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[Additional info:](https://twitter.com/wojespn/status/1806098863071039965) >The Blazers are sending the second most favorable of their 2029 first-round picks and two second-round picks in the deal for Avdija, sources tell ESPN.


>The Washington Wizards are trading F Deni Avdija to the Portland Trail Blazers for Malcolm Brogdon and the 14th pick tonight and 2029 pick, sources tell ESPN. Not gonna lie, I'm shocked.


Deni was only 23 and just had his BREAKOUT season, and was on a great team friendly contract. And we trade him immediately. Of course.


14.7 ppg is a breakout? Keeping guys like Deni and thinking they'll be star players is why the Wiz have been bad-to-mid forever


Honestly? I think this is good management. Sell the player while they are high, not after they have plateau and you are stuck with a bad contract. Wizards will get younger pieces that will have upside. Sell when you can get the highest value unless you have a superstar type player.


seriously, that is how you end up maxing otto porter.


Yeah, I was shocked when they did it but I’ve come around a bit. They’re not 1 Deni Avdija away from contending for championships, and all things considered they got a very good haul for him. They need as much draft ammo as possible in the coming years. It’s easy to dismiss the trade as “same old Wizards,” but I like what they did tonight. All we can do is wait and see.


Great, but we sold him for a chance to... draft a worse player? This is like giving someone $4 to buy a $2 scratch-off ticket


Multiple chances at drafting a better player. What rebuilding teams really need. Already got one candidate in Bub who i really like and could be the PG of the future. i like it.


>Sell when you can get the highest value unless you have a superstar type player. That was Sam Hinkie's theory. He got rid of Jrue Holiday. He tanked and tanked, drafting multiple duds, finally landing success on Simmons and Embiid. Only to be jumped to the Championship by the Raptors, Bucks, Nuggets, and Celtics. Now all his tanking picks are gone except for Embiid. Meanwhile, the Bucks and Celtics winning their Championships with Jrue as a key player.


I wouldn’t call this selling high. Wizards should’ve yelled loud and clear that Deni was available to start a bidding war.


This. The league is ran by stars, we don’t have any. Need to keep plucking away in the draft till you find an Ant or something


Ant was the no.1 draft pick not a 2nd most favorable 1st round pick.


I don’t think this trade gets us any closer to an Ant. If anything this trade gets us closer to…a worse Deni.


With the benefit of hindsight now, I think Carrington, a first and two seconds is exactly the kind of thing you want to see. He might not end up as good as Deni, but he's got a higher ceiling.


Not saying we need #1 pick but you know what I mean. Find a Giannis, a Jokic, a Steph, etc


So trade away a Jaden McDaniels for some question marks in order to get an Anthony Edwards type when there’s a lottery system in place lol, what kind of train of thought is this


can't get a hit if you don't swing, Deni is the type of guy you want when you contend, but having him be your most valuable player is going to be rough


You don’t need to pick #1 to find a star…


Or a sarr


fr that was a mid ass breakout season on an ass team. Especially with how high scoring gets nowadays. We can take a better shot or miss out with the 14th then dwindle on Deni. Also not like Brogdon is a bum.


this is real as fuck. people get too attached to average players here


But the guy is young and in a team friendly deal.


That's good for contending teams. Which gives him value. By the time they'll be good, he's going to cost money.


A guy who was near the top of the entire league in defensive efficiency isn't an average player


100%. It was so evident when any critique of his game was met with extreme resistance. Not irrational hate, but nearly any fair critique of his game would be met with mostly downvotes and people claiming he was gods gift to basketball. It was so frustrating.


I really can't believe it. The pregames all season did stories on him. They had him for interviews. They put him on their promo. They did in-game stuff about him. Whatever stats he was putting up, they featured it. He's literally the last person I thought they were going to trade.


I mean, it's probably a good thing that the people making basketball moves aren't being affected by marketing moves


The FO is actually in charge and not Ted. It’s so refreshing.


Competent leadership feels like oppression to Wizards fans, I guess.


