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Because as soon as you mention AI, investors lose their minds and start throwing cash at your project.


Long Blockchain Artificial Intelligence Iced Tea Corporation


Double shot caramel drizzle frappucino


Add Web 3 and NFT and we're set for VCs.




Same reason everything was a "Blockchain" project a few years ago.


I should mention it more often then


Cloud AI powered Block Chain


"The wisdom of clouds"


sustainable blockchain*




This is the magic of buzzwords. If you can establish yourself or your work as part of the buzz in the minds of those writing checks, the checks written to you will be bigger.


Even better If you can chain buzzwords togheter. «Cloud AI» for example.


Holistic Zero Trust cloud-native AI.


AI on the blockchain


Awww he put the AI on the blockchain-wax!


Upvoted you for the key and peele ref




Powered by BlockchAIn: AI on the Blockchain powered by AI


the domain [blockch.ai](https://blockch.ai) is available surprisingly


Block chain is actually becoming like... a fuzz word imo.




Just thought this would be a sneaky thing to pull in an interview question, to see who's actually reading their coding test.


AI on Blockchain on Smart Devices






-pulls out wallet-


#####Unlocking the full potential of our seamless, AI-infused hyper-connected immersive cloud ecosystem, our data-driven insights catalyze game-changing quantum leaps, orchestrating dynamic blockchain-enhanced experiences for a sustainable, industry-agnostic digital renaissance.


Damn this sounds like my startup In a nutshell. Did I board the hype train by accident?


Wtf are we colleagues?!


If you don't know.... now you know...


This drinking game is over. You win!


-Erlich Bachman


We are going to win even if I have to go into the auditorium and personally jerk off every guy in the audience.


Can you help me with my resume?




How many remember when iPods first came out and there was like a decade where everything started with an "i-"


apple needs to announce iAI


"And iAi will always love you" - Whitney Houston


This needs more attention That was great


Holy shit lmao


For sure, that is the primary reason. Nevertheless, the numerical techniques we previously used for automation are also part of the AI toolkit. Just ask people what you should study if you want to go into AI and you get a list that starts with Statistics, Linear Algebra ...


Just like around the 2000's; everything was called *e*Something and balooned in value overnight


sink makeshift zesty shrill nose tidy practice disarm longing disagreeable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Space age and sustainable for tomorrow.


cloud computing, web 2.0, block chain, crypto, ai its all a blur


you forgot "machine learning"!


And internet of things


Big data, neural networks, NFT


Lmao cloud computing and machine learning are actually useful.


cloud computing aka having a database, is indeed useful


Strange interpretation of cloud computing. Cloud means being able to spin up instances quickly, and also use various infrastructure services (databases, load balancers, containers, whatever) and software-defined networking without setting it up on-premise.


Scalable workers without needing to invest in a server farm is clearly not something anyone needs.


I mean you can have a database that is not a cloud database, like in on prem systems.


Machine learning IS subset or AI


I don't want to put my stuff in the cloud. What if it rains, or there is strom. Or when is sunny and no clouds, how will I access my data 😂


it's web 3 now




um maybe Web3 AI?




Now we're talkin


Ahh yes, a decentralized transformer model. The slowest fucking AI in the world 🤣


thats why im making web 4


Counting like windows?


Web 3.1, Web 98, Web XP, Web Vista, Web 7, Web 10 The World Wide Web, Web 360, Web One, Web Series X/S


Web for who?


web 2 was also fake, it's always just been web


No. Web 1, 1.5, and 2 are all real terms with accepted meanings. Web 3 is the only one made up by scammers that describes nothing.


And 1.0 and 2.0 were coined after the paradigms were established and dominant to describe historic development retroactively. Both 3.0 and 3 were coined before any adoption and describe the obviously failing dreams a few individuals.


Just wait for our Gluten Free, GMO free, Free range keto crypto AI app.


Already working on it. It’s paleo too.


Don’t forget saying “HTML5” when you could as easily say “HTML”


Earth 2.0


It's so painful. I'm working on this one app, it's been developing over a year. It's straight up an algorithm, not AI, but the new guys involved keep referring to it as AI. We keep explaining the difference and there isn't one in their mind. "But it's an AI powered engine isn't it?" No you fucking rubes, it's a series of calculations and simple if/then decisions made based on those calculations. Nowhere in there are we introducing AI. "But can it have a pirate voice?"




I have to say, I at least like this iteration better than blockchain. So glad that has died down.


Very accurate.


Isn’t AI short for “Accumulated If-statements”?


Game devs have been calling autonomous agents in their programs "AI" long before the current hype wave.


> "But it's an AI powered engine isn't it?" You know what? Yes. This line right here. It reads "ELSE", this is AI that will get you fired :) But who are these people? Why do you have to work with them?


