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y'know what crazy? that this isnt mark as "mature", webtoon content rating confuse me with its inconsistency sometime


It desperately needs a mature marker especially given what happens later in the novel, I don't know if the webtoon will take a similar approach but I can assume it will since it's an adaptation.


It has trigger warnings on the synopsis and episodes for the heavy themes it contains though. And the title is pretty self-explanatory. I can't imagine a fluffly cottagecore having this title. Nowadays 'mature tags' also get ignored so I don't know how that will change anything (but if that is really all that was gonna help you guys in some way, it probably needs one.) Imo, "viewer discretion is advised" in the synopsis is a mature marker actually. (If you don't know what that means, go look it up.) EDIT: Honestly, at the end of the day, misjudging a story is never an excuse to go rampage about it, like the OP. The creators are already getting enough unwarranted heat (because of a platform that's poorly designed) and these reactions just add insult to injury. (It's not fair for the creators to receive so much flak when it's the hosting platform (webtoon) that's poorly designed and can't settle on a consistent approach when it comes to hosting mature comics.)


that's just a TW for child abuse not for domestic violence and SA. The title can mean a variety of things.


I mean, no matter how you spin it a title like "Cry, or better yet beg" does not entail anything "good" or "happy", knowing how some webtoons are when it comes to toxic couples potrayed in a good light, even if the title hinted at sexual content, I would've highly doubt it would be a healthy potrayal of bsdm or something I might know the story before getting into it, but even I paused longer than 10 seconds when I saw the title for the first time, like that name is the best warning that could exist (I even showed it to a friend and they (plus me) were dying for a solid 5 mins at the title) Anyway, despite me not agreeing with you on the title front, I do agree it is odd that they'd not label or really, even took and posted it on their site. When I saw this, I never thought I'd actually see it on webtoons but here we are ig


Some webtoons feature dark topics but with an optimistic nature that leads to wholesome outcomes, like Watermelon. IMO the combo of the title, cute art style and smiling girl in a sunny forest gives off “wholesome comic with some dark undertones” not “brutal dark romance”. People don’t usually judge the story by the title alone.


Indeed, I think it's absurd to think the title alone would imply the whole story should be obvious in its nature. It could mean a myriad of things, and even if it were obvious, an official content warning is still necessary. There's no reason for webtoon to be that inconsistent with it content warning protocols.


Put two and two together it's definitely not sunshine and rainbows.


Please spoil it for me, I don’t wanna read it😀🥹


The duke became very interested, more like obsessed, with the fl, sabotage her engagement with her childhood friend, blackmails her, makes her his mistress, SA, even confined her when he found out she was pregnant (they were in warzone and he was a general if I remember) but they end up together and the duke protects his wife against society as she's a commoner not just that but their gardener's adoptive daughter.. I actually like the fl because initially, she's just minding her own business, she had a dream and just wanted to live in peace with her adoptive father.


Wait so is the duke an ass then. He’s also the general. Ruins her life, and please don’t tell me they end up together? Last question what happened to the first love interest


They did end up together lol. The first love which was the childhood friend, to be honest their engagement was a bit forced on the end of the FL because she just see this guy as a best friend but he was in love with her eversince they're kids. Something happened that caused their engagement to be broken, a lot of blackmails, and this guy even found out the love of his life became the duke's mistress and found them having yknow. At the end, he just accepted that they're not meant to be and become a doctor, move somewhere else


So she fell for this really messed up duke, sounds like cheese in the trap, but I could get passed cheese in the trap because although ML was messed up he wasn’t that messed up just thought differently.😅 have you read it highly recommended


I bought every chapter in yonder(novel) lol, never again. I suggest just read this webtoon. https://preview.redd.it/277fni7u477d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cc0077c58862567c1c6bd926c2ea199fc4c40ee


I’ll try it I have not heard about this one yet!


This is from the same artist that illustrated cry or better yet beg but this have a light story. Some wants angst, probably why they like cry or better yet beg


If I have not read either of those should I read those first?


Hey thanks!! Finding toons I like can be dificlut…


abusive relationship where the girl gets stockholm syndrume.


This webtoon is probably gonna be discontinued because the amount of hate its getting. The artist is definitely not going to finish it. I sure as heck wouldn't. I finished the novel and in a strange way it was a good story and still haunts and resonates with me. The characters all go through maturity but the comic will never get to that point.


How and where can I read this novel


I think you can on the yonder app. It’s not available in my country but that’s what I’ve seen other people say. And stay away from fan translations


I read it here. These are the best translations I've seen. https://www.wattpad.com/story/356897703-cry-even-better-if-you-beg


The artist draw really well..I am not sure if she do this by choice or the company made her do it. I just hope she get a better material next time and not such a controversial piece.


I agree. Her art is beautiful so its really unfortunate


Yeah, after I realized what this comic was going to be and stopped reading it, I went and read the artist's other comic Mystical, and it was very sweet and beautiful. For anyone who wants to see more of their art I recommend it.


I really enjoyed it. It’s HEAVY angst, and you’re supposed to absolutely hate the male lead, that’s effectively the point. I hope they continue it. 


They won't continue. Unfortunately the Korean artist has received death threats on the Korean end of the site so she's probably shooken up.


That’s crazy. Who sends death threats to an artist or author? That’s the most unhinged thing I have ever heard. 