It's likely his 3PT shooting last year is an outlier. Up to this point it definitley has been. Better to sell high on a player of his skillset than hold on too long and miss out on value. It sucks to see him go, but I trust this FO to find promising guys in this draft. We now how 3 1st this year.


I think this makes sense. In a vacuum, I would have suspected you'd get a higher pick for him (in this draft). Like...maybe Spurs 8 as a top end, Grizzlies or Kings. But that's without digging in to cap impacts, etc.


Yeah you can say he improved on a lot but he shot the exact same attempts for 3 as he did his first 3 years but this year he was 6-7% better. I don’t think Portland is wrong for thinking this could be a quick come up and good trade in the long run but I also definitely don’t mind the wizards trying to sell high when they know they are gonna suck for a while and it’s in their best interest to suck especially for this upcoming year.


We don't get draft-killing picks and take a big expiring contract off the books for them getting a solid project player on a cheaper contract. It's a win-win.


Fucking stupid trade. I feel like this org can never make favorable deals.


They got two firsts and two seconds + a guy they can re-route for more picks. This is what effective tanking looks like.


Also considering this is Denis first great year. Otherwise, he’s been inconsistent his entire time here. I’m thinking FO has a target in mind in the middle.


I’m not. Anyone who had eyes on deni last year knew he was putting up better numbers than his talent showed. This is the highest his value will ever be


this team won 15 games, the should be willing to trade everyone


This is my view. Everyone is expendable on this team.


Now we gonna win 10 next year with brogdon.


We aint' keeping Brogdon. And if means getting closer to Cooper Flagg ...


there is no difference in winning 21 games and 10 for lottery odds lol. i don't think this move gets us closer to Flagg


Yup decent offensive numbers on a terrible team don't mean anything.


i absolutely hate this trade edit: i’m okay w this trade


my life as a Wizards fan summed up in one Reddit comment


I actually was going through it for about 15 minutes before I realized this ain’t too bad at all


I hate this trade but at least it makes sense. 2 firsts 2 seconds and brogdon that could become more picks when Portland will be bad is really good value. Edit: i feel these exact feelings.


There goes the longest current tenured Wizard, Deni Avdija. I kinda like the trade though, even though I liked Deni


I don’t understand it at all


This is selling high on Deni. They’re getting two FRPs. Deni’s contract is great, but the team isn’t likely to be competitive until after it expires, at which point you have to ask if you want to give him the $200m (or whatever the equivalent is by 2027) like OG just got. Better to get the picks now and continue to invest in players who fit the timeline better.


Four years of this shit, fuck man.


14th pick is selling high? He was 2nd best player on the team last season, with a dirt cheap contract. 14th pick?


He was on a 15 win team.


2 first round picks for Deni plus Brogdon - who will likely get us more picks later - is a fucking STEAL


Two 1sts and two 2nds for Deni is great value.


And brogdan who probably worth a mid/late frp too


Brandon isn't getting us a 1st unless he proves he's healthy


how do you know the 2029 pick is a first?


portlands second most favorable [2029 first](https://x.com/wojespn/status/1806098863071039965?s=46&t=2SZRAJSn4Xs4wJZ-P4b8hg)


The 2029 pick is the second most favorable (so, not that good) and this year’s 14 is like, fine. Not all FRP are created equal and these are low upside. It’s not a steal.


2 more seconds are part of the deal. It's definitely the most they possibly could have gotten.


I don’t know if this is the best we could’ve done, but I doubt it. Deni would’ve been in high demand at the deadline given how seamlessly he can slot into basically any rotation. Two seconds doesn’t change my thought process. I’d rather receive a pick that has a chance to be a high lottery pick, rather than guaranteeing a lot of OK to meh picks. Or, I’d love for him to be part of our future. He’s 23! That should be a great timeline for a tanking team… Like I said elsewhere, it’s not a disaster, but I’m also not thrilled about it.


I’m not convinced Brogdon is going to get much. He’s almost 32 and just came off the injury and he’s an expiring contract. Unless he plays lights out (doubt) we’d be lucky to get anything more than average return for him.


Worst case scenario he's an expiring contract (also helps with his trade value) so he's off the books soon anyway and they can just keep absorbing bad contracts


I figure that’s probably some of their logic after looking at the salary now. I suppose there are worst guys to take.


