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I now follow Seth Rogen’s school of thought- I don’t count. Whatever I need for that day. Sometimes two/three joints. Yesterday maybe 3 king size pre-rolls. I don’t get stoned really. Just boosts my mood. ✌🏼 Remember, you are not the weed.


Man I’ve never heard that quote but that’s pretty much how I handle it. I smoke more on days off than I do days I’m at work. I work in a dispensary so it’s pretty hard to not think about smoking and window shopping all day.


This is the way


This is the way!


Not getting stoned while smoking weed sounds like shit


I don’t count either, but based on how I usually get an oz every 20-23 days that’s 1oz aka 28g/20-23days that’s roughly 1.4g-1.2g a day and I don’t have a crazy tolerance I would say maybe above average a little. [3 + 🍺]


Same here. Some weeks I'm blazing 3 joints after work. Others I smoke once on Tuesday and then don't light up again until Sunday. Follow the vibe.


Bro my friend used to always tell me that when I would smoke too much than I could handle and started to get anxious he would tell me to like at him then he would say "you are the weed, the weed isnt you, youre stronger than the weed"


Blunt a day


I haven't smoked a blunt in so long, just joints or bowls, i used to smoke dutches all day everyday, sometimes phillys. Backwoods rarely , fronto leaf with no paper.


Always fun to roll a blunt and use those muscles, going through the ups and downs [cracking a swisher](https://reddit.com/r/trees/s/6iA8UoKJBP) and going into trauma center to revive


I rolled a blunt for the first time in awhileeee last night. [even had to patch it up a bit](https://reddit.com/r/trees/s/6iA8UoKJBP) and felt good and accomplished!! Even used my thumbs to cut it open and made a decent Seam to get the guts out


You gotta try the white owl striped blunts one is 3 grape flavored and there's another one but these blunts in particular when you cut them the paper insert comes out so easy


Hey man, not to worry. Blazing for over 30 years everyday all day since I work at home. I smoke about 4 grams a day, 60 mg of edibles and 1/10th a gram of live rosin dabs. Enjoy and ride the wave..


I need your job


What do you do for work? I wfh but bc I talk to clients all day I would never want to be high


I don't get high where I'm incapable of holding a conversation. Weed doesn't have that effect anymore... I smoke just to be mellowed out and reduce any anxiety. Life's just better stoned in my opinion. Sativa during the day, hybrid mid day and indicas, edible and dabs at night. I do ecommerce.


A bit less than a gram per joint but I smoke between 2-4 a day until I run out. Cap 7-14 grams every 2 weeks.


Sick Minecraft tattoo


5grams, with a plus/minus of 2 grams 🤣




I smoke in-between my 3 pack a day smoking habit. I'm a true black lung. But I'm going out how I want too.


I hope I die high.




you got a big enough joint ther Ricky?


.5 - 1.5g but it used to be a lot more back when i had trash weed. (I use waterpipes)


right around 1-1.5 grams a day all through a bong


about 0.5g only because I'm poor and have to make it last


Ayyy that keeps it a treat though 💯 Tons of these people smoking 1/8+ per day do not get those same enjoyment factors of having it as a special treat.. I promise


100% agree with this , weed is just like having a glass of water for me now.It used to make me laugh till my stomach hurts now just my lungs don😂


Something between 1 to 2 grams… i use glass tips with 5mm diameter, to roll a king size i use about .3g, and i smoke between 3 to 6 of those a day.


1-2g depending on how shit I feel on a given day (i’m a medical user, but i also like to just get stoned)


Just as much as I smoke every other day :D Around 5 grams a day :D


1-2 dabs a day 1 when I get home to relax and a little night cap so I can sleep


That’s uh Classified information


Around an oz, but mostly in J prerolls cause my local shop has a deal on 10 for 20$ Edit: each is 1g


So you smoke about 28 joints a day?


He is 🧢


That’s an amazing deal.


