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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 1 | **First Seen In WSB** | 1 week ago **Total Comments** | 27 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 3 years | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


The entire stock market stopped making any sense in 2020.


Yeah COVID took all logic and threw it out the window. We haven’t recovered. See you all at $500 before December.


What the math on that like 12T market cap? Sounds about right.


He's talking about his 40k account being at $500


That’s on par with gold then


If this happens I’m committing unalive. I sold $35k at $1k and have been kicking myself everyday since


I sold 50k at 420 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


The saying has been “ the stock market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent” And didn’t something happen in 2020?.. something like stimulating as everyone started trading options on their phones… and something about printing… and there was like a bird flu or something in there. I don’t fully remember. Did a lot of drinking from home.


This. People are using old standards to measure a new world.


The future is now OP.


Yes, except the oldest standard- the gold standard. Now, it’s the US Dollar standard. Worlds reserve currency., Yippie-ki-oh mother fuckerssss 🇺🇸


Didnt petrodollar expire just a few days ago, the agreement i mean.


Murica, fuckk ya! Here we come to save the mother fkin economy!


A famous man said there is nothing new in the stock market. Human emotions never change. Same world; same market.


Would you say it’s a “new paradigm?”


I actually placed the right bets before covid and the fed fucked me. I had long dated shorts that were printing hard as fuck. It's ridiculous but now I realize the market won't ever crash (while boomers are in charge and retiring). They are going to devalue the currency and drive the market up. Bitcoin, long on the market, owning property - continue to print as the government does the same.


Boomers know it's a house of cards but want to make sure it doesn't collapse during their retirement.


Yup market doesn’t carry risk anymore. Everyone knows if the shit hits the fan the gov and fed will inject stimulus and lower rates. As a result: Stocks can only go up!


OP is comparing PE ratios. I'm not familiar with this boomer metric or how it's calculated, but I think it means he's a value investor?


It’s just blinking lights and whirring servos at some level


And the Internet is a bunch of tubes.


This. And Bogleheads. And FUCK OP's puts ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Makes sense to me: blow up your currency and asset prices go brrrrr.


Yeah well thats when JPOW started printing so makes sense


>Yeah well that’s when JPOW started printing Between 2008 and 2024 we had 4 publicly announced quantities easing, aka printers go burrr The printing never really stopped and if you think current wacky equity market is JPOW’s fault, read up your history of Greenspan


Well let's not fully blame JPow. Congress wanted to print insane amounts of money for COVID with their deficit spending. Anyway OP is going to be rip soon if he's taking a short position. 🌈🐻 🪓


Yeah, but JPOW had better memes.


I know. He came into a shit show that isn't really fixable and is just kicking the can down the road. I was just saying inflation has been seeming to get exponentially worse around 2020 when most of the printing happened


Just remember who appointed JPow .


Exactly. The whole market is a giant fucking bubble and when it bursts it’s going to be brutal.


TLDR: NVDA hype is hype. Bubble may pop. Take some profits you fucking RE. I saved you like 10 paragraphs of this guy sucking his own dick


But he works in the tech. He’s super smart yo


I use Microsoft office too. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


Tell us about the AIs you oracle of tech


Chat-GPT, OpenAI, apple intelligence. Beep boop. Now I am a tech oracle.


Bro you just copied my LinkedIn.


There is this dude called clippy, he is pretty cool.


He's "studying AI engineering" or something. Whatever. I'm sure his puts will get destroyed. Who is geh


The only things that’s more insufferable than an engineer who must immediately let you know that fact… is someone who isn’t even an engineer yet and has to let you know.


This dude probably taking intro to derivatives right now lmfao.


Engineers are the vegans of the white collar world


That was funny. Bravo sir!


binary thinking is my passion ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


lol I’ll tell you this no one that actively works or is learning about machine/deep learning calls it “ai engineering”.


