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Because of Ozempic


Does that kill your appetite?


Yes, it’s will power in a tube. It’s a wonder drug.


“It’s a wonder drug” Deja Vu from the days they were pushing Opiods


Wonder drugs exist. Penicillin for example.


I know. But history has shown us that we need to be very careful with anything being deemed a wonder drug by the medical industry. Because THEY DID push opioids, and Doctors fully believed they were safe. And that’s just one example.


The Sacklers just lost their immunity deal in the Supreme Court. There are downsides to pushing drugs with lies these days.


I would’ve disagreed with that decision if it was made in regards to literally any other company ownership. But the Sacklers can get fucked, they are the epitome of assholes who should legally lose the right to any applicable loopholes their lawyers can find. “Yes, you made a good point there, Mr Lawyer Man. But, have you considered, I dont give a shit?” - The Judge, hopefully


Which was fantastic news, those bastards were worse than El Chapo for America.


well back in the day some ancient people used Arsenic and shit, we as humans aren't perfect yk. It's not just the medical industry


They used to pump mercury up your urethra with a large thick syringe to treat venereal disease and the syringe was reused on multiple people so yeah I guess you could say we've come a long way


Did it work? Asking for a kinky friend.


It indeed did! It had a 100% success rate and everyone lived long happy life’s only dying of *checks notes* Kidney failure *checks notes again* Six days later


that's dank


That’s my entire point.. Every generation thought something was safe, and was told by “experts” it’s safe. Only for the next generation to realize once again humans aren’t perfect and people have been harming themselves while being told by Doctors it’s safe. Which is why I don’t think people should call it a miracle drug and start handing out like candy.


Sadly wonder drug kills me… :(


If you haven’t gotten penicillin since you were a kid, there’s something like a 90%+ chance you grew out of the allergy


People grow out of it sometimes, might be useful to get checked again.


A little more context is needed. GLP-1s as a medication have been around for at least 20 years iirc. The earliest one, which requires daily injections, is about to become a generic. The latest crop are improved GLp-1s. So there is some historical data for this type of medication


Waiting for the phenphen horror story of the semiglutide era.


This class of drug had already been used for a couple decades successfully in diabetics by the time Ozempic became popular for weight loss. It’s not really a comparable situation


At least they kinda are a wonderdrugs when used properly at hospitals. Thalidomide however... horrific stuff.


Yeah because your choice is eat healthy or vomit. Works wonders.


I wouldn't call it a wonder drug. It just kills appetite like the above poster said, so people are not eating while taking it. There are just a lot of overweight people who don't want to lose weight from healthy dieting, so from the perspective of an investor, it is a "wonder drug."


There are very serious side effects for ozempic that aren't worth the saggy ass in my opinion. But plenty of others disagree.


All this hype about fat people and Ozempic while WSB has been here for years making people too poor to afford to eat. Where’s our kudos for keeping the population’s weight down?


I know right- ungrateful


Especially since the price will eventually come down so that anyone who wants it can get it. Just using a compounded semaglutide provides the same effect, and they are pretty cheap. The more people who want this can get it, the more junk food merchants will lose market share. While I’m thinking about it, maybe I’ll go short Bud and Miller too. Eventually that cost is going to find equilibrium with how much people spend on junk food, so it becomes a net zero, cost wise, for the people who want to lose weight.


I read somewhere that the GLP-1 and other agonists are not patentable. It costs about $5 a dose to make. The price is going to come way down. Weight Watchers has been devastated by this drug. IMHO, all fast food places will be hurt. Even Grocery Store chains will be hurt as high profit, highly processed foods will be hurt. Pepsi Co, with their Frito Lay brand. The list goes on and on. People are micro dosing this product in lieu of anti-depressants since it helps to make the brain healthier. That will hurt drug companies and MD's. They are finding that people can stop drinking and smoking cigarettes as well. The product is super disruptive to so many businesses.


Do you think doctors get paid based on the meds they prescribe??


I know three people on ozempic/monjarno and they still put down beer like they’re paid for it. They definitely don’t eat shitty foods anymore though


I would rather have my Once Weekly Lizzo, thanks.


