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$80k loss on options trading and you’re still looking for advice on options? If you’re serious about cutting your losses, leave this sub and don’t look back.


He could also just do what he's been doing with the twist of just doing the exact opposite.


it doesn't work, because the reason the people here lose all their money isn't because they are making bad trades, it's because they are too greedy and never exit the trade. You can actually see it in his graph with the huge spikes up. He had winning trades, but he wasn't satisfied with 20-30% gains, he wanted more and so he held too long and his options expired worthless.


My problem is that I take profit too quick and get 5-10% but will watch a loss go down to zero praying for a reversal. I have lost 50k over the past 2 years with consistent gains and about 5 bad days wiped out every penny I made plus what I deposited


Then that means you're greedy and uneducated. Praying is gambling. If 5-10% isn't enough for you but have no problem not using a stop loss and watching your position collapse, you deserve to lose everything. If you can't compound 5-10% and be happy over time, that's why you'll fail like most others. Two years of consistent gains to watch it all disappear in five days indicates you don't understand the value of a dollar and it's for that very reason you'll consciously watch your position go from an all time high to a flatline low without having a shred of care. Sad to see how many of you are in this game just throwing money around like our economy is strong lol


This guy should have learned to sell covered calls or csps


Good point! 👍🏻


0DTE spy calls. You’re down 97%, can’t get much worse. Send 1 final yolo


go big or go home


Go tiny then go home


Or go big and no home!


If they're going to do this I'd wait for fomc. Biggest chance for a big move.


That’s on Tuesday right?


June 12


>Loss Porn Take what's left and buy an index. Take a few hundred every paycheck and buy that index. Stay away from options. If you're normal middle class you're gonna end up homeless if you keep gambling


Wow you're not very good at this


You can get some doge coins and wait them go to moon


That dog isn't making 10 feet off the ground.




I'm pretty sure after reading this post he definitely already tried that lol


Oh god, I’m gonna cu-








No, [GUH](https://youtu.be/d80ahvRSV8E?si=yOzFyTpfZ2U3lhOe)




\[...\] cut my losses and start passive investing as I'm not good at option trading.




t your life into pieces? Is this your last resort?


Send the last 2k my way so i can buy a car youll just blow it


Nobody tell him how to get it back….


No way you’re making 80k back. You have 100 bucks in cash and the rest in an FD probably. As people have mentioned, just stop.


No way to make 80k back? Cmon. I know dude is going through it but it's not impossible


OP just needs to 800x his $100. Shouldn't be too hard... r-right?


Warren Buffett hates this one trick


He did go from 80k to $100. He just needs to bet on reverse of what he wants to buy. 


You said it A dude singular, the exception.


Welcome to the regarded family. Sorry you missing those tendies…


First of all forget options exist. Even if someone tells you gonna make money 100%. I don’t know your age but really all you need is voo and schd. DCA


i can only scratch my head.


My whole thing is... Why did you wait two years and $80k to ask for help? And if you're identifying your flaws like trading against market, revenge trading, at that point you have to come to terms with yourself that you're gambling and not trading. If you're conscious to know the irrational and irreversible decisions you're making, you're gambling. What did you learn in the last two years if you're still unprofitable and on the verge of losing it all? If you want help, pull the last of your money out before you lose it all, go back to the basics, demo account, backtest, and don't live trade until you have 200 consecutive profitable trades. Plan the trade, trade the plan. If you're just going by social media stocks and crypto hype / "influencers", you're bound to fail miserably.




How do you draw a line between trading and gambling ? Actually the trade made after analyzing market and company still lose money. Sometimes stupid yolo make you rich . Nobody is able to predict the market , the researcher and finance major nerds use graphs to comfort them they are not gambling , but still they are losing tons of money that is gambling . Only advice I can give is , if you look at year or month charts , it is easier to make money. Most people lose money because they want a single 0dte trade make them rich


The line is as stated: plan the trade, trade the plan. If you're looking at a chart and pull the trigger because it's going up, that's gambling. If you're looking at a chart and identifying candles that make up say an inverse head and shoulders pattern, waiting for the breakout and / or retest, you're now trading, as you using education as a basis for your trade, rather than "yolo'ing" in. That's how you're able to predict the market. Buddy said it himself: betting against the market and revenge trading. That's psychologicals getting the best of you and at that point, you lost what it means to be a trader (composure) and now you're a gambler (erratic). And you said it yourself: "sometimes stupid yolo make you rich" and it can just as easily make you poor, and in this instance, the latter is dominate.