Ok I literally train ML models as my daily work, and this guy knows only shit about the Tech. NVDA builds softwares, known as Cuda, supports much better the most popular AI infra then AMD


Considering he's a tech regard like me, he probably just used ChatGPT. Here's my DD Title: Assessing the Overvaluation of NVIDIA Stock NVIDIA Corporation, a leading technology company renowned for its graphics processing units (GPUs) and AI-driven innovations, has garnered significant attention from investors in recent years. However, there is a growing concern among some analysts that NVIDIA's stock may be overvalued. This essay aims to explore several key factors contributing to this perspective. Firstly, the rapid growth in NVIDIA's stock price has outpaced its underlying fundamentals. While NVIDIA has indeed demonstrated impressive revenue and earnings growth, particularly fueled by its dominance in the gaming and data center markets, the current stock price may not fully reflect the challenges and uncertainties that lie ahead. The company faces increasing competition from rivals in both its core markets and emerging segments such as autonomous vehicles and AI. Secondly, the dependency on cyclical markets poses a risk to NVIDIA's long-term growth prospects. Historically, NVIDIA's fortunes have been closely tied to the gaming industry's cyclical nature, with demand fluctuating based on product cycles and consumer preferences. Additionally, the data center segment, which has been a significant growth driver, is subject to economic cycles and potential shifts in cloud infrastructure spending by major tech companies. Thirdly, regulatory concerns and geopolitical tensions could impede NVIDIA's expansion plans and affect its revenue streams. The technology sector is increasingly subject to regulatory scrutiny globally, particularly regarding antitrust issues and data privacy concerns. Moreover, geopolitical tensions and trade disputes may disrupt NVIDIA's supply chain and market access, leading to potential revenue headwinds and increased operational costs. Furthermore, the lofty valuation metrics relative to historical averages raise questions about the sustainability of NVIDIA's current stock price. Despite its strong growth trajectory, NVIDIA's price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio and price-to-sales (P/S) ratio are significantly higher than their historical averages, indicating a potential disconnect between the stock price and the company's intrinsic value. This valuation gap may leave the stock vulnerable to market corrections or investor sentiment shifts. In conclusion, while NVIDIA remains a formidable player in the technology industry with compelling growth prospects, the concerns surrounding its overvaluation cannot be ignored. Investors should carefully assess the risks associated with NVIDIA's business model, competitive landscape, regulatory environment, and valuation metrics before making investment decisions. Ultimately, a balanced and informed approach is crucial for navigating the uncertainties inherent in the stock market.


Dude is a glorified tech support at a government contractor lmao. [https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/1c1h2a9/i\_am\_getting\_burnt\_out\_and\_frustrated\_i\_feel\_like/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/1c1h2a9/i_am_getting_burnt_out_and_frustrated_i_feel_like/) It's all the exact same arguments as last year when NVDA was at 400.


We literally just needed the title lmao


Thank you. I had trouble understanding him cause he works in tech


Doing the lords work 🙏🏼


Imagine wring all this garbage with 0 screenshots of positions. Ban this cuck


No emoji how fucking sposed to even reed


Go way, batin


Also... Dude it already mooned a long time ago 🌈🐻 was like 2 years late


Writing is fundamental.


Writing a novel and the regard can’t even spell


Nvdia isn’t profiting from AI. It’s profiting by selling chips to other businesses that think they’ll make money from AI.


During the gold rush, sell shovels


Then buy TSM, Nvidia is the gold and TSM is the shovel


AI is the gold, Nvda is the shovel. Tsm is the iron or handle


WSB is your attractive first cousin?


this is what i hate about most “analysis” on here. they think nvdia is only focusing on ai or something


Apple intelligence


And they are selling an absolute fucking shitload of chips.


When Nvidia dumped from 950+ to around 760 in a few weeks, a lot of folks here thought it was done. While I believe mini crashes will happen maybe a few times this year, it will probably run upwards for at least another year or two. I would feel a little nervous buying at current levels but who knows when a dip will come. If I were to deal with puts here, I would rather "sell" cash secured puts


The New Economy bubble in the late 1990s lasted on longer than many would have expected. Quite a few people were aware that there was a bubble, but still many of those lost a good amount of money at the end because the bubble just didn't pop and they started believing the hype. Let's see how long the bubble will last this time.