Dude! I spit my drink when I read this. Holy shit! Thanks for the laugh!


ozempic is weight loss and diabetes management. wont it let people ear more donut?


no, it kills your appetite and you will puke everything up.


the ancient romans would just continue eating after they puked. bullish


Me too that one time at Golden Corral in college


that oreo dessert tastes the same coming up as it does on the way down.


Makes it more cost efficient. Fill up on round one, put finger down throat, come back for 4ths. Golden Corral becomes budget friendly.


This guy gets it. People don't change. You think the same people who get most of their joy in life from eating are going to just stop eating because they lost a few pounds? Hell no they want to lose weight so they can gain it back.


You sound like a judgmental baby. People can change. I used to be a piece of shit. Slick back hair, sloppy steaks at Truffoni’s. People can change.


Nothing in your comment or tone convinced me you have changed.


White Ferrari. Lived for New Year’s Eve. People can change.


Did that at an all you can eat sushi place years ago


It does reduce cravings for sugar and other feel good substances. My sister was on it and just never really wanted sugar.


2 comments here 1 wait until they find out the number of people who are going through muscle loss due to not increasing protein intake during the weight loss period. 2 50% of people lose and keep the weight off DNUT will prey on the other 50% because the best part of weight loss is the weight gain in the end you end up bigger.


I am taking it. I am being careful to get to the gym every day to pump iron. I am losing weight and increasing strength.


Well like I said 50% and that’s for now. The motivation is high for now. Most people don’t make it past a year


Calls on steroids then


So let’s all pretend that McDonald’s, Wingstop, Yum Brands (Pizza Hut, Taco Bell), Domino’s and all the Fattys R Us are not near or at ATHs right now. But sure ozempic ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Are ozempic coming becouse of the chines diabetes cure gonna wipe out revenue later if it now is real/work good? 😂


The last couple times I've been to Krispy Kreme I've been unpleasantly surprised at the cost of a doughnut. The great thing about the place was that you would just go on impulse when you see the red sign on because fresh hot doughnuts are so much better than the ones that are hours old. But now if you do that it's $2 and whenever I go the place looks abandoned. I don't know if they can pull out of it but I do think they have a problem and trying to just copy the Dunkin model by selling their stuff in grocery stores with elaborate toppings isn't going to work. It just seems like KK has forgotten what made them great. 


This. The prices are outrageous. I remember the days of $5/dozens


The trendy new donut shops are much more expensive. KK selling in McDonald's is also going to be huge.


But those trendy spots have a much higher quality to justify a $5 donut and usually a full coffee shop not just shitty black coffee


No donut is worth $5. They need to know their place.


But a coffee that's half sugar and sweeteners is worth $8? People have no problem paying that.


McDonald’s is piloting the Krispy Kreme donuts in limited markets starting later this year and should complete the roll out by the end of 2026. I am investing now.


When will they sell in McDonald's?


The roll out is happening NOW. It will be complete by 2026. The time to invest is now. I think Krispy Kreme is a great growth opportunity.


By the end of 2026


Puts until 2026. Got it.


They do deals mon-wed every week to lure you in. Early 2000s they were crack. They took half the sugar out.


Bro. It's one the cheapest donuts around where I live by $1.50. Their main donut competitor here charges $46 for dozen vs $17 for KK


$46 for a dozen is riot-worthy. Do people actually buy that??


nearly $4 per donut. absurd lmao. the only time that I'm fine paying prices like that are when I'm on vacation and its at the boujee and "luxury" donut shop where you can get some wild ass toppings. otherwise, fuck outta here with that.


And those wildly topped donuts are usually a "I'll try one" and then you *maybe* finish it, while Krispy Kreme is "I'll just have one" and then you end up eating the entire box because it's so good.


Well hold up… makes sense if it’s a local bakery or something like that 3-4 bucks a donut isn’t that crazy to believe especially considering kk is mostly air pockets


wtf is this logic


I guess it’s been too long since I got donuts. These prices are just insane to me.


Yeah I don’t even splurge on expensive junk food anymore, rather spend that shit on 0dtes😂


This is the true weight loss plan here.


Yeah, it's one of the most popular places to get donuts locally


both of those prices are absurd to be honest


The gas station down the street is $3.49 per donut. A dozen is $27.99 before tax


3.49 per... wtf kinda world you live in, a nuclear fallout shelter or sth?