That breaks my heart because I absolutely adore this artist’s style and attention to detail. I think her work is stunning 💔


They definitely did not market it well enough I read a bit of it and then saw comments spoiling the ending and was shocked. I would have still followed the webtoon but nothing was preparing me for the heaviness of the story, which is the problem. I love angsty dark stuff, but I want to know that's what I'm getting myself into before it starts! I decided to skip as well because i cannot see a webtoon handling the growth arc well enough. I'll just read the wattpad tl


All I will say is reading the spoilers vs reading the story is a very different experience. Yes the ML is a villain. The FL is extremely complex and very interesting.


Yeah i heard this ^ and ppl said the novel was haunting but worth reading. But webtoon is now full of social warrior wannabes who now expect everything to be spoiler warned. Ur right, there's so much hate itll never be finished. ALSO, RANT: I don't care if its really dark, some stories ARE really dark but honestly i was not enjoying it BECAUSE of the hate every other comment was preachy.. And ppl don't realise that some movies or books are sold/marketed to the audience in light A when its about B. But they dont seem to understand the concept. Like maybe dont be someone who romanticises bird shooters.. because OBVIOUSLY, DUH. Like u can read a story about a villain without commenting 10000 times "there should be warnings what if kids n readers become villains? Wow this story is supporting or promoting an unhealthy lifestyle". The same way people can read this story without constantly thinking "omg this is gonna influence ppl to fall for bad guys if we dont PUT UP ALL THE WARNINGS AND TRIGGERS AND MENTION THEM AS SPOILERS" I may sound a bit dramatic but honestly, the comments are just as dramatic.


Personally, people do deserve the tags especially a place like webtoon where the general audience that's gonna end up reading "Cry or better yet beg" is clearly not the target audience. The title is a massive flag but people have different boundaries, and this comic has a lot of topics that could not fit certain boundaries I do agree tho on the comments side, but tbh really most webtoon comments are rather repetitive and dumb, they really like bandwagons in there


Yeah i mean honestly all i can think of is maybe they start putting "16+" or "pg 13" tags to help people tell what kinds signs to watch out for. Personally, i would rather have the options for triggers and warning context (like what tags it could contain) as an OPTION because otherwise it could be a spoiler for me (kinda like how when ur watching Netflix the trigger tags are just mentioned up above n u cant realllly ignore them. The amount of times those have RUINED episodes for me... Gosh. Like it would be nice to have the warnings optional if you're above a certain age Or idk webtoon could start having age restrictions on it. Not 18+? Cant access the webtoon.


how exactly do the trigger warnings on Netflix spoil an ep? in my experience they're usually really vague and you have no idea how those things will be presented or why leaving most of the plot still up in the air.


I really enjoyed it. I’m annoyed with all the backlash against the artist, it makes no sense at all. People don’t understand that some stories are meant to make you abhor characters and feel bad. That’s the point. It’s angst.


I actually feel like it's needed on an app like Webtoons that actively advertises itself to kids/tries to have a more general audience. Yes there is an argument some responsibility lies on the parent, but imagine if an ordinary comic book/book store that is for kids/teens/adults alike just has doujin in its front window. If they were in the back or in a section you had to ask the employee to ask, and that's fine, if the kid chooses to bypass that it's on them and their parents, but putting content right in front of them that has the potential to harm them is quite irresponsible. Labeling all of the comic's detractors as snowflakes is quite reductionist and immature. There is a lot to take issue with the comic, especially given that in the end the MC marries and says she loved her rapist the entire time. This isn't a story that has anything meaningful to say, it's meant to fulfill some really weird and dark fantasies. People are going to express their displeasure and discomfort with it, especially when it's presented in front of a general audience it is clearly not intended for. I also feel like your point about trigger warnings is weird,I do agree that trigger warnings aren't needed for every little bad thing, but sexual assault and domestic abuse are literally some of the most traumatic things someone can experience. These tags aren't about "little kids becoming villains" it's about giving people with trauma the choice to interact with the content or not and allowing them to engage in media without unnecessary pain. They cannot make that choice based off a title alone, so a warning is best. Keep in mind I do not think the author or artist is responsible and the people harassing them are simply awful. I think this is the responsibility of webtoons, they're the ones who choose to adapt the story and refrain from taking proper care when presenting it. They need to take more responsibility stop doing things for the shock factor and be more clear about their guidelines. A lot of what is presented in this webcomic would've gotten others struck down. While I can understand the frustration that comes from the idea of restricting artists and preventing them from writing the stories they want however we cannot pretend media exists in a vacuum and can do no harm. Entire dictatorships are sustained based on what media the citizens are forced to consume. An artist should be able to write what they want, but care needs to be taken into how it's written and presented.


Yeah I get that. Kids will always find a way around things if they want to (online or offline) its definitely easier on online platforms but it is what it is. I think it would be good to put warnings on the info page, perhaps an age sticker on the illustrated banner. Maybe an age restricted function built in the app. (Not over 18? Cant even access or find out there's a new webtoon up) But that's all we can do really. Well, not even "we" but, webtoon should do that. I just dont want them to remove content on the whole cuz adults and kids are sharing a story based platform (which is the root problem i guess). Like i cant live in a world where everything is PG13. Idk. That's all i can think of for a solution


Nah rant's fine, & I agree. People have forgotten not everything has to be for you. Dark stories have always existed, and some of our most famous and influential movies and books are messed up. It's perfectly fine for media to exist that you hate. You can change the channel, station, story, whatever.


