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So that’s another 6 billion in revenue for Nvidia I guess?


So buy Wendy’s calls?


WEN will it go up!


He’s totally doing this for the environment




Insider here. He’s using both AMD and NVIDIA GPUs, servers built by Dell and Supermicro


Does anyone use HPE ?


They are trying to compete but aren’t as successful. We typically see Arista winning the switch business as well. Great stock to look at. GPu is just one piece of the puzzle.


I’m familiar with ANET, yeah they’re doing well. Does Cisco have any chance of taking share there?


Cisco is loosing share currently in most AI deployments now. But….these hyperscalers don’t want to have just one supplier (too much risk) so they are starting to do deployments with both Cisco and Arista. I’d guess Arista is 60-70% share until guys like MSFT and Meta make their own switches


Any feel as to how AMD GPU is doing in your space?


Me too - but my source says servers will be built by oracle and in-house. And nvidia is actually one of the undisclosed investors in the 6B.


Peasants. Someone inform the hired goons, it's time for a processor "purge".


Roughly 45% of that will go straight to nvidia if all is spent on a new datacenter, unless they've already spent the money on the infrastructure.


Didn’t Tesla present some AI supercomputer a couple of years ago? Tesla Dojo? Whatever happened with that? Havn’t heard anything about it since. Seems like it would be an obvious choice if it actually exists


It probably doesn't and was just to pump stock


The Nvidia chips are so much better Tesla has to buy them.


It probably doesn't and was just to pump stock


Yeah it's run by their robots ;)


1300 calls in play by split!


6 billion not for Tesla


Surprised he didn't go with xxxAI.


Or xXaiXx


Or xÆ-AI-Xii, oh wait




It’s like my counterstrike screen name when I was 14


Only a matter of time before Musk purchases xVideos.




I. Just I.


It’s ok he’s only the ceo of 2 supposed AI leading companies so far, he can make another AI company. No conflicts here very normal 


Bullish NVDA?


Yeah, will spend $4b on video cards and Tesla also buying a ton. Seems like NVDA is going to have too much demand for at least another 2 years or so.


So does this mean Tesla can lose some of that AI hype stock inflation now?


This guy could take a shit and Andreessen Horowitz would be there to put a $1 billion valuation on it.


Y'all wondered how Madoff pulled off his scam for so many years, and it's because rich people are super careless with their money if you have fame. I don't see any situation where those investors don't lose money on this venture. Elon is in full on scammer mode these days.


after looking back at how many state and local government subsidies he's taken, it's quite obvious that he's been in total scam mode since 2013 lmao


Are those subsidies eligible for anyone who meets the requirements? Or is there something bigger at play here?


It’s like asking if farm subsidies are available to the average factory worker. Technically, sure.


No bro Elon is scamming the government stop asking smart ass questions


Richest man ( on paper) taking welfare from the government. Definitely a con artist.


What companies, DON’T take government subsidies?


Are you saying Tesla did not pay the subsidies back, with interest? And the USA got nothing out of the deal?


Are we talking about when Tesla made sense, or are we talking about the last 4 years?


cash subsidies and blank checks are available to all top campaign finance contributors. read about all of andrew cuomo's economic development initiatives aka cash paybacks. quid pro quo is daily life for all politicians.


How so? Please explain.


Is Space X a scam?


The rockets are CGI and starlink is just a mobile phone tower 🤯


Look at his track record, every company he’s started (I’m counting Tesla here, without him, we’re not talking about it now) the investors seem to have done pretty ok for themselves


Redditors have no idea what the words scam and gaslight mean They basically use both of them for “someone doing a thing I don’t like”


in thise case it's "someone i don't like doing a thing"


Insane cope lmao


Elon hater?


holy cope


Elon has reputation. He built Paypal, Tesla and SpaceX. None of those were failures/scams.


He built X.com which you never heard of and got bought by PayPal.