Geneticists. It's an algorithm for scientific use, so we're leveraging their data sources. They just assume there's some magic under the hood when it's really just their own calculations done by a computer, faster, and deciding on what to do at key junctures based on a confidence score.


I assume if it has a confidence score it has a model, so “technically” it uses ML (even though it is only a very basic reflex agent by the sounds of it).


If score is in this range, return this. If it's in this range, return that. Super simplistic. Just ranking items based on the earlier calculations.


Never mind, those people are idiots than lol. I was thinking you meant a confidence score along the lines of something like a score function for stochastic gradient descent.


I wish it were that complex. It definitely is not. It does return the results like a pirate now though.


Now in fairness, "can it have a pirate voice" is a legitimate request for any program.


My company does the same. Ours sales pitch talks about AI. There is no such thing, I've started calling out dev team the Artificial Idiots (AI) since sales think we are all idiots.


So what is the definition of ai? When something is trained using a neural network? Because there is a conflict of words when we talk for example about npc in games. We usually talk about their ai, even though it is not a neural network. I think ai can still mean a lot of different things. I do agree a lot are using it as a buzz word.


The country Anguilla has more website domains registered tthan it's population. It's just hype


Clearly this has all been a ploy by Big Anguilla.


It is called "Hype".


And that's Hype AI 😎




Sounds like an illness


That hype just sells well.




Just like everything was block chain powered a couple years back. There is always the buzzword of the year


hey look at my new AI that runs on blockchain and produces NFTs in the metaverse


Did the metaverse was that much popular ? I would just replace it with "in the cloud".


A few years ago everything was "smart" ;D


Same with cloud and same with web3 / crypto. It's always been like this.




And it's annoying af. All i see on Twitter now are shitty threads like "ChatGPT is just the tip of the iceberg, here are 10 AI tools to boost your productivity" followed by 10 useless tools that no one actually cares about.


And not to mention, all 10 of those tools are only loose wrappers around the ChatGPT API and barely provide any functionality on top of it


Everyone wants to learn AI!! What happened to blockchain !


How long it will take to see blockchain.ai xD


It's existed for a few years; https://fetch.ai/ Fetch is the biggest player


Stop trying to make fetch happen.


You can make more money with AI. Follow the money.


though to be fair, AI has a tonne more general utility


At least AI is an actual thing worth doing.


My workplace made an *"AI"* to automatically categorize some of the data we collect. I asked the team working on it what was it that made it an AI and all they could say is that it's because it *"guesses"* stuff so the users do not have to. Basically, it just seems to be a block of code with a lot of `if / else`, which is kinda ridiculous.


AI is the buzzword to sell more tech. Same way the metaverse and crypto are used to sell the same concept. Invest in more tech.


Ain't nobody buying metaverse hype not even Zuck


It's the same thing that happened with cloud computing. Cloud computing is supposed to be about provisioning and managing dynamic virtual resources instead of dedicated hardware, but when it was a buzz word it was being used to describe anything that stored things over the internet which is just a normal website... AI as a vague term could technically refer to literally any autonomous algorithm, which is basically just everything that runs on a computer.


"I swear this said it worked on blockchain technology before?"


"Never miss a trend"


"AI" is and has always been a catch-all to refer to the unknown but "possible" reach of computing. So chatGPT ultimate use case for "AI" because even the people who built it can't tell you in a deterministic way what it will output. But yea the phenomenon you're talking about is "machine learning" - AI just steamrolled that in the popular lexicon.


to sell products to old people running companies who get hard just by hearing nice words like IA, deep learning, and so.


Got to get on board the ~~blockchain~~ ~~metaverse~~ ~~algorithm~~ ~~app~~ ~~short video~~ ~~cloud~~ ~~5G~~ AI hype train


I’ve got some clouds to sell you. Buzzword bingo is how tech has always worked. We got a decade out of cloud, then 5 years out of blockchain, now it’s AI. Most companies are just scams/vaporware looking to make a buck with no viable product. You make a shitty system then include the minimal thing so marketing can slap a bunch of lies on. Welcome to business.


Is it artificial? Does it have intelligence? Then it's AI.


I have a name that can be shortened to Al (with an L) and plenty of people call me Al but every time I see AI in the news I panic.


Is that you, Al Capone?


My CTO's name is Al and it gets a bit confusing sometimes being on the AI team.


Because, if you’ll be my bodyguard, then I can be your long lost pal. I can call you Betty, and Betty, when you call me, you can call me Al.