I agree. It’s annoying when you enjoy a darker story and the comments end up influencing the author, causing them to change it to be more lighthearted instead. I want the angst/ drama/ horror. I went in expecting a yandere and if it’s not your cup of tea, don’t read it but then because of the comments they change the dynamic to be more healthy. Don’t get me wrong, I love green flags and healthy relationships in my fiction but I also love the dark stuff just as much. Especially with red/black flag yandere types. It’s already rare enough to have a hetero relationship with a male yandere, I love the yaoi ones as well and they are much more frequent in the BL stories which is great, but it’s disappointing finding a story that’s enjoyable and because of comments getting upset about the ML being a red flag, now they changed it up. I don’t understand people who read stuff they don’t like and then complain about it. If you prefer green flags, there are so many to choose from, you don’t have to harass the creator to change their story because you don’t like the type of character they are. It’s fiction


This sub praised Uriah, which is borderline gay sh0ta t0rture p0rn, yet this post hating on this story gets almost a 1k likes.


It's only bad when it's romance, apparently.


It's only bad when it involves a straight white/pale asian man. People can separate reality when it's horror, but can't when it's labeled young adult drama. I saw a comment saying they read the whole novel and spent $120+ on it and they still left hate comments. Another person said this story is worse than other things they read with rape and torture. They can't admit they enjoy it, so they have to leave hate to convince themselves and convince others they're not a bad person for spending precious time and money on the story. They also think women are so stupid they can't read a drama about a messed up straight male lead without a hundred trigger warnings because they might like toxic men irl. And if you tell those hate comments to stop reading, they down vote you because those miserable hags can't stop "hate" reading and virtue signaling how much they hate toxic straight men, but will continue to spend valuable time and money on stories about said toxic straight men. It's the same with Lore Olympus; they wouldn't spend so much time talking about it if they didn't like it, because the opposite of love isn't hate; it's indifference. All the women who continue to read it no matter how much they say they hate the male lead actually love stories about toxic straight white/pale asian men, but they have to say they hate it to make it ok for them to openly enjoy it.


Lol, you took most of the words out of my mouth. When I don't like something or get squicked out by it, I stop reading. Or I check reviews to see whether it will get better and then decide if I want to proceed or now. I don't finish it. Idk why you would finish something that's apparently so toxic and gross? I also saw a comment that was like, "Well people can replicate toxic romance standards unlike horror." And it's like???? Y'all do know murderers exist, right? lol. It's literally hayes code all over again. Only men are smart enough to separate fiction from reality. Women are too stupid. (Notice how they only come for stuff where the main audience is women). I really do think it's either people that are ashamed of liking it, people that get off on being morally superior, or people that literally do not read any other type of fiction besides manga/manwha so they have no idea how common heavy topics/"problematic" books are. There was a thread a couple days ago where people said that they drop webtoons if they find out that it doesn't have a happy ending. Like what 😭


"I really do think it's either people that are ashamed of liking it, people that get off on being morally superior, or people that literally do not read any other type of fiction" This is so true. If you read the latest episode of Suitor Armor (a series also heavily praised by this sub) you will see comments about how much sexual tension there is when the murderous villain is on screen with the heroine; he's the only one that flirts with her and gets intense private moments with her. He talks about wanting her to be queen so some of these people think he wants to make her his wife (oh no, the most masculine character in the story wants to marry the main character, what will Lucia dooooo) Replies in the top comment of episode 125 https://preview.redd.it/40vwngesi88d1.jpeg?width=1349&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=655b64ea3fae9d6e8b070930a78403e450698630 It's so obvious he's the author's favorite, but she can't be honest about that without getting accused of glorifying abuse. So we have to pretend the childish suit of armor and the basic looking manlet are the true love interests. Meanwhile, Cry or Better Yet Beg gets accused of glorifying abuse because it's more honest about who the true love interest is. At least the ML isn't a racist that murders nobles and enslaves peasants.


It's only bad when the creator assumes the audience has reading comprehension to know that a character being evil doesn't mean the author feels that way in real life. You have to constantly shout "VILLIAN BAD" at all times so you won't be cancelled for pesky subtext. Wouldn't want them to have to think for themselves instead of being told how to feel. ✊️😔


More comments expressing how much they love the villain in Suitor Armor and recognizing his sexual interest in the FL. Somehow that's ok, but it's not ok for this story. https://preview.redd.it/k0qf0i2ym88d1.jpeg?width=1435&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e680b2864914b859129646c09c573e4b1ff8a96


Yea I can understand how that might affect you personally, but honestly it’s very important to put certain warnings or tags when it comes to topics or stories with things involved with heavy themes surrounding dark romance, like most people use “deaddove” yes the title is just a LITTLE suggestive, but it could definitely be brushed over by someone who’s not analyzing it, and more-so looking at the cover art and description. Misleading anyone. It’s true people like what they like, but you can’t just be lackluster with these kind of topics/stories, it really just doesn’t sit well to not give a proper warning, especially if it’s not something that’s more on the light-hearted side of dark romance. Authors are allowed to write what they want, but boundaries need to be established/respected so their target audience can enjoy what they’re making. and there probably wouldn’t be so much hate. (and for those who continue to read it after seeing the story for what it really is yet don’t like it- that’s on them. 😭)


Tags are fine and no one's said otherwise, but as someone who used to run a re-upload channel for a paranormal youtuber, I can promise you they don't matter. People don't read the description. Even when the title started with the YT-er name and Reupload, it never stopped people telling me what to fix and do better for the next vid. Drove me so nuts I deleted everything. People just don't read, and because they didn't, they'll start harassing people because of their own laziness/negligence. People really need to learn to just close the webpage/app once they realize they aren't the target audience vs harassing people because it wasn't made with their tastes in mind. And there are a LOT of people with Main Character Syndrome who think everything should reflect what they like.


