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It’s my comfort game i play it to chill. the mechanics of hacking cars and calling in gangs the vibrancy of the world easily some of ubisofts best work.


Same, I love being a cab driver in Watchdogs 2


Everything is very fluid and hey you can pet dogs, something they should have crossed over to the division


I completely agree, that game has done me well. It’s one of those games that I personally won’t ever get sick of. There’s so much to do, plus dlc, that once you get done playing everything you can restart completely for a fun refresher. It will always be one of my favorites


It's funny because I've been replaying WD1 and 2 yesterday, I had fun with mods, but mostly playing hide and seek with other players by invading their session While WD1 version of hacking other players is better than WD2 imo, the amount of content there is in SF is really impressive I've been surprised by the small talks and interactions between NPCs, the emotes, the cross fire between factions and more How did they shift from this to legion ?


Legion honestly needed like 2 more years development


The development time wasn’t the problem, only what they did with it. They had a good game. We know that they made it worse. Likely out of fear.


Its the game I constantly go back to play over and over again. It's real feel good when you complete certain missions. You feel accomplished.


One of the only games I can beat and immediately start again and enjoy all the same!


Maybe this is coming from a point of nostalgia, but so far I prefer watchdogs 1. I just started the second game a couple weeks ago and initially hated it, but it's grown on me. I think I like the aesthetic of the first game more. It's just too damn bright and cheery in SF. Also not a fan of the stun gun, wish I could swap that out with another weapon. Also not a fan of the limited weapon storage in the weapon wheel. It's a good game, just not what 10 year old me would have hoped for.


Totally agree. I have played through it several times now and always have fun. Calling gangs or cops on someone is highly entertaining.


calling the gangs or cops or someone mid mission just causes the enemies to get so frustrated and half the time they end up in a shoot out with whoever I call so I can just walk in and hack whatever I need haha. Works perfect.


By far the best one


Watch Dogs 2 is easily my favorite game in the series. I was lukewarm on 1 and did not like Legion


I love the first 2 games aswell


It's an amazing game


When I had a building full of enemy NPCs having the cops come take away every single one or gang members turn up for a shoot out was so fun.


It's the best game I've ever played, I love messing around with the drone and snipering from the bell tower if you know where I mean ..you can do that for hours(not literally) and just shoot out the helicopters


One of the best game maps I've ever played, I'm from the Bay Area man it's nostalgic playing it lol.


One time I swear a car bomb went off And once I was getting ready to do that big tower network unlock for the data and this van pulls up, mag dumps an SMG at the people I'm next to, and takes off while I'm still wondering what just happened


Ha for sure. Little moments like that are so neat. Imo they hit in their open world what cyberpunk kept saying they were gonna have. It’s crazy this game isn’t more talked about almost 10 years later.


Totally agree. Played it so many times and still love it. Have got into legion now as well. Still got to go back and complete the first one now


one of my favorite open world games. i played GTA V after WD2 and i just couldnt be bothered, WD2 set the bar so high


I unironically think it's better than GTA 5


Uninstalled after the Lenny hack mission. WD 2 has the shittiest YouTube puzzle help guides I have ever seen.


It’s not that hard..


Some of the things the mani character says is a bit cringe. I got tired of the game halfway and quit.