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Not a whole lot extra from what we already know only a few more details here and there huh?


It seems like something predictable. Alleria having to battle with falling to the void for example


Yeah, I'm not seeing much of the plot here. More of a cliff notes version of events planned to happen during cinematics.


A Wrynn jumping out of an airship. Like Father like Son I guess.


Hope anduin has levitate or somehow inherited his dads warrior abilities Otherwise that fall is gonna hurt


He can just bubble the landing


Well no cause he's a priest


Maybe if he combines his Priest powers with his father’s Warrior powers he can create something new. A Prierrior? A Warriest? Eh I’ll figure something out.


The word you are looking for is paladin xD


isn't he a Warpreist at this point?


“Light hear me.. oh shit *smash*”


He's a priest, he's got Levitate


Mmmm sounds like the plot for Alleria in TWW is about almost falling to Xal trap of being subservient to the void but will not budge


I ship them tbh


Doesn't she have a husband?


And a kid. They have some issues but because the voices in her head tell her to kill her kid and husband :S. Though last we saw in shadowrising she says outright that would rather die with the name of her most loved ones in her mouth. 


[Arator the Redeemer](https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Arator_the_Redeemer) Whether or not they make him a unique model after…when was tbc…17…no…17 years ago…damn Anyway, if he gets a new unique model for being a half elf then he must be important to the plot


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That is not true just head canons 


(Silently judging) 🧐


> Title: 11.0 [AIL] Anduin is Lost I hate the description for this one cuz its just a Varian parallel. At this point for the last several years Anduin's story has just been a series of parallels calling back to better story moments and it isn't that interesting after the first time. > Xal'atath Assumes Controll of Y'tekhi, enraging them through the black blood in their system. Interesting since you'd assuming Y'tehki is some large construct/monster but its a [normal npc](https://www.wowhead.com/beta/npc=219686/ytekhi) which implies Xalatath may be able to "take over" the mutated nerubians. An interesting way to let her speak to us without her standing around immune to all damage constantly.




I thought the nerubians were immune to void?


Nerubians are quite literally made from Old Gods. Like other void-made creatures, Nerubians have a high resistance to death magic. This is why the plague didn't work on them and Arthas had to manually raise them.


What did Arthas do to get past their resistance?


He killed them and did it manually


Brute force


Where Khaghar






somehow magni is back in flesh...


Somehow…the Jailer returned


Ugh, finally.


I really don't understand why people can't just wait until the story launches and be genuinely surprised by it during their first playthrough.


Some folks have no intention of playing the game, just following the characters.


Yeah. I'm not shelling $15 a month to play a game that I don't even enjoy, but I have grown attached to the world and the characters from growing up playing the RTS games, reading the novels, and dipping back into WoW once every 4 years or so, so I like to keep up with the story.


Can still just wait and see 🤷🏻‍♂️


Exactly. I haven’t played WoW seriously since Cataclysm, although I played for less than a month during Legion. I play Ff14 now for my MMO fix but I still love the Warcraft story, lore and characters, for all of its ups and downs. I have no intention of playing TWW, even though the account wide stuff and warbands feature makes it tempting.


Here is me who ended Wow on Wotlk reading that Lothremar got a wife - and it made me happy


I can enjoy a story regardless of whether or not it's "spoiled". I like the story enough to want to know what happens.


Did you ever consider that the people that look for this information aren't concerned with seeing it on live? No one is accidentally stumbling into an Icy Veins article about data mined information without knowing what is is.


wow's story isn't really high enough quality for most people who play to care about spoilers. i dont know a single person who cares about wow spoilers even among its most hardcore fans because most people now expect the story to be bad. and they are correct to.


At least for me , it’s because the WoW story has been such a bore for the past several expansions. Predictable plots, abandoned stories, lackluster villains, and failure to stick to one plot line. At this point I don’t care to be spoiled by the WoW story because I don’t expect much from it


Sometimes it stems from curiosity, other from obsession for the story and others because you actually really like a character and fear for their fate. 


I've played the game for a long time. I have interest in the characters and where the story goes. I mean yeah I can wait until release like half a year from now or whenever. But I can also just see what happens now and then watch it in its full glory in game later.


