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Weed helps me shut up inside. It doesn't help me perform, but it does give me inner mental peace when things get too self-blame-y unfairly. If I use too much, it turns into exposure therapy for anxiety attacks and panic attack symptoms. It doesn't help me focus, but I've seen it work well for that in other people. I'd give it a shot if you're considering it.


This. Doesn’t help me do the thing, but def helps slow it down internally so I can maybe do one thing at a time, rather than 20.


Same! Its helps me quiet down my nerves. Sometimes I can do the job while medicated. Sometimes I cant. Depends on the dose and strain.


this is a perfect way to describe it


You explained it perfectly 🙏🏼


Pretty much sums it up. Oh yeah I eat a bunch of junk food too 😂


Interesting. It’s absolutely detrimental for my adhd. Makes it 10x worse, gives me insomnia and anxiety.






Yeah i’m 95% sure I have ADHD and every time I have some I get really focused like I took adderall


Fuck yes. I cant focus for more than 5 min, give me a hit and im dead locked on for the next 3 hours.


Yes it helps! But even better, personally, it helps me break out of the executive disfunction cycle. When I’m stuck trying to make a choice, if I can smoke, I might just forget and get up and do something lol


Nope. Not in the slightest. It makes me lethargic and even less focused than normal. But I don’t use it to focus, I use It to relax my brain and stop it from being on overdrive like it is all day. It’s amazing for that


This is how I feel. But other adhd friends say the opposite. For example, I was hanging at my friend’s shop(he’s a mechanic) and was gonna help him put a new engine in his porsche. We smoke a joint, then he smokes another one on his own, at this point I’m barely able to help and he DOES IT BT HIMSELF, stoned asf while I leave and go get a pizza then take a nap.


I don’t know how they do it!! I guess weed just affects people differently, for me I just want to order a takeaway, listen to music, or sleep while stoned. Although. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t jealous of productive stoners 😆


Yeah dude, I’m about to start to get some work done but I guarantee that if I smoke rn my mindset will change in an instant it’s actually impressive how fast that switch gets flipped in my brain it’s like post nut clarity but post smoke mental haze


Depends on the strain, Sativas definitely help me in that department. Indica, not so much.


I went back to school after struggling the first time around and had an ADHD prescription the first time around too. Now I just smoke before I do homework that is stressing me out I’m about to have my 3rd semester in a row of straight A’s and might graduate with honors. Don’t let people trick you into thinking weed makes us lazy


yes it does! i also have autism and weed absolutely helps with my sensory issues and it helps with my overactive brain and stuff. it really helps me focus.


It can help you focus but it can just as easily give you couchlock and ruin your focus. It depends on the strain of weed, and its been harder and harder to find strains for this. Strains like sour diesel that gave you focus are being replaced with couchlock strains that I don’t want to smoke at all.




I think it does, but that's the excuse to take more weed so no


I have to agree with the crowd here, particularly on the it making you better at video games. It smooths me out and makes me way more confident, I can just focus better with it.


Weed helps my brain quiet down. When I’m not high I think too much, when I smoke a bit of weed I feel grounded and at peace on my head. But when I’m Really high, I don’t think enough lmao


consumption in the evening helps me focus on work the following day. Diagnosed add. Stoped taking my script in favor of the aforementioned


100%. Screw all those prescriptions, weed is the best medicine for ADHD


It makes me feel normal tbh, without weed i feel so jittery and annoying, weed makes me a normal person


This is exactly how I describe the way weed makes me feel too, it's so nice to actually look and feel calm when out socialising for once instead of being a rambling awkward bastard.


Def when I get higher i have trouble in meeting people situations. Like I’ll just be incredibly awkward for no reason and act very strange, but if I’m high asf and Ik you then it’s chill


It helps focus for physical activity like digging a hole, but that's about it.


You think you have adhd but don’t know what is…very sus.


I know I have ADHD, I'm AuDHD inattentive. No idea what you mean by 'don't know what is'


It helps my fiancé’s adhd and my anxiety for sure


Definitely helps with focus & also impulsivity… if I don’t smoke on long drives I’m a 120mph terror


Negative. It causes me to get more shit happening like a meth head 😂


Weed makes me fall asleep as does most stimulants. I use weed to medicate for my insomnia lol It’s why I can’t smoke during the day and only at night. I WILL pass out


Don't think I have ADHD maybe I do. Weed definitely helps me focus. Gets my brain to shut up.


Yeah it definitely helps keep me motivated at work if I don’t smoke a ton, otherwise it just puts me to sleep and makes me socially awkward


Yeah it actually helped a lot, especially when I was in university. Maybe not so much for the actual motivation to get started but it helped with the flow of my work while I was doing it. I found that my writing became a lot more fluid, if that makes sense. I didn't have the same difficulties or anxieties around structuring my work as it seemed to come more naturally while stoned. It's the same while watching TV or even going for a walk, it helps keep my head quiet for a little while so I can actually focus on things rather than trying to deal with a million thoughts at once.