I get half a dozen for like 80p.


46$ a dozen? What the fucking fuck?


My locals craft bakery’s I can get a dozen for 15-20…we have a cronut shop that gives a dozen for 27..


Yep they raised costs like other fast food industry places but the product doesn’t match at all


There must be a donut/Titleist ProV1 ratio that dictates prices.


You ever have a croissant for breakfast? What does the cafe charge for that? $4.25 where I live.


Hey old man, sorry it’s not 1930 anymore. We spell it “donut” in 2024 and it costs $2.


I donut know


Hard to say, but if I had to come up with a thesis to explain it, I'd say with inflation and COL squeezing people dry, they're going to stop buying sweets and non-essential foods or purchase less. Not sure that's the main reason, but it's a possibility.


I’ve always heard that the plebs spend more on non-essentials during a recession. Irrational markets and all that. Not sure how to invest in dildo sales though.


Look at my man over here pretending like dildos aren’t essential as if he can get some dick at the drop of a hat


Always a heavy surplus of beta cock here on Reddit


hey, we're here for a fun time not trauma


Fedex. Someone has to deliver the tsunami of sex toys. Why you think it blasted off recently?


amzn it is


Yeah have heard that too. Small treats like chocolate to make up for the holiday they can no longer afford. Not sure the weightless drugs are gonna kill all this fsst food either. People eat for more reasons than 'been hungry'. It's social and it's pleasure and even boredom. Untill that changes, calls on donuts.


They do because they don’t like to give up ‘luxuries’, that’s why people will still order out even though inflation up


If they can't afford cheap snacks and junk food, they might not be able to afford ozempic meds.


Might be dated but look at the balance sheet... Story there is the old private equity owners basically levered that shit to the hilt with debt and IPO'd to dump their bags on public market investors.




My grocery store has their Delivered Fresh Daily donuts. It’s like $14 for 12 donuts that are already ‘not fresh.’ I buy the store brand day olds from the on site bakery and pay $0.75 each, instead With that said, I love their donuts and own like 13 shares or something like that lol




O, O, O Ozempic...!


Auto parts


Why would shorting be contrary to investing? When companies are doing well the shares rise, when they do poorly, shares fall. Shorting is simply a mechanism that allows one to play the opposite side when they know or feel a company is headed for a fall. Its the ‘yang’ to the ‘yin’ that is going long.


There's a lot you don't understand apparently


People need to stop making up dumb conspiracy theories and putting intent behind shorting. "Why do they do it?" Because they want to make money. You don't invest to see companies thrive you invest to make money and if a company is not thriving you go short. Short positions are a necessary part of the market ecosystem. You can't go long, signal a positive bullish outlook, and drive a price up, without being able to do the opposite. Can it be abused? Sure, though is that really a problem with those shorting themselves or the rest of the market overreacting to their shorting? Either join in or find another company but don't start with that "will someone please think of the poor little multi million dollar corporation?"


But why would a company that reported [2 profitable quarters out of the last 16 ](https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/DNUT/krispy-kreme/net-income)be shorted? Surely there must be some sort of conspiracy preventing it from mooning.


It's the donut hole cartel taking care of competition


But if they put donuts out of business, how will they get the holes?


As a professional Financial Analyst, it's because their Book Value is only about $6.85...Their future should be brighter once fully in McD's, but do you really want to wait that long to double? ATH is only $18.92.


op is just asking because he bought in at $12 and is now bagholding lmfao


Dude talking about "the spirit of investing" lmao bro companies aren't your friends


>lmao bro companies aren't your friends Or wives....never fall in love with them.


