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It's a waste of grenade if you think about it dude is already soaked in hes own blood probably have only a few hours left


Idk if it's the camera or a filter but look how pale his head is compared to the rest of his skin. Still yeah, for sure a waste but guess it put him out of his misery


Mercy kill is what I was thinking too


All you see are his hands that are soaked in blood. Russians aren’t known for their tan skin.


I see the point of mercy killing to alleviate the pain of someone. But isn't coup de gras a war crime?


Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I believe that for it to be considered an execution, there's has to be an accesible way to surrender. Think maybe face to face with the enemy. This dude could be several kilometers away as far as we know + is inside a foxhole, there isn't much of a case to be made imo.


A few hours is a long time to die. Surely not pleasant. I’d do the same


Flying that drone back to base with a grenade strapped to it is not a good idea. Might as well drop it on a russian soldier.


Tired of hearing this bs


What part of it is bs?


"waste of a grenade" stfu edgelord


War is a terrible place. Bad things happen on all sides.


So sad to see people die.


Whatever side he’s on, may he rest easy




Yup , "Počivaj u Miru" (Croatian RIP) , by the colour of the uniform he does look Ukrainian.


So sad, may he rip


"There are no atheists in the trenches "


There is no God in there as well


Many russian soldiers genuinely believe that they're fighting to retake their god-given land, they don't see themselves as invaders, they see themselves as liberators. That's why I feel great every time I see a "liberator" go splat all over the field.


Can't tell if you hate Russia or Christianity more.


There is no Christianity in Russia anymore. The head of the Russian Orthodox Church is an ex-KGB spy who was based in Switzerland. He's also took part in corruption and the looting of resources from the Russian people and has the hypocritical, obligatory Russian elite mega yacht and mansion in Italy to prove it. Lmao.


Head of Russian Orthodox Church = No Christianity in Russia and Russian Orthodox also not Christians ?


Not anymore they're not. They're just another branch of the KGB, wrapped in a new palatable title of FSB, which specialize in Christian nationalist Putin propaganda. The Russians who frequent their churches probably think they're practicing Christianity but in reality they're not.  Look up Patriarch Kirril and UA reports of the RU Orthodox church's role in the invasion of Ukraine.


So I am part of „KGB“ branch bcs I am Russian Orthodox? lmfao


The church is a branch of KGB, it exists because it's a good tool for control of the masses. If you are ruzzian orthodox, then you are the one who's being controlled, congrats.


Bro thinks the FSB is the head of orthodox Christianity in Russia 😭


So a lot of these men are misguided or led to believe false truths and you just hate them for it? They’re humans just like you at the end of the day they may have just fallen under the propaganda machine. But lots have families and fathers and mothers that’d love to see their sons again. They may be in the complete wrong being invaders but they’re still people.


Poor guy...


I fully support Ukriaine, and have done my fair share to contribute to their fight for freedom, but I can’t for the life of me understand why they continue to document and post these war crimes. The Russian is clearly hors de combat.


It may be a war crime on paper but it’s just looks like a mercy. The guy seems pretty much dead and I doubt anybody is coming for him.


This. I’d rather be put out of my misery at that point.


It's only bad when the other side is doing it. And the Russians are also doing it. People like to believe that they value morals over politics, and then a conflict happens, and it's mask-off.


before the whole SUPPORT UKRIANE< FIGHT RUSSIA stuff. it was well known that Ukraine was a facist, corrupt state . there are no good guys in this fight


Uh no, Ukraine was not fascist, that was soundly debunked propaganda created by the actual fascist state of Russia. There is a good guy in this war, that is Ukraine, and there is a bad guy, that is Russia. Edit: the Russian bots are here lol, don’t trust these upvote/downvotes


> I can’t for the life of me understand why they continue to document and post these war crimes. They're showing to the world that not all russians are bad. This one became great right there!