Idk but I'll find out soon!! I have an appointment with a QMP later this week


Not remotely. Well I can focus better on tiktok


hell no i just sleep, makes me the opposite of productive


Depends on the strain but it definitely helps me deal with it




Makes my brain shut up so I can sleep lol.


Not really, but it helps my body relax which in turn relaxes me. It helps the hyperactive part, like I’m no longer doing fucking zoomies and screaming cause I’m randomly super energized. My thoughts aren’t as fast either. I feel more how I think normal people feel. But also my memory goes to -50 so 🤷🏽‍♂️ If it does help me focus it’s because I don’t have as many thoughts and aren’t moving as much. I also have tremors that I always thought were part of the adhd (they aren’t) and weed takes that away so that helps me concentrate since I’m not thinking about how much my fingers and legs are moving.


Yea, helps in school all the time lmaooo


Always helped with my (assumed) adhd , it’s like it centres all the different thoughts into a few big thoughts. It can make video games really good


Yes. I've always said that when I smoke up one fog is lifted (the add) and another, \*much\* more manageable fog descends.


I have an extreme case of ADHD and marijuana helps in some instances and some not. Me dealing with a hard time focusing on task causes anxiety; smoking weed relaxes my tension. Even though marijuana will usually calm me down, it does not help me focus. Marijuana does help with ADHD just for me personally I don’t get more focused from it. I might be super into something for 3 minutes and feel focused but that’ll quickly go away and I’m back off in my kaleidoscope of thoughts. Depends on the person I’d say..


It helps me get shit done if i only microdose.... which I never do


It actually gives me so much anxiety relief and stops the racing thoughts. I can actually complete a full sentence in a thoughtful way.


It definitely helps but not in a medication way like Ritalin and such would, when I smoke it just helps calm and shut up the inside and slows me down mentally a bit to a normal speed so I’m processing shit at a normal speed instead of a million things going off at once


No, it makes me want to sit down, eat an entire large pizza, and watch my favorite shit or listen to my favorite music until I fall asleep lol. I hit a blinker on a weed pen with my boy on facetime the other day before class at 11am, next thing you know I’m falling asleep on the phone, missed all of my class zoom calls and woke up at 2pm thinking it’s still morning time. I had to stop smoking during the day because it just makes me unproductive asf. I have a business I’m trying to grow as well as a full tike school schedule and weed will make it hard to tend to either of those things. I really just smoke to make it easier to fall asleep now. I don’t even smoke at parties anymore because I’ll just be having an out of body experience as I withdraw from any social interactions. Not saying weed is 100% bad but in my case it has only had a positive affect in like one area of my life. That area is my sleep schedule. I only started smoking a year and a half ago and I’ve been sleeping better than I ever have in my life. I used to sit up at night until 4am then get up to go to high school at 7am, now I’m easily able to put myself down at 10pm and be energized the next day. That being said, my friend is a mechanic who owns a shop that works on high end european cars, also ADHD. I’ve been hanging out at his shop and seen him face an entire joint in less than 30 mins then test fit an LS into a porsche(for non car guys, he took a chevy camaro engine, and put it in a tiny little 80s porsche…zooted asf). He says weed helps him stay focused and keeps his mind from wandering, I feel like it does the opposite for me.


For me it doesn't help me focus but it helps me notice when I'm zoning out and correct that it also has Improved me motivation


idk it kind of shuts down the little adhd voice i have if that makes sense


LOL nope. Not for day to day bullshit - it just makes it worse. I’m adhd and dyslexic. It does attune me to my creative side though and in that sense provides a focus of sorts but not the kind that is practically valuable; not for me anyway.


Absolutely not, it makes me feel like my minds network ping is that of an old ThinkPad T410 trying to run Universe Sandbox on a generation 1 pentium processor


Uhmm.. it use to and still does sometimes but it entirely depends. Sometimes I just totally zone out to the point I can’t focus. But it definitely quietens my adhd brain for sure. As for the depression.. it helped mine until I overused it and it actually made it worse, so just be careful and make sure you don’t depend on it too much bro. (Not trying to be a buzz kill just looking out for you friend)


With sativa strains, yes %100.


100% helpful with my ADHD. I’m a Jazz musician and it can definitely dial you in sometimes. I usually don’t get high on gigs, but in the studio it can be really helpful, especially at the end of a session. For writing and creating, it’s almost a must. For me, it’s way better for ADHD than Welbutrin, which I ditched years ago and replaced with weed.