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I wasn't disappointed with WD3 as I kinda knew what I was getting into prior to playing. I thought WD3 was ok, but not my favorite. If I had to choose, WD2 would be my favorite. I enjoyed the story more, especially the character development of Marcus.


WD2 will always be my favorite because it is the video game depiction of my home stomping grounds.


I could literally trace everywhere I've been in London in Legion, imagine the comfort and nostalgia it brought in the middle of lockdowns. It also speaks to just how ludicrous Ubisoft's urban environment technology and artists are, I don't think it's controversial to declare them best in the business. Even then, SF felt more alive - from the groups doing tai-chi to dynamic faction wars and by far the most fleshed out hacking system and interactive world, you really felt you were in a city that's alive.


To its credit, I absolutely LOVE Legion. The depictions of London are amazing, and it's a comfort game I can play to this day. As a matter of fact, downloading it to play it tonight.


It's cool but also funny that you mentioned that in a sense from another point I was going to make. I was born and raised in Chicago and WD1 was based on the city. For that aspect itself, I fell in love with it, but ultimately, it came down to which game was more of my absolute favorite style. I LOVE both stealth and hacking style of play, but I love hacking a smidge more. Edit: both games could be easily played in stealth and hacker styles if you truly wanted to play either, or both, but imho based on the story of Wd2, it was more hacker based.


My opinion on watch dogs legion is that I don't have any problem with the concept behind it. I actually think it's a pretty ambitious and creative idea to let you control any NPC. It didn't end up the way I would have liked it, but I don't think it was inherently bad because it didn't have a solo protagonist. I wish Ubisoft would try more creative ideas like that more often, clearly their developers have ambition So even though the game was my least favorite of the trio, I still respect the idea behind it. And there are things I did like about it too, the schedule system and changes made to ctos NPC backgrounds and routines were pretty cool to see. I thought it was cool how you could track an NPC across the city and it will tell you when they're meeting with someone else, their relatives, friends, etc. Also the fight club system was fun, and the unique classes like beekeeper, spy, magician were great. You can tell the devs had fun concepting it


I liked Legion, I think people are too harsh on it. I like 2 though too.


It's my favorite right up there with 2. For me, Legion had the most replay value because I loved the play as anyone mechanic. Love doing new playthroughs and building a different type of team. Love stalking people with the Deep Profiler, getting revenge on enemies by going after their families, etc. Also, I really like the aesthetic of London in Legion - it's a great mix of dark and gritty with elegance and vibrancy. Some very cool future tech themes in it too. It's not a perfect game, but it is a unique game that scratched some itches for me no game had done before it or since, so yeah, it's my favorite WD game.


It's great for people who are into role-playing, there's almost infinite possibilities, and some hilarious combinations, less so for those who just want a traditional protagonist to easily invest in. The downside is the voice acting for commoners is *atrocious*, unrealistic random combinations and botched Dick Van Dyke accents aside, it gets repetitive and old *fast*. Watch Dog Legion really should've come out after the rise of generative AI. Imagine having an AI system to randomly generate accents and dynamic background bios, that'd be truly revolutionary, and fitting Legion as a "tech showcase". Oh and the ray-tracing is ridiculously beautiful, best realistic urban game environment yet.


I loved WD2. Couldn't get into Legion unfortunately.


The writing, the dialogues are all just nonsense. I did like that they atleast attempted to change an urban city with all the CTOS stuff that we have been playing with in the first two games, but they never really manifested in the world much. While i appreciated WD2 being very goofy, by WD3 i realised that the devs had this strange idea that they have to distance themselves from the edgelord of WD1 and instead go for some Saints Row vibes. I would say it worked out as good as the forementioned series.


As someone that was a fan of Saints Row since the beginning... Huh?!?


Er which part of WDL was goofy like Saints Row? The punk-inspired edgy clothes screams of mature managers pretending to be "with it", but Legion decidedly went *beyond* WD1 in terms of horror elements - classic gore from Clan Kelley, and psychological horror from Skye Larson. To name just two - the place underneath the Cheesegrater and Larson's home. Frankly the gore was so much it even felt gratuitous.


I agree on that Skye Larson part for sure. I mean WD1 gets pretty dark and edgy, but in terms of psychological horror the Skye Larson backstory is crazy dark. And interesting. That's one of the best missions in the game for sure, very interesting writing I do think WD1 is overall darker though, but Legion does tackle some darker themes every now and then


I suppose WD1's dark is from a classic neo-noir sense, of overwhelming depression, loss and sadness, while Legion retains some of the happy-go-lucky camp from WD2, while throwing in fucked up psychological horror and gore here and there. I miss WD1's ambience too, and the story, just about one of the last good scripts Ubisoft ever produced.