It’s supposed to motivate their soldiers and civilians to continue the fight


What still surprises me is how ppl can dehumanize someone if they’re a “enemy” or “the other side”. Just like hitler did in the 30s. This is a real person here dying caught in a horrible situation but ppl treat it like it’s a joke or something. It’s disgusting and disheartening.


The internet really blocks so much empathy and sympathy. And a lot of people really are halfway to just being outright monsters.


It’s bizarre how many people are cheering for the death of people just cause they’re on one side of a conflict just read through this post it’s disgusting


Do you think if the shoe was on the other foot they wouldn’t be making memes of some poor Ukrainian dying while trying to defend their country?


Read again and you have your answer


That was tough to watch.


May he find rest and peace upon us


I don’t care the nationality… this is a war crime for me… terrorists are one thing but soldiers, most of them were forced and don’t come to me with the ‘they had a choice’ talk. They don’t, Russia is not a democratic country.


tell it to the civilians of bucha who were rounded up and massacred in a basement dude 🌻🇺🇦


There’s a 0.000001% this guy had anything to do with bucha. You can’t pretend to care about war crimes while simultaneously justifying this one. Soldiers are not a monolith. Every single nationality has soldiers that commit war crimes, that doesn’t mean that they are justifiable in return.


Many American soldiers have done horrific warcrimes does this mean the entire US military complex and everyone in it is evil? Hell no.


They do have a choice. A Russian I went to school with fled the country when mobilization started and lives in Spain now.


And those that are caught trying to flee, Do they still have a choice? Come on man.


Yes they do they can choose to go to prison instead.


Ah yeah, the gulag sounds like a great alternative


Ya the gulag is a much better option you have a bed, food, don't have to worry about fpv drones flying into your face, don't have to worry about being used in a meat wave assault and also don't have to worry about murdering Ukrainians sounds much better to me.


If you truly believe that's how a soldier gone AWOL is treated in Russia then okay


when did I say anything about awol i said before you get mobilized, keep up with the conversation. Also plenty of russians has went awol and surrendered to Ukraine. Like I said you have a choice


Really easy to say this from your cushy living room. You have no clue what these people are going through. You’re a disgusting person.


Yes I do actually I have a Russian friend who fled the country and now lives in Spain. if you would rather join the army and fight Ukrainians instead of being brave enough to refuse or flee then I hope we see a drone video like this for those people.


“I have a Russian friend” Shut the fuck up. You have no clue what thousands of Russian men go through when they’re selected to fight. You think it’s feasible or realistic for all of them to flee? Wishing to view their deaths of people who are fighting because they have no other choice? These are human beings, people who are terrified, scared, people who are dying alone in trenches for a cause they don’t believe in. You are a disgusting person. The internet really has really made people so stupid, so disconnected from reality. To want to watch anybody die is sadistic. Please seek help for your mental illness, and please touch grass.


Igaf if they are scared or terrified the second they pick up a rifle to use against Ukrainians. They could've fled the country when mobilization was first being used, they could refuse service and go to prison they could try to surrender etc. I've already lost two Ukrainian friends to this conflict so sorry that I don't care for some Russians you don't have a great argument if you have to result to insults. Should I wish that both sides could get along as that would be childish and unrealistic or should I be content with seeing Russian invaders dying who are destroying the country many of my friends are from? I'm sure you are a American would you feel bad for say a Chinese soldier if they invaded America destroyed your town & murdered your friends?


Lucky him……


Not lucky he made a choice to leave luck had nothing to do with it.


I mean luck really have something to do here, some people in russian can't effort to move, some can't effort to eat 2 meals à day


If you care enough to not want to go to war and potentially kill other people or die yourself you'll find a way.


Exactly the mindset I was thinking… life is so easy!! /s


Never said it was easy but there is always a choice.


Not even going to keep arguing such a simplistic mindset mate.


How is it simplistic so because it might be difficult for some people to leave the country or choose prison instead of being mobilized means we should have sympathy for them for joining the army instead? lmao okay bud.