Well I mean that's a long position where as I am short. Cash secured puts are good though as long as you sell at a good strike price though. Also it is now past $3T. Again it has to maintain insane growth to keep it's evaluation. It's not holding on to fundamentals at this valuation so if it dips yes it might come back if it posts the numbers to do so.


NVDA will dump sometime in late 2025, early 2026. For now, just ride the AI wave and make money bro. Dont try and fight the trend.


I agree with you but wonder why you give this timeline?


Because they have no fucking clue just like everyone else.


No shit. I’m just not regarded enough to try and fight the trend. Once they miss on an earnings report, that’ll be the time to start buying puts. Until then, calls on anything and everything AI correlated.


I feels you.


I'm going to put some limit orders out there for long dated out of the money puts on this pig. The bigger they are the harder they fall. Few here have lived through a bear market and not that 2020 noise or that 2022 pull back.


Positions or your a lil bitch




It wouldn't be ridiculous to think that the Board knows all this. They suddenly have a lot of money available to them, who knows in which ways they will branch out or what they may announce in the future. It may be that there is a huge competitor suddenly, or it may be that it's an acquisition, or a partnership and expansion in some way. Growth is very possible for this company.


How’s apple’s revenue growth and profit margins comparing to nvidia these days? Notice something different?


Your saving grace will be that the q’s are so over stretched this week that there will most likely be market wide pullback either tomorrow or the beginning of next week.


People have been saying this since the beginning of the year


1) NVDA PE Today: \~70 You are projecting 106. Why are you short. 2) NVDA is a software/networking stack/chip set. That technogay is about 2 years ahead of the competation if NVDA stops developing now. I think that they will open up they networking stack to combat the new "Open Standard" Intel is proposing. If they don't, they will be seeing "stiffer" comp by the end of 2025. 3) The industry is already "Monetizing" AI. I pay "GitHub" 10 bucks a month for their AI co-pilot, and, I think it's already saved me $1,000. 4) I'm only gonna pay you $3 bucks for a handy behind Wendy's, so, start working out that right arm.


Yeah, my subscription to ChatGPT has already made me leagues faster in plenty of ways. At the end of the day it’s already benefitted me enormously.


Can you tell us some examples? I'd seriously like to utilize it more.


1) HR tasks. Write a memo to…, letter of recommendation for…, formal invitation to… diversity equity statement…. ghey bear WSB post… you get the idea, any mindless task. 2) Learning a topic. Ping questions off it and you can get advanced undergrad or even graduate level textbook responses. Key here is iteration. “I still don’t get this math concept, can you explain it simply and conceptually as if I was a regarded WSB enjoyer?” 3) getting the ball rolling when you’re stuck. Coding, writing an essay, coming up with ideas for an experiments… it gets you started with ideas, and is quite good at rewriting stuff. What it cannot do well is produce professional caliber work from scratch. At least not yet IDK


All these and I also have it explain to me what I should look out for when doing certain gym lifts, foreign language rules explanations with exercises tailored to me at my skill level, recipe ideas etc


These are great uses but since I'm a simple regard I just use AI to make stupid images to laugh at after a hard day's work




AI is not really being monetized, at least not AI that requires big GPU clusters. The only real companies requiring from it are chatGPT-based ones. Most AI can run in a simple computer, and AI that requires fast chips relies on embedded circuits. And even that, aI is returning dimishing advances in academia each year. The concept of "scaling is all you need" faded away as scaling did not result in the expected results. Also, while NVIDIA is 2 years ahead in GPU technology, they are not ahead in any other kind of technology that may eventually replace current AI (e.g. quantum or neuromorphic). And one question: Once they AI hype fades away in one or two years and funding for public centers stops, and private companies stop investing the same amounts, which center will buy those new GPUs when they already bought the previous version (almost equal results) during the hype cycle? Because I know for a fact that my university wont.