Too bad i see people saying that it's glorifying abuse. Literally, anything that makes people that lack in media literacy uncomfortable will get a "it's glorifying abusee" ._.


I hear that a lot too but tbh I think the novel depicts the abuse as reality during those times. Cause unfortunately that's what happened to those women who had no status, no family name behind them, and were impoverished.


I started reading it when it came out due to the pretty art but quickly dropped it when people in the comments warned about s*xual assault, forced abortion etc etc.


Yeah I read the warning posts about it


Forced. Abortion. What the fuck?!?


>!*Threat to kill the baby and calling them a living pest whom he would have to share the FL with and still dgaf about them even after they happily marry at the ending.*!< Yes. That's him. The ML everyone.


There is no forced abortion. ML is actually happy when FL gets pregnant because now she is further tied to him.


If I recall correctly >!it was in a life threatening situation similar to betrayal of dignity!<


Agreed, and she wasn't forced to abort but rather more like ML values the health of the FL over the potential child.


He does at first but not later he wanted the baby to die.


There’s no forced abortion. Yet.


Forced abortion? D:


It was not forced abortion but he was inclined in losing the baby for the sake of keeping her alive. She was delirious in that situation but she wanted to have the baby.


I wasn't sure about the last two details but same I dropped it cz I could feel it was coming


It's unfortunate Van Ji picked this up, I loved Winter Woods so much (another webtoon they illustrated) and I thought this was going to be another banger. I know they're probably just a contracted artist and they need to make money somehow but I didn't think they'd adapt this kind of story. Such a waste of beautiful art style.


Their other comic, Mystical, was absolutely beautiful and very sweet too.


It's beautiful but kind of feels like a really simplified version of Winter Woods, the plot I mean. But yeah it was a beautiful read.


I dont really see how that is relevant or a shame. Van Ji is an incredible artist. Times are what they are. Maybe van ji was paid a lot (i hope) Its not a waste at all. Stories are just stories and experiences shared. People can take it a hundred different ways. Heart breaking/ unfair/ tragic stories have always been told through all of time. Dont romanticise it, sure. That's up to the readers, no matter how the writer writes a story. Van ji is still awesome.


I read all of Winter Woods years ago and I absolutely loved that story. The art and story arcs were so beautiful and interesting, I couldn't put it down!


So true like winter woods was my first completed webtoon that I patiently binged everyday using fast pass and it is such an emotion to me but yeah makes me sad that this is also Van ji's story.


What happened to the ww epilogue??


I'm genuinely disturbed by anyone who doesn't see anything wrong with the main pairing. Especially the people who try to defend the ML's actions. It's so weird. I should've dropped it the moment they revealed that 6 year age gap. I just couldn't read any more after the FL nearly drowned due to something the ML did, and then he gaslit HER into apologizing for the incident?? If I could go back to the time where I never knew this abomination existed, I'd do so in a heartbeat.


liking the novel doesn't mean you like the pairing or condone toxic relationships. do you think anyone who enjoyed crime and punishment doesn't see anything wrong with killing old women too? people really need to start actually reading more instead of consuming media.


Reread my comment. I never said that. If you enjoy indulging in messed up shit like this, be my guest. I have a problem with all the people who genuinely don't see anything *wrong* with this dynamic and try to defend it. If you're going to like something fucked up, don't try to romantize it and act like it isn't harmful.


bro I lit picked it up thinking the exact same thing (Cute cottage core vibes) and then I read the comments in chapter 1 and immediately dropped it


This was traumatising. Not romantic. They should remove the romance tags 😭


Exactly, this shit was psychological horror. I even enjoyed reading Lady Devil more than I enjoyed reading this. I think I'd give it more props if it was physiological horror, because it's doing a very good job.


I started lady devil thinking it was a cute rofan. I did not find any cute elements there 😔


Oh im sorry you had to find out that way. But yeah lady Devil isn't for everyone. I don't know how I read it myself.


Oh im sorry you had to find out that way. But yeah lady Devil isn't for everyone. I don't know how I read it myself.


I have read Just a bunch of episodes up until I got where we were heading to and then I HAD to stop because I cannot read these kind of stories, but I really liked the second lead. Probably he will not serve any purpose whatsoever 😞 The art Is really GORGEOUS, I'm truly sad the artist Is getting all the shitstorm. She is Just working under wt on something She didn't even write


Look there's even darker stories than this and it's okay if u write dark stories. But tag it the right way. Why tag it as "Romance" in a platform where most of the viewers are underage females? What type of idea are u spreading with this? And I felt everything Layla felt firsthand and that's why it hurt a lot when she got hurt or got mistreated. And the Stockholm syndrome ending made it even worse, if that was possible... Edit: And it's not like webtoon doesn't have a smut platform. They could've posted this on webtoon xyz


I don't think webtoon has 'tags'? This comic is listed in the drama category (which encompasses a lot of subjects) Also webtoon doesn't have a separate mature platform. I just checked webtoon xyz but I think that's an illegal platform run by fans lol


Yes that's the problem, there's no "dark romance" "category" in Webtoon and I don't think "drama" is the right category either... Btw I didn't know it was fan run lol


Ahh haha, I see your point. I think adding a category like that might be problem-solving but considering webtoon has a design accessible for all ages, I don't think it's a good idea from the general perspective haha. Also 'dark romance' is a subgenre so it's usually not included in the list of categories/genres ... For now, I think we should be mindful of all the implications like trigger warnings, synopsis and mature warnings (be responsible for ourselves.)