Some dont have anything left, some are sent there and are lied to. Some are innocent not in the sens that they did not do anything bad but innocence in the sens that they have been lied to and they live in ignorance, like a little kid not knowing that knifes can hurt. They dont always have the choice sadly. In both cases your life is fucked


Then they should try to surrender the second they shoot at Ukrainians they can get fucked regardless of their background.


It's really hard to surrender to à drone


All russian soldiers are terrorists, no exceptions.


Dumb as fuck 🤦‍♂️


Going full terrorist on a sovereign nation is indeed very dumb.


There is literally no justification for this. This is a war crime. The sad part is that the Ukrainians will never be prosecuted because any time you try to defend a Russian you get called a bot or a nazi


There are potential justifications. Executing wounded combatants has been a gray area ever since grenade suicides have existed. Is he truly unarmed? He's certainly not handcuffed or unable to become a threat. Is he hiding explosives on his person and feigning death/surrender? Which is *also* a war crime, but still happens. Seems kinda pointless to cry "foul!" in a warzone. If my brother is about to clear out that hole and the dude is still moving, I'm dropping the bomb from the drone. In a perfect world, I totally agree with you. In the real world, I guess we're all just tribal monkeys. Any confusion or ambiguity and most of us will pick the option that protects our own people.


His entire kit is set off to the side. It’s very reasonable to assume he is unarmed and no longer combat capable




Explain how it’s not


That’s not how burden of proof works. If you make a claim (this is a war crime) then you have to back up the claim. You can’t say source to someone who disagrees with a 0 sourced claim. — That being said, this is a war crime.


https://casebook.icrc.org/a_to_z/glossary/hors-de-combat He's unable to fight due to injury, he's pale from blood loss and arm in a tourniquet. He may not be subject to attack. Even if it's "putting him out of his misery" that's still an attack and ergo a violation of law, so a crime. Not to mention where he may have just died on his own now the drone operator has his blood in his hands. Killing him was a war crime, regardless of who he was or why he was there. Is what I'd say, maybe I will copy paste this to the earlier comment.


Please do because the war is about to end, we will need this evidence.


I more said it so he could be stuck with having to excuse executing an incapacitated man.


Fair enough


Why should they be prosecuted for killing an invader? Should they let him be recovered by the Russians so he can heal and be put back into action?


Because you cannot execute injured, incapacitated combatants. https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/ihl-treaties/gci-1949/article-12/commentary/1952


Have you confirmed that he's incapacitated and can't hold a gun anymore? Have you confirmed that he can't pull a safety pin on a grenade?


Oh well shouldn't invade a country if you don't want to die in a ditch thousands of miles away from those that care for you. Hope we see more of this content.


Justifying warcrimes based on your feelings over a conflict is top tier pathetic


Its based on the fact I've l've lost two Ukrainian friends to this conflict so igaf about russians or injured russians. Your right though they should just let this russian live so that he can be saved by his friends so that he can fight another day because that makes total sense.


“I’ve lost two friends” you’re basing it off your feelings. Stop justifying war crimes because you’re sad


Idgaf if it is a war crime or not I hope Ukraine commit many more of them just like Russia is. Go make more people felons for shits & giggles looser.


Then shut the fuck up an move on. The argument is this is a war crime. Stay on topic. You dipshit mongrel.


Making people felons for shits 7 giggles is pretty fucking pathetic


Cry about it. Stick to the argument.


I am you're calling me pathetic because I don't care for some injured invading russian while you ruin peoples lives for shits & giggles so who tf are you to judge?


No you’re pathetic because you’re justifying war crimes. Again. Stick to the argument instead of stalking my account for ammo to attack me with.


Im justifying war crimes which hasn't harmed anyone. You make people felons big fucking difference looser.


I've already stuck to the argument I told you idgaf if it's a war crime I hope they continue and I hope they stay posting so that russian citizens can see whats happening to them once they go to Ukraine.