Lol did you really just say quantum or neuromorphic is close? How soon do you think they can utilize this tech at the earliest? 10 years? 20?


You're responding to some college kid that probably doesn't actually know that much about the industry, which explains the take. Nvidia is far ahead of their competition. Their software is the foundational pillar that modern machine learning training frameworks stand on, and they sell the hardware to go with that software. They publicly release a ton of their in-house IRAD under "the Nvidia license" and it is some kickass software. They do their own AI research too, and I'd bet their deep into the weeds on moonshot research that's looking forward for novel compute architectures. No one is catching up unless they blunder really hard.


OpenAI and Meta should be the immediate two that come to mind when talking about utilizing massive NVIDIA based GPU clusters, and then monetize their products. What the fuck are you talking about kid? Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Salesforce, Adobe, Oracle, TSMC, Palantir, Netflix, Tesla, and THE US GOVERNMENT use fucking GPU clusters to monetize / utilize AI based systems and products. Do you know what the fuck a “product” even constitutes? So many talk and have no fucking clue what’s actually going on. Do better and do more research. I haven’t even BEGUN to talk about their enterprise software stack / licenses that companies pay for annually that won’t ever go away. Edit: Use your tiny brain for 5 seconds and Google what software stack Quantum Computers use for Quantum simulations, then see who owns that software (hint: it’s Nvidia).


I also think (humanoid) robotics will start seeing daylight in the near future. Each of those robots will need a GPU too. Decentralized, local intelligence is essential for many applications.


Support contracts for data center hardware and software are usually 3 years. You can renew software support after 3 years but vendors hike the costs and makes too much sense to get new faster hardware with new support contracts. It's a continuous cycle that doesn't stop.


![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) Translation: I didn't make any money from NVIDIA like all the cool WSB kids


He’s going to lose money on the puts ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Bro where the fuck all this gay bears come from I am not gonna read this bs either


You mentioned you work in software company. Like grinder? Gey ber


No I'm mid tier. That's top tier


What's mid tier? Like the filling in a man sandwich? You getting your butter spread?


Best way to be bearish on NVDA is to just have cash ready to buy calls on the dips, don’t overthink it


I've seen this same kind of post when NVIDIA was at $200 and then $400 and then $600 and then $900 and then $1000.


Yeah and now it's back under 200, checkmate


And now it’s effectively at $1,300. Yes, with split, $130 - but that was $1,300 last week….


I agree. In 10 years, NVDA will not be valued as a 3T company. In 10 years, NVDA will be a 10T company.


I see your point, but in a free market, something is worth what somebody else is willing to pay for it. NVDA P/E is 73.27 today. AVGO P/E is 64.52. The fault in your argument, Sir, is you have adopted a traditional old school valuation assessment in a market that no longer adheres to it. There was a time in history where P/E would not exceed 1.5 or 2.0, long before the modern market where speculation drove the P/E ratios higher. Today, no company really trades with respect to its P/E ratio. It’s an out of date measure. If anything, a higher P/E ratio indicates investor confidence.




The dotcom bubble was out of control from the get go. You had companies that were made up of 1-5 people trading like they were multi-million dollar companies, for one thing. When confidence fell, so did demand and prices. You can buy into all the complicated explanations you want, but that’s the real deal.


If the current AI driven market were at the level of the .com bubble, NVIDIA would be a 10 trillion dollar company. I agree with the sentiment that the market is getting a bit ahead of itself here, but I think things need to get way more crazy before we can say we are in legitimate bubble territory.


