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Not people trying to fight with you in the comments of your post about unnecessary infighting šŸ’€


It just proves my point lmao, this sub is a lost cause


Yeah it has made me really disappointed, before all this I thought watcher fans were pretty decent but I'm seeing people left and right going out of their way to be cruel and snarky to others who are only voicing an opinion. Fans are showing a seriously unhealthy inability to just keep their mouths shut and walk the hell away, it's childish and embarrassing.


This post showed up in my side feed for whatever reason. It's been a month since you posted this and things have only gotten worse. I'm just here to watch Rome burn at this point.


Same, got my fiddle and everything


You shut up. Don't tell me when I can or can't fight!!


I found the energy vampire.


As for the delayed apology part, I think thatā€™s understandable. This whole mess started because they went ahead with a plan they clearly didnā€™t think through enough. Considering just how major the backlash has been, it makes sense that they would want to take a beat and be careful in their response and come up with some sort of solution to fix the mistake rather than just forge on ahead like they did before.


My unpopular opinion is that the apology wasn't delayed. They made the announcement on a Friday. PR firms and businesses don't work on weekends. They were very quick with an apology and walk back, college students just don't understand business days lol.


No I totally agree lol. Dumb as it was, this was a major change for their company, and to A. See that the reception was not turning positive in any way, B. decide to walk it back. C. Plan how they would logistically need to do that and D. Address everybody properly, with a plan of action, TAKES A WEEKEND. I think it was a *completely* reasonable timeline for a professional business.


I think it's actually kind of wild that people expected anything sooner. Given how thoughtlessly they did the initial announcement I was, well, not surprised, but I thought it was a bit silly that people wanted a quick response. The apology included steps to fix the things people were upset about, which also meant reworking their revenue streams again, and that takes a bit of time. They still do have investors they're accountable to. I know a lot of people think of them as silly YouTube people or whatever but they are trying to run a media company. How well they're doing at that is up for discussion but big decisions take time


Thatā€™s exactly what probably happened.


It wasnā€™t rolled out as soon as it should have in either case. Maybe theyā€™ll start making announcements on Monday from now on lmao


I think the reason it was announced on a Friday is that is typically when they release videos. Youtube's algorithm loves consistency, so they probably released then for it to have the most reach (which honestly probably only hurt them more considering the backlash)


True, but I think making a major announcement about a colossal move directly before your PR department will be completely unreachable for days is not the smartest decision. Of course itā€™s also justā€¦ one bad decision in a long line of bad decisions


This was definitely a series of bad decisions, but I also believe they didn't expect the backlash to be this overwhelmingly negative. If they were expecting to have to make an apology video, they wouldn't have made the announcement in the first place, regardless of the day of the week.


It's amazing how in the span of one weekend this has become the most toxic subreddit I've ever been a member of.Ā 


It went from complete together but toxic to completely separate but toxic


Iā€™d agree but I once used to be in r/goth šŸ’€




Bro, you're the most toxic one here, not to mention extremely cringe with how hard you're trying to tie this to US politics. No one is joining your sad little circle jerk.


The most amusing part, at least to me, is how people would say that you shouldnā€™t make assumptions about someone you donā€™t know personallyā€¦ and then almost immediately begin to assume the worst possible interpretation of their characters.


That's been the most frustrating part of it for me, too! Folks are like "You can't say they're good people, you don't know them! But me, I can say they're bad people. And I can say you're a bad person for defending them." sigh.


the parasocial relationships in this community are pretty strong. itā€™s why i didnā€™t seek community until the stuff went down. like i personally have strong thoughts and feelings about their language when launching this, and how they seem out of touch with the financial crisis happening, but people who automatically painted them as satan, a victim, etc. bc of minuscule facial expressions was wild to watch


It is pretty common for people on the internet to do this unfortunately - but yea I do agree with you. Honestly though, I feel like Stevenā€™s tone deaf IG post and the initial tone deaf youtube announcement just made things worse. Itā€™s easy for people to start jumping to conclusions when offended and angry.


as an enjoyer of chaos, im enjoying this. šŸ˜€


Most invested I've been in content produced by the boys in a while.


Did I hear ā€œinvestedā€? Pay up $6 a month for more content!