It’s war dude not “my little pony”. It’s not a war crime. First they shot him so he can’t use his legs and then they should give him treatment? Or maybe better to leave him be so that he dies a slow death, even if he could do some harm to the others? You shoot untill they don’t move anymore, then shot extra to be safe.


This is absolutely incorrect. So incorrect that I will point you to the 2004 investigation of the marine corps in fallujah


You can point all you want… blind men can’t read.


You are talking such nonsense it’s scary. Are you in high school ? If there are bullets flying everywhere, people on both sides are dying, 10 seconds before the guy was shooting, he killed 10 of them, his friends are still shooting, the gunfight is still ongoing, he’s a spotter with a com. There are some many things we don’t know that it’s literally ridiculous to say “it’s a war crime”. You feel that it’s bad, so do we all, but to say everything that you feel bad about is a “war crime”. That’s childish.


1. Ad hominem. 2. This a nonsensical attempt at justifying a war crime 3. Every visible aspect of this video shows that it is a war crime. You’re just a Ukraine apologist who believes they can do no wrong even when they literally post videos of it


I’m sorry, I didn’t know there was more than 25 seconds of the video. There isn’t? Wow, then your text really makes no sense.


Well in this 25 second video we see an injured, unarmed Russian soldier performing the sign of the cross before a Ukrainian drone drops a bomb on him. So please explain how this is not a war crime


I just did but you don’t seem to be able to actually apply critical thinking.


There’s a difference between critical thinking and mental gymnastics. You’re doing the latter


"Unarmed"? He has two arms.


Ok poor sod


This is literally not a war crime at all.


He seems to be very much hors de combat under protocol 1 to the Geneva convention.


Definitely not.


This is execution. Battlefield executions are war ctimes


It's not an execution if it's in a combat zone. That soldier is outside the control of the Ukrainians and can't be given aid by Ukraine, he can be helped by the Russians and put back on the lines potentially. The military strategy of this war is to kill enough men of the opposing side. This is what it looks like. It's not pretty, but that's a combat death.


It absolutely still is an execution in a combat zone. https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/ihl-treaties/gci-1949/article-12/commentary/1952


Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions defines a person as hors de combat if:[1] (a) he is in the power of an adverse Party; (b) he clearly expresses an intention to surrender; or (c) he has been rendered unconscious or is otherwise incapacitated by wounds or sickness, and therefore is incapable of defending himself; provided that in any of these cases he abstains from any hostile act and does not attempt to escape. Since (a) is not satisfied because he is not in the power of Ukrainian forces, this is not hors de combat. As I said, Russians can get to him, render aid, and roll him back into the war machine to kill Ukrainians. He is still a Russian military asset and still dangerous.


The key word there is “OR”. Not “AND” meaning only one of those has to be true at a time. (C) is true. Therefore he falls under hors de combat. You need to learn how to interpret legal documents


No, C would not apply. That drone could fly away and 10 seconds later he could lob a grenade which is almost certainly in his vicinity.


And he could grow wings and fly. He is effectively incapacitated within realistic assumptions. There is no reason to assume he has a grenade or will lob it. You’re wiggling any way you can with “what-ifs” to justify a war crime


I think you're being unreasonable here. No reason to believe he doesn't have a grenade? He's a soldier, that's standard kit. Completely reasonable, especially as we have countless video evidence of these wounded soldiers committing suicide by grenade on their own. If he can move his limbs, that's sufficient to be combat capable.


not how the law works


Not sure why this is so hard for people to grasp. He's not making attempt to surrender and is definitely still a threat. He almost certainly has weapons in his vicinity, especially grenades. He remains a combatant and valid target.


Maybe don’t invade your neighbor? 🤷‍♂️ Just saying. I’m sure he’s a really good guy besides the fact that he’s in his neighbor’s house with weapons. 😆


Doesn’t justify committing war crimes


So easy to say sitting safely at home when no one has robbed, raped, murdered your family members.