As someone who plays a lot of Outlast, that's not even close to gratuitous gore. Clan Kelley is just a diet Chicago South Club.


Yeah alright I'm a wimp who's already blacklisted the "horror" tag in Steam, I supposed in my very sheltered experience Legion appears to have more gore than at least its predecessors - the only things remotely close were the sinister mysteries in WD1 and the horror superpower jacket in WD2, those are also definitely tame compared to your experience.




I liked it. I just wished you were single person not everyone at times. Like Watch Dogs and Watch Dogs 2. But playing as an assassin from assassin’s creed, Aiden and Wrench was awesome.


Watch Dogs Legion is my go-to. I think it's the most fun by a long shot. 1 is a masterpiece too but it's just so fuckin dark and the gameplay is way more linear. I like in Legion being able to have incredible amounts of flexibility in how I handle missions. The "story" isn't as good, but I didn't really play for the story anyway. I played for the big sandbox to fuck around in.




No. For the sole reason that I hate finale locks. FC6 did it too. Except it wasn't difficult because the whole point of a far cry is to be a gorilla. But in watchdogs you're expected to fight a boss with a taser


Honestly Legion played like they whipped it together for a gamejam with nothing but free assets. The animations were stiff and most likely not mocapped. The vehicle damage and cloth physics were non existent. The dialogue was generic and poorly voiced. The city was somehow bland af, and hard to navigate. Their one claim to fame was the play as anyone mechanic, and that was comprised of like 4 recruitment missions that had nothing to do with the characters. And when they finally put in online hacking there was 3 loading screens for each hack. Wtf how was that acceptable to ubisoft?! The one thing I loved was the random death trait. That was never not hilarious. Survive a massive shootout, only to die walking down the sidewalk. I want that on every character lol




not me. WD2 will always be my favorite. I’m not super critical of Legions tho. Even if it’s not my favorite, it’s still good. My biggest gripe was the “play as anyone” aspect and the recruiting that came with it. It’s super innovative, just not my cup of tea.


Tbh; I didn't even know there was a 3.


WD1 the best, 2 and 3 couldn't play more than 10 hrs ZzZzzz


Legion to me is the worst game in the series and possibly one of my least favourite games ever.


Idk if it'd be considered wd 3. Legion was made by ubisofy Toronto which inevitably killed the franchise while 1 and 2 were made by ubisoft Montreal.


I'm sure at least one person does considering there's over a hundred thousand people here.


Hell nah for me. Played 2 and 3 for 30 mins, coulnt stand the cringe.


Bloodlines was great. I couldn't get into the base game unfortunately. 


Not me. WD 1 ftw


It felt like an unfinished game with no soul to me.


Not me.


Wd3 would maybe be enjoyable if it wasn't for the amount of game breaking bugs that don't let you progress. Started the game twice, both times my progress got reset after 5-6 hours. Not even with a crash or anything. I just suddenly had to do the same main missions I already did.




I really like Watch\_Dogs: Legion, but I wish that the "totalitarian police state" angle was explored more and we had at least one protagonist whose character was set in stone for story purposes. Other than that, I think the fusion of fantastical technology and reality is PERFECT in Legion's very well-done open world. London is glorious, full of character and class, and is still recognizable as the UK's capital city beneath the light cyberpunk flavor. I want to see more games in this series.


>London is glorious, full of character and class, Too bad they made it bland. It felt like they reused the same brick building for the entire city, which was impressive because they actually made all different buildings. In wd2 I could load in anywhere and know where I was, but in Legion everything kind of looked the same, so even after playing through the entire campaign I still wasn't able to learn the map. Sad because irl London looks amazing.


I don't agree, I'm afraid - not about the idea of IRL London being awesome, because I'm sure it is! - but about the "bland" critique you gave. This map clearly had a lot of genuine love and care poured into it. I mean, they even have Saint-Dunstan-in-the-East rendered into the game, a rather obscure London landmark (that happens to be on my bucket list) to my knowledge. I can tell where I am in the game just by looking around. Nine Elms has the Battersea Power Station looming over the whole district, which seems to be undergoing some high-tech gentrification at the time that the game is set. Westminster has all kinds of stately, unique buildings all over the place. The City of London is the most developed district, while Tower Hamlets is almost rural, with big oak-tree-filled parks and townhouses lining the streets. I am curious as to what you mean by "reusing the same brick building" but "making all different buildings.