The BOYD strategy (shout out to Mike Prada) is alive and well!


Brogdon is here to make the math work and walk at the end of the year, if not before on a buyout. I highly doubt he's going to be a flip candidate given his salary number.


And there's more: https://twitter.com/wojespn/status/1806098863071039965 >The Blazers are sending the second most favorable of their 2029 first-round picks and two second-round picks in the deal for Avdija, sources tell ESPN.


Is brogdon really getting us anything 😭


15/4/5 on 44/41/82 shooting splits last year. He's still good, just gets hurt a lot so his minutes have to be managed.


So contender that needs to sure up their 8 man rotation before the deadline will trade for him. Honestly, a team like Miami could use him.


Came to Reddit to specifically see your thoughts and you’re one of the few that supports it. I like it. Any return for Brogdon on top of those draft assets is great. Wish Turbo all the best but we need to be bad next year.


I guess we really really want cooper Flagg next season 😭


It’s a no brainer. We are going to suck for the next 3 years. 3 years of his great contract. This is OKC volume 2


because it makes zero sense.


Deni Avdija returns to Scott Brooks.


It’s basically 3 1sts for Deni if I understand their logic correctly, it’s honestly good


Holy fuck 😭😂😂 the fo isn't fucking around


4 picks & Brogdon for Deni is a fleece idc. Front offices aren’t attached to players they didn’t draft. I love the aggressiveness


this is why seeing the immediate overreactions is hilarious now that we know the full trade lol, like I get he was a fan-favorite but Bilal has been the only untouchable, and getting two FRPs for Deni is a great trade


It was supposed to be Kuzma!!! Not him!!!!


Don’t think they’re done just yet lol


I don’t think so either. Tonight will be very interesting. We’re trying to be BAD next season , which is fine since I want Cooper Flagg. Looking forward to see how we can flip Brogdan now


loading up on young role players this year to start building the skeleton, then hopefully next year we get that superstar in the draft we need.


Deni was LOVED in Washington, I don’t understand this trade


I was downvoted into oblivion a year ago for saying he was worth more than the midlevel exception. People were crying that we traded Rui instead of him. I would not describe him as loved by the fanbase


Rip City will take good care of him.


Quick before the shooting regresses 😂 ok I guess let's cook guys


You kinda called the trade lol


https://i.redd.it/yzoq3peqzz8d1.gif sorta kinda haha


Oh no next we’ll trade our other superstar on this Reddit Corey Kispert what a tragedy that will be 


This is a great trade, can’t wait to see what we flip Brogdon for


Damn this trade ain’t for the faint of wizards hearts 😂


Eh a lot of folks are fine on the treadmill of mediocrity. Fuck that, tank tank tank.


I just let out the loudest "WOAH" I have let out in a couple months 😂 how I feel about this trade ultimately comes down to 1) who we pick and 2) what we can get in exchange for Brogdon.


is the 2029 pick first?


Least favorable of their 2029 picks.


2nd most favorable out of Blazers, Milwaukee, and Boston


I’m a big Deni fan BUT This is a 15 win team. We should not be married to anyone.


It's not like the Portland did much better.


they are further along in their rebuild than we are with Scoot, Sharpe, Simons, Ayton, now Clingan, etc. we are still trying to find a cornerstone (hopefully next summer).


So now we have 2, 14 and 26. Wonder what the next move is.


You think they trade for another pick ?


Well [there's even more](https://twitter.com/wojespn/status/1806098863071039965) they got in this deal - WOJ just did a follow-up tweet. >The Blazers are sending the second most favorable of their 2029 first-round picks and two second-round picks in the deal for Avdija, sources tell ESPN.


14 and 26 have to get packaged together, right? No way we start the season with 3 rookies getting minutes


Maybe we reroute Brogdon


It’s a good thing we’re loading up in a historic draft!


Malcolm Brogdon won’t play for this Wiz, they’ll get a late first round pick for him. This is basically Deni for 3 mid to late FRPs, plus 2 seconds. That’s a damn good trade.