Dont. Commit. War. Crimes. I can’t believe this is something I have to say to you


Don’t invade your neighbors and these tragedies won’t be done to ya. Stay home. No crimes committed on both sides.


Stop justifying war crimes. Just leave it. You’re only making yourself seem more unhinged


Tell that to the Ukrainian people. Plead with them to stop committing war crimes on the peaceful Russian soldiers on their land.


Stop. Using. Emotions. To. Justify. War. Crimes. You people aren’t fucking human anymore I stg. You’re just robots that say the same shit over and over again


Let’s say you go rob a store and then get shot in the process. The person who shot you is not liable and I wont feel bad for you either. Play stupid games . . .


Their justification is revenge. I also don’t know what prosecuting Ukrainians has to do with defending Russians on the internet?


Revenge does not justify committing war crimes.


Yes it does, whether it’s morally correct or legal under international law is another matter. The Russian army killed many civilians and prisoners of war during the initial phase of the invasion. That’s all the justification a people’s need to reciprocate the same levels of brutality.( sorry I copy and pasted this reply from another comment). As far as the Ukrainian people are concerned, revenge is more than enough justification.


Well in that case Japan should be dropping nukes on the US any minute now and be totally justified in doing so. I just find these propaganda videos with music overlays of dropping grenades on injured humans sad. I was hoping that seeing the brutality of war in living color might deter people from going to war but it seems to feed and energize some folks. Sad.


Not quite the same scenario since Japan started the war. Regardless, I agree with you. I’m no expert in propaganda or the disruption of information but I feel like there has a to be a better way for Ukraine to motivate their population


You’re missing the point. That is not legal justification. You’re justifying war crimes based on feelings. Not based on law.


I understand that. I’m just saying that legal justification has no precedence over the Ukrainian army’s behavior


Cares about rule of law for an already injured/dying russian but makes people felons in his spare time for shits & giggles, lmao okay retard.


You can't justify a war crime by saying it's revenge. This however is not a war crime.


Yes you can, whether it’s morally correct or legal under international law is another matter. The Russian army killed many civilians and prisoners of war during the initial phase of the invasion. That’s all the justification a people’s need to reciprocate the same levels of brutality.


It wouldn't apply as a war crime anyway. The guy hasn't surrendered and is still clearly able to present a threat.


> any time you try to defend a Russian you get called a bot or a nazi Well duh, that's because those are the only people who defend russian terrorists.


“Russian terrorists” it seems to me that the Ukrainian bombing the injured guy execution style is the terrorist here. Stop arguing with feelings.


Ukrainians are doing everything they can to protect their home. They don't have a duty to protect, save and treat bastards who have killed thousands of civilians. It's shocking how many pro-russian people are in this sub.


1. They also have a duty not to commit war crimes 2. I’m not pro Russian just because I condemn commiting war crimes. What a weird connection on your wnd


They killed a combatant, it's not a crime in any way.


“Have you confirmed that he's incapacitated and can't hold a gun anymore? Have you confirmed that he can't pull a safety pin on a grenade?” Stop using what if arguments. Also read entire threads before you use arguments I’ve already addressed


Alright, no more what ifs. He's a terrorist, he went *splat*, he became a good russian. What are you complaining about?


Here you are again arguing with feelings and biases. It’s really pathetic. It’s insane to me that you can say something like that and somehow think you’re a good guy


Right, you don't like what I'm saying. What do you say about this event?


I say it is objectively a war crime. And you’re denying it because your bias against Russians.


There was no need to drop the second grenade. Just cruel.


A lot of these videos are fear tactics propaganda. Pretty chilling.


Whatever he was during his life, may his soul Rest In Peace.