So if I notice a double reverted quadruple mctwisted pinky toe and decide to invest based on that I am not actually gambling?!


Exactly kiddo!


Have you tried putting your phone in rice?




Plot twist you are not need play options for become rich


But why others play options for rich and no me?


I found the 2 Yoda’s on WSB!!


Ahaha my IQ is low


Buy $1200 NVDA calls expiry Friday and hope they murder earnings tonight


What’s ur age ? How much do u make a year ? Delete Robinhood open fidelity and dump it all in fxaix and keep adding it til u r at 80k with the 3k u will get from Uncle Sam evey year


Some people don't deserve money..


In all seriousness, you need to admit this is not for you and get a financial advisor.


Or a financial psychologist


Or meth


I’m here to help. Stop. Never trade stocks again and put all your money into a 10 year locked CD with your bank. You will gain about 5% APY and you won’t be a loser


Quality financial advice? In WSB? I must be hallucinating


I was here hunting for rocket ships and I see this loss porn and I feel bad for the guy. He’s just not good at options


POV: You just entered r/investing


not the bank they give same amount to other sucker loan for 12% APY.


A CD isn’t a loan, it’s a certificate of deposit that gets locked up and held for however long you choose and gains APY because it’s backed by US treasuries




But then he can just sell his index and buy options , it needs to be locked away


How long did it take?


We are in the greatest Bull Market ever ???


This has to be a humiliation fetish or something


Put the remainder in an index fund and seek therapy for gambling. I know this answer not what the sub is about but fr




Man, at no point did you think that you should just buy some shares? You say this is the past two years so if you just invested half of it in NVDA or really any tech stock, you'd at least be close to breaking even if not completely covering your losses on the other 40K in this hypothetical.


Those I learned a few things posts are the funniest.


Educate https://www.investopedia.com/trading/candlestick-charting-what-is-it/


I'm sorry for your loss! 


That's a huge dip, holy shit that's a big dip, diiiiip.


Keep going you’re nearly at 100% ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)




First post and already hitting home runs.


Yea someone could definitely sell you some option trading course with you for that juicy 2.1k. On a serious note, go take on more jobs temporarily to settle whatever that urgent stuff you needed to fork up for. Don’t Trade any shit anymore 2k can’t get you back your 80k in short time even if you are Jfc. Save up, trade smaller amount turn 10k to 50k, if you can do that, rinse repeat. Not 100k and say whatever I’m going to get lucky and come back with 500k like “everyone else does”. Whatever amount you decide to trade option with better be max 10-20% of your savings or less. Anymore with no risk management = gambling.


Yea, not great. feel free to dm me if you want actual help


Leave Options. Accept that you are not good at this. Accept that you may have a gambling problem. Educate yourself on low risk high reward trading and investing strategies. Read some books from trading champions. Find a strategy that includes a clear risk management approach, entry signals and exit signals and fits your personality and is not gambling. Fight fomo.


Sorry, I'm new here, but does this mean a loss of 80k?




Nice retirement!


You lost 97% in two years by not having any controls. Your buying power leads me to believe that you're still making the same bone-headed mistakes. Is the 90% of your remaining account in one play?


Plot twist, this is only one of your trading accounts 🫡


Lol man. Just stop options. Buy an index and keep buying it forever like spy or qqq


I don't think you've learned anything if you're posting here and trying to gain back funds. I'm not judging but at least own it, don't lie to yourself.


This is extremely difficult to recover from but it's possible. You need a couple of 6 bagger trades. 2K to 12K Then 12K to 72K and you're almost there. It will probably take at least two years and extreme discipline to find the proper setups and enter at the correct time. Some setups do exist right now that can help you. $ADBE & $COIN come to mind. Forget that weekly options exist. Only trade leaps ( 12 months out ) You can still make a 500% return with leaps. In fact it's much easier than wasting your money away on weeklies.


If he’s going this route he should just shoot for the 80 bagger.


I'd say OP should just go for a couple of tenbagger trades, three should be sufficient to make $100 into $100k, but while at it, OP could as well just do one more tenbagger trade so as to get to that easy milly, because I mean why not. ApeCoin and BigMonkeyFartCoin come to mind.