I haven't watched these people since BuzzFeed, and I've just been lurking ever since the announcement. Idk why I'm invested.


once shane said he loves watching a building demolition go wrong. I think it's the same sentiment. šŸ˜Œ


Seriously. I also love when privileged men who say shit like "eat the rich" get their comeuppance lol. Wait, I mean, he's a poor little baby boy who was bullied by the evil mean Asian man.




Yep. I was only a very casual fan and have been watching the whole debacle from a somewhat ā€œoutsideā€ viewpoint. However, I am very glad that they walked back their horrible original plan. If it had succeededā€”or even if they stubbornly pushed ahead to their complete ruinā€”thereā€™s no telling how many other YouTubers might have gotten the bright idea to pull this crap themselves. Iā€™m glad greed didn't win, for once. Netflix can pull dick moves when it comes to pricing and access because they have the clout and content to do so. As watcher entertainment found out, they donā€™t have Netflix clout. It is interesting to see the fallout in the audience and definitely a cautionary tale for online content creators.


Yeah. Not completely shocked because prior to the drama you used to get downvoted for saying anything remotely negative a lot of the time, even constructive criticism, but there was a time period after the initial goodbye video where we were all United for once lol rip. I think itā€™s fine to have different opinions but some people are unnecessarily rude. Itā€™s funny how ā€œthey arenā€™t your friendsā€ is used to mean the guys can just do whatever they want, when you could equally say well they arenā€™t your friends so why are you defending them so intensely?


I've been around long enough to see this kind of thing play out over and over again. I'm not surprised by the volatile nature of the discussions around it. My hot take is that while the rollout was probably a misstep, I don't think it was inherently a bad idea. YouTube is not reliable and you'll hear that from almost all YouTube content creators; they're at the mercy of an algorithm they can't control. Wanting more control over their content without the need for advertisers approval was probably really appealing. Had it worked like they thought, it would have given them direct funding for creative endeavors and a much more reliable metric for how they can pay their staff a liveable wage. They very much misunderstood that most people who watch their content on YouTube do it because it is free to use. They don't need to sign up for another subscription. Given the state of the economy, their demographic may not be in a place to pay $6 a month. It did come across as tone deaf. I have a stable income and could afford it probably. I do give money to some creators because their content brings me joy (Drawfee, MBMBaM, Dropout), but without doing analysis of their viewers, I have no way to know if they are mostly people like me or not. It was a weird thing to do.






They also announced this at the end of the college semester when probably 3/4s of their audience are college students who are all stressed about finals. Of course everyone lashed out.


Yeah, i think they made a dunderheaded move, and deserve criticism for it. I think they did a pretty good apology and walk back. I just find attacking wedding photos and personal attacks to be very no bueno.


Totally. I think people made a really good point about how converting currency, $6 actually could be a lot of money, to say nothing of having to use a whole new platform that isn't as seamless as just using YouTube which many (if not most) of us have on our phones and TVs. Also them kinda shafting their patrons. But people definitely took it to a weird place


It's like Regina George leaking the burnbook all over again. Oh boy, I've millennialed too close to the sun


Yep! I donā€™t feel safe to express ANYTHING about Watcher in this sub. Itā€™s insane. Any time I think about watcher, I now think about this sub and Iā€™m turned off by it all. I shouldnā€™t even be responding to this because of the deplorable comments and downvoting. This is not a safe sub if you have a different opinion. I wanted to post this post but I was too scared. Thank you for this post! It makes me feel like Iā€™m not alone in thinking about the same.


Iā€™m glad I could help you feel a little more comfortable in your thoughts! Iā€™ve been flamed like three times now just for this post but honestly itā€™s just proving my point how much of a toxic pit it has become. Itā€™s sad, really, because watcher used to be a great source of comfort for me, but now Iā€™m stuck looking for something else.


Well, if I find something I will let you know! For now Iā€™m watching Rhett and Link and various creators about reselling and the insane money that an item goes that you probably had 30 years ago.


Itā€™s a big ā€œhave you guys ever heard of Hanlonā€™s razor omfgā€ moment for me, personally. LMAO


Is that the one about not assuming something is malicious when it can be explained by stupidity? (Very badly paraphrasing lol)


Yes, exactly. I donā€™t think theyā€™re evil greedy dirtbags. I think theyā€™re out of touch and also incredibly stupid for this, but evil? No. And I will defend that stance to hell and back.