Damn drones are scary


Wow people in the comments really don't seem to get what war actually is lol




Sick, demented and sadistic ukrainian at it again! I cant believe almost of 90 % of people in this sub reddit keeps supporting them as if every heinous act these AFU do are god sent. Tsk tsk SMH




And the ukraines will never be charged for this war crimes they do. Because their big us brother is covering them


Old repost


So cruel. I hate music in these kind of videos


At this point there needs to be an equivalent of Nuremberg trials for these Ukrainian drone operators and their war crimes when this is all over.


this is war crime ffs like it or not supporting ukraine or not


The worst part is that this whole war is moot. Ukraine can't win. They can only slow down losing. Its insane to me that the West is using the working class's money while they let Ukraine fight to the last man. This is a math problem. Mathematically the West can only slow the annexation of Ukraine. And yet the reason this war is happening at all is because NATO wanted to prevent "Russian expansion". Which is another false boogeyman. Russia is a nutsack hair away from a failed state. They have had huge bites taken out of their birth rate by so many wars and economic crises that they will be irrelevant as a world power very soon regardless. They literally do not have the manpower to capture Poland or the Balkans. Mathematically they cannot pull it off. So why is the justification "we have to stop Russia in Ukraine or they will keep going" How? With what army? Who is sending funding to America for the millions of Muslim adult fighting age men? We have our own foreign invasion to deal with. Every country has their own problems. Ukraine cannot win. How is that my problem? Nobody got to vote on it.


It’s interesting though that NATO expansion is not at the end of a gun but people seem to clamour for chance to join. I wonder why Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and now Finland all want to be part of NATO and freely joined. Starting a war that is certain to kill millions by the end is definitely equivalent to countries wanting to protect themselves from their former occupier.


The fact you categorize immigration as a "foreign invasion" tells us everything we need to know about your blackened, dying, shriveled up excuse for humanity you harbor within you. Which also probably closely resembles your male reproductive organ. I hope you get drafted to ukraine


Fuck the ukraine, and their corruption i hope they can shove our hard earned tax dollars up their arse.


Dude WTF this is a fucking War Crime !


No one will bat an eye cause it’s Ukrainian.


Is this not a war crime?


All these Russian bots in the comments never said these things when these same Russian soldiers marched through the suburbs of Kyiv and shot hundreds of civilians


If you think I’m a Russian bot, then check my post history.


who tf are you lmao


Someone who doesn’t like being accused of supporting Russia/being a Russian spam bot.




Rest in piss


Hes a Enemy Combatant until hes either dead, captured or surrendering. For those screaming war crimes its either 1. A legitimate kill or 2. A mercy killing.


May this invader find peace in becoming fertilizer for the new cropping season that will feed the rest of the world. The Ukrainian woman set a curse upon the invading force by saying, “take these seeds and put them in your pockets so at least sunflowers will grow where you lay”. What an absolute legend!


These drone attacks are why I stopped supporting weapon packages. I used to call my senator saying to send whatever we can. I don’t do that anymore. I want this shit to end and if that means Ukraine has to cede a ton of territory, so be it


This is not a war crime. AT ALL. It would have been a war crime if the grenade was Israeli & Soldier Palestinian. 😒


Step 1. Upload video from drone. Step 2. Sign into 100+ accounts to comment for propaganda Step 3. Who fuck knows cause it's fucking reddit, they're just wasting government funding.


Came to kill, but is praying to God. Seems about right.


*forced to kill.


Can’t wait until Ukraine finally stop getting the aid and lose the war and they’re on the news crying 😂 bunch of war criminals


Doing a sign for god after killing people for nothing, broken brain.


Why would someone willingly go to this hell


All for elite families. And. Othing for you.


may your final moments serve as a grim reminder of the horrors of war. I hope future generations learn to never cause a war again.


Why do Russians support Putin after seeing this? Nobody wants to be in this war


Why tf commit war crime?


Warcrime much


Where’s your savior now?


Sleep well, o glorious warrior. Your comrades march closer to victory as each day passes


He's going to rot in the ground hundreds of miles away from those that loved and cared for him. We will make for great fertilizer though and rat food.


worthless sign-language cannot help him in this life or the next