I’m pleasantly surprised by how much the dwarves are involved in the story. I thought this would be a dwarf-focused expansion, but when all the interviews kept talking about how our main characters are Anduin and Alleria I just kinda sighed and got myself ready for more humans and elves like always. I fully sympathize with the people upset that there’s little Horde stuff to be found so far, and I think it’s a wider problem of Blizzard never using the full toy box they’ve built up in favor of the same few toys they play with every year. But finally moving forward the dwarf story for the first time since Cataclysm is still nice to see. Also… > Khadgar is nowhere to be found. I knew it! The boi lives!


Interesting tidbits but kinda worthless without context. We should not jump to conclusions buuuuut I know this wont stop anyone here lmao


Gotta love how this expansion continues the complete disdain the writers have for using Horde characters positively since Legion


you get Thrall as the token horde character getting to... uh... encourage someone?


Can’t wait til Baine shows up in an I LOVE ANDUIN shirt. I honestly never really disliked him until this expac when the first (and only major) convo you have with him is beside his wife. And instead of talking about his family he’s still talking about Anduin. I miss Cairne man.


I wish Blizzard would take the person who made the Dragonmaw orc storyline and give them carte blanche to handle the Horde story because they seem to understand the Horde's better/worse aspects far more than anyone directing the overall story. My personal theory is that Christie Golden thinks the Horde story should just be simping over Blondes


She was fired so the simping days are over, bois.


Blonde human/elf characters everywhere are crying into their drinks today :(


Horde character appeared for one scene? FAVOURTISM! Give Night Elves another slew of cosmetics and 5 more Tyrande cutscenes!


Maybe I'm a bit negative, but the story here just isn't very interesting. I'd prefer it if they went a WoW 2.0 route, reseted everything and let us be adventurers again, in an interesting world. This void stuff doesn't cut it for me.


Same here. I liked when the void, titans, elune were more of a mystery, something abstract outside of our world. The only thing close to encountering them being the demons. Somehow, vanilla made more sense.


Legion was a good ending.  Not that it could ever really end, but here we are...


no way any possible realization of a WoW 2 will ever gain enough traction to keep itself afloat next to retail/OG WoW. honestly, blizzard is better off trying to fix what went wrong by retconning the obviously bad parts of the game like SL. because let's face it, if you're trusting blizzard enough to reset the game by giving us a WoW 2 and not do the same shit again, it's just as reasonable to trust blizzard to fix their damn game in the first place. both scenarios require blizzard to be competent about what they're doing and what they're not doing moving forward with WoW.


Why are Earthen in the horde, unanswered


I certainly hope there's much more here that just hasn't been able to be datamined/hasn't been added in yet - Poor Thralls part of the advertising, but barely seems to do anything (And I sort of wish Xalatath's energy was more focused towards the player than just messing around with Alleria but we'll see when the final story is out.)


It's actually disappointing because the player character is probably the closest thing that Xal'atath has ever had to a friend. And the player character isn't very honest or forthcoming about their involvement with Xal'atath. There's some potential for really spicy drama there.


I wouldn't call Xalatath a friend - she has a bit of a reputation for sweet talking people after all. I understand the need to have Alleria involved in opposition to Xalatath for personal reasons (It only makes sense, void elf, void entity) but there is still room in the narrative for being 'Nameless Champion' and also 'Has the interest of Knaifu" I also understand why Xalatath would need to not be so interested in the player (since 1 you only know her well as a priest and 2 'she's in an obscure BFA quest'), but that doesn't mean the opportunity can't be plucked again for new players. There's something fun about being Suddenly Perceived by a major character and actively acknowledged by an antagonist past 'grrrrr i'm gonna fight you meddlers'.


I headcanon that Xal'atath accidentally developed an emotional attachment to the player character and it actually hurt her when she got "betrayed" and discarded post-Legion. Since it's usually her who does the betraying but not this time. Kind of like when her brothers betrayed her and put her in the dagger in the first place. Would add a bit of complexity to her character beyond the Void's #1 cheerleader.


So is this just not listed in the right order or what? It has Anduin being lost and then being in the next cutscene.


They aren't in order - there is an attempt to put it in order later in the post but there are some probable wrong placements.


The problem is…there is no steaks whatsoever…