Dot com bubble was a whole other beast tho, most of those companies were dog shit and made no money and literally had no path to making money, it really was mass hysteria…now look at nvidia today, its not smoke and mirrors, they’re growing revenue w ridiculous profit margins and their main customers are all rich as fuck printing money


I see what you are saying. I agree I am old school. This market just makes no fucking sense to me


It just doesn’t follow the old rules. The influence of immediate audience, instant news and information, plus the ability of demand (investors) to act almost instantaneously has made desire, confidence and excitability part of the equation. We may be seeing the death of P/E ratios. They’ve been somewhat irrelevant for the past 40 years. Let’s face it. MSFT is at a P/E of 38.21. If stock value were related to P/E then MSFT would trade in the range of $16-38, not 300-450. That’s disproof of stock valuation by traditional methodology by itself.


b/c the Fed & central banks inflate money supply, & that speculative $ has to go somewhere


NVDA reminds me of TSLA in 2020. It’s a hype stock at the moment. IMHO the hype is gonna make NVDA the largest company before it crashes.


I mean, that could be tomorrow, that just needs MSFT and AAPL to have a red day. We have 3T companies moving 5% a day like meme stocks.


Think about that last sentence……really think about it, and sustainability


yes. exactly. I keep thinking about it and I can't keep thinking about it at all !! I really want to know what's going on


Ride it up and ride it down. Make money, retire.


That’s the plan


THIS !!!!


The only thing that we should care about


That’s my plan.


It is tesla on steroids.


Only TSLA was making electric vehicles better than others to which we now live in 2024 with a multitude of new EV options. Are they better than Tesla, some yes but mostly no. Will more companies catch their quality and level, all signs point to yes as cars are what they are and the batteries and recharging is the basic goal in growth. With NVDA, they’re producing and developing tech that no one else is even close to matching and the biggest reason for continuing its growth and value is that, what they develop directly builds and leads into every sequential advancement. They’re quite literally un catchable as things stand in a tech that is inevitably going to be a large part/piece of every industry moving forward.


Shut the fuck up




That first line should be in Jensen's shareholder email....![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


You belong here lol. If your trying to make sense of any of this stock market your gonna lose brain cells. 




I bought 100 shares and will be selling covered calls next week, feel free to buy them or not I don’t care


Dawg CUDA has been developing for the last decade, it's not just a coincidence they're the best lmaoo


META made over 50% more money than NVDA last year, with about 40% of the market cap.


Nvidia made more money than Meta this quarter. 14 vs 12B earnings. Not to mention, Meta saw negative revenue growth this time around vs Nvidia which only seems to pick up


I heard META is cutting more jobs soon as they’re currently doing their mid-year review.. long calls it is!


Meta growth is lower YoY


I agree with you with the overhyped. At least in my work they started to realize that AI can do a lot of stuff but there is a lot of things that it cannot do (like actually thinking). However, the market will probably be irrational for many many months more. Personally I prefer to just own Nvidia through SPY.


Buy calls. Got it. Done.


Cool story bro


“Anyways it may take a while but I am very confident about this.” 🤣🤣 I’m telling you right now that 90% of graduated engineers are detarded. My brother studied chemical engineer and he can’t even cook meth for me to sell. And he’s fucking unemployed now sucking on mama titties. Is OP belong to the 10% or the 90%? I guess we have to see his ALL TIME portfolio


It’s very simple: AI is fake and gey. Why you might ask? 1. What’s really happening is “algorithmic learning”. Let’s say, for example, you ask ai to write a western movie script. The reason it can do so is bc someone, thousands of people, have wrote them and they’re available online. So the algorithm gathers all those available examples and spits out a script, based on the knowledge from those existing scripts. If no one had never wrote one before and you asked ai to do it, it wouldn’t be able to bc it has no examples to go off of. 2) If something is “artificial”, it can’t be intelligent. And if something is “intelligent” it can’t be artificial. Take a real, living and intelligent dog, for example. It’s real. It pisses, shits, eats, sleeps, bleeds, fucks up furniture, etc. Now what about a robotic (or artificial) dog? Sure it can do a lot of the same things a real dog does, but no matter how hard it tries it’s not a real dog, it’s artificial. (Best off the top of my head for an example). If it doesn’t listen, it’s not bc it doesn’t want to, it’s bc a component is broke, no intellect behind it at all. 3) Now, does that mean all these ai companies should or are going to go up in smoke? No. Are their values bloated? Absolutely. I read a good post earlier that made the comparison to the telecom boom. I think that is a great example of where we’re at. Ai is not profitable for most and once it’s figured out how to be profitable, it will never live up to the expectations currently set and the bubble will pop. It will take some time though. I would love any and discourse ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