I fucking wish I had 80 grand to just throw down the toilet in this market. If I had 80k I’d dump it all into Sirius XM. Warren buffet isn’t always right. Besides sometimes the potential of making money while trying to make some quality loss porn is what really gets the southern blood flowing


Jesus Christ. This guy loses $80k betting against the market. You come in here and say that if you had $80k, you would have done better by… betting against the market on a dying technology that is practically a penny stock. Jesus Christ you’re so fucking dumb.


☝️Sirius bag holder


All those xm satellites just floating around in space unused. If I had a few million laying around I would buy them and start up competing service just to finish off Sirius. I want my xm back


Sir this is wsb. The subreddit that still thinks GameStop can hit 100 bucks. I was simply stating what I would’ve done to lose it faster.


Sorry for your loss, Take a break now, try to recover mentally first.


Pretty good, but it ain’t enough to make me finish




Sir are you ok?


On a serious note delete all your investing apps and never open one again


Regard came to the exact right place to ask for help ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Give it to me daddy...🥵


Stop holding and sell. Learn to set a stop loss. Have a plan. Dont cross pollinate stock sentiment that will have you reading the charts wrong and "hoping" instead of trading. Learn to chart and follow it.


80K omg Hope you will recover one day by not gambling anymore


Jeez, just yolo the rest on scratchers at this point, you might win one.




How droll - investing in a company that mines valuable metals.


Join the winning side GB00B4WQVY43


There is really not much anyone can do for you, nor any advise can be given. The only hope you have is either just get lucky, or wait for someone to create some technology to that can alter intelligence, because the problem you are facing is not losing in trading, it is stupidity. I mean you can follow the advice the people are telling you which is to just stop trading options, but you are just gonna be making similar stupid decisions in other aspects in life, so yea good luck


Unfortunately If you need a large amount of money in a short time you’re going to have to trade crazy gamble trades. You can’t get the money back easy, you’re not worth 80k in the account anymore. You have a shit 2k and the only way back being smart, is slowly. $500 in a day being an amazing day. Let go of the yolo gamble shit and trading will make You more than you could ever ask for.




Erm just ctrl z


Stop it get some help


Well the obvious answer would be to put all u can on this crypto bullrun, then buy motley fools subscription to play it safe and buy every new addition to their top 10 recommendations (they rotate quite often and istg I have seen for the past half a year make avg. +20% in 15days of being added) anyways that's my blitzkrieg to multimillionaire status. Be careful of honeypots and rug pulls in crypto tho, there are A LOT.


Options scare me 🫣


Just do the opposite now




Buy VT and hold on to it for life. GG and good luck


Revenge trade? What planet are you living on?


Take the last 2k and invest in yourself with a year gym membership, take a step back from trading, subscribe to YouTube premium and watch as many option trading videos you can then go on do some paper trading until you can apply some of the things you’ll learn, come back a whole different person.


Buy the book trading in the zone or audio book.


If you had lost all your savings in the casino, would you keep trying to regain your loss on the casino, even ask help from your fellow gamblers, or you would stop going? Start anew, make some reel trading with ETF and dont look back.


maybe stop betting on MEME STOCK.


Bro nobody here knows.


Do a $90 Apple put and post it here.




Getting rich quick fits between a Unicorn and a Dodo? Luck is very scarce! Take Youre money and throw it under the table! In 5 years pick it up and You would only loose inflation- Youre wellcome![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Relax. Wendy’s has a polo in your size.


First, admit to yourself, that you are not an extraordinary genius. Work hard, save as much money as possible, buy index etfs like VTI / VOO. Then get rich slowly but surely.


Every one of these posts are always a Robinhood screenshot… not a coincidence


Tuna salad on rye


He called it a channel.


What happened with this sub?


3 Important Rules with Trading: 1. only trade with money that you could afford to lose. 2. if you have no experience in the market, build up a healthy cushion with ETFs first. Here you can also mix ETFs if you want to be a little fancy, but split the risk. 3. you should make bets with max. 25% of your portfolio, rather 10%.


buy a lottery ticket and pray


Think on the bright side op someone else got that money and is spending it on blow and Wendy’s(non menu items).


Dude. The best advice for you is to stop. ✋


If you absolutely must invest, invest in yourself. Go and get an education that is immediately profitable, after that then do as others are telling you, buy an ETF that is NOT leveraged, and just take 5% or what you can afford each payday and throw it in there.




Loss with no gain usually means you are a shit trader my guy. If you had at least gained a shit ton, then lost it would show you knew how to make money, even if you couldn’t keep it. This just shows you know how to lose money lol


So you're looking for advice to roughly 40X your current cash? Me too please give me those advice.


PM me