He didn't build PayPal he merged with confinity that was built by Max Levchin, Luke Nosek and Peter Thiel. Levchin built it, Musk even got ousted as CEO by Thiel prior going to public as PayPal. Musk also didn't start Tesla, he just took it over and over promised and under delivered which he still does to this day. The only thing he legit has success attributes to him pushing it primarily is SpaceX and Tom Mueller was the engineer that guided them forward. I'll give him credit for taking the gamble on it.  Musk gets a lot of credit for things he didn't do. He's not intellectually deficient but he is definitely an idiot at times. A person with the same intellect coupled with the a respect towards human life might be far more successful and loved.  This guy is an asshole. Plain and simple. 


Tesla was garbage before Musk took the helm.  Barely worth a billion in 2012, worth over half a trillion now. 


In 2022 it was worth over a trillion. In two years it has nearly halved. You think that's good?


I think most people will say 2022 was a bubble for Tesla and it became a meme stock. I think it’s better to assess it for its overall trend rather than crazy spikes.


Are stocks only supposed to go up? Tesla over the last 5 years is up over 1200% to the Nasdaq’s 118%.  Hell, Nick Woodman is a bigger scam artist than Elon. 


That's a high amount of volatility which is NOT what you want in a stock. Also yes, you typically want your stock to go up and when it goes down, not plummet.


Are you lost? This is WSB


Lol zoom out


You know Tesla was founded in like 2003 and Musk joined as a financial backer in 2004 right (bought a board seat for $7.6M)? Do you expect a company to be worth a billion/trillion in 1 year? The first model, the Roadster was designed prior to Musk being made CEO. The prototype was created in 2006 and brought to production in 2008, the same year Musk was made CEO. IIRC, people on here said Wall Street was gushing when they test drove it in NYC. Musk was/is a financial backer (put $70M into Tesla) and marketer that wants to be seen as more. The founders of Tesla just happened to watch him give a speech and decided to talk to him about the company and funding. There's a good chance there were other angel investors that could have varying levels of success with the company (some better some worse). Musk was/is great at capturing free government money which outpaced an income deficit. He's a leech who legally made his billions from taxpayer's money.


And every engineer who actually works / worked for him says differently.


You work with him? [https://electrek.co/2023/03/21/tesla-engineer-convince-elon-musk-not-give-up-radar-self-driving/](https://electrek.co/2023/03/21/tesla-engineer-convince-elon-musk-not-give-up-radar-self-driving/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/engineering/comments/myok92/experienced\_engineers\_whats\_your\_opinion\_of\_elon/](https://www.reddit.com/r/engineering/comments/myok92/experienced_engineers_whats_your_opinion_of_elon/) As I saw written before about the cult of personality: "His personal statements are useless as support. Most of the people quoted were employees speaking on the record. You would be hard pressed in any company to find employees who would speak negatively on the record, let alone in a Elon company where he would fire, harass, and sue you if you did so. So, those are worthless. The rest of the people are then largely people who have not worked with Elon or are not experts in the field. "


Tbf he outlined his goals and roadmap in 2016 and followed it to a T. Investors love ceo’s that can follow a roadmap thats why its at half a trill today.


It’s insane you’re being downvoted for this. Reality to Redditors is just what they want to be true.


Elon is in the future promises business. He used to promise obtainable goals and unobtainable goals. He's just saying shit now.


Guys like him and Putin are the worst examples that money and power are insatiable. Literally they have everything and anything, yet are miserable narcissistic cunts


rofl dude I can't believe you put Elon in the same category as someone who is literally killing thousands of people.


Ask the Ukrainians how they feel about ol muskrat Specifically when he pulled the plug on starlink when Ukrainians needed it to defend themselves


You are incorrect: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starlink_in_the_Russo-Ukrainian_War


https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/sep/07/elon-musk-ordered-starlink-turned-off-ukraine-offensive-biography Keep dick riding tho




From your source: > This article was amended on 14 September 2023 to add an update to the subheading. As the Guardian reported on 12 September 2023, following the publication of this article, Walter Isaacson retracted the claim in his biography of Elon Musk that the SpaceX CEO had secretly told engineers to switch off Starlink coverage of the Crimean coast. Of course, unless you distrust both Elon Musk and your source Walter Isaacson, at which point I guess we are left with you? as a source? Do you have a source that says what you think your source is saying?


