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I died of laughter when I saw some dudes comment; “In space nobody can hear you whistle blow” ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


This guy's dying (of laughter) and it's ultimately ALL BOEING'S FAULT! ...Puts?


You fool, puts!? You want to wake up dead? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Good gosh what was I thinking? TO THE ~~MOON~~ ISS! ...never to return


Help stepbro. I’m stuck in space.


How the hell do you wake up dead?!?


Cause' you're alive when you go to sleep.


So you telling me you can go to bed dead and wake up alive?


You can't go to bed dead! That shit would've been redundant.


No it wouldn't cuz you can go to bed and not be dead and you can die but not be in a bed


Time for a rebrand. Boeing is now Gnieob. Wait that's too similar. Boeing is now SpaceY. Y go with SpaceX when we are more better?


If it was mine the worst bit is I got 5 karma and you got nearly 500 lol


Internet if there is one thing you are good it's finding that comment and sharing that hyperlink. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


They’re not stranded. ever seen red bull, they just gotta parachute down.


Boeing is about the break some world record for throwing whistleblowers out of the 138,944th floor.


Like the one time in Star Trek the movie


Red bull gives you wings not parachutes Wings and palpitations 


I'm not sure their suits are rated for re-entry speeds...


It's not the speed that kills you. It's the massive amount of air rushing past your suit that heats you up to the point your suit starts melting off that kills you.


Dude! That video is absolutely insane.


Isn’t that a drink tho?


See, no big deal. Everything gets sticky when whistle-blower blood gets spilled on it.


[Surprised that they didn't pack the rocket ship full of whistleblowers and let it blow up on the launch pad](https://youtu.be/MC0K3muUJp0?t=557)


[Boeing celebrating the 4th of July](https://youtu.be/fct2NwXI30w)


If Boeing can't be trusted with airplanes, how the FUCK did anyone trust them with a spaceship? Begging for failure.


When you have the lobbying budget of a small country…


Nasa says they don’t want spacex to have the monopoly so they want to diversify, I call BS, it’s the lobby that is too strong


Part that is leaking is on a service module(trunk) of the craft and is intended to burn up on reentry. I also believe that service module is built by L3 Harris not Boeing but I could be wrong. There is no actual threat of the astronauts being stranded or to their ability to return to earth safely(at least regarding the leak that is currently delaying their departure). They are extending the trip so they can figure out what the root cause is so they can perform corrective actions to prevent this on future flights. Nasa is very heavily involved in validating the engineering that goes into any commercial craft that they put their astronauts on. That approval process can even go down to the very individual components that may have non-conformance from the suppliers.


I mean, the OFT had two critical software errors in it that would have lead to the destruction of the capsule. One of them involved the docking procedure with the ISS, potentially damaging it as well. This is on top of one of the parachutes failing to deploy on descent. They also had 12 thruster failures and 2 OMACS failures on OFT-2. So at this point, it's inexcusable to have moisture intrusion and chamber pressure failures through two flights, and then shrug and say "that's weird" and then crew the capsule. But whatever, NASA's shortsighted two vehicle strategy cannot be stopped now.


NASAs two ship strategy is genius. Without it we would have just an even shittier Boeing vehicle at higher cost


Dragon 2 was cheaper, faster, and as of this post far more reliable. The selection of Starliner for CCP given literally double the budget than Dragon 2 was the reason that Dream Chaser/Sierra Nevada contested the selection in court. It's only because of Boeings/ULA's pull that they got selected over Dream Chaser, which had far more novel and scientific value than just another capsule. Dragon 2 despite having off the top of my head, 9 more missions added to their contract, has only just taken over the original Boeing bid cost of 4.2 bill. So Boeing probably still made money off this fuckfest.


I'm sure they would've packed a hammer to deal with the valve but NASA didn't want to pony up the extra 17 mil.


I also blame NASA. They should know that Boeing always has quality issues. They should at least have a plan B and a plan C when using Boeing as a contractor.


Boeing is the plan B. They wanted an alternative to Dragon because NASA loves redundancy. Props to Boeing tho on single handedly screwing the pooch on the entire US aviation industry. It's like, only our second or third biggest export. Gunna take a while to wash the Boeing stink off of everything else.


Crew Dragon was plan B. It was a high risk venture with an unproven company. Starliner was supposed to have been the safe bet.


And this kids, is why you always hedge your bets.


Tbf SpaceX were always going to be the low risk option, just the folks at nasa didn't realize. They were already resupplying the space station at the time the contract was awarded.