No way you smoke 2-3 j’s PER HOUR, every day.


that’s really not difficult to do if you have the stock lying around


Y’all are built different. My lungs could never


my wallet could never 😂 maybe once I harvest my plants.. but even then I doubt my lungs would be able to take that much every day. Though if I’m with a friend or something we could easily go through an ounce if we had it. Honestly though on average I probably smoke 1-3 grams a day by myself, depending on if I work or not. edit (only part of this comment that’s worth reading) : to be realistic a lot of the weed you put into a joint doesn’t get smoked. So it’s more plausible for them to be smoking that many joints bc they aren’t even getting the full high from it all. However if they said they vaporize that same amount every day.. THAT would be impressive (and slightly worrying)


has to do with potency too ngl. it’d be ez to smoke that much if it’s low potency or even average. hell, it’s not even that hard to smoke a lot of high potency. honestly, more than anything it’s just stupid to smoke that much if you smoke to get high or medicinally. (You wouldn’t be smoking that much if you were smoking just medicinally, if you can’t respect the weed, it’s not for medical purposes.) your tolerance skyrockets and you need so much more to feel the desired effect. plus, 20$ for 10 1g joints is cheap as hell, I doubt it’s very strong. On top of that, you waste more than half of the weed generally speaking, maybe if you took hits nonstop so minimal smoke is wasted, but at that point you just look like an idiot that wants to get as high as possible, even if you’re just trying not to waste any. I’m not just saying that cause I don’t smoke very much. Before I developed schizophrenia, I probably smoked more on a day to day basis than anyone you know. Hence the reason I probably developed schizophrenia and lost my mind for several months. Each week I would smoke a minimum of(it just would normally work out this way due to my smoking habits), 2.5oz 30%+ bud, 2.5g’s of 91% THC cartridges, 2g+ concentrates, and 1g+ hash. I would only use a bowl, bong, or vaporizer for the bud. at the end of the day I’m just an addict and weed’s my baby, I became obsessed with it. I had no money because of this. Due to schizophrenia, I only smoke around 0.5g’s if I smoke all day. One hit and I’m higher than I ever used to get after the first week of smoking(I quit on several occasions due to jail or psychosis), I can’t really develop a tolerance to it anymore. I like it so much better this way though, other than the paranoia and anxiety I get if I smoke even a little to much. although I miss smoking more, I adore the taste and smell. Now I just look forward to the one hit I get per session. and that’s my rant on smoking an excessive amount of weed. it’s just stupid. not being a hypocrite cause I was stupid and still am, I just physically and mentally can’t smoke much anymore. more than what I smoke now and I can almost guarantee I’d be back in a mental hospital again.


Snoop Dogg doesn't even do that you silly goose


.3-.5. Dry herb vape


About the same here😎


1 joint, half in the morning when I get off work and the other half in the afternoon when I wake up


I lost track and don't care enough to remember


Between 2 to 4 joints a dayy


Same lol


All of it


0g, I save it for the not normal days Spent enough time cutting my teeth absolutely blazed erryday for a while so I'm 100% comfortable being high, realised I had a bit of an issue, now it's every now and again and it's a lot better for me. Maybe one day I'll blaze it up 24/7 again (nursing home gang? Litty retirement) but for now that works best


About a half gram of shatter throught the day


I think I have a problem...


A dab or 2


Not enough


A gram to a gram and a half. Maybe a couple dabs to, but not always.


Lately it's been 1 or 3 good puffs on the cart after work, waking and baking ruins a buzz later in the day


This is true.... however wake and bake is the best high of the day hands down


Yeah for an hour, once I fully wake up I can't get that stoned again until I've slept


Smoke like a 8th a week like a joint or 2 a day maybe a little over a 8th 4-5 gs a week sometimes I'll throw a edible in the mix or something


Too much honestly. It’s hard to tell with vape pens. Thats one big problem with them.


3 to 4 grams jsut stoped this week tho I’m hurtin hah


1 or 2 grams


Lol, I'm a baby, also new to all of this. I maybe smoke 1.5 to 2 grams a week. But it's all I really need. I don't smoke every day though.


Really depends. Been smoking like 2g's a day at the highest point, about a gram per day usually.


3-4 joints.


My partner and I split a gram and a half (ish) every day


1.7 g is nothing also it would be better outta 2-3 joints rather than one large one. 75% of that j will taste like resin and ash. Roll smaller smoke more


After moving to the S&B Mighty, not much more than 0.6g a night. The bowl in the Mighty maxes out at 0.3g, and I'll usually have 1-2 bowls a night unless I start earlier than usual. Some days I need to medicate more, some days less. I HIGHLY suggest everyone to invest in a premium dry herb vape. They may be $200-$500 but your lungs and your wallet (in the long term) will thank you. Also, you get a much better entourage effect due to not having all the terps being obliterated by combustion. A bowl from the Mighty will get me just as ripped if not more than a bowl from my bong. I haven't felt the urge to smoke a bong or joint since I bought this thing, and honestly I don't see myself ever smoking again unless it's offered from a friend.


on a normal weed day you mean? Because every day is a weed day


It's medicinal for me. Without cannabis, I would be using opioids, more antidepressants, anti anxiety meds. Some weeks I need more and some weeks I need less. Letting go of the internalized stigma I have towards myself and others for using cannabis/any drug (for any reason) has been helpful. I wish there was free access for everyone with no limit


just stopping by to say i have the same clipper! love it never been so easy to light something haha, been high 3 times this week (edibles only)


Ha nice. I have a whole collection and i also have a metal clipoer with a blue storm flame


This man can roll a perfect zoot


Deam thanks


eeeh a gram a day? weekends i usually treat myself to more if i got nothing planned, especialy if t6he plan its to play videogames for the night weekends i would say 2.5g per day?