A retraction isn't a denial. Muskrat fanbois are the worst


No, it's just not a statement. I am fairly sure nobody has denied me having sex with your mom either. Lack of denials is pretty meaningless. There are no 1st or 2nd party sources to this claim as far as I can tell. Repeating it doesn't make it any more true, it remains speculation.


You know what's not speculation? Nuking $45B on buying Twitter, and proving to the whole world that the illusion of being a savant was nothing more than a giant lie.


So he turned off the device that he provided in the first place that he had no obligation to provide to them.


You are insane and need to stop getting who you hate spoonfed to you by think tanks. Please, please, go outside.


https://preview.redd.it/8vv4451a013d1.jpeg?width=708&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=282681b49197fa8ba91a8eb0bc4ae0461d43fddd Here. Go jack off to this


Imma lean towards Trump Et al.


Didn't even wanna mention that name. This is how the healing starts


His companies (besides Twitter) actually deliver a decent product tho…


It's unclear whether the original [X.com](http://X.com) delivered a decent product. They launched in December 1999 and merged with Confinity 3 months later and then Musk was fired 6 months later by Peter Thiel and they rebranded as Paypal. So Musk was never actually around for any of the Paypal story or hyper growth in the business during the 2000s. Solar City was a massive dud that got bailed out by Tesla. The Boring Company looks like a massive dud. I would say it's a mixed bag. Tesla and SpaceX are the only clear successes.


These days…? You don’t get to be techno king just like that


Why? Does Musk have any history of companies losing money? All his companies seems to have been overwhelmingly successful. Even Twitter seems to be able to cover its massive interest on its financing loan. What are you basing that statement on?


Solar City was a fail. The Boring Company is a fail. Twitter is losing money according to Elon. Neuralink is obviously not making money and unclear if they have a viable product to make money from. Not sure Zip2 or [X.com](http://X.com) were ever profitable when they got acquired during dot com bubble. It's a mixed bag.


Where are you getting your info? Just looking it up now: - Solar city was the countries largest residential solar installer. It had 1.5 billion in debt, but was valued at 2.6 billion when Tesla acquired it. They currently are 10% of Teslas revenue. So musk created a net 1 billion company in 2016, and likely worth much more then that now. You call that a failure?! - Boring was valued at $5.6 billion in 2022. And has multiple working tunnels in LV, their latest opening July 2023. You consider a 5.6 billion valued company a failure?! - neuralink had an overwhelmingly successful first computer brain chip implant just 6 mths ago. The possibilities of this is massive. This company will be absolutely massive. If they went public they’d be worth billions. You call that a failure?! - Zip2 was formed in 1995 by Musk with $3 M venture capital, and sold in 1999 for $305 million. That’s a failure? - Twitter hard to say, but seems to be at least paying its bills and covering its loan interest with no capital infusions. And it’s only been 1 yr. I’d hardly call that a fail. Maybe not an overwhelming success, but it’s only been 1 yr. Tesla, spacex, PayPal, openAI, starlink, boring, solar city, neuralink, they’ve all turned into billion dollar companies virtually from scratch. The dudes never had a L. Where is even the mixed bag? He’s practically got a Midas touch.