No AI will ever able to create something wholly original within the context of an existing genre without examples to iterate on, just like no human can do that either. To use your example, the Western genre didn't suddenly appear one day whole cloth conceptualised entirely by one person. The staples of the genre that we would now consider to define it, have emerged over countless iterations since before movies even had sound. You could clone the absolute most gifted screenwriter in cinema history, but raise them without ever letting them watch a single Western movie and they wouldn't be able to write one either. AI will never be able to write something original in a genre without context or examples to learn from, but it likely will be able to write original material all the same, and perhaps new genres will emerge from the themes and motifs present in that material. Machine learning isn't so different to how humans learn when you get down to it, trial and error, learning from prior iterations and existing examples as training data. Guess we'll just see what it ends up capable of, only time will tell. You're second point is dogshit, intelligence is not the same as sentience/sapience and exists as a concept independently from biological aliveness. It is hypothetically possible to create a machine intelligence that is as good or better than a human at any cognitive task without it needing to piss, shit, eat, sleep, bleed or fuck up the furniture.


I appreciate the reply! I agree with you that my example is dog shit lol. I guess the real question is what exactly constitutes intelligence? I think intelligence requires free will. ai doesn’t have free will (I hope). So the whole biological argument you made, while good, I can’t wholeheartedly agree with. Though I see your point.


Intelligence isn't something easily defined even only as it pertains to humans or other organic life. But generally speaking its widely accepted to be the ability to perceive and retain information and then apply that information to complete a given task. General intelligence would define something being able to do this in an adaptive way to any generalised task, like humans can, rather than only in specific contexts. AI is already intelligent. It takes a great deal of intelligence to be good at chess, and we already have chess AIs that can now never be beaten by a human player, but the chess bots can't apply that information to any other context. Right now we have lots of separate AI programs that are good at lots of separate things, but there are plenty of people within the industry that believe a generally intelligent AI is genuinely on the horizon. Whether it comes to fruition or not, who knows, but with the rate of advancement in the field you'd be an idiot to consider it off the table altogether. Intelligence does not require free will, in fact if you believe in a deterministic model of the universe, not even humans have free will. I would go as far as to say until philosophical positions such as the "Many Worlds" interpretation are definitively shown as true through science, it's more logical to conclude that humans don't have free will.


Do you have free will? or you’re just a gey AI trained on hundred of thousands of gey posts you read on Reddit every day and cannot help yourself but to regurgitate in different order passing it as original thought.


I guess we’ll never know ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


I don't pretend to be smart or understand AI. I do know creative work very well, and this statement you made, while thought provoking, struck me as patently untrue (or at least misinformed): "Let’s say, for example, you ask ai to write a western movie script. The reason it can do so is bc someone, thousands of people, have wrote them and they’re available online. So the algorithm gathers all those available examples and spits out a script, based on the knowledge from those existing scripts. If no one had never wrote one before and you asked ai to do it, it wouldn’t be able to bc it has no examples to go off of." The same can be said for any human form of artistic creation, really. Any painter, poet, musician, writer, actor, etc. is re-interpreting and re-interpolating whatever came before them. Nothing is an original creation, only an original interpolation. In my professional line of work, if I'm talking to an artist and ask them: "Who are some of the artists that influenced your work?" and their response is to puff out their chest and say derisively, "Nobody, I wasn't influenced by anyone" I know right then and there I'm speaking with a moron who doesn't understand the craft. I'm not saying AI is human, or that you're wrong, but claiming human creativity has the ability to effectively invent new modalities out of thin air, without any precedent, is an embarrassing oversimplification of the process. It's simply not how art is made. It's like the creationist myth that the universe was created simply because some divine mega brain willed into existence, and voila.