I meant that while the buildings across the map are all different, they felt like the same building. No matter where you load in you're surrounded by brick buildings that all blend in. None of them seem to stand out. It made it so hard for me to learn the map because no matter where you are it kinda looks the same


No between WD2 and WD1


It’s my favorite to play because I can play as anyone….but my ranking goes WD1 (all around classic) WD3 (lacking but interesting) WD2 (meh)


Not one bit. 1 and 2 were infinitely more enjoyable for me. to each their own tho


Genuinely cannot fathom how that would be possible


I rlly liked it! But the first two just *feel* like watch dogs- the third kinda feels like what Fallout 76 is to the entirety of the fallout series. It’s not bad, it’s just different


I can’t stand it. 1 will always be my favorite, but 2 is alright


It's dope but no way better then the others


Me. Love every aspect of it


great wasted potential love the multi characters (more customization needed) driving in wd2 was way better but i can adapt it's the missions i have problem with , few are exciting majority are boring


I tried, I couldn't, didn't grasp me like the other two


Legion was a huge let down in my opinion.


Legion is dog shit. 1 had the best premise, 2 had the best gameplay, 3 had the best dissapointment.


If it wasn’t so corny I would have loved it. The gameplay was awesome but the Bagley and jokes after major dramatic losses were so hard to take. Like WD2 perfectly balanced moral taxing events and happenings with comedy. WD3 had comedy where it didn’t belong.


Nah. WD2 was the best for sure


Probably. If the game existed of course


I like it more than Watch Dogs 2 because I just hate how the second one provides no stakes and is way too easy for the heroes. Legion with permadeath and making up your story doesn't have that problem. Watch Dogs 1 is just a great all-around super-hero game so it stays first in my heart.


Self-imposed permadeath is always an option


WDL is my favorite and it's not even close. Love the first. Love the second. This series does what a proper sequel is supposed to do and that is make the previous game obsolete. I see no point playing the other 2 games anymore because Legion improves pretty much every aspect of those games.


Lmao what?! They phoned in every aspect of the game. It is objectively worse than 1 and 2, and by a wide margin


Hmm. I think you may be confused. I said it was MY favorite, not your favorite.


Lol I love that response. Fair enough


In some cases, I like the story more than WD2 but not more than WD1, still I wish there were more elements from what Watch Dogs had originally in WDL, combat mechanics are great and the city looks great for roaming, some of the activities like football and darts are cool and the music is fire, overall is the least "watch dogs" game of all 3 but not a bad game overall...


I liked 3 almost as much as 2.




Don’t prefer it but enjoy it as much as the other two.


I enjoyed my time with Legion. I played it on hard with permadeath, i like xcom so this was the way to play the game for me. The recruit mechanics is ok, it needed more variety. I hope to see this legion mechanic in the future if ubi plans to develop another WD game


I loved it. And i do prefer Watch Dogs 3 to the other games. I'm just a very creative person though, and what the game lacked in story and relationships with characters, was replaced by my own imagination. I loved my little five person army of a group and the dynamic they had, and let my mind do the rest.


During my playthroughs, I find myself rushing through 2 to get to 3. When assembling my team, I like to hurry up the "re-rolling" of NPCs along. (My favorite character is Female Albion employee with silenced 9mm and unlimited keysteal. I like having 2-3 of them available. ) One of my agents is approaching 3000 kills. (2995 Albion, 5 bystanders. Sorry!)


Half-baked? Yes. Bad game? No. It's fun if you enjoy roleplaying with Permadeath on. AAA games need more creative gameplay mechanics like this and the Nemesis system of shadow of war.


I genuinely enjoyed it, and found it a legitimate attempt to do something different, which was interesting. I’d play a 4 in the same style, though I could do without the live servicey bits that Ubi likes so much


Yes I absolutely loved it, it was my fav out of the three


Watch Dogs 3 is miles above Watch Dogs 1. That said, Watch Dogs 2 is still my fave. Best balance of gameplay and narrative.


It's bland with characters as wide as an ocean and deep as a puddle, but I prefer it to WD2 where the cast are actively fucking annoying as hell. They toned down the hipsterism a bit, but not enough. Nothing quite hits like WD1's darker and edgy atmosphere. The elites are taking over the world and peoples rights with technology, it should be less about trying to be cool and anarchistic and more about correcting the way the world is going. I think a lot of people genuinely dislike WD3 simply because its set in London and not some boring US city we've all experienced before in other games such as GTA. I live in the Midlands and hate London, but its still pretty cool to see it in a video game and drive past places that I myself have been past like Vauxhall bridge and the SIS building.


I didn't like legion because it felt like it was made by an amature in a week with free assets. And because they made London feel bland af. I played through the whole campaign and couldn't learn the map because nothing in it stands out. Every area feels the same.