.5 every spliff and then how ever many times I can be asked to smoke lol




Nice tattoo


Yo are you also from eastern europe? Lol


I’m 59, I’ve been a daily smoker since 15. I smoke about an 1/8 of flower a day w my partner. Also hitting my vape during the day. Also grabbing a dab or two. Also eating my edibles daily. Did I mention that I work in the Cannabis community. I also maybe flip some on the side….it helps w the cost


\~.5g honey a day


Flexing on the amount you smoke is silly. I'm a cannabis medical patient and I smoke about an ounce a month... ...*of shatter*. Doesn't mean I don't want to smoke less... ...just that I *can't*...


8-10gs daily easily




And braindead, not so much. When you got a job that supplies, why not😂😂😂😂😂😂


If you make that money and you what to... why the fuck not?!?! Hahaha 😆 hell yes my man. Same here. I get to know my delivery drivers pretty well. Hahah


Bruh I'm sayin, folks be acting like so hurt on what other people do...but it's like damn bruh just do you and I'll do me😭😭😭😭 I wish we had deliveries here but they won't allow it yet, hopefully next year though


Swear. People cant even handle a SINGLE dab and they be telling YOU how to fuckin smoke?! Like what the fuck?! Power trip. Dude, you need that. Delivery changed my life. I just shop online, and they show up in about 4 hours. It's not that long of a wait when im ording like 4 gramof wax and an Oz.


I fuckin love dabs, but since be I smoke so much flower I just do it at night or in the morning before work, I can't handle that shit during the day frfr😭😭😭😭😭


I smoke it on my bowls. Just a tiny dab make it an awesome bowl. Haha and I just take full on dabs just to get mega loaded. Hahhah dabs are so good. That taste. Mmm


Well I only work 3-4days a week...so yea that's about right more or less..its about 2oz a week😂😂😂😂😂😂




Lmao obviously you give a fuck, so I'll stop just for you buttercup


Me personally.... I smoke 2gs/day...gram in the am n a gram in the pm.... An oz lasts a month.... Also... Clipper lighter's are boss!!


Idk if that math adds up but 2x28 is 56g at the minimum and if your ounces are 56g I'd like a couple lmfaooooo


Lol.... I was high when i did the math..... you're right.... That was when i was limited to getting bud every 2 weeks so i was just able to get an oz every 2 weeks...


Usually about one and a half marijuanas. On the weekend I might smoke as many as 4, but not too often because I don't want to die from an addiction


10g Mon thru Friday so il say 2 gs or 4 js a day and I was smoking concentrates at work but I chilled out and just bring 1 j so I don't be too high, but I go crazy on the weekend


1-3g a couple bong rips and pipe rips get me right.


that a dirt block tattoo?


If bong, couple of bowls, if I get woods, 7-zip depending on how many woods I have


1-2 grams 😤


About 1.5 grams but ill roll 3-4 joints theuout the day.


Not much


Bout the same as your picture, if it’s a cheeky night then me and lads might have more but after a long day then yea about the same as pictured, maybe some tea, then go on an adventure or something


Idk like 3-4 of these a day prolly




Gone from a Q a day to a gram a day.


I’m an edible guy, who makes his own, and I would say I use about 1/8th per week (I take off mon-thurs). At most like 7.0g/week. But a lot of people who smoke will fly through that in no trouble.


I smoke 2 grams from when I get off work til bed time and it’s mostly after the kids go to bed.


I got through a 1g cart in a week. Idk what that is compared to




Usually about 1.5g-2g. 2 joints a day


Umm...I blow every last gram I own!!...[7]


There are periods where I'll just smoke 1G a day. Others where it will be 5G. On average 2-3G a day. .75 G p joint usually - And I only start in the evening. Anything more than 5G a day is kind of a waste unless your tolerance is supa dupa high from smoking way too much for way too long but to each their own also =)


Bout 3-4 blunts a day on a regular day Would say .7-1g per blunt


All I'm saying is it's kind of odd to weigh or joints out, I mean if ur trying to moderate why not just say 1 joint per day, 1 bowl per day, if you pack/roll them the same way relatively everything it shouldn't be anymore than a 0.5 difference


Would take 2-3 days just after a late night shift for this kicker. Beautiful role by the way and the may the joints always be in your favour.