Trigger warning? As in "child abuse?" Now as u say it that reminds me ANOTHER reason someone shouldn't read this toon. Layla is considered "CHILD" throughout the whole novel even when she's 18. As if the power dynamic wasn't enough adding up to 6 yrs age gap. Everyone around her has to consider her as a "CHILD." Thank god there's a trigger warning about "CHILD ABUSE" staring an adult FL. How glad I am! Well at least they gave that one warning that takes up the 1st 5 chaps. Let's not address all the other trigger warnings there should be placed ig. We're all good!!


I'm pretty sure she passed the age of 18 in the novel, and eventually she lands a job trying to work for college, so the child abuse mostly pertains to her childhood It is concerning that they wouldn't tag this properly, I mostly read it bc it's a good psychological read, it reads as a thriller with the amount of "normal" moments that feel uncomfortable just bc Matthias is involved, not necessarily the type general audience would like nor the type of stuff webtoon readers want so it is odd they'd chose to feature this


Exactly what I'm saying!!! It's going to get attention somewhere else but not in Webtoon. Also if they want to make it work use all the warnings, not just one!!! https://preview.redd.it/2dycpy0hh47d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=736c43d76063c025a2bf8f72e43ce5d9b8bd42cd


The last time substance abuse was mentioned was literally in the opening, I've read quite a long way into the novel, literally only light drinking sometimes but not full blown drinking like what happened to Layla's bio dad I was gonna say they were waiting until they got there but considering there's no warning for animals' deaths and blood, yeah I doubt they're gonna update that


Personally I consider the title sufficient warning.


I haven't read this, but your comment about loving cottage core made me want to ask if you've read "Fallen To Paradise" on Webtoon - I think you'd love it.


Thanks for the recomendation I'm gonna check out


No problem! I'd love to hear your thoughts on it!


Loving the art (and this artist previous works i.e mystic, winter woods) and really glad webtoon is bringing in more mature titles. Wish manta could get a hold of this one if anything. Webtoon has a more childish audience or I’d say childish titles so I think it’s too big of a jump for some.


Totally, it's a really good novel like the writing is amazing, you really feel for all the characters especially Layla and Kyle. Matthias has the most uncomfy scenes that would anyone angry crying but he also has an interesting psychology being set up. The story is very mature, depressing and I've yet to enter truly bad territory that everyone's been warned about nevertheless it's kinda sad people are dogpiling on it, saying it's terrible, it doesn't deserve the spotlight bc of its very mature and depressing themes, it's genuinely good but it's hard to see when you got bamboozled by the very sweet art style and lovely opening (tho yeah the title is hard neon brick wall that's really not easy to miss) Nevertheless the backlash is understandable and inevitable. It's definitely not something to be put on the lime light with a general audience, especially not on webtoon of all places


This could work if they change the ending of the comic from the original story which empowers Layla instead of romanticising abuse because while I see people justifying the main pairing I just cannot forget how horrible the guy was




Finding it a little hilarious that people pick this up expecting “cute cottagecore vibes” then get shocked pikachu when things happen considering there’s this in the summary. Fucked up things can’t use cute art style, or you all also get this mad when you saw the twists in say, Doki Doki Literature Club? https://preview.redd.it/tql2uw9st37d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e55ff5a5c6584eca846c57900086be9f2e25b09e


It's literally titled cry or better yet beg and people still get confused... Like the comic doesn't try to hide what it is. The art isn't even cartoony or anything, just the korean semi realism. So I guess it's one of the cases when Webtoon as a company failed when presenting the story on site, not giving proper age restrictions etc. But ngl I'm a little tired of having the same post about this story every month or so XD


I feel like some people didn't read or see the title (the title font is so white, it seems like a problem) bc damn, the title is literally "Cry, or Better yet Beg" in what sense is that cottage core?? I know the opening adopted moments were hella cute but my guy, no way you saw dead birds (in less than 5 chapters) along with the title and thought "living in a cottage with dad, life couldn't be any better!" Tho yeah the story could've been tagged better but considering the amount of people skipping the title, who's reading the summary and tags?? Moral of the story, don't make the title white with a bright background and have tags and warning before the ep starts


After all the complaining and freaking out about this that I see literally every week at this point, I finally looked it up. And it's just wild how so many people think it doesn't have enough tags when it's covered with all the signs??? Are they just seeing the art and assuming its a cute story?? Lol


It’s just a bunch of tweens and teens who are running with the “violent movies and video games = violence” narrative. Albeit, webtoon was an odd choice of platform, I would expect this to be on manta or something similar.


But here's the thing, the summary warns that theres's gonna be child abuse and MC has 18, and she was abused in the previous families before going to live with Bill so you think the warning is about that and Please point to me where in sinopsis is pointed that the Duke will be a f*cking sociopath? Its just says that he is dashing and makes you think It might be an enemies to lovers. And also okay lets suposed the child abuse is towards the MC, the Duke has 24 years If Layla is really a child than is the story of predator and its victim that likes...No... LOVES him.