The one guy I thought was untouchable next to Bilal lol


inb4 we take Topic with the 14th pick and he becomes SGA lite in 3-4 years


Topic mid-first round seems like a worthy gamble. Give him a year off to rehab while we tank. If he drops that far.


Got an expiring and 2 1sts for Deni, it will be fine.


Aye this front office actually isn't playing games. This is a solid haul.


Making space for Sarr mintues at the forward. I'm here for it. Selling high on Deni


Troy Weaver era has officially started. Worst trader in the association


He kinda cooked now that we see the details


Two 1sts, two 2nds, and a good vet who can likely get more value when flipped? That's a pretty good return for Deni...


That’s bullshit right?


They better draft Bronny to get Lebron (I’m joking but who knows it’s the wizards lol)


Ernie Grunfeld might have


What do we want lebron for?


so I can get a Lebron Wizards jersey


we got a lottery pick but i am dead inside. The only way I’d get slightly happier is if we trade Kuz and Brogdon for Mitchell Robinson or someone like that.


lol wtf


No dennnniiii, I thought this would happen at some point, but not this quick. I know fans are not gonna like this lmao. He was so cool to watch man🥲 3 first round pick value is cooking tho.


Just coming in a as a Blazers fan, seems like this is a fair trade all around. Deni is a young and improving big wing on a team-friendly contract. That's extremely valuable! But the Blazers also gave up a lot. Obviously won't know who "won" the trade for years down the line, but I've seen lots of fans on both sides really for & against the trade and the most rational impartial people seem to say it's pretty fair. Good luck with your season and your picks tonight!


I think its a fair trade too, but i’m just sad that they traded Deni who is one of our favorite players in this franchise. I’m feeling better about it knowing about the picks. Please take care of Deni for us, i’ll support you guys.






Gutting the team minus Bilal probably makes the most sense right now


That’s a lot to get back for Deni so I’ll reserve most of my judgment until I see what we do with that 14th pick. Deni exceeded expectations last season, was finally coming into his own and is the biggest steal on our roster. They better make this make at least a little sense in the next few hours. I’m sure this won’t be the last move the FO makes.


2 1st 2 2nd and brogdan, still kinda hate it cause deni is one of the few development cases we had. Still not bad value and we set our timeline to bilals and sarr


So with #2 #14 #26.of the players drafted tonight we will have 8.99% of the first round. #Weride. Glad I bought a 12 pack.


We should start a new thread with the updated info, this thread is bipolar af


Bub Carrington you are a Washington wizard


I know a rebuild requires sacrifices. I really wish this was not the context. I’m normally a ghost on this page just because I just like to see what everyone says about the wizards and I don’t like to put my two cents in. I live in Wisconsin and I am a wizards fan. I am currently in DC for a job interview. I was so excited to watch the draft with fellow wizards fan and be apart of an nba community for once in my god damn life. I can say for the first time in a while I am very sad and upset. Deni Avdija had to be sacrificed for the fourteenth pick. I hope he does well in Portland.


Deni is a barely above average guy in the NBA. 2 1sts and 2nds and Malcom Brogdon who if he plays well will probably bring back another 1st at the deadline… this is a great trade.


One forward gone. This means Sarr or Risacher to me. Good haul for Deni. Good luck to him. Great guy.


They get two first round picks, two second round picks, and Brogdon for Deni. That is a really good trade. They can flip Brogdon for a pick as well.


Can someone please explain to me why we did this?? I love Deni.


Because we’re blowing it up mode. Everyone that is worth an asset get traded unless you’re new or a generational talent. He got his fair shake last year and proved he’s a starter in the NBA but maybe not a foundational player to build off up. That’s the brutal nature of blowing it up. You get rid of good players in search for great.


The Blazers wanted to buy a below average player who has no potential to being a starter or 6/7th man. The Wizards fleeced them




We will still be rebuilding when his contract is up, at which point it will be give him a big contract or he walks. We got a lottery pick, a future first, and a good player who will fetch more assets. That’s a solid return for a dude who just a year ago this sub was ready to ship out of town for a ham sandwich.


To be honest, it seems like the Trail Blazers gave the Wizards an offer they can't refuse.


