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Can he do AMD too? Asking for a friend.


And intel? Asking for a friend’s grandparents


I am done with that dog shit


There's no monopoly in the CPU space, clients can choose Xeon, EPYC or even go for any of the companies that sell data centers, DL machines, etc that uses ARM chips instead. But AMD is still good for the long run due to market cap, just learn to avoid INTC bagholders cult like a plague and you'll be fine


avoided an iv crush for once! to the moon and back


You asked for it - “and back” it is


back? no its just at a discount before split. 1100 next week ez pz


Salty ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)?


Tech giant ceo she told you not to worry about


Don’t worry about nuttin


Vs Elon the guy she’s reporting to HR


Crazy not to take profits after another 11% today though right? On top of the run it's already had.


The fact is, no one really gets what is about to come, the impact that AI will have in all of our industries. I still think NVDIA is wayyy undervalued right now


I am there with you but my asscheeks clench at the idea of a solar flare or china actually making moves on Taiwan.


The China threat is very real and could literally make this thing drop to absolute zero


I agree so hard with you, I’m all for NVIDIA.


LLMs are useful, but they aren’t going to change our lives the way you’re suggesting.


LLM's are the tip of the AI iceberg


Ah yeah? What comes after them? AGI? Not in our lifetimes it’s not.


and what do you think a lifetimes worth of selling hardware for training AI's means for NVDA's stock price?


Every AI application in industry is just gonna be a glorified ChatGPT reskin. LLMs usefulness has plateaued. Granted this still means NVDA will still sell GPUs like hotcakes, but give it a few years when companies realize the AI boom isn’t increasing profits like it was promised and it’ll come crashing back down. People need to stop acting like this is the invention of the assembly line. This is coming from someone who is *heavily* exposed to the space.


He can pump a stock. I love it


he doesn't need to, the sales and forward projections do that. Plus all the topics are centered around AI, which tends to cause a lot of hype


No other GPU or AI chip maker is going to get past the user mature CUDA library




It sure seems that way, but there's so much money at stake that someone will surely figure out a path forward. Creates a challenging situation for Nvidia because they've got to scale up but the risks of over scaling are huge, and it seems like they are bound to come under margin pressure soon.  My gut feeling is that it's still got a bit to climb but that it'll be an ugly reset when either the ai bubble falters or someone else finds a way to serve the high end market 


Investing in tech companies is a risky business; the future is uncertain, but one thing is clear, the wealthy will always find a way to profit.


Oh sure, but it reminds me a bit of Sun during the dotcom boom where they just doubled the prices on their T3 storage arrays because that was easier than scaling up to truly meet the demand. Glad that played out well for them :)


They don’t make thier chips. They own no fabs. All they can do is out bid others for fab time.


Presumably they can contract with TSMC for more capacity and TSMC will in turn contract with ASML to buy more EUV Litho machines. But it's a slo painful ramp no matter how they do it, and this presumes that giant monolithic processors are how AI will continue to develop.


Processors have a life cycle ...so if someone purchased it once he won't be back for 3..5 years to buy it again and if he buys every year theres no business that can sustain the cost lol so if nvidia is to stay almost every other business will run themselves to ground ....noice


The thing is, demand is still sky high, as long as guidance is good, NVDA is still going up and to the right.


Just like any other piece of technology at the beginning sales are high but slowly it's demands take a nose dive and competition grow and margin shrinks , GPUs newer architecture doesn't launch everyday ..it takes years ..and not every IT firm will be running a 1000s of GPUs in their basement but only a handful of industry leaders...saturation point have already been reached its just the distribution phase of bull cycle for the nvidia stock where investment bankers will masterfully exit the stock before next earning report where clear decline in sales and muted commentry will be seen ...


Where do you hide your time travel machine or are you just pulling stuff out of your behind? NVDA beats earning and raises guidance yesterday. What is your basis for noise dive demand lol? Regarding GPUs newer architecture, Did you miss the Blackwell chip announcement in March?


Take a deep breath and reread what I wrote bro ,I tried to explain it in detail to the best of my ability as a non native speaker of the English language...1).its just an observation, not a word from God I could be wrong ;) 2) I am speaking for the next quarter report ,market only cares about the future that's why they say the stock market is forward looking.... 3).just because something is announced doesn't translate into a successful launch and sales numbers ...


Watch nvidia now ,I told you a month ago ...nothing changed yet nvidia is in free fall, 20% down already ...guess empty vessels make the loudest noise ....


I think there will always be high demand for top of the line. Those that need that to be competitive will then sell off their stock allowing for a large secondary market for companies with less intensive needs. Then there will be people upgrading to top of the line every 3-5 years. It’s like phones. It’s dumb to say ‘people don’t buy them every year so where sales?’


Kid you have no idea what you are talking about better be quiet ...fool..


It's not like that with things that run AI models, which always want to be improved on and that require better processors. To be on top in the market, companies need to innovate there, and to do that fast and make the best stuff, they need the newest things. It's a race to the top for profits


That means customers will be forced to go elsewhere. Like when I have an hour for lunch and the line is too long at chic filet so I go to Burger King instead.


More like Chic fil a is the only place 5 minutes away from your office, and no other restaurant within 100 miles. You have an hour for lunch, either you wait 30 minutes or you skip lunch. That is how far ahead NVDA is from competition.


Maybe someone builds a Whataburger beside the chic filet?


They are, Apple, Amazon, Google, Microsoft are all developing their own AI chips, but until they have any meaningful product, you are forced to eat at Chick fil a


Electric car companies said the same thing....


Harder will be the fall.


Thats cool, but good luck finding the electricity to power all those chips


yeah pump that bubble


They literally just reported audited statements proving the demand is very real you fucking buffoon


demand will evaporate when the hype goes away and customers realize the AI profits and uses are limited


You would've been that guy that thought that the electricity had limited uses




Unstoppable!! Unsinkable, I say! This stock is going straight up forever!


1100 by June 10th - stock split day 1300 by next ER in August 1500 by EOY 2024 2000 by EOY 2025 After NVDA splits 10:1 in June, the run from 110 to 150 will seem effortless. The run from 150 to 200 will also seem effortless. Look at AAPL for reference. It 4:1 split in August 2020. 18 months later, it had doubled. NVDA's rev growth in 2024 and 2025 will surpass AAPL's revenue growth between 2020-2022.


So if they can’t keep up then competition will take over more business. Simple as that. Market always corrects itself


typical monopoly (winner takes all) in tech space