see if Rolls wins the small modular nuclear contract.


not worried about it. here for the long game if it wasn't obvious in the HODL going on here. 💎👐


Good luck to you. Might I ask what your rationale was (based on your screenshot) - all of sudden in March 2024 - 3 years after your big position in 2021 - you decided to hit it again?


yeah I've been saving money since I stopped buying. and I told myself I would keep same liquid cash for emergency. well now I regret not dumping it all in there. would've made a lot more. so I said fuck it. YOLO, going all in again. every time it went up a dollar I said to myself fuck I wish I bought more at 3. then again wish I bought more at 4. now said i don't wanna to keep regreting not buying more. so I went in. i expect the stock to keep rising. maybe 10-15 in next 3 to 5 years so more shares more money. not some 4.35% interest bullshit in an online savings account


Based on your sensible rationale -- the undervalue coming out of COVID + you being happy with potentially $15 - I think it's attainable and I think the icing on the cake would be the SMR contract or some other good Rolls news (or the competitions bad news) to propel the $15 to $20. The real 2 questions are - will you stop at $20? and what will you do with the $2.6million if/when you do?


If dividends return I might only take out the portion I need to pay off this mortgage. and also buy a rolls royce like a baller


Judging by my calculations - you are up $56k-ish in last 2 weeks. Nice work.


From $4.98 when i last purchased on March 13 it has gone up around 44 cents so yeah, $57,684 increase in two weeks. RYCEY is my CASH printing machine!


Bought RR shares for my British ISA - Share your thesis, a lot of mileage in all the sectors they are in atm. Defense spending is up cos wars. Civil aviation sector is recovering as Boeing is going belly up leaving more market shares for RR and Airbus. Got the SMR projects and exposure to that. Can see us hitting £5.00 a share this year easily for a 20% upside from the current valuation of just under £4.00.


Sadly UK ISA's (tax free accounts) do not allow options / derivative trading.


i feel like id get lost in options if they offered it. i might have never bought the stock if they had options


What's the difference between RR and RYCEY? Investing.com shows separate pricing for both. (Noob alert)


RR is the London listing in £GBP and RYCEY is the US listing in $USD - Both the same company but fluctuate because of factors like exchange rate.


Appreciate it


GJ. I bought this in early 21 as well, but only 12k shares..


a gain is a gain my friend! I still plan on buying more each week. plenty of room for growth still IMO


I don’t have nearly as many as you (1773) but you’ve inspired me to double my stake!


Plan is to keep buying and HODLing until house is paid off with some play money left over. I don't plan on cashing it all out. especially if dividends return!






Sell puts at $15 and collect premium


I dont think you can with this stock


This smells like a trap


don't buy this stock.




Congrats, please keep going, I think you'll have a second set


BOWL with a remarkable 71 percent of share float is short setting up the potential for a face ripping squeeze. $14 currently up 8.45 percent on the day. God speed If someone can repost pull the financials from yahoo. Ripe


Or…maybe s9me of those shorts know something about bowling