Agreed, MrBuckBuck. I know you’re a huge Deni fan. Will you stick around our sub?


I will, but I'm not sure as much as before. It depends on many things not related to Deni and the NBA as well.


Deni can be a solid rotational piece but he's never going to be a star


What the FUCK


We’re a French team now goddammit


What?! This is shocking. I thought he would be a part of our core when he signed the contract. The FO really wants to get that third 1st round pick. What happened to Kuz to Sacramento rumors?


Ye idk bruh this trade is weird wouldn't have guessed but I get it now from both sides. 2 frps and reigning 6moy (can't stay healthy but still) is nuts. Wings really have a fucking chokehold on this league


Kinda glad, and the trade is decent brogdon is like a taller mike Conley


Great move!!!! Sell high buy low!!!!!! Great move........


So it ended up being Deni for Bub/Brogdon/future first/2 seconds. Advantage Wizards.


id rather have brogdon;


Two FRPs, Two SRPs, and potentially a steady PG to either keep or get rid Deni's good but that's a pretty great return


Garbage trade




Sorry but getting a tradeable asset 14 over, another first and seconds for deni is fine.


Good trade despite what some people are saying. You get two firsts (1 lotto tonight, two firsts, and the value you’ll get from an eventual Brogdon trade. Deni was nice here and it was great to see him develop. I won’t get up in arms over this though.


I like it. Two firsts and two(?) seconds is a good return before you even add on whatever we can get for flipping Brogdon. Kind of a bummer that two of those picks are *five years* from now but value is value. Who knows maybe it winds up being a high pick. Maybe we trade it before then too.


Kill me


Is 2029 a 1st round pick ?


This is basically 3 1sts for Deni yall, this is actually a decent move


what the hell my jigga


Mavs fan here. Don’t want to salt the wound, but couldn’t you guys get way more for him? Obviously not trading him at all made lot of sense as well


The more I think about it, 2 firsts, 2 seconds, and brogdon (who we will likely flip) is a great haul for a deni. I will miss him a ton but this is what a tank is




Yes we need more "athletes" not potential, Kispert is next to go.....Please get this draft correct


Wowwwwww that is uhhhh kinda wild. Maybe we were overhyping him but seemed like he just came into his own last season and was up for a break out season for 2024-2025




This is a great trade imo. Probably means Tyus Jones isn’t resigning. Brogdan will be a solid PG for us. I bet we draft a Guard with the next pick.


lets fucking goooo


What the actual fuck? Why?


LMAO honestly did not see this coming but im ok with selling high on deni


He didn’t help us do anything who cares


Top 15 pick and good combo guard for Deni? That’s a steal


31 year old combo guard


He can be traded later


Yeah, might even get a good young player like Deni Avdija


We don't need *good* young players, we need a *superstar* young player. And the only way we are going to get that is collecting draft picks until one of them hits.


No it’s not man what are we talking about. This draft is awful


In the worst draft in decades? And the "good combo guard" is 31?


Thank you


Saying goodbye to the deni dickriders ✋🏼, this is a great trade for a guy who cannot go left and just got hot at the 2nd half of the season.


Since drafting deni he's been my favorite player.... With that said I think this trade makes a lot of sense for the wizards. They SUCK, draft picks are needed here.




Did anyone tell the Wizard brain team that this is a crappy draft. I am so over this team.


My season ticket sales rep reached out to me today about renewing and I told him I wanted to see how the offseason played out before I renewed because I wasn’t sure the team was good enough to be worth the investment. This move only solidifies my feelings. I’ll watch on tv and save myself a couple thousand dollars.


Horrific move


I’m upset


I’m so so so so confused


Fuck that




Well least we don’t have to deal with all those Deni Stans anymore but I do think he was about to take another step oh well.


deni is mid. this is for the best


I’m not Deni obsessed like some people on this sub. But he’s a young guy on a great contract. A great two-way player who can shoot fits on any team and would be in high demand at the deadline. Even if he wasn’t part of our future (and I thought he was), I figured he’d only get moved for an overwhelming offer… which this is not. It’s not a disaster, but it is disappointing.