I think most people took my post wrong. AI is awesome and I'm rooting for but NVDA is overpriced and everyone is just riding the hype train. I've seen it so many times before. I'm not saying NVDA is going to vanish, just that eventually it's valuation actually has to make some god dam sense


That’s true but I took a lot of L’s the last few years on the premise that fundamentals matter. I’m certain they will at some point but the market can fuck you with green dildos longer than you can remain solvent


That’s exactly what I’m saying. Their valuation is tied to what Wall Street expects future earnings to be but no ai company is making fucking money ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) and when it’s figured out how to, it’s going to be far less than anyone thought lol


I didn’t. I was just trolling you lmao.


Dude the price was over $1000 and now it's $130 How tf is it overpriced?


Weird. I work in tech and everyone I know uses ChatGPT to help them code. It has gotten to the point that some people can't code without GPT's help. It will only get more and more dependent from here on out, since with GPT's help, the level of technology I can build in a single day is what previously used to require a whole team of engineers to do. Even building scalable software is slowly becoming more and more trivial.


Sounds like your job isn't too safe then


i was hoping to buy in much cheaper, but now its gonna rocket more smh. thanks op ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4259)


The most smooth brained post i have read on here. Ai is a load of shit also im studying to be an ai engineer. Nice one, makes sense, real sense.


I agree that AI is over hyped and this growth is insane. But Idk dude I’m learning about AI too and if you look at things like the iPhone, the internet, the CPU, the assembly line, one thing they have in common is they are general purpose platforms! General purpose tools that have many applications print cash! The neural network has the same vibe but not without a way do tensor calculations fast aka GPUs. Across the board right now for anyone who wants to do anything with machine learning the bottle neck is always GPUs. At some point all of this growth will cool down and other chipmakers will catch up but for like the next year at least Nvidia is top dawg.


The fuck do I care if it’s a bubble. I’m gonna ride it til it pops


Still buying more and she keeps going up.


Nvidia is projected to hit between 4-5T in market cap by the end of 2025. It’s up 275% YoY in Q1, and will be 100%+ in revenue this year, and roughly 40% next year, and so on and so forth. Just based on these two things ALONE, Nvidia has priced in at best, its price for the end of the year. I hate seeing people like you lose over and over again, please just invest in index funds.


Check OP’s history mentioning NVDA. It’s all been bearish. Ghey ber


Fucking exhausting being a Data Scientist and seeing all these companies make up shit about products having AI. I'm short as well. Dot com bubble didn't mean the internet was dead, just overhyped speculation wall of turds. 


Only goes up


Can’t wait to eat the puts for brecky breck.


AI is where microchips and server capacity were in the 70s and 90s lol - good luck to yall


Eh, tech as a category has been outperforming for years. All we need to get out of all this debt is actual productivity to rise. That’s why the whole system is betting the farm on the productivity improvements AI and robotics could provide. Nvidia is the biggest beneficiary of it. Tech has beat the rest of the market by about 90 percent since 2020. And it’s the *only hope for this economy to exit without a big boom* so it’s not going to get anything but acceleration. Sincerely, — fuck tard


If your entire post is based on the premise that NVIDIA's PE is too high, you would've sold at $250 watching the experts describe how overvalued it was at PE45. Guess what, every quarter is an earnings beat and you see PE levels fall to ripe lows before the stock is picked up again. Two words, forward PE. Definitely not priced 10 years ahead like you claim.