ChatGPT\_4 answer: It's definitely true that the term "AI" has become somewhat of a buzzword in recent years, and there is a tendency for companies to label their products and services as AI-driven, even if they're not necessarily utilizing advanced AI techniques. This is likely because AI has generated a lot of excitement and interest, and companies want to capitalize on the hype. As for determining if a program is actually AI or not, it depends on the specific capabilities of the system in question. Generally, artificial intelligence refers to machines or programs that can perform tasks that would typically require human-like intelligence, such as learning, reasoning, problem-solving, and understanding natural language. If a system is utilizing advanced algorithms, machine learning, or other similar techniques to achieve its goals, it could be considered AI. However, it's important to keep in mind that not all AI is created equal. There's a wide range of AI applications, from simple rule-based systems to complex neural networks. So, while a program that can perform simple tasks like converting file formats or performing basic arithmetic might not be considered "true AI," it could still be a part of the broader AI landscape. Ultimately, it's crucial to evaluate each product or service on a case-by-case basis and consider the underlying technology and capabilities to determine if it truly incorporates AI.


I came to the comments to look for basically this exact answer since it seems like OP genuinely doesn't know what AI is. Even better that it came from ChatGPT 😂


Nobody actually knows what AI is at all. This happens with every tech bubble. Buzzword comes out, people milk it until it realizes it's value or becomes useless.


If you have an algorithm that uses some sort of ML and/or neural network, it’s an AI as far as I understand it. So yeah if you use an NN to dads 2+2, I’d call it AI. Kind of over engineering a bit though… But if it’s not actually using AI methods, then yeah, it’s just buzzwords


Welcome to web 3.0 😂


Nah... why don't just tell the peoole we just had a break through and invented web 7.2? All the oldschool web 3.0 and industry 4.0 users are outdated. The future is here with renewable active blockchain eco AI smart ass Apps


Coming soon: The AIPhone


Because what people are saying here. Told one of my clients "I'm thinking of starting X business because it's incredibly overpriced the format they respond in is completely 1990s and they charge exorbitant amounts of money for quite literally copy and pasting stuff from a database and and multiplying it in a spreadsheet. Like I could build a business that does that and charge 98% less to you (literally 98% less was the number I came up with after saying to make 500% profit per transaction after time put in to create and have all the things necessary to run it, after 3 transactions id be in the green, and the client I consult for literally does about 30 a month). They were like meh to the idea..... The moment I said "ya and we can do 5 free edits per transaction included, using AI" they immediately were interested.... The buzzword alone grabs attention and it's silly....


_AI_ is the new _Smart_. _Smart_ was the new _Turbo_. _Turbo_ was the new _e-_.


You forgot apps, that were called programs in the past.


it's about [a stage 4 on the hype scale](https://johannesklingebiel.de/2022/01/12/hype-as-a-scale.html)


Same reason programs became apps.


Because you can do some pretty impressive stuff with generative machine learning models, and turn very labour intensive tasks that are hard to automate with conventional code fully or semi-automated. Is all of it AI? Most of it. Does all of it *need* to be AI? Likely not. Can you charge double for any kind of consulting services by just adding the word "AI" somewhere in a title/project name/service? Yes. Is this gonna be the final wave of AI-craze where it actually goes to the moon and we are all replaced? No, AI are still blind, dumb, lying children. They have just gotten really good at making fridge-art and ramble like 5 year olds now.


Because now it's a no go on adding -coin and ML is kind of not a good one (ambiguous even if it was a way of avoiding AI), so marketing/sales departments had to find a new gimmick to name things. To the question "what is AI?", I usually try to explain the "I" because "A" just means handmade, made by people, not grown organically etc. So, what's intelligence? Intelligence is the ability to use past knowledge and experience **in a new way** to solve a problem or answer a question. That part "in a new way" is what makes some chess algorithm that is never changing not AI even if powerfull enough and with enough heuristics to beat anyone. Neural networks may be on their way to jumping that dividing line, but for now it's safe to say ML (machine learning) is more accurate description.


Because it's the buzzword of the day.


Back in my day (like 2 years ago) everything was an algorithm... Same shit same show new name


A few years before that everything was a blockchain indie startup, I hated that time.


hang on let me sell you some blockchain ROI increaser thingies with AI


Because almost everything is done with a trained neural network behind it.


I swear I just need to create some “cloud crypto AI” project and I’d be taking in the money!


Back in the day we had the same phenomenon when marketing put 'e' in front of every new product.