That’s such a brain dead take. Even if you dickride for Elon and his ventures (which I admit I kind of do myself) the low risk option will never be the unproven, new choice. Low risk requires at least some degree of certainty. SpaceX was founded in 2002. Boeing in 1916. Even if SpaceX launched an orbital rocket first, big money will always side with a proven record over a possible potential. If we ignore how Boeing has absolutely shit the bed in 23/24, sentiment for the company and its possibilities was drastically different even just three years ago. Elon Musk companies are like the lotto yolo of WSB. 90% of the time it’s ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225) but that other 10% is that 15 bagger that makes you feel like a god. I think SpaceX had a higher potential than Boeing, but if we went to 2016 and you asked me who would be able to reliably put me in Space, it wouldn’t be SpaceX. If you asked me out of Boeing and SpaceX who would take me to Mars first, it would be SpaceX. Does that make sense? Also I’m not trying to sound like a super asshole. I know it came off poorly. I’m drunk.


SpaceX had a working resupply vessel and launch vehicle, Boeing didn't have a working capsule (and still arguably don't) and look how it panned out. SpaceX absolutely destroyed Boeing


Yes dude I understand all of that and I agree. But if you were a government and you had two companies in front of you, and one was recently founded and the other has a century of aerospace travel experience and success, who is the safer bet? I bet on SpaceX to take me to Alpha Centauri before Boeing could take me to Pluto. But if we are gonna go back a decade and pretend we are NASA and you’re supposed to be the big man in charge and making all the decisions…are you truly gonna gamble on the potential over SpaceX over a proven commodity? Yes you may be right with your prediction but when it comes to billions of dollars, the US government isn’t buying lottery tickets. It’s investing in the most stable, consistently producing product. I feel like you’ve missed the point of my post.


Unproven is better than known to be shitty. The military actually likes to help start-ups so they can have some other alternatives to the usual suspects.


The contracts were signed long before it was known what Boeing had become.


Boeing hasn’t always been seen as a bad company. Prior to the merger in 1997 with McDonnell Douglas it was seen as a very good and high quality company.


That was like 30 years afo


Nah, Boeing were the plan A. Plan B succeeded 4 years ago and has flown many missions since.


They may have started as plan A but sure af ain't plan A anymore.


So the plan C is to send a crew dragon to bring back the stuck astronauts. I wonder what’s the lead time to prepare and launch that. Oh and also to burn up this turdliner in re-entry.


Starliner is also Plan A for going back to the moon. Dragon isn’t designed for it.


That is true. I guess the moon landing is going to get pushed back.


They do but Boeing gets a free pass as they’re critical to the MIC


If it’s Boeing, I ain’t going, to space


Didn’t you see Armageddon you give them to much credit


Elon is gonna have to go save them


This is my problem with commercial crew. NASAs giving away control of their biggest projects while still taking public blame for their failures. It’s a recipe for failures in space and future lack of funding.


The real crime here is giving them such a small budget and being surprised by their challenges. Politicians are spineless. 


Boeing wrote the proposal promising they could accomplish everything under the proposed amount. That’s how government contracts work.


Wasn't this anticipated when it was Boeing?


Probably should have left out some of the bolts holding the valve together. You know, like they do on their fast opening doors….


I mean, they're not stuck, they can always take a Dragon or a Soyuz capsule down. But yes, Boeing can't seem to stop fucking up.


We are looking at a speed run to destroy a 100 year old company. But don’t worry, they are getting into submarines so that should go well.


Titanic visit test first 


No they can't. Those capsules support the long duration crew already on orbit. You'd be stranding at least 3 crew members on station if the Starliner crew returns in one of the other capsules.


Dragon can take 7, no? That's technically enough for a full evacuation.


Nope. They only fly them with 4 seats now I think, because the orientation of the others wasn't good for reentry g forces. Even so, they don't have suits or seats for them. They'd have to be strapped to the floor and hope for the best. And who knows what that does to the capsule balance for reentry? It's really not a solution unless it was a dire emergency.


Like otherwise being stranded in space? Lol


No worries, Dave Calhoun will take full responsibility while he’s collecting his 50 million a year


will probably turn into the most expensive 4th July fireworks in history ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


Spacex to the rescue?


Boeing would let everyone on the ISS die before a SpacesX rescue. I'm sure their PR the simulation and it would be less of a disaster than being rescued by that douche Elon.


I’m pretty sure you’re absolutely correct on Boeing letting it be a catastrophic disaster. like Elon or not, he has built something impressive with space X and it would be wild to see his group save the astronauts.


No respect for Gwynneth shotwell? The woman who did most of the work actually building the company?


nah he didn't, Gwynne Shotwell is the reason SpaceX is shooting so well


This is the absolute truth. But it hurts all the incel fanboys to hear that a woman is making SpaceX operations a success and not their idol.


didnt he hire her just like how all leaders build a company?


Ok and? Him hiring her allows him to claim all her achievements for himself? Sure thing bro


Not disagreeing that Space X has been impressive, but did Elon actually build it or did he just do the Tesla playbook of buying an existing company and then claiming you built everything.