I dunno like an eighth probably. I smoke a bowl before work, a half gram joint on the way there, one on lunch, then another on the way home. Then I smoke like three or four bowls after work during chill time/before bed. Sometimes if we have to pick up materials I’ll smoke a j on the way to the lumberyard or whatever too. It’s definitely somewhere between like 3.5-5g a day. It’s a nice pick me up, my job is also super physically taxing and weed helps me just enough to not double over in back pain.


About 10 bowls of high grade weed separated between indica and sativa


1-3gs(sunday is more bc im recovering) Never joints unless at a show All glass, if am sitting on 30 strains I smoke way less bc I pack up a different hit each time. If im sittin on 5 - 6 strains then I smoke way more




I put weed in a bowl if I want more, I get more. I buy cheap weed, though, like 2 ounces for 80. I think if I measured it would make me 😟 anxious


2 joints


5grams per day


Bro the perspective on that clipper was fucking me up for a second.


7-9g when not working, e.g., weekends, 2-4g on work days.




gram of shatter a day


3 times a day. I lift weights/ run in between that and run my dog. I’m a university student though, with a part time job.


I smoke a blunt on my way to work a blunt at lunch and a blunt on the way home … I use my puffco for in between blunt times and then when I get homes it’s just a free for all on the dab rig


0.3 a week. Maybe less cause of a friendship issue.


About the same but in a bowl


Its very easy to smoke an O in a week… ive cut down to where an O lasts maybe 5days but tbh i lie to myself i smoke 2 O’s most weeks


I ran out of weed and i really WANT more. I just smoked this morning.


1-4 grams a day depending on the day and present circumstances.


I smoke 2-3 ounces a month out of a bong. That’s when my tolerance is high, and it’s normally pretty high.


Try to keep it to 7 grams tops


2 grams maybe 3 depends on what shift I work


literally just a bowl. i use it to go to sleep


Love the Minecraft tattoo


the minecraft tattoo goes hard


Half a gram, anything more if I feel like going to space. My wallet thanks me for being such a lightweight!


Very cool Minecraft tattoo, very nicely tatted 👍


2 of those a day.


depends on how my day went, but typically 2 grams.


At the moment around a couple eigths. I'm relying pretty heavily to get through some mental health shit. Hoping to wean down and take a nice long break once i get my head back on right.


fire tat


7-10grams on average


On average during the week, I’d say 5 g


Not enough to see Minecraft blocks on my arm.


I don't usually keep track of how much I smoke but I try to save my bud and wax for the next paycheck I get, plus I don't have a scale


3 grams


No clue 1/2-1 oz a week and oil pens n edibles… 64oz black coffee daily… resting heart rate on couch 54 bpm nbd haha I need cardio and to lift and going back to school very unsure how I will respond getting out of comfort work zone again and stop my run on sentences.


Given it takes me about three months to get through 7 grams...not a lot. Dynavaps are awesome for microdosing.


Oz per 10 days


Nice roll


About 2 or 3 grams through bong plus few ml of the thc/cbd oil It also depends on the quality. I have some good 26% thc medical stuff that I don't need to smoke as much of. I also have some 18% that is similar to street level which I smoke a little more of. Sometimes up to 5gram.


2 bowl smacks and one J a day, i’m cheap so i try to stay under 2gs a day


Like 6-9 joints. About a gram in each


Just a bowl in the evening


i love your grass block tattoo


2 grams of concentrate or 4-5 grams of weed a day, depends on what amount I have really.


3-5 blunts a day


Honestly 1 joint only at night I get really fried off 1 joint after a long day.


3 leaf’s so I’d say about 6gs ah day


about 0.5-1g, don't smoke that much anymore, edibles are a lot better imo, they did fuck up my tolerance a bit but since I use weed to manage anxiety symptoms and insomnia I just drop a cup of cannamilk with some cocoa in the morning if I'm not working or late in the afternoon so I can sleep just fine


all of it


If Virginia slims made a joint ( just a joke no hate I’d definitely toke on that too)


Prolly an eighth (2 blunts) and a prolly .2 of dabs


Way more than that.


Nice I just rip a dab pen every 45 mins from when I wake up to when I sleep… I think it’s cheaper than flower but who knows at this point


I roll quite a lot of joints and end my day ripping my live resin carts.