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I hate these Feckin yokes. Sorry to any legitimately decent folks that own one, but I can't abide the little northface mafia and their utilisation of them. I recently Met the bro in dub, on the way one of them e-scooted his way up behind a woman walking with her phone in her hand, minding her own business and the little scrotes just lifted it and zoomed off! she shouted after him but there was nothing to be done, he was gone as fast as he appeared.


Not seen that one in particular but there are a good number of those e-scooter wankers about the place.


Bisexual scooter




The use of foul, or inflammatory, language directed towards another user.






I use mine to get to work am I now gay ?


Yeah, sorry but those are the rules.


Yikes the mrs won’t be pleased but if rules are rules


I had a similar experience when I got my right ear pierced. It came as a surprise to the whole family, especially me.


Sure she can always be a beard for you, so she can stay in the spare room at least.


No. Well, I don't know. I think he's saying that the kid's scooter was gay, as in it's attracted to other scooters of it's own gender. I never knew this was a thing.




Little Gay Bigot To Question Scooters




Well you do sound cheerful 😀


Saw a guy wearing one in town the other day. One of the hot days and he was with a rough looking guy who was definitely off his head a bit. Should be no need to be wearing one around town like that unless he wanted to rob someone which wouldn't surprise me


Scrote with a balaclava and all the related gear and his mates on e-bikes tearing around the greens and roads in Grantstown Park and Viewmount lately


Seen them playing chicken with traffic at the Tesco roundabout the other night. Hope they get a slap off a lorry


Yeah seen them too, where are their parents? I'd be mortified if my kids were out acting like those little shits


Came past me and my dog on the Mount Pleasant green the other day.


It’s not just him wearing the balaclava that’s the issue, it’s their aggression and recklessness. They came around the end of Viewmount on the path at top speed and wheelied off it between my car and the one in front of me and skimmed around the back of my car as well with a real fuck you vibe. They’re terrifying the kids out playing football on the greens and basically being pricks. These are older teenagers as well


There just having fun mate grow up


Gay scooters? Is this the new rollerblading?


Electric rollerblades next? JET SET RADIOOOOO!


E scooters have now surpassed audi drivers as the biggest cunts on the roads


>one of those gay scooters Putting the RIDE in PRIDE 🏳️‍🌈


Please tell me more about these gay scooters please and where can i buy one😂


I don’t care so long as I can have a go at the Greeks! They invented scooters


Fuppin bacstards!


Snap a photo and throw it up, they won't be so smart next time


They know nothing will happen them - all part of lawless Ireland




It’s far less safe than it used to be and criminals are getting away with more violent acts everyday


Gay scooter? Careful he doesn't knock down one of your gay children.


Next time you see the cretin- give him a generous help into the canal!


Those things are a health hazard and should be outright banned.


Balaclava on a scooter


Seen him dealing in Wetherspoons and outside the rear entrance


Rear entrance .oh matron !


I’ve nearly been hit twice by young lads flying around on them while I was out running. Both times while I was going around a corner and both times only whiskers away from big collision. Would of resulted with bad injuries for me and the rider. Both times they never even looked back. The gards should really be cracking down on them being ridden on the footpath!


did you mean to say gay scooter or was that a typo?


Gray scooter


Oh, I’ve seen them gray scooters.


Don't tell me scooters have genders now, ha.


Gay is a gender?


Here we go now with the homophobia. Waterford just keeps on giving.


Do you just sit on the internet all day waiting for something to virtue signal about? How do you have the energy? Sad.


Mad that they're called MoistMammy when they're the driest shite on Reddit.


Just wait til someone posts about gay travellers, then you'll really be in your element 


If I'm riding a scooter I'd rather it be a heterosexual scooter.


Feel free to fuck off any time.


You're homophobic are ya


It does be cold on the scooters didn’t know you can’t wear a balaclava now, why you so bothered though no need to be ranting on Reddit surely yeah have better things to be doing pal


Wait now just to get this right you seen a lad riding an e scooter with a balaclava on (which is necessary to warm your face and keep flies from getting mashed into your face) who didn’t say a word to you and you were terrified by him? Do you realise how stupid this sounds? If that something that’s terrifying you then maybe you should wrap yourself in a blanket and not leave your home


Where did I mention him not saying a word? I said I had a run in with him. A verbal altercation we’ll call it. And yes, a chap in a balaclava and camouflage gear on him is terrifying to my 6 year old daughter.


Where did you mention you DID say a word to him? Youve clearly never been on an e scooter. It’s a massive annoyance riding one without a face covering because of wind, the cold, and at this time of year the flies. I wear what you would call a balaclava on mine because of the reasons I listed above and I’m far from a scumbag but because of people like you making these type of posts I get abused every single day just for using an eco friendly mode of transport. Breaking news: life’s scary and you can’t shelter children all your life. The world doesn’t have to accommodate to your child’s fears. That’s your job as their mother.


He was flying on the footpath and came from behind us. I was on the footpath with my children and two dogs and he missed me by inches, if it was one of my daughters he almost hit I’d have flattened him. Those scooters shouldn’t be on footpaths you can’t hear them coming from behind and not one person using one has ever shouted to give a heads up. After he passed I shouted at him and he stopped and turned back and abused me. He tried to goad me and then when I went to go towards him he took off shouting something. A friend of mine said she has seen this fucker out around the greenway more than once. him and another chap go up and down the greenway intimidating people and abusing people on their little scooters. Cowardly fucker in his balaclava he isn’t wearing to protect his face from bugs for fucks sake what a stupid statement I mean honestly.


Nothing to do with flies and the cold


Necessary 💀 yeah coz every single cyclist and E scooter user all wear balaclavas don’t they. If they didn’t sure their face would be frozen instantly and they’d be swarmed with a biblical swarm of locusts


Congrats mate you’re able to massively overly exaggerate a point. Would you like an award? You acc think you’re funny it’s embarrassing. You’ve clearly never rode an e scooter. In winter you won’t see a single person on an e scooter without a face covering of some sorts and even in summer it’s still common. I use my e scooter to get to work every day and if I didn’t have a face covering I’d be literally eating flies. You ever look at the windscreen of a car and see bugs smashed into it? Well on an e scooter that windscreen is your face so despite how hilarious you think you are you’re really nothing short of a muppet




Only one here with a bit of common sense