I’m positive Elon didn’t build space x and Tesla himself but without him there probably wouldn’t be the two. I’m pretty sure he is just one link in the chain that seems to be working. He’s a wild guy but he seems to have the abilities to put the right things in place and yes marketing is a part of that. I have a friend who applied for space x to be a welding inspector. He said that the interview process was great and that they definitely don’t just want experience but creativity and people who think outside the box. It’s my opinion that culture starts at the top. Look at Boeing. Their culture has gone to shit and now they have what appears to be a coat hanger abortion for a space program.


Maybe his DJ Khaled.


I’m sure you’d be the first to shit on Elon if SpaceX had failed. You own a company and it succeeds, you get the credit. It fails, it’s on you. It’s that simple.


Doesn't matter, hate on Elon all you want. Without him no one would know of Tesla.


I mean I’ll give him credit for doing the great marketing and pr work, but that’s to be expected from a grifter. They usually are really good at marketing themselves


Great marketing and pr sounds like a lot of work. Doesn’t a grifter take credit from others without contributing anything themselves?


He normally takes credit for the engineering accomplishments of his companies, and acts like he was there hashing out details, talking to engineers who worked there that couldn't be further from the truth lol


Bro who is complaining? Tesla stock has done insanely well. They built a great product overall. Tesla has 10x the market cap of the second biggest US car company. And more market cap than ALL other U.S. car companies combined. They have double the market cap of the second largest car company in the world. And you guys still crying about Elon?


When he bought tesla they didnt have shit for a product


Nasa decides


While I realize that NASA and Roscosmos, (probably to a lesser extend based on their history), will not actually let people become stranded and die, I DO believe that Boeing will kick this can down the road as long as possible, saying how everything is great, and failures are actually successes, because they learned so much from them, and we will be ready to go in no time, even if it it is all bullshit.


Are any of the astronauts whistleblowers? This might have been the plan all along.


meh...Musk will rescue them just like he did with the Thai cave kids.


lol he can call all the Boeing engineers pedos on Xitter


I called this months ago. Even the best engineers run into issues like loose panels on spacecrafts. Trusting boeing to make an aircraft was a huge mistake risk by these astronauts.


Woah Nostradamus over here with the hot take that literally everyone made


Actually people were saying to buy calls cause they were launching a shuttle but nice try


Buddy this sub is full of morons. Every single layman on earth for the last 3 months has been ridiculing Boeing and saying this was going to happen. People are literally avoiding flights on Boeing planes. This was not the call you think it was.


They're not stuck. They could bring them back now if they wanted. Starliner could stay at the ISS for 45 days on this mission. They are taking additional time to look at the data to try and understand the problems. There's plenty of margin left on this vehicle, and I'm sick of seeing all these headlines saying they're "stuck"


They launched with these known issues


Starliner had a known helium leak, yes. Both NASA and Boeing determined it was safe to fly given the leak rate as this is a test flight and not a full operational 6 month crew rotation mission. Even with the additional leaks that have popped the vehicle is not in any immediate danger and is why they are taking additional time to study it instead of having them return ASAP


Does the "Lemon Law" apply to spacecrafts?


Ok, which one of you fucko's got hired by Boeing in the last year? I know you're in here, regard.


I believe it just needed a little “Hawk Tuah”


“I'm gonna need 'bout ten quarts of anti-freeze, preferably Prestone. No, no make that Quaker State.”


At this point Boeing needs to have anyone who isnt an engineer fired from its management teams.


The funny part in all this is that one of the key benefits of spacex is that they cut all the red tape around parts. Spacex doesn’t spend $700 on a hammer unless they need it. They don’t have sticky valves.


So they are stuck in Florida? 🤔


So are we all buying more BA?


I'm going to wait until it actually blows up and then buy.


It dropped nearly 100 points...is up a little and prob buy more...their contracts and government shielding seem solid.


It dropped nearly 100 points...is up a little and prob buy more...their contracts and government shielding seem solid.


Wife's boyfriend hates it when I give her a sticky valve.


These astronauts probably read some internal papers.


An established aerospace firm, Boeing, got embarrassed by a start up, SpaceX. Basically it looks like Boeing (after the mcdonnel-douglas purchase) decided that they owned the market and didn't bother with any sort of quality management.


Should've stayed with spaceX, you do not want your stuff Boeing out of existence.


So SpaceX Dragon to the rescue?


Calls on BA?


They've been jammed


There’s only one man who would dare give me the raspberry!!


DIE hiring


Can we all agree that despite elons bull shit space X > boeing?


Sounds like they need to hire some new interns. Someone forgot the WD-40.


It's true that "things work differently in the absence of gravity", but this condition couldn't have been that much of a surprise in a spacecraft, right...?


boeing why are you so magically imcompetant


Indian supplier again. JPM and other big firms really like outsourcing to India. Let Boeing be the lesson.


As it turns out privatizing space travel was a bad idea


Perhaps the worst take in this entire thread.