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You should have your party.


I wouldn’t cancel! People get busy. Honestly, what kind of response are you getting and what are you expecting? People get busy with life and work — they may just have it on their calendar and are excited .. they just don’t text or call to tell you that!


It's still four months away... people will get excited. Don't stress!


A cute day on the lake with free food? They’ll be excited when it’s coming up. You’re super far away. Most people can’t even grasp what they’re doing the coming weekend these days.


Do not cancel! This sounds lovely and you honestly sound like such an easy and low maintenance bride. It’s still a long time out to get “hyped” about it. I’m going to my best friends Bach this weekend and most of the can’t wait talk didn’t start until like a month out.


I think you're probably overthinking it. Just because people aren't expressing how excited they are doesn't mean they aren't excited or won't have a good time.


Don’t cancel! It’s 4 months away so just not on the tops of peoples’ lists. What are you expecting them to do/contribute now that they’re not? If it’s just that they aren’t seeming excited then give it time because odds are they aren’t yet excited since it’s a few months away


My bachelorette is a month away and no one has really said anything about mine yet. People get busy, and honestly this may sound harsh, but it's something that I've realized along my wedding planning journey: nobody cares as much about your wedding as you and your fiancé. So of course you are thinking and stressing 4 months out, but they aren't. My best friend had hers and no one really said anything until a few days before and we were all excited and had a great time! It can be easy to get down on yourself during the planning process, I promise you will have a great time and everyone will be so excited and supportive in 4 months! 💕


Don't cancel! Your friends have probably been looking forward to this event for weeks now! Life can get in the way with daily stressors, and I bet having a lake day with girl friends, drinks and food is what they all need! <3


Girl it’s 4 months away, they’ll get excited like the month before. Make sure you get money asap tho bc what happens is that they’ll cancel last minute and you either have to absorb the cost or last minute charge for more, etc.


Future groom here that just got back from his bachelor party yesterday. I actually felt very similar leading up to my weekend and felt like nobody wanted to be there/guilty up until about 10 minutes into everyone being there. At that point everyone was joking around and laughing and I immediately realized how wrong I was in assuming they felt that way. If you go in with a positive mindset I feel like they will all follow.


What kind of response are you expecting from your friends and what kind of response are you getting? I have a close friend who I love to death, but she’s a worrier and a spiraler. If she throws even a small event or party or even like, invites me to dinner, she spends weeks stressing that people are going to have/had a good time. I have to reassure her a lot, which I don’t mind doing because she’s my friend! But there’s really no level of reasonable excitement that people could have because she’s just a worrier like that. I’d bet you’re just putting a lot of pressure on yourself and over-worrying!


Deep breaths! It can be very hard to be the center of attention and ask your friends to do something for you that you haven’t necessarily enjoyed doing for others in the past. Don’t cancel, it such a great unique opportunity to get all your friends together.


You’re just overthinking. It’s way far away - I think you’ll find that people will be much more excited when it’s coming up.


I think it’s unrealistic to expect people to express excitement over someone else’s party for months and months leading up to it. 


If they didn't want to go, they are adults who can decline. I'm not sure how much enthusiasm one can show four months out though.


This sounds like a perfect weekend and I bet your friends and family are excited and so thankful that you were mindful about costs. I don’t think you should cancel at all, they’ll get more excited as it gets closer.


Agree with everyone, you are overthinking it. People will be way more excited as you get closer and you've set it up to be a chill, fun time. Don't cancel it, I think you'd regret it and your guests would be bummed!


I would still do it! My friends haven’t been super hyped about my party but they are all coming. Also, my MOH has been stressed out about other stuff so sometimes planning my party has come second. Anyway all to say I think people always have other stuff going on, I think if you invite them and they show up it will most likely be fun even if people aren’t hyping up the party in advance.


I don’t even know you and I’m excited! This is just too far out for it to feel tangible for people. Absolutely don’t cancel.


Have ur party and if they come they come. You go have fun. This is a day for you to relax and have fun even if only 2 people show up


I agree with the other comments, and I feel like people express “excitement” or get to engage over the upcoming event when there’s tasks to plan for, communication going back and forth, etc. You are graciously making this a very low key and chill, relaxing time which I’d be very excited about, and so except for the “can’t wait!” text depending on your communication frequency with your friends/fam, there wouldn’t be a lot of discussion until the party. I bet it will be great.


The people that can make it will, enjoy your time with them. Weddings should be as stress free as possible. Just be understanding to those who can’t attend.


Don’t decide for people how they feel or what they want to spend their time/money on. It sounds like you’ve made expectations clear for cost and timing. You are presumably giving everyone the option to RSVP yes/no. You should be setting a deadline for the RSVP if you haven’t. If the deadline passes and you don’t have answers you can gently but firmly ask people to get back to you by X date or you will assume they can’t make it. Then you have a concrete number of people who have told you they’re coming. If that’s only one or two people, you can still have an awesome time. Beyond that, if someone RSVP’s yes and then either 1) doesn’t show or 2) shows up and has a bad attitude, that’s firmly a them problem. It sounds like this may mostly be coming from a place of anxiety versus actual concrete info that you have that these people are unhappy about anything. Others will naturally see the event as just kind of another social event in their life, that doesn’t mean they won’t have fun or get excited, but your life is revolving around wedding stuff right now so it all feels Very Big. Don’t borrow trouble assuming the worst of folks. Hopefully you have a handful of people who show up for you, literally and emotionally. If they do not, again that’s not a you problem.


Would there not be cancellations fees? Over budget? Financing issues?