"Viewer discretion advised" covered all that other things they don't list. You do know that it means if it got too much for you, stop reading, right? I am asking this with zero sarcasm on my part, because, as someone who writes dark romance and someone who lurks in web fiction circle, "viewer discretion advised" is basically "here be dragons". Same with "choose not to warn" for that matter. But that is the conventions when you lurk in dark fiction circles, and I can't say the same for other circles/


Is it targeted at ppl who like noncon stuff? I’ve seen a lot of women on tiktok who like this type of abusive ml


I suppose that is a subsection of the target audience, since it is officially tagged as a dark romance, tho it can be a bit much. I have a high tolerance for this stuff but some of the moments are so; you can literally feel how uncomfortable Layla is, it's so palpable While I do love the writing I was looking for a way that Layla could actually develop feelings for this guy, bc at times it really does feel the author wrote themselves in a corner with how utterly terrified and pissed Layla is when it comes to him


The natural reactions of anger, fear, and anxiety that Layla feels make this “romance” come off more like a horror story or a psychological thriller. Matthias is unironically a sociopath who escalates from killing small animals to torturing women, and he gets away with it because he’s rich and connected and Layla can’t fight back because she’s poor. All I feel is Layla’s anxiety whenever he’s on screen, because I don’t know what fucked up thing he’s going to do next. He’s not even the fun OI yandere type that a trash panda like me enjoys - he’s frighteningly real, like I know guys like this in real life kind of real, and all I want to do is scream for Layla to run away because this kind of romance ends in a murder. The writer is going to have to pull a goddamn miracle to make this romance work.


Totes, I already like reading toxic stories and what-ifs but it's literally too much sometimes, it's like I'm so close to being triggered but I'm not there quite yet it's honestly impressive how real the author made Matthias. He's legitimately scarier than some horror movies, past and present. I'm not sure if he's legitimately broken since birth or broken by his aligned life. The artist and author can write or show that Layla's is blushing but no matter how I look at it, that's just Layla being embarrassed, humiliated, scared and angry.


It’s angst. Do people who like horror movies have a murder kink? No.


I feel like the title is kind of self-explanatory what happy story is going to have crying and begging in it


Ngl with that title I would not assume this is a cute cottagecore story


I am sorry but didnt the title kinda raised the first flag telling you, it wasnt gonna be wholesome?


The artist who’s working on this is actually a wonderful and incredibly talented. I know the content of this story is understandably incredibly awful, but I really hope Van J stops getting so much hate. Like she didn’t write the story y’all, she’s just adapting it… I would recommend you read her other webtoon, Mystified!! It is such a creative story (I think she wrote the story as well!) and of course, GORGEOUS drawing. It’s got its sad/dark parts, but overall it is absolutely hilarious and incredibly wholesome


Yeah, they're really have a talent specially for drawing nature but i guess many people don't know that the comic its just an adaptation of a novel


It should have been done on Manta not webtoon. It’s very dark angst with mature themes. It’s also arguably smut.  I think the main issue is the audience they chose to target. I for one enjoyed the novel and lot, it was well written and it made me angry and feel sympathy for the main character, that’s the point of angst, sweet sorrow. Anyways, webtoon was a poor choice of platform for it. The criticism of this is in that it is not appropriately disclaimed is completely fair, but the people saying it shouldn’t be made at all are preaching the same narrative that would effectively render most video games and movies obsolete.


Who tf sees that title/synopsis and still thinks it's a cute wholesome manwha. Not to mention, it has a warning. Don't blame the manwha, work on picking up context clues lol.


Came in thinking it was just a drama and wouldn’t end in romance. When i found out it was dark romance immediately dropped it. I just wish that was more transparent earlier on


I hate the male main character, but I thought he was suppose to be villain . He is a spoil brat that thinks can get anything he wants included her. I am always wishing the creepy leave the naive girl alone.


I started it but then I dropped it and I can’t remember why


It’s depressing how Layla escapes the abuse as a child just to be trapped in an abusive relationship as an adult. Like, there’s no hope, abuse is inevitable, just have to hope the next abuser will decide to get better over time. It especially smarts because Kyle is RIGHT THERE and we all can tell he could give her the happiness and stability she deserves. Maybe this kind of story could work as a warning about class exploitation or an exploration of the cycle of abuse but it’s not really because the story ends with the psychopath MC falling in real love and they end happily ever after. Which is about as likely to happen as snowball fights in July.


I actually love this series, but I am a huge fan of toxic relationships. Definitely a skip for 90% of people but those who like that stuff will probably enjoy it


I was gonna read it but comments have made me realized that webtoon would gaslight me into killing myself or something.


This had so much potential tbh


Let's ignore the ominous title, or the fact that the comic is listed as a "drama", ~~and not a romance~~. Drama-genre stories don't have to be happy or good. But... In the first three chapters of the comic on Webtoon: 1. We see a bunch of child abuse, to the point where the lead character is almost killed. 2. We have some random rich guy point a gun at the main character (If you are any kind of accustomed to handling a weapon, you should well know that pointing it at someone means you are *prepared to take a life*) 3. Animals are killed and it's clearly shown to be a *bad* thing by the narrative I'm not even far in and I can already tell: This is probably not going to have a happy ending, despite the pretty art. In fact, it seems to already be leaning on the "Aristocrats are evil" trope. Just because a comic and its title looks pretty doesn't mean *anything*, and some readers need to actually try to comprehend what they're reading. edit to add: Oh my *god*, so I don't really browse webtoon's genre pages - I go by what's on individual webtoons. (Because webtoon sucks as a website). I have to eat crow: it is indeed under Romance.