I really donā€™t have an issue with the video coming out on Monday I definitely understand needing time to figure things out for sure, especially given the UK trip planned for this week. However I do think that would have simmered things down considerably is even if we got a notepad ā€œwe hear you, are taking this time to consider everything brought up and will get back to you as soon as we can.ā€ Like the Try Guys did for example. It wouldnā€™t have stopped all of the vitriol but it would have helped with giving them time to figure things out. Let me say this first because I donā€™t want anyone to misunderstand me: racism that Steven and Ryan received, as well as the way that people attacked the private social media of everyone involved and their partners was abhorrent to me. No one should have to take down their freaking wedding photos because supposed fans are in comments being terrible. I do not and would never endorse that. But, I do think that if they had put up the notes app apology and left their comments on, then it would have given people an official place to complain to, along with a sign they were being heard, which I think would have helped a lot with everything that followed, and the toxicity that has been shown in the fandom since.


Turns out the fans are a bunch of elementary school bullies. No thanks. Iā€™m out.


Indeed. Itā€™s wild that it flipped so quick, itā€™s honestly enough to make your head spin.


The name calling really threw me. Totally uncalled for. I also heard that over on Instagram people were being super racist towards Steven. Like seriously? Thatā€™s where they took it to? If I were them I would probably disappear from the internet and never come back. The mob, I mean the fans, really donā€™t deserve their time anymore. Honestly. Absolute bullies that should be ashamed of themselves.


"fans" Many of the most vocal people acted like straight up children. Like... Take a step back and understand the difference between valid criticism and just being an asshole folks.


What racist stuff were they saying?


I hope you realize that they are not your friends. No point in wrecking your nerves.


True. I checked one minute and everyone was flaming lim, next everyone was singing his praises? Like bruh


You have a ton of activity in watchersnark over the weekend? Are you in these comments pretending like the rest of the community is awful for dunking on the boys while you were an active participant?


Wow, creeping in my activity? Weird move, bro Downvote all you want, ya weird fucks, itā€™s an irrelevant and creepy move to go through your speaking partnerā€™s post history during a conversation


>itā€™s an irrelevant and creepy move to go through your speaking partnerā€™s post history during a conversation Not specific to watcher, but I think that depends. If you see someone saying something that *could be* innocuous but badly worded, or *could be, for example* a racist dogwhistle, it doesn't hurt to check their front page of comments and see if they said other vague concerning stuff. Hopefully to shut the conversation down quickly and stop interacting with that person. It also might be a bit of a stretch to call every Reddit interaction a "conversation." That's just not how everyone engages with this platform - some people just want to read and make their own personal observation, some people want to debate, etc. It certainly doesn't operate the same as a real-life conversation. If you were talking to someone outside of an anonymous platform like Reddit, you *would already have* some information about their social context that would inform how you interpret the things they're saying. On a platform like this one, you have no idea if you're speaking to someone who is totally reasonable but just has a cultural/language barrier, or is actually saying stuff you might be concerned about, or is being sarcastic in a very subtle way, or is a bot, etc. I'm not saying it's cool to go through their post history and look for ammunition to impugn their reputation about random stuff, but if their post history really does show evidence of being a troll or a malicious person... Personally I find it pretty reasonable to respond "Hey, stop wasting your time with this person - they just like to stir the pot" or "half their comments are just blatantly hateful" or whatever. The issue is, where is the line for that? Obviously it's not quite as useful to snoop around for a conversation like this one where the things you can say can probably be taken at face value. But I'm sure the person you're responding to had their reasons. It just kind of comes with the territory of discussions on this platform.


bro literally. like i have my opinions about the situation, and people being upset and trying to fight me about how i am deciding to not support them, at least for a while, is wild to me. like idc if yall support them or not so donā€™t come at me šŸ˜­


Eh, attention spans are pretty short these days. In a month, all but the diehards will have forgotten and moved on.


Give it a couple of weeks. Like with all YouTuber scandals, it'll eventually die down.


Perfectly summed up, this really brought out all the worst parts of this community


Thank you for not using the term "parasocial relationships" in your post.


After seeing it used so often by the same people who then resumed one, I have to say I think it has utterly lost all meaning


i thought the comical unity in the comments on ā€œwere leaving youtubeā€ upload was hysterical ā€¦ letā€™s get back to that moment of sisterhood šŸ¤


Iā€™m honestly enjoying it lol. Itā€™s fun seeing it in real time. Itā€™s honestly a pretty mild issue for influencers as big as they are. This is like their 2nd issue for the past 8 years, theyā€™re doing pretty good imo.