Plus shorting is natural , like read some old greek literature and you will see people 2500 years ago devising schemes to profit off the price of wine or wheat or olives dropping but these were more like futures contracts. even options type contracts Some greek guy(Thales) thought there was going to be a bumper olive harvest and thought olive presses would be in great demand He setup a contract where he paid money in advance to have the "option but not obligation" to rent a bunch of olive presses during harvest at a pre-set price when the harvest came in presses were in short supply , and he had a contract to rent them at a low price. Then instead of exercising the contract because he though using them to actually press olives would be a bunch of work he sold the contracts to other people for profit


Not sure about options but I know futures for harvests have a very long history. The market needs to allow for movements both ways to be able to seek some semblance of balance.


can we gamestop krispee kreme


Not enough shares available to retail to squeeze it


how about u eat my ASS *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*




you got my dollar


Shorting is actually very important for proper price discovery 


da faq is wrong with you? you don't like capitalism? long, short, sideways... it's all fukkin rigged anyway


I don't know, they're delicious


The Big Shortening


My guess is it's the cereal industry mafia. Captain crunch, honey smacks, and toucan Sam.  Big sugar companies want people to drink milk and eat sugary cereal.


Shorting keeps scams and frauds in check and makes markets much healthier than they would be otherwise. It allows people to be rewarded for sniffing out legit frauds and deception. Short sellers tend to be blamed for everything bad that happens so their reputation is poor. Krispy Kreme is shorted heavily because people think that it will continue to go down. They have no obligation to share their thesis with the public so we don't know it.


But... the spirit...


Plus when something bad happens and the market is panicking and everyone is selling (march covid panic of 2020) who is buying ? Well much of the buying comes from short sellers closing their positions and can help temper crashes


> It allows people to be rewarded for sniffing out legit frauds and deception Herbalife 👀Bill Ackman


ackman wasn't wrong, he was just early. you can long or short in the market but the thing that you need to win in both cases is correct timing. if you bought 365dte calls on NVDA, at the money, in nov 2021, congrats you got fucked. however if you bought 2year calls on NVDA, at the money, in nov 2021, you'd've probably made 300-400%.


I mean there's being early and it taking about a decade for your timing to be "good". Also felt a lot like Madoff ... lots of people thought it was a giant scam, but nobody cared because it wasn't them getting scammed. Even now after "it payed off", the company is still around and all the CxOs who were complicit are doing just fine.


I remember enjoying their donuts, and I also have a massive sweet tooth. And my local grocery store carries freak KrispyKream donuts as well, by the checkout isle I walk past them and look at the price tags sometimes. $25 is a fucking regarded price for a dozen donuts, however, and so I don’t pay that and I don’t buy them.


Nearby the $25/dozen KrispyKream, the grocery store’s bakery offers reasonably priced donuts that are also good. They also have cookies which are like $6 for a dozen. The KK rack is always full and never empty. I hope this anecdotal market information is useful to my well-regarded colleagues.


Without shorting the market would be less volatile and you will have a much longer wait to buy low and sell high. Earnings would have an effect, but once they are priced in with expectation? Slow turtle pace and just trade near expected multiples. That's the spirit of investing, but you are just not noticing the flip side. Earnings will miss, or be bad, at some point. Without shorting you cannot invest in that direction, you can only lose because you bought too high and must sell at a loss or wait for earnings, news, or some other change to bring the price back up hopefully. Selling should continue to the new multiple, but it will 100% rely on FOMO like normal. It will not move like normal as it does now though since there are much less shares being sold, since the only sellers have to be those who bought anticipating the price would rise and must accept the loss or diamond hand. It's easier to diamond hand when you see the multiple not get broken down crazily to like half the expectation (ex. 3-6x instead of 9-10x) So if you want the spirit of investing, it's not in the stock market anymore really. You will need to look for other opportunities where there is not a short option available. If you feel those are too slow, boring, or not lucrative for your time, that's exactly why shorting is a thing.


I bought calls because a regard on here had a YOLO play on it going up.


Net income and free cash flow has been bad, they have a lot of debt, most of the assets is Goodwill and intangibles. I personally wouldn't short it but I'd be afraid to invest without doing more research convincing me of a turnaround.


Share price is actually pretty consistently bouncing between $10 and $16 if you look past 3 months. Might be worth a shot for a 40-60% upshot


There’s a hole in the middle of their marketing strategy. It’s a donut after all.


They recently struck a deal with McDonald’s to put their donuts in McDs restaurants, but they didn’t have the infrastructure in place to make that a reality and it’s since been pushed back


This is fake news. Nowhere has it been reported that they lack the infrastructure to carry out this move. Krispy Kreme has learnt from past mistakes (when they opened store after store) and are leveraging their current infrastructure to improve access (using existing stores to supply more points of access, like grocery stores and McDonald's).