"Does Musk have any history of companies losing money?" SolarCity was hemorrhaging money when Tesla acquired it. It lost 820M the year it was acquired. Tesla investors were very upset by the acquisition at the time as it was seen as Elon bailing out one of his other companies at the expense of Tesla shareholders. Boring Company loses money and hasn't delivered anything they've promised. Raising funding doesn't mean the company is successful or making money. Same goes for Neuralink. There is no clear product or money being made yet. Right now they are losing money. They are conducting a clinical trial it is way to early to call it a success. Is there any evidence Zip2 made any money? He made bank during the dot com bubble like a lot of vaporware software companies did. That doesn't mean the company made a good product or that it was profitable. Paypal wasn't Elon's company. He started [X.com](http://X.com) which launched their product in December 1999. They merged with their competitor Confinity 3 months later. Peter Thiel fired Musk 6 months after that and rebranded the company Paypal. 99.9% of Paypal's growth and technology was developed without Elon.


I just wish he’d start pumping doge again


All of the old super-rich that went with Madoff did so because they didn't trust themselves but thought their elite group's decision to go with him was solid. After all, if they were getting scammed it would mean everyone was getting scammed. And everyone was.


Well, he does have the funds to actually hire talented people who might make something happen. Especially if they are good at managing him.


Do you think anyone he hires has the power to keep in him in check?


No, but some people are just really good at navigating these kind of people and making sure they do the least amount of stupid shit possible and not disrupt the business too much.


There are people who work hard and become rich and there are people who become rich by birth or association. It is usually the 2nd category people that often flaunt their riches and get scammed.


Because you have no knowledge of VC funding terms. Downside is protected.


It's almost like they don't need the extra 80 trillion they amassed since the 90s. Yes extra on top of their current wealth. To be fair this amount is for the top 10% which includes very high wage income. So just the extra earned wealth since the 90s for the top 10% is almost 3x our national debt The top .1% made the debt crisis


So if he wins the shareholder vote does he fold this into Tesla?


No, that would mean he has less money




“Fold” lol. Bro thinks Elon’s gonna donate for once.


maybe if xai is about to go bankrupt… then i can see Tesla making a bid for way more than theyre worth


Probably. Or if it’s worth anything, he’ll keep it.


Either Tesla will overpay by a huge margin so he can line his pockets, or he will tell tesla stock holders to kick rocks, he’ll make more money by keeping his AI company for himself. Either way is bad for Tesla and good for Elon. He will do whatever makes him richer.


I’m actually wondering if he’s conflicted now. Legally, I mean


Maybe in Delaware, which won’t be an issue if he wins his vote


🌎👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀 Always has been. SolarCity acquisition was a clear conflict of interest, really surprised a lot of judges and lawyers when the judge said "nope" and promptly retired.


If they ever get a product off the ground and actually paying, he could use it as an extra way to siphon personal wealth from tesla.


Oh shut up with your speculative butthurt whoring. Elon raised 6 billion for another company of his. All you can do is watch, all your useless pointless existence leading to nothing. LOL. The only thing in your life that makes sense is Elon is a part of it everyday, and you hate it. LOL


Little butt hurt there? Nothing I said is incorrect. Plus above, musk already threatened to move Tesla IP to His private company and moved talent just before layoffs… so sad you can not see what’s actually happening.


To stay on focus, how do you feel about how easily he can raise 6 billion for one of his new private companies, when all your efforts are to prevent his success? Your comment certainly looks butthurt, edging on conspiracy theorist to make an argument.


Totally fine. Idiots and suckers are easily to separate from their money. Trump raised similar with 50k users and over a 100 million in losses per quarter. Now your turn.., how does it feel that no matter how much you simp for him, it won’t matter… he will never acknowledge you, never read your post, your words will never change the outcome.


Ah, insults, sound like you’re butthurt for sure. It’s being exposed. Also trying to deflect with straw man arguments. “Trump this trump that”, that’s just pathetic. Me and you are focused on Elon equally, one of us actually benefits from what we’re doing. While you are just stressed, and speculating on the edge of delusion, only to see article after article of Elon winning. You are butthurt, and your bum keeps hurting doesn’t stop here, year after year, Tesla, SpaceX, Neuralink, xAI, Twitter, all the news for you to be butthurt about till you’re dead. Do you see things playing out any differently? Have you not learned anything the past decade? 1/2 a trillion market cap, and you think crying about Elon to not get paid is going to stop it 😂


“Speculation butt hurt whoring…” I guess ONLY you can use insults. But enjoy life you sad sad looser.