This is an absolutely unhinged use of whom


If JPow cuts rates, NVDA going to $200


You marked this “DD” but this is really an opinion piece 🤷🏼‍♂️


After the split I ended up with 310 shares I'm not going to focus on this stock. I'm going to let it sit. Based on their historical records they could possibly split again in five or six years. That would be freaking awesome. On to the next deal


until I actually see any news that is slowing pushing nvda to the downside (competitor (amd? XD!), regulations, etc) I'm going to hold. At least until the fed pivot


Yes you’re right, but so is NVDA to the moon. The question is never if, always about WHEN. I don’t currently hold a position but to be honest I think you’re probably going to end up bankrupt shorting this at the current moment. It will have a long way to fall, but that doesn’t mean the hype can’t carry it MUCH HIGHER than what it already is. In these particular situations logic like yours has you doing interesting things behind a Wendy’s while being a regard makes you rich.


This guy is right. Lot of future bag holders in this thread.




he said cuck, I'm in


🤣 this guy lost money on NVDA puts!


https://preview.redd.it/8n8ftolr6g6d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f8d9b79e751b53b2f0466e88afc55b75dba766c Do CEO’s with stock prices worth $75 sign tits in public with a leather jacket on? I don’t think so.


I sold at $1130 and I still think I made a smart play.


Saying you work in tech and then saying you study AI…. Yet somehow you don’t know the Nvidia rebuilt a full stack for AI…. Which is SOFTWARE which they supply with the hardware. Literally your whole post is pretty shit because almost all your points are somehow wildy wrong. Since you wanted to compare Nvidia and Apple…. Nvidia had a net income of $14.8B in Q1 FY25 considering raised guidance I’d say they are on track to net about $75B in income by the end of the year which isn’t too far behind Apple and Microsoft. Competition already makes cheaper GPUs, people are buying into the ecosystem of full dev support for Nvidia GPUs that doesn’t exist with competition, there’s a huge moat. Losing TSMC is a a far greater issue in the world economic system than just detrimental to Nvidia. Also Nvidia is already partnering and making efforts to become less dependent on TSMCs foundry. I think people are aware the growth is unsustainable but the issue is we don’t know exactly when these insane levels of growth stop and start to normalize. Until then it’s going to be mania.


Too lazy to read but I still am in disagreement


OP, I support anyone who shorts the market today and especially NVDA as an individual stock. If it wasn't for awesome DD folks like yourself... how else can we get these stocks to moon as you get squeezed to death. Your loss is my gain, that must be why my acct is full of green crayon markings




lol Nvidia is going back to 500 get wrekt


Dudes post history is 1) steroids 2) comments about being cheated on and 3) discussions about his FIRST SWE job with Booz Allen (not what one thinks of for tech, AI, or ML). But seriously, you’re ignoring NVDAs moat right now. 98% market share of anything is pretty good. Now consider the market is something that all of the NASDAQ 100 wants to own and you have yourself a serious growth story. Lastly, yes AAPL makes more revenue but NVDAs profit margin is insane right now (+75%)!


“The big boys are unloading!” Mmmmmno they aren’t 😂




Or it trades sideways for a long while. I've sold most of mine though.


Dude, NVDA did stock split. It will go up. Do you remember when TSLA hit 2000 and then did stock split and then went up to 2000 again ? Second split didn't help, yet. If you think you're smart , just stay out of it. You'll miss all the crazy money, and you'll miss the crazy crash which will happen eventually, after another 500% run, perhaps.




blud really rephrased a 2017 research journal and thought he could be a gay ber ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


You are too focus on fundamentals but momentum is a huge thing in stocks. If you think about the classic modules of risk and reward a stock that has momentum theoretically is riskier and therefore investor “expect” higher returns for that asset. Momentum doesn’t last forever and the risk materializes in the end like we saw with Tesla that was the last big momentum trade of the last few years.


Lol. Okay buddy.


*I completely agree. Chart looks like a green dong and I don't see how a company gets that valuation myself. I am short on spx, Nvidia, and some other overpriced big companies.


Sold the $165 call yesterday. Already down 110%. Thankfully it was only $20 lol


What gas station does your GF work at?