Some years ago I was introduced to MySQL server and I saw AI there but that meant Auto Increment. They should call it as "MySQL server powered by AI"


AI is a grab bag of approaches, none of which is intelligent or even vaguely close. But like everything words are devalued due to marketing and money. Would you rather be an software developer or AI researcher :)


There is no "A.I." in todays world, not yet at least. The way I see it, no super computer or most powerful computer on this planet could run an actual A.I. A true A.I. is "Artifical Intelligence", what does that mean? It means it is capable of thinking, problem solving, taking in the live actions that are happening around it and capable of thinking for itself, self aware if you will. Much like a human, we process things around us all the time, there is no one telling us what or how to think of what is happening around us, we are not pre-programmed if you will. Until a computer can do all of that on it's own without the need to be programmed to do it, there is no A.I. The brain is much, MUCH more powerful than any computer we can even think of in todays era. In my personal opinion, it would be impossible to even begin to create a true A.I. without the full use of a fully operational Quantum Computer, which go figure, they also exaggerate, regardless of what you see/read, today as I type this, we DO NOT have an fully operational Quantum Computer, so A.I. in my opinion, is impossible. If you took every super computer made on Earth, you still wouldn't have the computing power to even start an A.I. up, let alone run one.


Remember when everything was blovkchain ?




Heyy fellow developers, excited to share that I am building this [discord community](https://discord.gg/AbERSJzwms) to explore more on ways to monetize our chatbots, please join us to share your perspectives on this, Would love hear from you all.


It's basically the same as the dot com bubble.


Omg yes! They gonna call a calculator an AI soon


AI got you curious? Unlock the secrets & fun! Visit Onlyfortechenthusiasts for your intro to AI.


I think everything could be AI, especially love




Bot account shilling "MyPerfectPaper.net" - for example, [on this post here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AboutWriting/comments/17kjjyp/comment/l3jn007/)


Ironically, human stupidity is preventing AI from finishing the job Hopefully more later 


My fridge is a superhuman AI for keeping things cold.


I think it's reasonable to say that AI is a spectrum of things. Just like you have some people that are incredibly smart and creative, you also have people that are single-task focused. An example of AI that is easy to consider is a an anti-aircraft missile. It has to make simple decisions like "do I follow the bigger heat signature or do I follow the one that was most like the one I was originally following?" It's a simple question, but could have a multitude of answers.


Makes rich people wet.


Just SEO tricks, you call it AI, journalists start writing about your product/service. No double-checking of course


It gets even more specific than that. Alexa now claims to be a large language model, but if so, it’s the crappiest one I’ve encountered yet. It still sucks at very simple questions that text- based large language models like ChatGPT handle easily. When is Gentleman in Moscow set? ChatGPT. "A Gentleman in Moscow" is set in the year 1922, when the main character, Count Alexander Rostov, is sentenced to house arrest in the Metropol Hotel in Moscow by a Bolshevik tribunal. Alexa. “A Gentleman in Moscow premiered in March 2024.” I know this stuff will eventually get rolled out and will actually be useful so I’m looking forward to it. In the meantime, the labels will get updated long before the mechanisms do. Marketing. That’s it.


Nooo it's all AI....noooo


I remember calling the computer-controlled enemies "AI" on the first Playstation. Before Playstation/N64, we called it "the computer." Now, it's, I dunno, NPC? Probably still called AI.


Just like any rational logical project management thinking is called Lean Six Sigma. I was doing that in my first job at 22.


It’s really sad but true. Buzz words like AI are more likely to grant big money or make money. It’s really just a scam. Nobody knows what AI is actually and a lot of people don’t even understand what it does or is good for. Most just watch a sci-fi show and think it’s that or go by what someone else told them. LOL! It’s like adding turbo to the name of a car back in the 80’s.


Hmm, I use speech to text a lot and I have a clear and precise speech pattern but if AI is controlling the dialog it has no idea of the variety of human emotions and mannerisms. It says what is commonly used but not what the user really said. I wanted to buy some tangelos and wrote a text and sent without looking. It said "do you have a change of clothes" so I had to do some quick back tracking so I didn't sound like a pervert. All the time AI helps out my day by changing what I say to ridiculous and sometime funny words or expressions. But it shouldn't be controlling shit. It just double spaced this line when I hit enter??? Remember the driverless car that ran under a semi trailer?


Cuz it became a buzzword. Cuz alot of people don't actually realize that AI has been around for a long time


I've seen "AI rice" slapped on a rice cooker. I've seen everything


bubble soon, true value coming along slower though. focus on value.


It all goes back to The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Charlatans dupe people by making stuff up. We need to call them out on their nonsense.


Hey ! We're building a selective AI community packed with hand-picked jobs, tutorials, and career guidance from industry leaders. Want to be part of this exclusive group? Join the community here : [https://discord.gg/2NQ2FPCD](https://discord.gg/2NQ2FPCD)


AI is just rebranded algorithms to bring in investor money.


For the same reason that every product had "digital" in it's name in the 1980s, or companies added ".com" to their name in the 1990s. It's the new trendy thing. Yes, some of it is real, but some of it is hype. Where is the line between the two? Nobody knows.


Lazy Journalism....