The guy is treated like a failure on here. Has created so much value. I’d back him


How does he keep raising funds when his current ventures, at least popular ones, are not doing so well and he keeps firing people?


I love how everyone thinks Tesla, SpaceX, etc are not doing well.


…and PayPal and the first zip compression software before it.  But 4 major hits…all just lucky, amirite?


> the first zip compression software before it. it was the yellow pages, you dolt. the name was "Zip2" but it was just a list of businesses and phone numbers and shit. It never turned a profit, just got sold to a company that went bankrupt without ever really using it.


He’s not one of the original founders, he joined after the merge, served as CEO for few months and got kicked out.  The zip thing was during the dot com bubble era.  Such a stupid and useless product would not make it today.  Grok is useless too. I have no idea why would someone feel so confident that this is not going to be a flop again. 


They aren’t. SpaceX would have IPOd if it wasn’t bleeding money, and Tesla will have to do a capital raise by year end.


For your consideration, r/CyberStuck


r/realtesla r/musked


I suppose some speculators are not as bullish about Elon Musk's empire. They will come to regret their short-sightedness.


They're all burning money. So how do you define doing well?


They’ve each done billions in net profit over the past year, and with Tesla that’s after a large decrease in margins. Keep in mind they have profitable margins while most car companies are losing ungodly sums per EV. They’re great companies that are going through the growing pains that all companies have to go through.


>They’ve each done billions in net profit over the past year, How would we know this for SpaceX?


There are companies that estimate these things in private companies with a high degree of accuracy. It often comes out once companies go public and when the numbers are compared it’s pretty impressive how close the estimates are. https://www.inc.com/chloe-aiello/how-elon-musk-leaned-on-starlink-to-achieve-profitability-at-spacex.html#:~:text=Musk's%20aerospace%20company%20SpaceX%20grew,and%20documents%20viewed%20by%20TechCrunch.


Trust me bro! Also pay no attention to the parking lots full of unsold cars.


Tesla is a public company. You can take a look at their earnings report.


Huh? Tesla has been profitable for years now, the fuck are you talking about?


Yeah because Amazon didn’t burn money forever


Don’t fall for the Reddit trap. It’s an echo chamber here and doesn’t reflect the real world. You’d have thought Bernie was going to win last time (he got roasted irl).


Tesla, has been incredibly profitable for it's early investors....and spaceX so far appears to be also(competing with Boeing and other military juggernauts and winning) Only X so far has been a disaster for 'investors'(not including the ones he bought it from, lol) People like to hate Elon....but the investors get big money behind most of his startups.




Boeing is major player in the military


The X purchase is waaaay to early for anyone objective to say its been a failure. He has added new revenue models both for end users and api users. It takes the company either completely going under or 5-10 years of product milestones not being hit or not generating cashflow for you to say a product has been a failure.


because people look at the future values of the company, look at how people thinks my boy facebook is going to crash to $0 back in 2022, and look where is it now


Why does it matter how his companies are doing currently? TSLA is a 25x bagger if you are an early investor. No matter how the company is doing today. So these investors don’t have to care how the company is gonna sustain after they already made big Returns. 


Lol. Don't listen to reddit.


Yeah… what about boring tunnel company? We were supposed to have thousands of tunnel below the ground that would reduce traffic, and all we got was some light up LED tunnel in which your Tesla could self drive through. Amazing. >What about Hyperloop? >What about Self Driving by 2018? >Cybertruck $40,000 > I see a path to Twitter exceeding a billion monthly users in 12 to 18 months. >Tesla Bot is just a shit version of what Boston Dynamics has been doing for years >“Buying Twitter is an accelerant to creating X, the everything app.” — X isn’t close to being an everything anything, if anything it’s just a cesspool of societies worst degenerates. >Tesla Robotaxi? >it’s been years and I still haven’t seen a Tesla Semi on the road. Are these things unicorns? Anyways, you get the picture. Elon got lucky with Tesla and his ego is so large that he thinks anything he touches turns to gold, and his followers believe it. Reality is Elon is a grifter. https://elonmusk.today


>all we got was some light up LED tunnel in which your Tesla could self drive through. Amazing. Except these cars have drivers. Teslas don't even self drive in a tunnel with no hurdles. So it's even worse.