There's no news that supports this the end of the rollout is expected at the end of 2026 which means that expanding operations should be completed before the end of 2026, they started expanding logistics and distribution around 22' to prepare for not just a McDonald's partnership which will put their operations at around 26-27000 access points, but also be able to expand to another 50-70,000 access points once it is complete.


>" why this company is being targeted. " stocks don't get targeted, its not an 'attack' they just get bet against because it is profitable to do so (or, at least thats the bet) > I can understand people selling their shares if they don’t think the stock is worth anything, but not shorting it shorting is selling for people who do not have a position in the stock at the present. how can you say 'its reasonable to sell it' and then also 'why would people short it.'


This post was sponsored by an ape, I guarantee it


Krispy Kreme is overrated. There are so many mom and pop donut shops around here that are so much better than it. They are too sweet and not bready enough. Corporate donuts is not necessary.


I mean, they were better 20 years ago before they went national, I mostly eat them for the nostalgia. Yeah, there are better M+P businesses, but they have to charge more because their margins are larger. And they are usually worth the money, but there’s just something about KK…


Yeah, they probably went national after going public. They are actually smaller and more expensive then my local donut shop. World's Fare Hayward CA.


I wouldn’t bet on something that causes man boobs


Dude, it’s America. Where else can you bet on something that causes man boobs and make money?


[They are serving anorexic donuts now](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/s/u60yiG3ECZ) which means profits are down


Now that’s sad!


Doesn't seem like anyone has given a solid answer, but a lot of the sentiment surrounding Krispy Kreme at the moment is from past business practices and going bankrupt before, that and it'll be 2 years before their McDonald's partnership is up and running which means there probably won't be any major news up until then since they put all their cards on the table at one time. It'll be milestones of how many additional locations they have added until the rollout is complete.


You should be looking at the short interest ratio, not shares sold short as a percentage of shares outstanding. I never see people use the latter metric.


Have you ever had it? It’s not even Krispy


But, if they made bagels…


A box of 12 Krispy Kreme donuts at my local Publix costs like $16 … that’s why


Shorting is the counter to people investing at wildly inflated valuations that don't reflect reality.  In a healthy market it can be a healthy counterbalance to irrational exuberance and prevent lots of people from buying into something that's being promoted on hot air.  If you want to be pissed at anyone be pissed about pump and dump schemes.


I didn't know they were still around.


Aren't they just like Starbucks, selling overpriced doughnuts but it has brand recognition. Consumers are getting weak according to latest lulu, Ulta and sbux er. Many are moving to cheaper brands and cutting out non essentials. We'll see what happens on their next er, if anything like sbux, nearly 20% drop the next day.


Shorts are not to bet on a company to fail, they're there when someone thinks a stock is overvalued. I can probably take a guess as to why Krispy Kreme isn't doing well, they're a company that basically only makes one of the most unhealthy things you can put in your body, and unlike Dunkin, they've done next to nothing to diversify. Dunkin is more of a coffee place that also sells donuts and other food, Krispy Kreme makes donuts and they also have dogshit coffee. In a time where people are more health conscious than ever, they're not gorging on donuts as much. No surprise why this stock is down.




Their numbers suck and the stock is owned almost wholly by institutional investors and insiders who need to hedge their positions.


SIRI is just as heavily shorted, no new big subscriber growth, but still makes money.


Probably the fucking $22 dozens in my area and nobody wanting to go back after being robbed.


Worst donuts ever.


Because Froggy Fresh is about to dunk on them.




covid is making people sensitive to sugar. i cant eat a donut without a massive headache the next 4 days.


Kk around me closes at 3pm. I can only go on the weekend. And man, that place is expensive.


They once shorted me a $5 gift card. For that, I took out the large short position OP was referring to.


Sweet deal


Gme 2.0


No AI (yet)


I never will understand the argument against shorting. It's seems like it's always perma-bulls that can't comprehend that continual downtrends can be capitalized on just the same as continual uptrends.


Looks like it just broke support. Could be about to find out why it has such a large short %...