Yea......I suggested you read the novel. You might change your mind on it. Without spoiling the ending isn't depicted as tragic and framed as romantic and the FL loved the abuse all along with all the lovey dovey atmosphere you'd see in a rom com


Okay, so I will concede that the novel is... A different situation from what I've read so far. I must wonder if Yonder knows what the fuck the expectations of the romance genre are. As OP was discussing the *comic*, I still think my initial judgement stands. There are still readers who consume their media without thinking much about it, aside from "this makes me uncomfortable". The comic, as an adaptation, seems to have taken some liberties that weren't present in the novel. This, I would argue, is a good thing. It makes it clear that the artist is being very deliberate. The translated prose of the novel is... Sparse, at best. We get a little dialogue, but are left to fill in a lot of gaps for  a lot of emotions... the reader is extremely distant from Layla, which in other books, would be a death knell for the story. From am editorial perspective, the pacing and transitions for scenes are kind of messy. The author's focus seems to be all over the place, and it leaves the first few chapters feeling heavily disjointed. This reads like a first draft in need of revision. I wonder how much is a fault of the translation versus how much is just the story being like this. (I suspect the story is just Like This.) That all said, I do think while we can discuss the plot and where it's going,  comic feels more aware of what it is, and more intentional in its choices. But OP looking at this comic alone and expecting it to be sweet? Absolutely not. If anything, I cannot help but think of how many books have their endings and themes changed in cinematic adaptations, often changing how one might perceive the story if they're only exposed to the movie. Anyways, sorry for my own musing to be so disjointed; I'm on my phone and typing sucks.


I liked the art sooo much and the relationship between the gardener and her. I also loved her friend, the doctor's son. But as soon as i realised that in the end that walking,talking res flag was going to be the endgame. I dropped it. I like yandere webtoons/manhwas ONLY when the FL is headstrong or into it. But in this caae nope..nope and nope..


Are you a fan of angst and did you read the entire novel? Or did you base your opinion on spoilers?


I loved the webtoon and novel so much that I tried to make a Barbie lookalike of Layla 🤣 i haven’t been able to find a male doll that would look great as the Duke 😩


Never in my life have I despised anyone or anything so much. Ever. I went in knowing it would be bad, but it was so bad it was triggering. I usually don't really react to webtoons that badly, especially since I just sat through all of Wished You Were Dead before it (it deals with a lot of unaliving/SH/PTSD, for a good 30-40 episodes). But holy shit was it baaaad.


I picked it up bc also same lol cottage core so cuuute but then I was reading (it's been a min so memory is a bit hazy) but wasn't the guy older? Like a bit older?? But I don't remember, but I think I quit it bc of the age gap idk


From what I heard, the ml and mc had a HUGE age gap...


Okay so I'm not tripping then But forced abortions wthhh 💀


Not so bad if they were adults, but for how young she was when they met? Yeah, that’s too big an age gap.


She was absolutely terrified of him as a child and barely any direct interaction happened between the two, so no grooming, if that helps (she was still haunted by the sounds of gun shots whenever he came home) Not like it matters much considering what happened or what is gonna happen, but idk maybe it'll help Also his time skipped fiancee is also around Layla's age, a bit older by a year, no foul play happening there besides the unfair existence of arranged marriage in this timeline. Completely professional and loveless, gurl is already checking and expecting him to cheat


6 years to be precise


What about “cry” and “beg” gave you that impression ?


I didn't know what I was getting in to but after reading the first chapter I thought it was a come up story 😭


It's not that bad if they were adults but she was 12 and he was 18 and that's just awkward af


that’s scary tbh


there wasn't romance or grooming involved at that age. that was the age that they first met and he terrified her so much, they never communicated until she was of age. even their first meeting barely involved two words. so i really don't understand why people fixate on the age gap here instead of other more concerning things (huge class difference, noncon, animal murder, etc.).


i think those are all issues to be bothered about, for some though, one may be more personally triggering than others. What time would you say is the moment ML became covetous of FL?


he only started getting interested after she was of age. he wasn't feeling anything towards her when she was a child. that's why these comments in this thread are so weird - they are misleading on purpose.  this series has many problems. there is no need to make up new ones.


I love this one so much. Wish there was more like it


Pornhub has plenty of rape porn for you


c'mon now. however much you hate toxic fiction you know that's not the same thing


Should I watch real life gore because I’m a horror fan? Absolutely mental take


It’s called dark romance which clearly you’ve never read. Don’t shame other peoples likes 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’ve read “dark romance” and I think it’s misogynistic horseshit.


Good for you 😂 some people have different likes and tastes. Doesn’t make it any less than yours.


Because apparently to you drawn anime pictures equals videos of irl people.


I really enjoy this comic. The characters are all really intriguing. I look forward to seeing how everyone develops through the story. I loved the creator’s previous webtoon Mystical. Their art is so gorgeous. You’re not supposed to like the wealthy guy whose land she lives on. She hates him too.