How did luck play a part with space x?


Where did all the musk simps claiming don't listen to reddit go?? Facts make it hard to repeat their one liners


He admitted the Hyperloop thing was to get people distracted from having cities do their own public transportation. We thought better when he said he meant better but then he went full capitalist. 


Yea this is just a bad take that comes out of reddit. Elon is a nut job and probably a piece of shit and has plenty of failed ventures. But he's also proof that you can lose as much/often as you want as long as you have winners to balance it out. SpaceX is in a league of its own. Like. They're not an industry leader, they're the whole industry at this point. Look at the stats for total launches. Or total up mass. It's not even close. Tesla has had some problems/set backs. But so has basically every other car company at some point in its history. They're still the standard in EVs and are absolutely setting the pace. I'm not an Elon fan boy, but the people who say he's just lucky or that he has nothing to do with the success of his companies are delusional.


> They're still the standard in EVs and are absolutely setting the pace. for middle class tech bros in southern california. the world is a lot bigger than that though.


This is just a silly thing to say. The Model Y was the best selling car globally in 2023...


There are people who are not smart and have lot of money and willing to gamble.


If you get in early, you have a good chance of winning by the time the scam jig is up. The only exception I can think of is Twitter but he tried his best to get out of it because even he knew it’s not gonna be worth much. Everyone is throwing cash at AI right now like there’s no tomorrow. The VCs don’t care if 99% fail as long as they can 10000X their money on the ones who don’t and get out.


Its crazy, Elon really just needs to start some random hype company, hire some people, create a (in best case) mid prototype and the company is worth 15 billion within 6 months....


proof that cash and ideas are king


Is xAI one of his kids? I can’t keep track of all their names


Why are you keeping track of his kids names? That's kinda weird


Batman tracks all potential super villains. It's his job. That and spreading disease.


Pt barnum underestimated the math when he said there's a sucker born every minute


its cuz back then there were only a billion people on earth now that were at 8 billion, it stands to reason that theres 8 suckers born every minute


It's a fool's game, darling. The house always wins.


That’s a massive fundraise


This guy could open a chain of pizza restaurants and get a 20 billion dollar evaluation.


Brain implant chips. Sign me up. I could use a couple extra IQ points


It’s a grift!


Papa Musk is one hell of a fundraiser. I see you guys talking about he is a scam artist blah blah blah, pussies, every regard knows that if it really is a scam, get in early and you will make money too 💵


How much of it has to be his salary to get it to work?


Not bad for a car company


Oh no but Reddit doesn’t like that Elon actually successful in the real world. Uh oh!


Watch it fail spectacularly!! Over promises don’t work in this space.


44 to go...


I don’t get why this is not a conflict of interest. The Tesla board should make sure Tesla proprietary data is not give to a competitor.


Fiduciary duty, wtf is he doing unless this is a subsidiary of Tesla.


This should be part of $TESLA … give him another raise for god sake


Nice More money to poach Tesla talent with


This dude is the captain of jumping on someone else's idea and somehow succeeding.


Why would any idiot give him $6 billion?! 😭


A guy worth 200 billion Needs to raise money


Lots of people looking to lose money, I guess.


Hahahahah - what a joke


I still can't believe people are willing to give their money to Elon.


I feel like we just keep adding letters until it spells his first born child’s name.


Which morons keep giving this asshole money


Do people still fall for this scammer? Anything Elon musk related is a no no for me