Oh, so yummy infighting. It's been fun!


This infighting is probably the most entertainment Watcher has given me in recent years


This post makes you a time burglar>:(


Mmm, time burgerā€¦


Eh. I've been in enough Fandoms to over the last 24 or so years that I've been in Fandom spaces to know that this is every Fandom. If not at first then eventually. The only way to totally avoid it is to stay out of Fandom spaced and not participate in Fandoms in the first place.


Eh. Healing and processing shit takes time and people are allowed to complain even if it's uncomfortable to experience.


It's so fascinating to me how so many fans didn't seem to realize they were just a very vocal minority and the entirety of the fandom had not in fact turned on Watcher. Yes it was enough to get their attention and issue an apology and take concrete steps to rectify the wrong. Rightly so. There was so much chatter about how they were going to get roasted and torn apart at the live show and from what I've read so far they may have acted a bit nervous when they came on stage but the topic didn't even come up, even during Q&A.


The people attending their live shows are the most devoted fans imaginable, of course theyā€™re not going to tear them apart.


That wasn't the sentiment in all the comment threads leading up to the live shows, people seemed sure they were going to get roasted on stage. It will be interesting to see what happens in Glasgow tonight with a lot of chatter about the fans up there being more intense.


They really aren't the further north you go in England the nicer people are. And given it's the only show in the north of England a massive chunk of the audience won't even be from Glasgow anyhow.


A lot are just watching it unfold because they know that the team is actually pretty good at listening to their viewers/fans. I think theyā€™re waiting for something from the boys before deciding.


Pretty sure the whole thing is a YouTube psyop. They have their outrage agents spark enough to get the debate started and punish them for trying to cut YouTube out of the middle. Now everyone is eager to feel smart by giving their own take on how they were greedy and "I never really liked them anyway" and "their videos were kinda mid to begin with" or "they've fallen off lately". Y'all turn on people as soon as business daddy tells you they're not one of you.


So you noticed that too OP? šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


The tribalism between the two subs is wild. Everyone in the snark sub is sooo fucking holier than thou, it's OBNOXIOUS.


Do you need other people to like things to enjoy them yourself?


Did I say that?


"If the shaky trust in Watcher didnā€™t turn me off of the content, then the fandom going from friendly and cohesive to polarized and hostile to eachother definitely will." So yes


So point out exactly where I said I need other people to like something for me to like it? I said I donā€™t want to be attacked for having a different opinion. Thatā€™s a difference between saying ā€œI donā€™t like walking in the park because other people donā€™t like walking in the parkā€ and ā€œI donā€™t like walking in the park because people are throwing rocks at eachotherā€


Was the inflammatory post title deliberate?


Turns out itā€™s also justā€¦ true? People do be infighting


What's 'delicious' about it, though? Like why use that as an adjective?




Didn't come across as ironic. How are you supposed to understand something without 'reading into it'?




I donā€™t think you know what irony is


I read it, it didn't make sense to me so I asked about it? I'm autistic, I often find 'irony' confusing because it comes across as disingenuously disguising bullying as humour.




Calling something 'delicious' implies you're enjoying it.Ā 


Iā€™m glad you came to my post only to fight about the title, thanks for contributing


I'm disappointed in Shane and Ryan, but Steven is the running ceo so most of my hate goes to him. I don't think we should like try and find his address or anything, but I would definitely prefer if he weren't a part of watcher. This whole thing was the nail in the coffin for him imo. I also didn't like how Shane's wife responded. I think I'm the least upset with Ryan. I'm just happy I don't have to pay to watch now.




"edited 6 minutes ago"


Maybe have a look ā€˜round the subreddit for more than a half second before becoming violently upset and youā€™ll find everything Iā€™m talking about and more Edit: his original comment was edited to something less hateful, and then he tried gaslighting me in the following reply. Cool stuff, watcher Reddit!




LMAO, editing your original comment from ā€œNobody has had a go at me, what the fuck are you talking about?ā€ to what it is now? Scumbag.




The Patreon was brutal - if you criticized the decision you were told you were being ā€œmean and not a true fan - youā€™re already paying here - youā€™re just entitledā€by other people (though I expect some were sock accounts.)