I read the novel this is based off- there is no forced abortion. Idk where anyone got that nonsense from. Does he at some point not want the child because it looks to be literally killing her? Yes. But he never actually forces her to abort it. The ending he turns around and is extremely attentive to her and their child. He even figures out a way to literally marry her which, as with real life back in the day, wasn't very accepted since she wasn't of noble blood. It's actually a really good book. The writing is superb.




it really looks like it have been made for psycho audience that have fetish about abusive male love interest. I tried to read it before i realized that but its just digusting


Do I also have a murder fetish since I throughly enjoy slasher movies? Odd take. The genre is angst and the point is to feel a bunch of emotions while reading it. If it is triggering to you based on personal circumstances I would steer clear of it, as I would suggest one would steer clear of horror movies and violent actions movies if they have other types of trauma respective to those genres.


If the female mc of your slasher want to fuck with the serial killer it will be disturbing too


What a bizarre way to phrase it. I’m assuming based on your mastery of the English language that you are likely a child, you probably shouldn’t be reading this anyways


Yeah stories like that are not for kid but for single 30 years old creepy women so go for it. And your comparison between romance story ( it is what it fucking is ) and slasher shows that you can be adult but as smart and relevant as a kid


Nice misogyny. What's wrong with being a single 30 year old women? Do you think a women's worth is based off of being with a man before she's "old"? Lol If you cannot grasp that liking something in fiction is not the same as liking it in real life, then I'm not sure if that's smart or relevant. Please read other things besides manwha. Most literature covers "problematic" things.


Damn. How bad is it until op wish to be illiterate. The cover looks nice though


i started reading it only because i saw the picture of the ML on pinterest and i thought he was really cute😭so i gave it a try but my god he’s so damn awful of a character


I think the name gives it away. Anything with "cry" and "beg" in the same title is asking for your eyeballs to be tainted.


Me reading spicy mints like it’s gonna be a normal story, but no it’s fucking sad and caused ✨trauma shakes✨ to happen which was… unique


The art of the webtoon is really beautiful, but the story is just the most F-up thing


Literally the name itself is a red flag 🤦🏾‍♀️


The art was good enough for me to read


How did I recognize the same artist of winter woods 😆 their art and stories are usually pretty tame and good even tho they tackle serious themes and are full of drama Also the it’s Rated as Young Adult


For approuving death threat




The dynamic in this series is giving Amon Goeth and Helen Hirsch from Schindler's List...


Lol imma be honest… if I read a title that says “Cry, or Better Yet, Beg” I’m not going to think it’s a wholesome story.🤣 Plus there’s literally warnings in the summary of the story and on the beginning of episodes…


I feel disgusted by both ML and FL. A sexual offender and a ‘naive’ willing victim puh! What a perfect pair indeed I cant seem to like leyla as she disgust me! Yuck. She kept crying begging planning to leave but what?! she did nothing at all! In truth SHE ENJOYED THEIR RENDEZVOUS! disgusting pair.


I am just wondering why fuck up stories like this always has one of the most beautiful art, like why.


I think it might be because uglier ones doesn't get as much attention. They exist but within a niche. So general crowd see those and think it's always like this. Or It would be hard to read it without proper eye candy so they always have to hire best artists for the job XD


It’s like Saló all over again. Why does this horrific situation get such lavish art? Compelling, though


Cottagecore? So they're just slapping core at the end of everything now?


i got the ick from the title, now i know to steer clear...


People that see the title and expected cute fluffy romance story annoys me.


Did you read the novel? 😭 Bruh I paid for the novel in yonder and even if I try to read it with an open mind and put my pov on the duke's, it still ain't it. there are some ig accounts that over analyze the character's action and stuff and even have long ass theories about this like this is a really deep thing, though kudos for them as they have an engagement and stuff( as some were defending Matthias' action lol). The story is just okay, the duke and the fl really do have a spark but the execution of the duke in pursuing the fl was 💀💀💀.The art by Van J was amazing though, just read Van J's other work on webtoon, Mystical, it has a much better story.


I'll let you guys get to the part where the fl becomes a mistress


For yall wondering, they still did end up together and Layla was trying to become a professor.


the age gap bothers me too much, and the fact that she is raped/sexually assaulted by him in the story repeatedly when she’s so young makes my stomach turn. i cant have that be end game. I like “dark romances” but the key here is ROMANCE, not just an ML subjugating a minor FL to get his rocks off and have a sense of control. At least make her a young adult to give her more agency but i guess that’s the point that’s being presented & romanticized/fetishized: her lack of agency or his total dominion over her life. that reads too far into CSA dynamics for me to be comfortable, especially if he doesn’t get his karma in the end…


It's bad. Dropped it the moment i realized the ml is sooo red flag.


I wish he was red flag, that man is a black flag


I really don’t get the appeal of abusive relationships in media, like aren’t I supposed to be rooting for the ml?? Why am I rooting for his death instead. But I guess that just means it’s not for me


ML is pure evil, no character development.


Tragic stories of abuse can exist, but characterizing this as romantic and making it available on an app with tons of kids and teens is not acceptable. I’d never read this, and kids should not be consuming content like this. The author/ artist doesn’t seem to understand that what they have made is a tragedy… not a romance. jFC.


The creators know what they're doing. Imo, it's not fair for the creators to receive so much flak when it's the hosting platform (webtoon) that's poorly designed and can't settle on a consistent approach when it comes to hosting mature comics.